F.1 LS Drug Abuse

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Form 1 Liberal Studies Topic: Drug Abuse
(A) Fill in the blanks:
(1) Drug Abuse refers to taking drugs without the ___________ of medical personnel, or taking dangerous
drugs for ______________use.

(2) Drugs Abuse will cause permanent damage to the_________ of body, or even be ___________.

(3) Drugs Abuse will also damage the _____________ relationship.

(4) The main reason for young people to abuse drugs is _________________ od dangerous drugs.

(B) Data-based question:

Study the following sources and answer questions (a)-(c).

Drug abuse, including alcohol and prescription drugs can induce symptoms which resembles mental
illness. This can occur both in the intoxicated state and also during the withdrawal state. In some cases
these substance induced psychiatric disorders can persist long after detoxification, such as prolonged
psychosis or depression after amphetamine or cocaine abuse. A protracted withdrawal syndrome can
also occur with symptoms persisting for months after cessation of use. Benzodiazepines are the most
notable drug for inducing prolonged withdrawal effects with symptoms sometimes persisting for years
after cessation of use. Abuse of hallucinogens can trigger delusional and other psychotic phenomena
long after cessation of use and cannabis may trigger panic attacks during intoxication and with use it
may cause a state similar to dysthymia. Severe anxiety and depression are commonly induced by
sustained alcohol abuse which in most cases abates with prolonged abstinence. Even moderate alcohol
sustained use may increase anxiety and depression levels in some individuals. In most cases these drug
induced psychiatric disorders fade away with prolonged abstinence.
Source from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drug_Abuse

(a) Which drugs, exclude alcohol have been mentioned in the above source?


(b) What symptoms will be induced by drug abuse after detoxification?


(c) What symptoms will be induced by sustained alcohol abuse?

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(C) Questions:
(1) What are the four main cause of drug abuse by younger? Explain Briefly.


(2) How should you do to refuse drugs by your schoolmates or friends?


(3) If you are Hong Kong government, what things would you do to arouse the awareness of drugs abuse of public and


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