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Module 3

Management of Technological Resources for the

Teaching and Administration of the English
Language (Part III)

Faculty of Social Sciences
Licentiature of English Professor: Martín Ulises Aparicio Morataya

Project 5: Virtual Curriculum Vitae

Objective: To create our own virtual curriculum vitae following the instructions from a website.

I. Tasks:
1. Go to the web site to read about VCV, the advantages and procedures to create it. You
can take a tour, create your account or explore.
2. Explore the different section of the site: professional, employers and recruiters, and students and alumni. Select one
of those to create your VCV.
3. You can analyze some examples of VCV Look at the different categories
of resumes.
4. Look at the different ways to use your VCV
5. Create your VCV and then copy the link into your wiki or blog.

III. Evaluation of project 5

Criteria % Grade
1. Create the VCV with its components 70
2. Working Navigation 20
3. Additional components added to the VCV 20
Total 100

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