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4 Major Philosophies

 Western philisophy – Socrates: Rationalism

 Far Eastern Philisophy – Confucius: Society and the beings within it

 Middle Eastern Philosophy – Islam

 Indian Philosophy – Buddhism

Far Eastern Philisophy – Confucius

Developed at starting at the 6th century BC. This was roughly the beginning of the start
of development of philosophy.

Main idea – wholeheartedness. Do not do to others what you do not want done to

Subiedeas include role models. When a leader is appointed to power, he/she should be a
role model to teach the people this wholeheartedness.

Auxilliary idea - Ethical rules for public behavior. Telling people how to behave and act
in certain situations. This leads to rites and rituals. Eg, when someone dies, we have
funeral rites. This organizes the people.

It has lead to every position in society having rules to be followed. Students obey
teachers, children obey parents, ministers obey king. Obviously in a much more detailed
manner than outlined above and in western culture.

Reciprocity. I scratch your back, you scratch mine. This reciprocity can take 1 day, 1
month, or 50 years.

Filiality. Respect for parents and children. The relationship between parents and
children is highly regarded in confucius countries.

Knowledge is power

There are 5 relationships

1. Relationship between parents and children (ideals being implanted early on in

2. Justice between the minister and his king (political balance)
3. Husband and wife (there must be a difference)
4. Order in between younger and elder people (older brother vs younger brother)
5. Realtionship between friends (respect and trust)

Morality. Extremely important due to reciprocity

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