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the woman said the man that if she help him to typing the report
the man replied that he sure do and do complete by one
the women comanded that the report was finished b4 lunch
2.the man said that he had been wait 15' and said the woman how often the bus did
the woman replied that the frequency of the bus was 20'
and the man said that they would wait more 5'
3.the woman said that if the man help her to move the desk by the window
the man replied that whether the chair was moved by the door
the woman said that the chair was moved by the desk
4.the woman said that coffee is so hot and said the man would him like some
the man agree and said that if she like the ice and the sugar
th woman replie that it in the couter
5.the man said that the fare is dollar fiffty
the woman replied if he needed the exact change
he said that .....
6.the woman said that if the elevator stop in the 4th floor
he replied that the car move express the 10th floor
she said that she would wait the next one
7.she said that turned right at the next coner and park and let's walk
he told her that if the place is parking in here
she said she did know but the knew the gara in the following street
8.the man said her that her buy the one way or the around trip tiket
she chose one way anh the man said that the cost was 495$ including taxes
9.the man said that he would invite her th dinner
th woman said that they alway had a company and said the man if he wanted the
the man agree and a wanted the boltle
10.he said that he hoped her come back and had lunch in the following time
she replied that she wold come and sorry her left so soon
he said her that called he when her got home
11.he said that if she needed to had the mustard or .... in her sanwich
she replied that she like a large of meat
he said that he needed some letture too
the man said that here were a bucket of h20
she said that used the mop with the soap
he replied..
13.i'm sorry but i don't hear clearly
14.she said that if the letter came to her today
he said that he would check the mail box the day after
she replied that did right now and she expected the important letter

15.he said that where the bus or the train sta

she replied he that changed the bus down town
he said that he got the taxi

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