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The Lascivious Broom

The Treatment

As night closes in on a Hardware store in the 70’s, the employee’s are closing up and turning off the
lights. A pink feathered duster is gracefully dusting down the shops surfaces when, at the other end of
the store, the cleaning cupboard door bursts open. Out struts a broom, pompously sweeping down the
shop isle to the duster.

He reaches the counter, in a bid to seduce the duster; he continues to dance up and down the floor. As
he shuffles around suggestively, he gathers the day’s dirt and dust into a pile. The duster looks on at his
display with little interest. When he triumphantly finishes his serenade, the duster turns away in disgust
and resumes her cleaning. Slightly dejected, the broom spots a lonely dustpan and brush and straightens
up in excitement, starting his dance routine again.

The Step Outline

Set in a 70’s hardware store, a raunchy broom pursues a feather duster by dancing in suggestive ways.
The duster is none too impressed and rejects him. Not to be defeated, the broom spots a dustpan and
brush and begins to pursue them instead.

The Premise

A randy broom seeks to satisfy his needs by pursuing other cleaning tools.

The Logline

A lascivious broom serenades cleaning tools with his dance moves to satisfy his sexual urges, denied by
an elegant duster, he turn’s his attentions to a dustpan and brush.

Three Act Structure

Act 1. The setup:

 Establishes the hardware store environment

 Introduces feather duster and lascivious broom characters.

Act 2. Broom target / goal:

 Broom serenades duster with sexy dance moves to impress her.

Act 3. Punch line / seeming defeat

 Not impressed with his ‘moves’, the duster rejects brooms advances
 Seemingly defeated, the broom turns his attention to the less desirable dustpan and brush.

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