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Unit 5: Animation

“The Lascivious Broom”

Original Story and Screenplay by
Paul Lavey

First Draft 20th March 2011

Opening title sequence, Black screen PRL Studio’s presents.... “The Lascivious Broom.”

FADE IN BLACK: EXT. Hardware store

Night is setting in. Camera slowly zooms in on exterior of Hardware store. Exterior lights shut off.

CROSSFADE TO: INT. Hardware store

SFX FADE IN: “Whistle while you work”.

CROSSFADE TO: Pink feathered duster cleaning work top area of store.

ANGLE: Duster cleaning work top, background perspective of store. At the very back is a door with sign
saying ‘Cleaning cupboard’.

SFX: Door kicked open. “Whistle while you work” abruptly stops.

Silhouette of Broom in doorway. Seductive pose.

CUT TO: close up of duster.

CUT TO: close up of broom, walks forward.

SFX: “Stayin’ alive” starts.

CUT TO: close up of duster, nervously stepping back.

ANGLE: seventies style three way split screen, walk cycle of broom strutting towards duster.

CUT TO: angle behind duster backing away looking at broom as he strikes John Travolta pose.

CUT TO: close up of duster.

CUT BACK TO: angle behind duster looking at broom dance ‘moonwalk’ out of shot.

CUT TO: low angle, duster peering over the edge of the work top. Broom rises from out of shot and
duster jumps back.

CUT TO: duster scuttling away on work top but blocked off by broom leaning over, duster u-turns.
CUT TO: opposite angle, duster scuttles away and again blocked off.

CUT TO: angle behind duster looking at broom dancing in a circle, slide on to ‘knees’ pose.

SFX: “Stayin’ Alive” stops.

CUT TO: POV of broom looking at duster. Duster carries on cleaning walking out of shot.

CUT TO: side shot of broom leaning of dejected. Looks over in the direction of the camera.

CUT TO: POV of broom looking at dustpan and brush.

CUT BACK TO: side shot of broom erecting.

SFX: “Stayin’ Alive”.

Begins to ‘strut’ over to dustpan and brush out of shot.


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