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I used a 3 colour palette on my magazine which is usual for a magazine. I used the colours baby pink, purple and black. I
think these colours worked really well together as the pink and purple clashed together but worked well together. The purple
was used because it was the same colour of ‘Ascada’s’ top and I thought that it worked well doing it the same colour. The
baby pink colour came from the lipstick colour on her lips which I thought worked really well against the black. I used the
black colour because I thought that the colour was good against the black colour. The black colour was used because it is a
neutral colour and most magazines consist of black in them. The masthead is common; as it is covers the width of the
magazine and it is also really bold. The mise en scene uses props. On the cover there is a prop of a clock necklace. I thought
I would try and incorporate fashion into it. I made sure the makeup on my model had really dark eyes, so I did her eye
makeup dark and added fake eye lashes to it. The choice of clothing was an R&B look, for the cover my model was in a
plain dress top, I didn’t want her in anything too fussy as I wanted the focus to be more on her eye makeup. The jacket on
the double page spread and the contents was more of a Hip Hop look and I chose for the model to be in this jacket because it
made it look as if she has attitude. I tried to keep the same font throughout the magazine, so I kept to 3 fonts throughout.
The front
cover included
lyrics from the
double page
spread which
have on the

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