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Simple Present - Simple Past
A. Lee atentamente las oraciones y completa los recuadros con las
formas correctas de los verbos que se encuentran entre paréntesis.

1. Every day Susan (go) to work by bus. Yesterday, she (get)

up early and (decide) to go by car.

2. Last week, Mr. Thomas (buy) a new flat near his office. Every
day, he (arrive) at the office at 9 o'clock. He usually (have)
lunch there too, but yesterday he (go) to the restaurant across the

3. Mary (like) going to the cinema very much. Last weekend, she
(invite) her friend Nina to go and watch 'Titanic'. They (arrive)
at the cinema around 8.30 and the film (start) at 8.45.

4. Once a week, John (play) tennis. But last week, he (stay)

at home and he (play) cards with his wife.

5. I work in a big office with twenty other people. We (spend) all the
day together. I (like) most of them except for Neil.

6. Every day he (spend) one hour talking about his holidays. Last year,
he (go) to Germany.
7. He (spend) a month there, and he (visit) many places. He
(rent) a car and he (drive) across the country. Now he
(want) to go to some other country.

8. At 12.30 I usually (go) out for lunch with Helen, the secretary. She
(work) from 8am to 8pm. Last week, she (stay) until 9 pm to
finish her work.

9. Today, she (have) a lot of things to do but she (want) to

stay late again.

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