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From: Riley, John <JRiley@CFTC.

Sent: Saturday, March 27,20109:58 AM
To: Patrick McCarty (; Claussen, Cory
(Agriculture) <>;
Cc: Leslie, Douglass <>; Arbit, Terry <>
Subject: CFTC Staff Technical Assistance: Enforcement Authority Related to Broad-Based
Security Indexes
Attach: Technical Assistance for Senate Agriculture Committee-fraud reo broad-based
security indexes 3.26.l0.docx

Pat, Cory, and George-

In response to Pat's request, the attached document is provided as CFTC Staff Technical Assistance. It is
designed to provide the CFTC with enhance fraud authority with respect to futures and options on futures on
broad-based indexes. An explanation is included.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


John P. Riley
Director of Legislative Affairs
Office ofthe Chairman
u.s. Connnodity Futures Trading Connnission
115521 51 St., NW
Washington, DC 20581
(202) 418-5383


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