Reductase Inhibitors E.G. Finasteride

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Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

*TUR syndrome: uncommon but serious;

Def: sterile irrigation (contains low Na+) used to
Increase in size of the prostate gland clean area during prostate surgery can
without malignancy cause hyponatraemia if solution enters the
bloodstream; S&S: nausea, vomiting,
Epidem: fatigue, cerebral oedema, seizures; Ix:
Common; ↑ with age Blood tests to determine severity; Rx: Fluid
24% (40-64 yrs); 40% (>64 yrs) restriction, IV fluid, salt administration

Nocturia, frequency, terminal dribbling, Prostate Cancer
weak stream, strangury, hesitancy,
incontinence, dysuria, straining, haematuria Def:
Mostly carcinomas arising in peripheral
Ix: zone of the prostate
Urine flow meter, blood tests, U&E, MSU,
PSA, renal USS, PR exam, cystoscopy Epidem:
2nd commonest male malignancy; ↑ with
Rx: age; 50 per 100 000
Lifestyle: ↓ fluid intake before bedtime, ↓
alcohol, ↓ caffeine S&S:
Med: α-blockers e.g. tamsulosin, alfuzosin, Asymptomatic or nocturia, hesitancy, poor
doxazosin (SE: drowsiness, depression, stream, terminal dribbling, obstruction
BP↓, dry mouth, weight ↑ etc.); 5α-
reductase inhibitors e.g. finasteride, Ix:
dutasteride (SE: impotence, libido ↓) PSA, transrectal USS & biopsy, bone x-
Thermotherapy – radiofrequency waves rays, bone scan, CT/MRI
Surgery: TURP (gold standard), TUIP,
TULIP, open prostatectomy Rx:
Radical prostatectomy, chemotherapy,
TURP: radiotherapy (brachytherapy), hormone
30-60 mins therapy, goserelin (gonadotropin-releasing
Under epidural or general anaesthesia. analogues)
A resectoscope is inserted into urethra
towards the prostate.
Heated wire of the resectoscope cuts away Bladder Tumours
parts of prostate that cause problem.
Pieces of prostate are flushed away with Def:
water pumped through the resectoscope. Uncontrolled growth of the cells lining the
bladder wall
*Risks: accidental damage to bladder,
urethra or nerves leading to retrograde Epidem:
ejaculation, urinary incontinence, urethra ~1:5000/yr
strictures & impotence ♂:♀ ≈ 4:1

*Complications: bleeding, clot retention,

infection, TUR syndrome

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