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Grading Rubric for Article

Reviews Above and
beyond; a
lacks the
You mis-
You did
not do
truly precision keep this expectations this part
professiona of a 10 from or you did or it is so
Student_____________________ Review # _________ l job with being not poorly
precise your best communicate done as
attention to work ideas clearly. to not be
detail Too many eligible
deviations. for credit
In the opening paragraph, summarize the article and write          
a thesis statement. Thesis statements ARE NOT ABOUT
THE PLOT. A thesis statement clearly expresses the
author's opinion (YOUR opinion) on the subject and can be
argued and supported with evidence. Be sure to state the
title of the article and the author so the reader has a
reference point. You may or may not have parts of the
article quoted in this section. Do not use first person in this
paragraph. (x 1)
The second paragraph is critical commentary about the          
article itself and the issues it addresses. Use two direct
quotations to support your view and comments about the
issue. Engage actively! Take a side! Do not undercut your
voice by using banal statements like: “In my personal
opinion; from my personal belief,” etc. The challenge here
is to keep this section to one paragraph. Do not use first
person (this will be a challenge, too!) (x 2)
In the last paragraph, you discuss what new information          
you have learned. As always, reflect on the information
and apply it to your life experience. Search for ways to
broaden your understanding of the world around you and
discuss this at a deep level. Do not state the obvious! Use at
least one direct quotation to illustrate your point. Do not
begin this paragraph with: “In conclusion, I will tell you the
new information I have learned.” You will use first person
in this paragraph; you will become the focal point relating
the issues directly to your life. (x 1)
Review follows standard format and style conventions and          
those expected with the assignment in particular. (x 1)

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