Age 16 and Up

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Ages 16 and up

Age 16 and up (a Chavrusa is recommended)

Age 16 and up
Age 16 and up (a Chavrusa is recommended)
Age 16 and up
Age 16 and up
Age 16 and up
Non-Fiction, Hashkafa

Non-Fiction, Hashkafa
Fiction, Mystery
Non-Fiction, Hashkafa
Non-Fiction, Short Stories
Non-Fiction, History
Non-Fiction, History



Goldberg, Moshe

Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh (adapted from the Hebrew)

Tzvi White
Kirzner, Yitchok w/Akienm, Liusa
Weinstock, M. D.
Lamet, Rosalie
Targum Press Editors - compile by

Watch Your Wealth - Torah Guidelines for Financial


Building A Sanctuary In The Heart Part One

The Art of Jewish Prayer
Light In The Darkness
The Alpine Oaisis
From our Sealed Rooms - A most Unusual War - A Gulf
War Retrospective
"….This concise but important book…brings a completely different perspective to the question of b
our material prosperity---the wise and eternal perspective of Torah….What is a Torah Jew's attitude
money? How does one maintain a balance between faith in G-d and making our own efforts to succ
What are some techniques to succeed business and, at the same time, in our own lives? What are th
benefits of giving ma'asser? Drawing upon Mishlei, Pirkei Avos and other classical sources, the aut
gives us financial advice that will surely improve our bank balances---and our lives."

"…1st in a series that detail practical steps in attaining the state of "feeling attached to Hashem" at a
times…..The GOAL is to create in oneself a "sanctuary" within which the Divine Presence will rest
METHOD is :"building" step by step in a concrete way that is both simple and profound. The Tool
heart". The author guides the reader on how to arouse his inner feelings using the medium of direct
thought an speech....a method that speaks to the hears of Jews from all walks of life."
"Dr. Binyamin Beck, head of the citizens patrol in the Jewish community of Chaill, puts himself on
in another gripping mystery. The disappearance of a beloved rabbi and the shocking discovery of a
kidnapped child set the stage for an intricate plot that keeps you guessing until the very end. Bu the
fascinating whodunit is only half the story. Deftly interlaced with the plot is a presentation of the T
outlook on life based largely on the lectures of Rabbi Avigdor Miller. Philosophical questions such
the righteous suffer as well as the importance of perfecting one's character and other ethical imperat
introduced and developed between the lines of the story...Skyscrapers is a combination of a mystery
mussar that invites the lighthearted at the same time that it enthralls the serious minded."
"Once you've studied this volume, prayer will never be the same. Now when I pray, flashbacks from
Art of Jewish Prayer constantly accompany me. It is for those who really want to know why they're
praying and what they're saying…..- Rabbi E. Buchwald
"in this slender volume….ten of the most dramatic Jewish short stories…all or most centre upon the
spiritual aspects of suffering…In simple language that touches the heart, the author narrates for us th
lengths, to which our people are prepared to go, even in the shadow of certain death, in unquestionin
obedience to the Divine decree. One reads these stories with humility and pride...."
This is the Sequel to the City of Diamonds…."The gripping story that begin in Antwerp, City of Dia
comes to an unusual and fascinating conclusion as a young Jewish heroine desperately embarks on a
and dangerous journey through two hostile and deadly countries. The Alpine a haunting
true tale of courage and treachery, of friendship and betrayal, and above all of an unyielding faith in
and His promise to the Jewish people."
"Scuds! Wailing sirens split the quiet Israeli night. Frightened children huddle in sealed rooms, not
knowing what the next moment will bring. Muffled words of Tehillim are recited from behind gas m
What thoughts go through a mother's head as she thrusts her newborn infant into a plastic tent she h
safe against nerve gas? What does a young man in the middle of the Torah reading do when he hea
wail of a siren, followed by an explosion close by? For six long, uncertain weeks, while the US led
"Operation Desert Storm" against Iraq, the people of Eretz Yisroel lived under the threat of destruct
from the skies. For 6 weeks every man, woman and child was a front line soldier. Here, in the journ
photographs, letters and divrei Torah of the people who lived through it, is the story of a most unusu
with all its excitement, poignancy and triumph.

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