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Tax Credit application For Oxford Apartments Tracking Number 2011-C-23 2011 Federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program Application For Reservation Deadline for Submission 9% Competitive Credits Applications Must Be Received At VHDA No Later Than 2:00 PM Richmond, VA Time On March 11, 2011 ‘Tax Exempt Bonds |Applications should be received at VHDA at least one month| before the bonds are priced (if bonds issued by VHDA), or 75 days before the bonds are issued (if bonds are not issued by VHDA) Virinia Housing Development Autboy 601 South Belvidere Street VHDA Richmond, Virginia 2322046500 vigor Low Income Housing Tax Credit Application for Reservation [Please indicate ifthe following tems are included with your application by checking the appropriate boxes. Your assistance in eganzna te submission in he folowing order, and actualy ung abso mack hem 8 shown Wl lia Fv of you lapplication. Please not datory item for the application to be processed, The inclusion of other items) Imay inrease the number of pols for which you are ebible under VHA’ point system of anking applications, and may assist IVHDA in its determination of the appropriate amount of credits that it may reserve for the development. Electronic Copy of the Microsoft Excel Based Application (MANDATORY) Scanned Copy of the Signed Tax Credit Application with Attachments (excluding market study and plans & specs) (MANDATO Electronic Copy of the Market Study (MANDATORY-Application will be disqualified if study not submitted with application) Electronic Copy of the Plans (MANDATORY) Electronic Copy of the Specifications (MANDATORY) Eleetronie Copy of the Unit By Unit Work Writeup (MANDATORY if rehab) {$750 Application Fee (MANDATORY) Documentation of Development Location: Qualified Census Tract Certification Revitalization Area Certification Location Map. Surveyor's Certification of Proximity To Publi Transportation Partnership of Operating Agreement, including chart of ownership structure with percentage of interests (MANDATOR Virginia State Corporation Commission Certification (MANDATORY) Principal's Provious Participation Certification and Resumé (MANDATORY) [Nonprofit Questionnaire (MANDATORY for points or pool) The following documents need not be submitted unless requested by VHDA: Nonprofit Articles of Incorporation __-IRS Documentation of Nonprofit Status Joint Venture Agreement (if applicable) -For-profit Consulting Agreement (if applicable) [Z| Tab F: Architect's Certification (MANDATORY) [Tab G: Relocation Plan (MANDATORY, if rehab) [Tab H: PHA ,/ Section 8 Notification Letter [Tab I: Local CEO Letter [Tab J: Homeownership Plan DiTab K: Site Control Documentation & Most Recent Real Estate Tax Assessment (MANDATORY) [Tab L: Plan of Development Certification Letter Zoning Certification Letter [QD Tab N: Copies of 8609s To Certify Developer Experience [BTab 0: (Reserved) Plans and Specifications and Work Write-Up (MANDATORY) Documentation of Rental Assistance Documentation of Operating Budget Documentation of Project Budget Documentation of Financing Sources Documentation To Request Exception To Restriction-Pools With Little/No Increase In Rent Burdened Population Documentation of site location in an urban development area as defined in §15.2-2223.1of the Code of Virginia Documentation of the development participating in a locally adopted afforduble housing dwelling unit program area as described in either §15.2-2304 or §15.2-2305 of the Code of Virginia [Nonprofit or LHA Purchase Option or Right of First Refusal ‘Attorney's Opinion (MANDATORY) (Reserved) Marketing Plan for units meeting accessibility requirements of HUD section S04 vi12011 Submission Checklist Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation \WiiDA TRACKING NOMBER | [2011-c-23 T General Taformation "Aca Seo’ fence aan term TRC" sl em oe, March 7,201 J Reverae Coe 0 sgn, ‘ate of Appin) AL Development Name and Locate 1. Name of Development Oxford Apartments 2, Addess of Development "1657 Les Higineay eS Trouville vA, 24175 Tar sa) TRC) 3, complete address i no available, provide longitude and latitude coordinates (x) from location on site your surveyor deems appropriate D Documentation from surveyor attached (TAD A) (Only iossary TSE TESS oF SSC TERESTIORS arena avaTABTEY — 4, The Cieuit Court Clerks oc in which the dead to the property is or wl be recorde: CityiCounty of Botetourt County (ie; Richmond Cty, Chesterfield County; see application manual) Does the ste overlap one or more jursdToanal Boundaries? Yes @ No If yes, what other City/County isthe site located in besides the one mentioned above? 6 Cons Tat he developmen oe a 08 s this a Qualified Census Tract: D ves ‘No (If yes, attach required form in TAB A) 1. Isthe development cated ina ile Development Ara?’ [CHO] I, applicant nay ect ha he property be etd ssiftis lata na DDA. fs, inate checking this box: CN Tne povin sNOT pe ren Is the development located in a revitalization arca? B Yes © No (Ifyes, attach required form in TAB A) Isthe development an existing RD or HUD 8236 development? Yes No (ye atch ere fom n TAB Q) this entegory. then the apie ust ithe ive tei othe descapes eo other Fes assented with action aor rehabltatin, or obtain a vsiver of his eqirement kon VHD proc to aniston sibmisson° Fes=ve Hes pis, 4. Applicant agrees to wave all ighs to any developer’ fee or ‘other fes associated with acquisition andlor rehab Dyes oe »b, Applicant has obtained a waver ofthis requirement fom VDA prior tothe application submission deadline. Oe aa 10. Is the development located in # census tract with a poverty rate <10% with no tax eed units curently presen? Yes 1 No 11, Is the development listed onthe RD S15 Rehabilitation Priority List? C1 Yes No 12, Is the proposed development located in an urban development area as defined in §15.2-2223. of the Code of Virginia? [Yee [2 No {ifyes,attach required form in TABU) 13, Willthe proposed development participate in a locally opted affordable housing dwelling unit program are as described in either §15.2-2504 or §15.2-2305 ofthe Code of Virginia? [Yes No. (if'yes, attach required form in TAB U) 14, Congressional District 6___ nso sanantonio Planning District 3 msn ess onanensenmescise State Senate Distiet Forts ste canst State House District Thais one sastionnconn.aPcescnse taht 15. C1 Location Map Attached (TAB A) B._ Project Description: In the space provided below, givea bot description of the propose pojoet lun fay deveocment with 10 wo Bedroom units and 30 thes bedroom un arsising of ive 3 sary buildings anda community bala wtao1 Page 1 Low Income Housing Tax Credit Applicat C._ Reservation Request 1, Total annual credit amount request (Must be the same as Part IX-D8) $767,063 2. Credits requested fom: 9% Credits C1 Nonprott Set-Aside (All nonprofit ned developments which meet tests described in Part J-D hereof may select this) Local Housing Authorities Richmond MSA Poot C1 Planning Distet 8 (Inner Washington MSA) Pool Ci Tidewater MSA Poot Northwest / Noth Central VA Arca Poo! Balance of Stte Poo! (Remaining Geograph C1 Non-Compattve Pool (Preservation) a CD Tax Exempt Bonds 21 new construction, ot OD rehabilitation, or (1 acquisition and rehabilitation. Federal Subsidies The development will nt receive federal subsidies. Dis dovelopment will receive federal subsidies fr: Clatl buildings or some buildings. D. Type(s) of Alocation/Allocation Year 1, Regular Allocation LAI ofthe builings in the development ae expected be placed in service this year. For those buildings the owner will this year, request an allocation of 2011 ereits for C] new construction, Ci rehabilitation, or acquisition and rchabi 2. Carryforward Allocation All ofthe buildings in the development er expected to be placed in service within two year aller the end ofthis calendar yar, 2011, but the cvwnce will have mors than 1% basis in be development before the end of welve ‘months folowing alloation of eet. For those ings, the owner reauests A carryfoeward allocation of 2011 ereits pursuant to Section 4200} 1)E) fr: ew constuction, or rehabilitation, or Cicquisition and ehabiliton (even if you acquired building his yer and “placed it in service” for the purpose ofthe aequisiton eredt, you cannot receive the 8609 form for it until he rehab 8609 is issued for that bulding once the rehab work is placed in service" in 2012 02013) 3, Federal Subsidies [The development will not reosive federal subsidies. This developmen wll reve federal subsidies for: lal bugs or Csome buildings.

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