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1. A neurone (nerve cell)

2. There are three basic types of neurones.
(a) Sensory neurones (afferent neurones)
(b) Interneurones (association neurones).
(c) Motor neurones (efferent neurones)
3. A nerve consists of many neurones bound together by connective tissues.
(a) Sensory nerves contain only sensory neurones.
(b) Motor nerves contain only motor neurones.
(c) Mixed nerves contain both sensory and motor neurones.
4. Neuroglia _____________________________________________and _________________________.
There are about 10 times as many neuroglial cells as neurones. The different types of neuroglial cells are
_______________, _____________________, _________________, ________________, ____________
and Schwann cells which form ________________________of axons in the peripheral nervous system.

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