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Pi l o t Fl e e t 3 .

1 Us e r Gu i d e

Pilot Fleet 3.1User Guide

April, 2007

Confidential and Proprietary

Pi l o t Fl e e t 3 . 1 Us e r Gu i d e

HARDWARE: DingLi warrants its hardware products
(excluding mobile phones, UE’s and datacards) to be free
from defects in workmanship and materials, under normal use
and service, for one year from the date of purchase from
DingLi or its Authorised Agent. DingLi certifies that all
instruments are tested and inspected to comply with the
published specifications originating from the company.
If a product does not operate as warranted during the
warranty period, DingLi shall, at its option, repair the defective
product or part (except batteries), deliver an equivalent
product or part to replace the defective item, or refund the
purchase price paid for the defective product. Transportation
of the defective product or part to the factory or service centre
is to be pre-paid by the customer. All products that are
replaced will become the property of DingLi. Any replaced or
repaired product or part has a ninety (90) day warranty or the
remainder of the initial warranty period, whichever is longer.
Note: Mobile phones, UE’s and datacards supplied by DingLi
or its Authorised agent are supplied free from defects in
workmanship and materials, under normal use and service, for
six months from the date of purchase.
SOFTWARE: DingLi warrants that the software programs
licensed from it will perform in substantial conformance to the
program specifications for a period of one year from the date
of purchase from DingLi or its Authorised Agent. DingLi
warrants the magnetic media containing software against
failure during the warranty period. Sole obligation hereunder
shall be (at DingLi discretion) to refund the purchase price
paid for any defective software products, or to replace any
defective media with software which substantially conforms to
applicable published specifications. DingLi makes no
warranty that its software products will work in combination
with any hardware or applications software products provided
by third parties, that the operation of the software products will
be uninterrupted or error free, or that all defects in the
software products will be corrected. DingLi will make
reasonable efforts to provide compatibility, except where the
non-compatibility is caused by a defect in the third party’s
All information in this manual is given in good faith. However,
Mobile Telecoms International shall not be liable for any loss
or damage whatsoever arising from the use of this manual,
the product described in it or any errors or omissions in either.

Confidential and Proprietary
Pi l o t Fl e e t 3 . 1 Us e r Gu i d e


The Pioneer software, and all demonstration files, etc.,

associated with it are copyright Dingli Communications, 2006.
This manual is copyright Dingli Communications, 2006

Confidential and Proprietary

Pi l o t Fl e e t 3 . 1 Us e r Gu i d e

1 Installation................................. 1
Central System Installation

1.1 Configuration Requirements.................................................. 1

1.2 Hardware Configurations....................................................... 2
1.3 Software Installation...............................................................3
1.3.1 Server Installation..................................................... 3
1.3.2 Fleet 3.1 Tools Installation........................................8

2 Initialisation............................. 12
Central System Initialisation

2.1 Data Server Initialisation...................................................... 12

2.2 Statistics Server, Web Server & Real Time Monitor Initialization 20
2.3 Voice Server Initialisation.....................................................25
2.3.1 Voice Card Initialization configuration.....................25
2.3.2 Three Running Modes for Voice Evaluation Service26
2.3.3 Voice Service Advanced Application...................... 35
2.3.4 Common Problems and Solutions.......................... 37
2.4 Fleet Central Application Configuration............................... 39
2.5 Map Installation.................................................................... 40
2.6 Site File Installation..............................................................44
2.7 System Start Process.......................................................... 44
2.8 Fleet License........................................................................45

3 Operation............................... 47
Fleet Web Client Operation

3.1 Web Client Log on............................................................... 47

3.2 Maintenance........................................................................ 49
3.2.1 User Information..................................................... 49
3.2.2 To Allocate User rights and Privileges....................50
3.3 Domain Information..............................................................52
3.3.1 Site Information.......................................................53
3.3.2 Schedule Information..............................................58
3.3.3 RCU Information..................................................... 82
3.3.4 Event Define........................................................... 94
3.3.5 Global Setting......................................................... 96
3.4 Operation............................................................................. 96
3.4.1 Service.................................................................... 97
3.4.2 RCU Control........................................................... 97
3.4.3 Original Data...........................................................99
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3.4.4 Decode Data.........................................................100

3.5 Statistics.............................................................................101
3.5.1 Statistics and Reporting Overview........................101
3.5.2 Thresholds............................................................ 102
3.5.3 Configurations.......................................................103
3.5.4 Statistics Templates..............................................112
3.5.5 Manual Statistics Calculations.............................. 114
3.5.6 Programmed Service Settings.............................. 116
3.5.7 Programmed Statistics and Reports..................... 117
3.6 Report................................................................................ 123
3.7 Real Time Monitor---Imported Map....................................125
3.8 Real Time Monitor---Google earth..................................... 131
3.8.1 Real Time Monitor in Map Window.......................132
3.8.2 Real Time Monitor in Satellite Window................. 133

4 tools......................................................... 135
Fleet tools

4.1 Connect..............................................................................135
4.2 RCU................................................................................... 136
4.3 Data................................................................................... 137
4.4 Client.................................................................................. 139
4.5 Config.................................................................................140
4.6 Log..................................................................................... 141
4.7 About..........................................................................................143

5 RCU.................................... 144
Guide for Placing RCU

5.1 RCU Structure Introduction................................................144

5.2 Guide for RCU installation................................................. 145
5.2.1 Overview on RCU installation............................... 145
5.2.2 RCU antenna installation...................................... 145
5.2.3 Placing SIM/UIM card........................................... 146
5.2.4 Guide for Placing RCU......................................... 146

6 Client........................................................ 148
RCU Client

6.1 Preparations...............................................................................148
6.1.1 Data transmission port..........................................148
6.1.2 Run RCU Client.................................................... 148
6.1.3 Change RCU IP.................................................... 149
6.2 RCU Client Control RCU............................................................150
6.2.1 Stop testing............................................................... 151
6.2.2 Rest RCU.................................................................. 151

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6.2.3 Update RCU..............................................................151

6.3 RCU Configurations................................................................... 151
6.3.1 Project....................................................................... 151
6.3.2 Data.......................................................................... 152
6.3.3 Configuration.............................................................155
6.3.4 CDMA....................................................................... 155

7 Shooting............................................. 158
Trouble Shooting

7.1 RCU Problems................................................................... 158

7.2 PESQ Problems................................................................. 160
7.2.1 No Voice quality (PESQ) scores (uplink):............. 160

8 Appendix........................................................... 162

8.1 RCU Status Information (Web Client, Operation).............. 162

8.2 RCU Logfiles Volume size................................................. 163
8.3 Pilot Fleet Real Time Events and Alarms List....................163
8.4 Fleet Parameter and KPI List.............................................173
8.5 Pilot Fleet Initial Installation Guide and Checklist.............. 185
8.6 Pilot Fleet 3.1 – Remote Control Unit................................ 192
8.7 Examples to Illustrate the Operation and Configurations.. 195

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Fleet system configurations depend on the describer’s test requirements.

Generally speaking server configurations are determined by the quantity
of continuous test channels. If there are many RCUs, the Central System
can be divided into several separate computer systems to install. If RCU
channels are more than 200 channels, data server and statistic server
must be installed individually which can keep the efficiency of Fleet
The following configurations are recommended for the Fleet system in
single computer less than 200 channels
Hardware Requirements:
CPU: P4 2.8 GHz with HT or Higher
Disk space: 200M is used for installation; 2GB free disk space is used to
store Web contemporary files; and 120 GB separate partition space is
used to store data
Network: 100M or higher Ethernet, fixed IP address, two network cards
Software Requirements:
Operation system: Windows2000, windows 2003 or windows XP
Application program supported: MS Office 2000/xp
MS IE6.0 or higher versions
Macromedia Flash Player 8.0 or higher version
Disk Space Requirements:
The reserved disk space is determined by the RCU data volume and test
frequency. The approximate data volume can be computed in term of
average data generation ratio and compression ratio. The following
figure lists the data generation ratio in 2 G and 3G networks.
Data volume 2G 3G
Percentage 100% 100% 100%
of time on 3G

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Compression 1 1 1
Compressed 0.6 5 5 5 3.68
data (MB /
Logfile 2.5 10 10 10 10
Database (MB
/ hour)
Decode data 2 7 7 7
(MB / hour)
SQL Database 0.5 1.5



Pilot Fleet can be installed on one, two or three processors according to

the number of recording channels, the expected volume of data, the
amount of speech quality processing, and the power of the computers.
Typically the PCs are part of a network and are connected via standard
pin to pin Ethernet cables.
If the system comprises just two direct connect machines with one
containing the Voice Server, then a single Ethernet crossover cable
must be used. In this latter case, (ie a direct connect two processor
system) the Windows TCP/IP settings ( Start, Network Connections,
Show All Connections, Local Area Connection) in each PC must be set
to the actual IP address of the other PC with matching subnet masks
( or 1). If they are connected via a network then straight
pin to pin cables should be used but the TCP/IP Local Area Network
setting should be “Select IP Automatically”
The Fleet network configurations are recommended shown below:
Adopt two network cards, one of which is used for public network and
the other used for LAN, in order to separate public network and inner
network which can guarantee the data safe as below:

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If there are two network cards configured in the server, one is set up as
the IP address for the public network and is connected by cable to the
public network
In order to protect safety of server while internet connection succeeds,
we recommend installing a firewall with all ports closed except ports
9000 and 80. In addition, all other security measures should be adopted
including the installation of Windows security patches immediately they
are released and the use and regular updates of recognised anti virus


Fleet software installation comprises two parts: Tools Installation and

Server Installation. The concrete steps are listed in the following:

1.3.1 Server Installation

Run Server Installation on the central system computer. Server
Installation mainly installs the Data Service, Statistic Service, Voice
Service, Web Service and SQL Importer. More details are to be
described below.
Step 1 Open a screen as below. The Setup Wizard will install Pilot Fleet
on your computer. Click “Next” to continue or “Cancel” to exit the Setup
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Step 2 Click “Next” in the above screen will open another screen like the
following. There are three options: Typical, Custom and Complete.
Choose the required one according to one’s need
- Typical Installation This will install all modules, which is
recommended for most users
- Complete Installation This will install all modules, which is identical
to the Typical Installation
- Custom installation. The user must select which modules to install,
which is recommended for advanced users

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If there is need to install some of them, for instance, data service and
statistic service, the user can choose the “Custom”. Click it and another
screen will be open as below:
Name Description
Data Service RCU upload, project provider, data
Statistic Decode data manager, report generator
Voice Service PESQ service
Web Service UI agent
SQL Importer Import decode data to SQL server database

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In the above screen, select the unnecessary options with from the
pull down menu,

Step 3 click “Next” button in the above figure to continue. A “Ready to

Install “window will be open.
Click “Install” to begin to install; click “Back” if users want to review or
change any of the installation setting; click “Cancel” to exit the wizard

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Step 4 click “Install” to continue and start to install. When the installation
finishes, another window will appear

Step 5 Click “Finish” and the whole installation procedure finish

If it is essential to install all of them: data service, statistic service, voice
service, web service and SQL importer, users can choose either
“Typical” or “Complete” in the “Choose Setup Type” window. The steps
are identical to the last two steps in the “Custom” installation

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1.3.2 Fleet 3.1 Tools Installation

Run Tools on the client computer. This contains Fleet Tools, RCU Client
and Voice Monitor. The procedures are listed in the following:
Step1 first open a window as below

Step2 click “Next” button to open another window which will give three
options shown below. Users can choose one of them to install according
to their needs
- Typical Installation This will install all modules, which is
recommended for most users
- Complete Installation This will install all modules, which is identical
to the Typical Installation
- Custom installation. The user must select which modules to install,
which is recommended for advanced users

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Typical or Complete installation both contain these three sections: Fleet

Tools, RCU Client and Voice Monitor, but in the Custom installation,
users can decide which section should be installed according to one’s
need. Click “Custom” in the above screen and the following figure will

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Name Description
Fleet Tools Install client tools for service, including
data manager, RCU monitor, log file
viewer, system information
RCU Client Install RCU client tools, including data
download from RCU, data upload to
server, initializing the RCU
Voice Monitor Real-time voice server monitoring,
view PESQ server status and PESQ
Step 3 click “Next” to enter “Ready to Install” window.
Click “Install” to begin to install; click “Back” to review or change any of
the installation setting; click “Cancel” to exit the wizard

Step 4 click “Install” to continue and start to install. When the installation
finishes, another window will appear. Click “Finish” to end the installation

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These modules should be loaded into PCs according to the following

Software 1 PC 2 PC System 3 PC System
Module Syste Database + VQ Database Statistics VQ
m Statistics Server Server Server Server
Data � � � � �
Statistics � � � � �
Voice If � �
Service requir
Web � � � � �
SQL If If required If
Importer requir required
Tools � � � � � �

In each PC select the appropriate module(s), press next and follow the
on-screen loading instructions

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After the server software has been installed, the system components
must be configured to operate together as required by the user. This
involves three setup programs which must be run on the PCs according
to the system configuration:
Fleet 1 PC 2 PC System 3 PC System
Setup System Data + Voice Data Statistics Voice
Program Statistics Server Server Server Server
Data � � �
Statistic � � �
Voice If � �
Service required


This process consists of four stages defined by the four tabs on the
setup screen
1. General Configure addresses, system preferences and
install index and project files.
2. Mail Settings Configure mail settings to enable the distribution of
system alarms
3. Alarm Setting Define which Fleet alarms should be distributed
4. Backup Configure the database backup settings
To commence this initialisation, run Fleet Terminal Service
Run -> Programs -> Pilot Fleet -> Terminal Service.
On the opening screen select “Configure” to open the Pilot Fleet Data

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Note: Iif the service is in operation, mistake will emerge while running
the Terminal Service. So make sure that Fleet Database Service is not
in use before running Terminal Service.
Skill: type “net stop FleetDB” in the operation box to stop service’s
Data Server Initialisation step 1.
Select the General Tab and complete the screen according to the
directions below.

Once the system is connected to the

internet configurations can also be
changed remotely by using Fleet Tools
installed on another computer. When
connecting via Fleet tools please use the
administrator account to log in, other users
will be denied access. The details of Fleet
Tools refer to the relevant chapters
(chapter 4)

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The store path for the logfile database.

Root (this is sometimes called original data
Directory and comprises decompressed logfiles
which have a suffix .msg)
Add the location of the FLEET project
file. At the same time store the file in

These are mandatory settings

Project the selected location. (Note: this file is

for the system to run

File provided by DingLi and contains the
system licence and details of the
The location for the RCU Index file
RCU which lists the logfiles available for

Index File processing in the Web Client,

Operation, Original Data screen. This
file is created and maintained by Fleet
The location for the DT Index file
which lists the decode data files
DT Index available for processing in the Web
File Client, Operation, Decode Data
screen. This file is created and
maintained by Fleet
Listen The port for incoming data. Default
Port 9000
The time for automatic deletion of
Data Keep decode data if “Data index and disk
these settings are left at their default values

days file” is checked. The default setting of

365 days (one year) is recommended
It is recommended that , initially,

RCU Idle The time, in seconds, for the RTCU to

Gate(s) remain idle before an alarm is flagged.
Set to zero to disable the alarm
This defines the maximum size of the

decompressed logfiles as stored in

Max Log the Fleet database. All logfiles which
Size (KB) are longer than this value when
received from the RCU and
decompressed will be split. 0 means
no limit and 4096KB is the default
Socket Continuous idle time measurement, if
timeout(m) exceeded Fleet will disconnect.
Save This function is being changed and
Decode should be ignored.
Delete When selected this option will activate
index & the “Data Keep days” setting. Note:
disk file Files are deleted permanently

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Checking this option will store all the

log files, including some log files not
used generally. Although this may
Log generate large quantities of useless
manage log information, it can be useful for
Success problem solving and bug fixing. It is
recommended to tick it when there
have been problems in the system,
otherwise clear it
Select to save the original
compressed logfiles in addition to the
decompressed files which are stored
in the Fleet logfile database. This is
Save RCU useful if the files are to be
File permanently backed up, and if they
may be required for rapid replay on a
Pilot manual tool (eg Pioneer). Note:
This will increase the disk space
Reset When selected will reset all the
counter counters defined in Fleet Tools, RCU
every day (call drops etc) daily. Otherwise the
counter will increment continuously.

Data Server Initialisation step 2.

Select the Mail Setting Tab and complete the screen according to the
directions below

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The address of the outgoing email SMTP

SMTP server. Ensure that any anti spam policies
Server are taken into consideration when configuring.
Account The sending email account name
Password The sending email account password
Needs Select if the account requires authorisation
Authorization (the default setting)
This will open a dialog box which is used to
Test type a receiving email address and send
email to test the configured SMTP information.
Send Emails will be sent immediately an alarm
Immediately message is received. This is the
on receipt of recommended setting.
Every day at Select for alarm message to be sent daily. A
time time box will open, add the daily time.
Select for alarm messages to be sent at
Every regular intervals according to the interval time
minutes (in minutes) which should be input to the pop
up time box.
Group by Select to send alarm messages in groups.
count The group size (= count) must be input to the
pop up window

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The system provides a default SMTP server, but it is only used for test
installation. Do not use the default SMTP server for normal use, or the
alarm mails will be lost
The mail sent policy will affect the alarm messages’ receivers
The system takes the last alarm message’s receiver as the receiver. If
the alarm mailing policy, as defined in Terminal Services, is not set to
immediate, the alarm messages will be stored until there defined
transmission time. If all the conditions have been met and alarms have
been received, the mails will be sent to the last alarm message’s
receiver. For example, the policy is set up “Group By 4” and there are
three alarm messages now:
5/10/2006 7:37:37 AM, test-rcu5: 2, 0x1401, DSP error, Code: 1
addressed to Receiver: A
5/10/2006 7:37:38 AM, test-rcu5: 2, 0x1402, DSP reboot addressed to
Receiver: B
5/10/2006 7:38:01 AM, test-rcu5: 2, 0x1401, DSP error, Code: 1
addressed to Receiver: A
5/10/2006 7:44:48 AM, 10000, 0x2016, Poor uplink MOS score, Count:
101 addressed to Receiver: D
All the messages will be sent to D. A and B will not receive any alarm
It is recommended to use immediate sending option to avoid delays.
Data Server Initialisation step 3.
Select the Alarms Settings Tab and complete the screen according to
the directions below.

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The administrators’ email addresses,

separated by comma “,” for each address.
All alarm mails will be sent to these
Administrator addresses except RCU alarm mails
Email Note: if there is no administrators’ email
address, the mails will be sent to the
account in the SMTP
GPS Equipment The vehicle speed which will trigger an
speed alarm
The equipment pause/stop time. If the
RCU doesn’t move, a mail will be sent at
Pause time
the designated times. The default is every
five minutes

Ticking “All” will generate large number of

unnecessary alarm messages and SMTP
Send all alarm server may think that junk mails have
data been sent and it will lock the account.
It is recommended for the users to
choose the required alarm messages
! Press this button to invert the selected
Data Server Initialisation step 4.

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Select the Backup Tab and complete the screen according to the
directions below

Enable Check this box to enable automatic backups

and add the address of the backup storage in
the adjacent box.
After finish Select for automatic backup after each
upload upload. Users are recommended to use this
Every day, at Check for daily backup and add the time in
time the adjacent box.
Back up Tips
1. It is suggested that data is backed up to a different PC for safely
reasons. This automatic backup only comprises the decode data
(.msg files), other data can be backed up manually
2. As a security convenience users can define a network device as the
backup directory. To do this, the Fleet Database Service account
should be set up with access rights for the network drive, for instance,
as administrator, otherwise it is not to back up normally. Modify the
Fleet Database Service account as follows: Control Panel �
Administrative Tools� Services�Fleet Database Service. Double

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click the jumping up Character box and change to “Log on” page to
select “This Account”, then type the related account information


These three system components are initialised together because they

are generally co-located in the same PC. Initialisation is a three stage
1. Statistics and Monitor To configure the Statistics Server and
connect the Real Time monitor
2. Web Server To connect the Web Server functions with all
central system components
3. Webmonitor .ini file Check that this small file is present and
contains the correct data
On the PC running the Statistics Server, Run Fleet Services
Configuration (Run -> Programs -> Pilot Fleet -> Fleet Services

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The screen below will open

Step 1. Select the Statistics and Monitor tab and complete the screen
according to the directions below

If Fleet services Configuration [this program] has

been opened while Fleet Services are running,
this button must be pressed to stop them before
any changes can be made. The services must be
restarted afterwards.
Store directory for the decoded RCU logfiles
(which contain the decoded data used for Fleet
statistics and reports). It is recommended that this
Decode is located in a dedicated folder in a different disk
Data partition. Note: The disk MUST have enough free
Save space at the rate of 50MB per 3G channel per day.
This is a mandatory setting for the system to run.

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Use Select to compress the data, this is only

Compres operational with an NTFS formatted disk
This defines the time interval between sending
statistic temp result to client. If this is set too small,
the server will spend more time transmitting data
Statistic and take longer to do the statistics calculations,
Temp this will degrade the post-process performance. If
Result it is set too large, the client update may be
Send reduced.
Default: 3 seconds.
The time interval, in minutes, defines how often
the decoded log file data is written to hard disk,
where it is be used for statistics and reports. If the
Decode time is set too large, the hard disk performance
Data improves but the system response time may be
Save slower when requesting statistics on recent data.
Interval If it set too small it may reduce the performance of
the hard disk.
Default value: 5 minutes.
Monitor The port assigned for real time monitoring client to
Data get data from the server. (default 4020)
Statistic The port used by the client to obtain data for
Server statistics and report from the Statistics Server.
Socket (default 4012)
IP address and access port (default 9000) of the
Central (data) Server
Server The IP address is a mandatory setting for the
and Port system to run.
The IP address and decode data access port
(default 9000) for the Statistics Server.
In general, the RCU log file data (uploaded) and
statistics server are installed in separate server
machine to improve the post processing
and Port
performance, this port is reserved for
communication between these two servers
The IP address is a mandatory setting for the
system to run
Step 2. Select the Web Server tab and complete the screen according to
the directions below

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Note: Where there is no default value in the settings below,

correct configuration is mandatory for the system to operate.
User account settings are not required where servers are on
the same PC
Root Path Directory of Web Pages (set to \\webpages Fleet
Server Software directory)
Home The directory of the first page to be displayed.
Page Default /index.html
Script Not used, this value should not be changed
Time Out
WWW service provider port, default 80.
If this value is changed, for example 20 8080, the
user must specify the new port number when
Listen using the browser (eg Internet Explorer) to
Port access Fleet. This becomes :
http://localhost:8080 – from within the central
http://(IP):8080 - from a remote web server
Data Data server IP address.
Data Serv Access port for the Authorisation / Project Data F

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er Port ile
Data User name of administrator on data server, it is
Server not necessary if the WEB service and data
User server is on same machine,
Data Password of administrator on data server
Statistic IP address of statistics server This is a
Server mandatory setting for system operation
Statistic The port used by client to obtain data for:
Server - statistics and report (default 4012)
Port 1 and - real time monitor (default 4020)
Statistic User name of administrator on statistics server, it
Server is not necessary if WEB service and statistics
User server are on the same machine
Statistic Password of administrator on statistics server
Voice IP address of the Voice Server to access PESQ
Server data (assuming a Voice Server is installed) This
Host is a mandatory setting for system operation
Voice User name of administrator on PESQ server, it is
Server not necessary if WEB service and PESQ server
User is on same machine
Voice Password of administrator on PESQ server
Step 3 Web Monitor Service.ini
In order to ensure the user can monitor data real time in Fleet Web
Client Operation, users, generally the administrator, should first
configure the Web Monitor Service.ini. if there is already a
WebMonitorService.Ini. In the fleet bin, just open using a text editor (eg
Notepad) it and a window will appear as below:

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In the In above screen users, usually the administrators can modify the
host, port, user name and password.
If the file WebMonitorService.ini is not presented, it is essential to create
using notepad or a text editor


2.3.1 Voice Card Initialization configuration

Please refer to the related product introduction for the installation of
voice card hardware

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1. It is recommended to use the latest published Diva voice card driver

in order to ensure that the devices can be used normally. This can
be downloaded from
2. It is necessary to understand the coincidence relation between each
Physical Channel and Logic Channel. For example, the 4BRI ISDN
card comprises four devices, in each of which there are two Physical
Channels to handle two telephone lines synchronously, so there are
eight Logical Channels in total. The relation is shown in the following
3. A local number should be set correctly for each logical channel which
is determined by telephone lines of the corresponding physical

Note: for ISDN

ote::for numbers of two physical channels are same, which

means 1 number uses 2 physical channels

Device Channel Logical Local Number

1 1 1 3391001
2 2 3391001
2 1 3 3391002
2 4 3391002
3 1 5 3391003
2 6 3391003
4 1 7 3391004
2 8 3391004

2.3.2 Three Running Modes for Voice Evaluation Service

There are three kinds of running modes to satisfy different requirements:
Service Mode, Config Mode and Debug Mode. The subsequent sections
are to introduce how to run these modes.
Service Mode
Service mode is the common used mode for Fleet Voice Service which
can guarantee that the voice service works stably and the service can
restart automatically in case the computer is rebooted. If the Fleet Voice
Service has been installed successfully (The installed steps have been
introduced in Software Installation section), starting or stopping the

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service follows the next steps: Start -> Control Panel -> Management
Tools -> Service -> Fleet Voice Service.
There is no UI for Service mode. Therefore user can log on the Fleet
Voice Service to view the running condition via using Voice Monitor
client software while beginning the voice test.
Attention: The Service mode and Debug mode cannot be used
Advanced Operation:
Install or uninstall Fleet Voice Service manually: input “Install
Path\FleetVoiceService.exe –install” in Run under Start to install Fleet
Voice Service, or type “Install Path\FleetVoiceService.exe –uninstall” to
uninstall it.
Attention: suggest common user not using this operation.
Config Mode
This mode describe how to configure Fleet Voice Service, that is to say
when it is required to configure, modify or view the configurations of
Fleet Voice Service, this Config mode is to be run and prior to employing
Service mode, it is necessary to run this mode to configure correctly.
Running Ways
Two ways are able to start this mode:
1. From installation menu. For windows XP, the operation steps are:
Start –〉Program -〉Pilot Fleet –〉Voice Service Configurations
which will open a window like below
2. Input Command. Input “Install Path\FleetVoiceService.exe /config“ in
Run. Press OK to open below window

Coifing window:

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Channel list

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Configurations Explanation
The next two tables are used to illustrate configurations
Global Setting
Select the installed voice card from the pull
down list. Currently only the Diva ISDN is
Voice Card There are two common used voice cards:
Type Maystar and Diva, both of which contains
several types of cards.
For instance, analogue, ISDN, E1, T1 etc.
For the driver of the Diva card is the same so
here they are taken as one kind.
The downlink standard voice files to be
Playing Voice played. Provided that the configurations of
File these files are not set up correctly, it cannot
be played normally.
The standard source voice files in Fleet Voice
Server used to compute the uplink PESQ
Sample Voice score. (PESQ.wav) Provided that the
File configurations of these files are not set up
correctly, the PESQ score will not counted
out normally

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Directory for Uplink PESQ score files. Event,

Score and Voice sub-directories are created
Data Stored to save the event, recording scores and the
Path recording that the recording score is lower
than that defined in Stored Score Limit
The filtered condition for PESQ scores. Once
the PESQ score is lower than this defined
value, this voice file will be saved. If 5 is
Stored Score selected, all PESQ score files are saved)
Limit The user can replay these bad score files
using the third-party tool like CoolEdit. It is
also used as the threshold for the poor PESQ
The sample rate for the source voice files
Sample rate such as 8000 or 16000. Currently only 8000
is supported. The user cannot change this
IP address of the Data Server. If Data service
and Voice service are installed in a computer,
Server IP this address is defaulted to;
otherwise the actual data server IP Address
(Internet) or computer name (LAN) must be
Access port of data server. Default 9000.
Server Port Uplink score will be uploaded to the data
server by this port.
The listen port for Voice Service, the default
Listen Port is 9013 and it is used to connect Voice
Monitor which is a web client used to view
the voice service condition
The recording time period for receiving each
Record Time uplink or downlink voice file. The default is 12
seconds, which cannot be changed by user..
The fixed time for playing each voice file in
Playing Time second. Default is 8 seconds which cannot
be changed by user
Max Data The maximum days to save the recording
Reserved voice files (.wav) Set zero to keep the voice
files permanently.
The synchronization frequency between the
Voice Server and the Data Server. The
Sync Time default value is 2 minutes, which mean the
Interval Voice server will automatically synchronize its
time with that of the Data Server every 2
Low Free Select to activate alarm for low free disk
Disk Space space
Attention: Here the disk space is the logical
disk space of Data Stored Path.

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Define the interval, in minutes, to check the

disk space which is to decide whether the
alarm is sent or not. Once the low free disk
Checking space emerges, the alarm will be sent to the
Interval data server every the defined time until
someone remove some files
make enough space
Gate The threshold for low free disk space which
is to determine when the alarm will be sent
Select to send an alarm when “PESQ values
Poor PESQ is below the selected threshold”, which is
Value defined in Stored Score Limit.
Can’t get Tick to send an alarm for an incoming call
calling without telephone number.
An alarm will be generated if the PESQ score
Continuous is continuously lower than that Store Score
Count Limit for a this number
Channel table for the installed voice card
Channels (Logical Channel). Each Channel has its own
configuration. The details can be looked up in
Channel Configuration
Get channel Ticking it can get the channel configurations
configuration from Data Server automatically
from server
Save Save the modifications in the Global Setting
Cancel Make the modifications in the Global Setting
Submit the new configurations, including
channel configurations, to the Voice Service
Apply to which will be effective immediately. This
Voice Service option is employed to apply the modified
configurations without restarting the Voice
Service when the Voice Service is in working
Channel Configuration
If there is a need to set, modify or view the channel information, choose
the required one in the Channels table then double click it or click “Edit”,
a Voice Channel Configuration screen will appear as below:

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Click button to add test task:

图 2.1 Add Test Task

Click button to modify test plan:

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Channel NO Logical Channel number which is

assigned automatically by system and
cannot be changed
The local number of this voice channel
which is defined by the corresponding
Local number
Physical channel line. The correct Local
Number plays an important role in
Voice Service smooth work
The synchronization mode for playing
and recording voice files. Two choices
are available to be chosen. The
Sync. Mode concrete meanings are demonstrated in
Problem 3
Attention: only Time Sync. Mode is
supported at present.
Time section table for this Channel.
Each one includes a test configuration
Time Sections
which can be modified in the Time
Section Setting
Begin time The beginning time for a time section
End time The end time for a time section
There are four call types from the pull
down menu :None, Incoming, Outgoing
and Alternate
None: Do nothing in this time
Incoming: The Phone Number of RCU
channel is the outgoing and
this voice Channel local
Call type number is the incoming
Outgoing: this voice Channel local num

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ber is the outgoing and

RCU channel Phone
Number is the incoming
Alternate: The outgoing and incoming
are doing between voice
channel and RCU channel
Note: 1 The alternate mode is the time
window mode
2 The first call is the RCU
channel as outgoing (ie MT), so it is
essential to set up the outgoing first
when setting up Test Plan in the Fleet
Maintenance, then set up the incoming.
Besides the Count is designed as 1 and
other test tasks cannot be set up in this
time section
B party number The other party’s telephone number
which dials this logical channel local
number in voice test
Window A complete call length including Setup,
Duration and Guard Band. Unit:
Setup The connection time in second from dial
window to connection,
Duration The duration for the call in seconds
Guard The time interval, in seconds, between
band successive call tests
Setup The maximum connection time in
seconds from dial to connection
call Duration The duration for the call in seconds
idle The time interval in seconds between
two successive call tests
Click it to add the new time section. To
implement this operation, first configure
the setting in Time Section Setting, then
click Add.
Click it to replace the existing time
section. To implement it first choose the
time section in Section table then
modify the configurations in Time
Section Setting finally click Replace.
Delete Click it to delete the chosen time

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Clear Click it to delete all the time sections in

the window
OK Click it to save the new configurations
or modifications
Cancel Click it to make the new configurations
or modifications invalid
Debug Mode
This mode is designed to adjust the voice service conveniently. The
interface is similar to that of Config mode and the differences are that
there is a tool bar and a log window like the following screen.

Input “Install Path\FleetVoiceService.exe /debug” in Run from Start to

open the Debug mode
Attention: 1 The Debug mode and Service mode cannot be used
2 In the above figure click Start button in Toolbar to open the Voice
Service by which the channels table can be displayed.
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3 Click Stop button in toolbar to stop the Voice Service

4 All the contents in Global Setting should be configured before starting
Voice Service.
5The channel configurations and modifications can be effective
immediately while clicking Save
6 Provided that the Get Channel Configurations from Server is ticked,
the configurations can be got from the data server once the Voice
Service is started.
7 The detailed information can be presented in Log window which is
convenient to know Voice Service working conditions and to find out
problems quickly

2.3.3 Voice Service Advanced Application

This section is to introduce some advanced knowledge and some
operation skills for daily maintenance.
The Relation between Data Service and Voice Service
Whether the Voice Service runs normally is related closely to the Data
Service. Generally speaking, there are two points to demonstrate their
1. Once Get Channel Configuration from Server is ticked, the Voice
Service connects Data Service. Get the configurations, mainly the
test plan by searching the Dial Number in Data Service same to the
Local Number in Voice Service Logical Channel.
2. While both the Voice Service and dial test in RCU are implemented
simultaneously, the real-time PESQ scores generated in the Voice
Service are transmitted to Data Service to save. The B-party
Number is attached to the PESQ score, by which Data Service
searches the same Phone Number to know the RCU channel where
the data will be saved

Voice Service Data Service

Local Number Get Channel Configuration Dial Number

Send PESQ Score

Phone Number
B-party Number
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In one word, we can get to know the relation between the Local Number
and Dial Number, the B-party number and Phone number. Therefore
these numbers should be configured correctly to keep the Voice Service
running smoothly.
Local Number and Dial Number
Local Number: the phone number defined by the corresponding logical
channel telephone line in the Voice Service.
Dial Number: the dial number configured in the test task in Fleet
As the Voice Service will search the Dial Number same to the Local
Number in the test plans of RCU channel then the configurations in the
test plan will be sent to the Voice Service, the Local Number and Dial
Number should be set up correctly, otherwise Voice Service cannot get
the right channel configuration from Data Service.
B-party Number, Incoming Number and Phone Number
B-party Number: the other party number in the Voice Service channel
Number:: the other party number in receiving a call.
Incoming Number
Phone Number: the phone number of the RCU test module (channel) in
Fleet Maintenance.
It is required to set the B-party Number and Phone Number correctly for
the PESQ scores are sent to the Data Server with the B-party number
which is used to search the corresponding RCU channel to save.
Supposing PRI, BRI, E1 or T1 card is used, there is only one local
number but including several channels. In this case, the Voice Service
will choose the channel by finding the B-party Number corresponding to
the Incoming Number in RCU. One of the followings is to confirm
whether the Incoming Number matches the B-party number
1. The Incoming Number is identical to the B-party Number.
2. The comparatively shorted number is included in the longer one
between the Incoming Number and B-party Number.
3. Approximate 80% characters of the shorter number are the same to
the longer one from back to front between Incoming Number and B-
party Number.

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For analogue card, there is an individual local number for each channel,
so it is easy to choose the corresponding channel for the RCU if only the
Phone Number is identical to the B-party number.

2.3.4 Common Problems and Solutions

Problem 1: The alerting can be heart but the Voice Service will not
receive the incoming call automatically when the RCH channel
phone number dials the B-party Number in voice channel?
Solution: Voice Service will not receive all the incoming call
automatically unless all the conditions are proper. The followings are
listed three cases that the incoming call will not received.
1 If there is no time section in this voice channel set to the incoming call
or the None or Outgoing is chosen in the Call Type.
2 The time section of the incoming call is not in the time sections of the
voice channel
3 In case the incoming call requires finding the voice channel by
searching the B-party Number, and no proper voice channel is found for
Problem 2: How to keep the conformity of the Incoming Number, B-
party Number and Phone Number?
Solution: The B-party Number and Phone Number are set manually;
therefore it is easy to keep conformity. Voice Service can get the
configurations successfully from Data Service as long as the Phone
Number is correct.
Incoming Number is the other party’s number got via network while the
Voice Service is checking the incoming calls. Maybe this number is a
little different from that when it is as the dialled number because of
Easy identification ways are provided in the Voice Service. That is to say,
it is not essential to confirm these three numbers are identical
absolutely, and only about 80% continuous characters can match from
back to front. The most important thing is to configure Phone Number
correctly. To judge whether the Phone Number is right or not is to dial it
using the fixed number. In case it can access successfully, it means this
number is set correctly.

语 数
音 获 据
评 L 取 服D
估 and Proprietary
Confidential o 通 务i
服 c 道
发 a
务 a
B 配
送 l
-l 置
P E u
a S m
Pi l o t Fl e e t 3 . 1 Us e r Gu i d e

What’’s the Sync. Mode?

Problem 3: What
Solution: Sync. Mode denotes that playing and recording the voice files
simultaneously which can ensure that on side is recording while the
other side is playing.
Two synchronization ways and their respective characters are listed in
the following:
Time Sync. Mode: The time in Voice Server and RCU is synchronized to
that in Data Server so as to keep time conformity in the former two, both
of which take 20 seconds as a period and take the 0, 20 and 40 second
in each minute as the beginning time of a period.
DTMF(Dual-tone Multi-frequency) Sync. Mode: the beginning time for
replaying and recording voice files is synchronized according to the
sending DTMF signals regularly. Once this has been completed
successfully, the synchronization will be done every 20 seconds.
Attention: RCU only supports the time sync. Mode
Problems4: Whether the channel configurations made manually are
feasible? How to ensure the Voice Service runs smoothly?
Solution: The channel configurations made manually are feasible, but in
this case, the Get Channel Configuration from Server option is not ticked.
In order to keep it running smoothly, it is essential that each channel
configuration should be identical to the test plan in the corresponding
RCU channel. For instance, provided that the Local Number is set as the
outgoing call in a time section, the Phone Number is set as the Incoming
call in the same time section in corresponding RCU channel. And the
call setting including setup time, duration, and interval should be the
same to channel configuration.
Whereas once the test plan has been changed, the corresponding
channel configuration should also be modified.

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Problem5:HowHow to keep conformity to channel configuration once
the test plan has been changed?
Solution: Supposing the Get Channel Configuration from Server is
ticked, restarting the Voice Service can realize the conformity. Or click
Apply to Voice Service to use the new configuration.
Provided that Get Channel Configuration from Server is not ticked, the
performance of conformity should be made manually.
Problem6; Which aspects should be paid attention to the test plan
in case the Get Channel Configuration from Server is ticked?
Solution: 1 Whether it is the outgoing or incoming, the Dial Number in
test plan should be the corresponding Local Number.
2 If Alternate call mode is selected, the first test task is to do outgoing
call; the next is to do incoming call; the Count should be designed as 1
and other test task cannot be scheduled in this time section , for the
Voice Service only support one outgoing call and one incoming call like
this alternate.
3 A test plan including dial test are not adopted by several RCU
channels simultaneously at best.


All maps and site files must be installed in the central system and then
the Fleet services must be started, these processes are defined below.
Once the services are running the system becomes operational and can
be accessed from any PC which becomes a Web Client after logging on
as a user. The initial Fleet configuration is defined by Project Data File,
which was installed in the Kernel Server, and this defines two basic
system settings
1. The RCU Population. The names and serial numbers of all the
RCUs which have been provided with the system are contained in the
Project Data File and this must be updated whenever RCUs are changed
or added.
2. The Initial User Name Name(s) and passwords. As a minimum
configuration a single user will be defined, always as Administrator with
full privileges. This user can assign additional user names freely, each
with any level of privileges.
3. An initial domain. An administrator can add additional domains to
allow easy switching between different operations, for example, in
separate cities.

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Fleet Real Time Monitor runs on Macromedia Shockwave which

requires map files to be in .swf format (Shockwave Flash). Fleet Map
Tools allow the user to convert maps from .jpg, .bmp , .gif and .mif files.
Note that .tab files can be converted to .mif by loading into, and
exporting from, MapInfo.

Build flash map //The first method to add maps

Fleet software includes two tools (MIFCOMB.EXE、MIF2SWF.EXE) for
combining two vector maps and convert MIF files to SWF; these are
located in the software installation directory under Web server, e.g. by
default the software is installed in C:\program files\Dingli\Fleet.

Note: mifcomb.exe and mif2swf.exe need the Java runtime support. It is

recommended to use the JRE 1.5 version, which can be downloaded
from Sun company site

MIF combining tool: MIFCOMB.EXE

In the command line, type MIFCOMB.EXE File1.mif File2.mif..Filen.mif
In Fleet map window, the maps are displayed by layer from lower layer to
higher, e.g. map files has order of File1.mif, File2.mif...Filen.mif then
File1.mif is displayed in the lowest layer and Filen.mif is in the top layer.
Map converting tool MIF2SWF.EXE MIF2SWF.JAR
To convert MIF file to SWF file format
In command line, type MIF2SWF.EXE Input.mif Output.swf Scale
Input.mif is the MIFfile, Output.swf is output file of Flash map Scale is
map scale, and default is 1000
Two image file formats are supported, which are JPG and GIF, all other
image files need to be converted to one of these two formats prior to
importation. Some additional scaling information is required for locating
the image to its geographic location, such as Width, Height of the image,

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upper left lower right corner coordinates of the image in latitude and
The steps for importing image file are:
I) Copy image file to \WebPages\Maps\ sub-directory under installation
directory, (if the user creates a new map directory, it is necessary to add
a new Catalogue node to Maps.xml.
II) Modify Maps.xml file by adding the content as follows:
<Map name="Nuremberg Overview" type="image"
source="/maps/Nuremberg Maps/Nuremberg
<Range minLongitude="10.8885" minLatitude="49.3445"
maxLongitude="11.3594" maxLatitude="49.5616"/>
<ValidImage top="1" left="1" bottom="908" right="1280"/>
III) Where Source refers to relative path to WebPages.

Import Map //The other method to add maps

In order to control the location of test RCU real-time, Monitor window
shows the way of GPS via importing maps. So it is necessary for users
to import related maps to the server when making a new installation.
Monitor window supports the SWF, JPG, GIFnd BMP format maps. SWF
format maps are obtained by converting from MIF or TAB maps which
are ready scaled with coordinate information. The transferred tools are
MIF2SWFand MIFCOMB, and Map Info can also be used but requires
Javaruntime support. JPG, GIF and BMP format maps do not contain
the coordinate information, and must be scaled via the Flee Map Tools
software t as follows:
1 open FleetMap Tools software
2 click “Open” button
3 choose the following path: bin FleetWebPages(EN) Maps
in the dialog box popped up,
4 select and open Maps.xml (defaulted Maps file)
5 click “Add Catalogue to add new catalogue followed by clicking “Add
Map” to add new maps in the new established catalogue,

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6 click adjacent to Selection Map Information to open the required


Select the
New Map required map

If users choose the SWF format maps which have contained the location
information, the following dialog box will be popped up. The existing
coordinate information appears adjacent to Range Information. Click
“Save” in the menu to save the maps file to the default path

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If JGP, GIF, BMP format maps are chosen, a Locate window will open
like the following screen. The steps are listed as below:
1 click “Calibrate” to jump up a Location window
2choose two location points: Max and Min in the map, these should be
as far apart as possible but points where coordinates are east to define
3 type the Min or Max initialization latitude and longitude values in {X,Y}
or double click the location point in the map to get these values
4 type the actual longitude and latitude values in {Longitude, Latitude}
box respectively
5 click “OK”
6 click “Save” in the menu to save the maps file and check information

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Co ordinate
Coordinate s
ordinates Actual

After the maps are imported by the above methods, they can be used in
the Monitor window.


To be added when available


On the Fleet Central Server, Fleet service may be activated from the
Windows start programs:
Window Start�All Programs�Pilot Fleet�Start Fleet Services.
On the Voice Server machine, click on;
Window Start�control panel�management tool�service�Fleet Voice
Test Service�mouse right click�start.
Use any phone line to call the voice server number(s), if the recorded
PESQ speech clip is heard through the phone for each voice channel
dialled then the Voice Server and sound cards are all working correctly.

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Note: This process will be changed with the May 2006 Fleet release


The Fleet.icf is the file name of Fleet license, which must be stored in
the directory of Fleet Terminal Service.exe and can not be modified at
random. The number of subscribers and RCUs can not exceed the
permission in License given by Dingli.

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Apart from central IT Administration functions, all Fleet control
is via Fleet Web Client. Any PC or laptop may be used as a
Fleet Web Server providing it can access the Fleet Central
Server IP, usually by Network or Internet connect.
To connect a PC to a Fleet User account:
1 Start the web browser (typically Internet Explorer)
2 Type in the address bar HTTP://[IP address of the server].
If opening a Web Client from within the Central Server PC then
the IP address may be replaced by “Local host”.
3 A log in page will appear, type in the User Name and

4 Press Log In.

Fleet Web Client will open

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Fleet User list

Fleet Web Client Screen Characterics
All Screen displays have the following standard characteristics
and appearances
1. All Fleet Web Client Screens, with the exception of Real Time
Monitor which opens in a separate Window, display the five
Fleet Functions along the top of the Web Client screen
Statistics Set up and production of statistics and
Report Report export and display on a map
Maintenance Configuration of Web Client Users, Domains,
Networks, RCUs, Test Plans and Schedules,
Operation Monitoring and control of Services, RCUs
and Database
Monitor Real time monitoring of RCU data and

2. An Explorer Bar on the LH of the Fleet Web Client screen

displays the options related the selected function
3. The top RH corner of the screen shows the Operation
Window comprising standard buttons eg Save, Cancel
4. Modifications and edit of all settings can be only achieved in
the main screen located in the middle of interface.
5. Displays can be instantly switched in and out of full screen
mode by pressing F11. Full Screen removes the Microsoft
Windows toolbars, and reduces the need to scroll some
screens, particularly those containing long parameter lists.

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These functions are described in a logical order of operation.

This section covers all the configuration and set up functions
required, once the Fleet system is running, for Fleet is
employed to operate in term of the Users’ requirements. The
Explorer Bar show the available maintenance headings:
User Information Creation and Control of User
Accounts and privileges
(administrator only)
Domain Information Creation and Control of Domains
(geographic areas)
Site Information Maintenance of operators and site
Schedule Information Creation and maintenance of RCU
Test Plans and schedules
RCU Information Maintenance of RCU module
Event Define Precise definition of Call Drop and
Call Fail events
Global Setting Configuration of bad speech quality

3.2.1 User Information

This facility enables the creation, deletion and general
maintenance of users. It is only available to Fleet

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Select “User Information” in the Maintenance Explorer Bar.

The following screen will appear where all the current users,
and their status, are listed.

To Delete a User
Tick the select box adjacent to the user name and select
“Delete User” in the Operations window
To Create a new user
Select “New User” in the Operation window, the User
Information Window will open
To Edit a User (ie change privileges)
Click on the user, the User Information Window will open

3.2.2 To Allocate User rights and Privileges

This facility is only available to Administrators. Click on a User
and the screen below will appear; follow the instructions in the
table to select the options according to the needs of the new
user account and press “Save”.

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Function Action
User Name Type the required name
Password Type in the chosen password
User Group Select from the pull down menu, for full
Administrative privileges select “Administrators”,
then press “Save”. For other accounts select
“Normal Users” and configure the privileges
according to the table below

Function Effect on User Privileges

Statistic Enables statistics calculations
Monitor Enables access to the Real Time
Monitor functions
Analyse Enables the analysis functions
Event Define Allows user to define events
RCU Operation Enables the user to directly control RCU
Add, modify and Allows changes to the Operator List
delete system
Site Data Edit Enables changes to the site files
Test Plan Enables the configuration of RCU test
Maintenance plans and schedules

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Add or Delete This function is now inactive in Fleet

RCU Web Client
Edit RCU Allows changes to be made to RCU
Configuration configurations
Left/Right arrow Adds or removes domains from this User
buttons profile


A domain is an operational area, like a project, and typically
(but not necessarily) covers a geographic area. It is essentially
a self contained area of work, like a project, and will install its
own maps and run its own RCUs. A single Fleet system can
handle multiple domains, their Logfiles being identified the
RCU where they were recorded.
The facility to create, delete and maintain domains is only
available to Administrators.
Select “Domain Information” in the Maintenance Explorer Bar.
The following screen will appear where all the current domains
are listed.

To Create a New Domain

Select “Create Domain” in the Operation window, the Domain
Information window will open as shown below. Add the domain
name and, if required add any additional information against
“Remark”. The user may also change the preset GIS
parameters if required, with user defined data or selecting from
a pull down list of pre-defined ellipsoids.

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Pi l o t Fl e e t 3 . 1 Us e r Gu i d e

There are also provisions to add the name and communication

details for a contact responsible for this Fleet domain within
the operator.
Once all the required data has been added press “Save”
The RCUs alarm messages in the Domain will be sent to this
email address in the Contact Information. If it is empty, all the
alarm messages will be sent to system administrator’s email
Note: the mail sending policy will influence the receiver of the
alarm messages received. Please refer to the mail alarm

To Delete Domain
Click Domain Information in the Maintenance Explorer bar
then tick the required one in the Domain List , at last press
Delete Domain in operation window to remove the selected

3.3.1 Site Information

This allows the addition and deletion of System Operators
located within the domain, and the maintenance of their site
Click on “Site Information” in the Maintenance Explorer Bar
and the current System Operators (if any) will be listed as
shown below.

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To delete one or more operators, select the System Operator

Name(s) and press “Delete”.
To add an operator, press “Add”, the System Operator
Information Window will open as shown below.
Type the operator name, select the network technology from
the pull down list and, if required add any additional
information against “Remark”.
Press “Save”

Site File Maintenance

If a domain contains site data this will normally be installed
directly onto the central server from an ASCII site file.
However, it can be modified (or created manually site by site if
required) from the client in a series of steps involving
sequential screens
Initial Screen Function Subsequent Screen
System Operat Create / Edit / Delete M MSC Information Wind

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or Information - SCs -> ow

MSC Create / Edit / Delete BSC Information
Information BSCs -> Window
Window ->
BSC Create / Edit / Delete Site Information
Information Sites -> Window
Window ->
Site Create / Edit / Delete
Information Cells
Window ->
A similar process is used to complete each function, only the
detailed parameters will vary. The detailed processes, with
screen shots, follow.
To Access Site Data
Go to the System Operator List window and click on the
System Operator name. The System Operator Information
Window will open as shown below.

The MSCs which have been entered into the system for this
operator will be listed; changes are made using the same
process as for Adding and Deleting System Operators
To Add or Edit an MSC
Go to the System Operator Information window. To edit an
MSC click on it, to add a new MSC select “Add MSC”. In both
cases the Creating MSC screen below will appear. Add (or
change) the MSC name and its Latitude and Longitude co-
ordinates and press “Save”

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To Delete MSCs
In the System Operator Information window, check the MSC(s)
required to be deleted and press “Delete MSC”
To Add or Edit a BSC (or RNC)
In the System Operators Information Window select the MSC
to which the new BSC will be attached. The MSC Detailed
Information window will appear as shown below, this will list all
the current BSCs

The procedure is identical to the MSC process. To edit a BSC

click on it, to add a new BSC select “Add BSC”. The Creating
BSC screen below will appear. Add (or change) the MSC
name and its Latitude and Longitude co-ordinates and press

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To Delete a BSC go to the MSC Detailed Information Screen,

select the BSCs to be deleted and press “Delete BSC”.
To Add or Edit Sites
Go to the MSC Detailed Information screen and select the
appropriate BSC. The BSC detailed Information Screen will
appear as shown below.

To edit a site, click on the site name or, to create a new site
click on “Add Site”. The Creating Site screen will open as
shown below. Add the Site name, Site ID, Latitude and
Longitude co-ordinates, height and layer information. Press

To Delete a Site
Go to the BSC Information screen, select the site and press
“Delete Site”
To Add Or Edit Cells
Go to the BSC Information screen and select the appropriate
site. The Site Information screen will appear as shown below.

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To edit a Cell, click on the cell name or, to create a new Cell
click on “Add Cell”. The Creating Cell screen will open as
shown below. Add the Cell name and complete the cell and
related network details. Press Save

To Delete a Cell
Go to the Site Information screen, select the required cell and
press “Delete Cell”

3.3.2 Schedule Information

Schedules are created to define the scope of work for each
for each RCU test channel. They comprise two parts
- Test Task Defines the configuration of the work to be
performed (voice calls, data uploads etc)
- Test Plan Applies one or more Test Tasks to a time

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Test Tasks
Permissible Test Combinations
Multiple tests may be defined in a single Test Task as shown
in the table below. Where tests are defined to run
simultaneously their precise timing will depend on the
capabilities of the network and the test module or handset.

FTP Upload
FTP Download
Data Test(s) HTTP
or Attach
or PDP Active

Voice Calls or Connect test

plus or Awaken Test

Or WAP Test
Or Scan

Or SMS Test

Supplementary or MMS Test

Service or Video Test
or GPSOne Test (later

Managing Test Tasks

Expand “Schedule Information” in the Maintenance Explorer
Bar, click on “Test Task”
All the Test Tasks which currently exist in Fleet are listed.

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To Edit an existing Test Task

Click on the Task Title, the Test task Information Window will
open. Change any fields as required, details of fields are in
“Create a New Test Task” below. Press “Save” when the
changes are complete
To Delete a Test task
Tick the box alongside the task and select “Delete”
To Create a new Test Task
Select “Add”. The Test Task Information Window will open as
shown below. When all the tests have been configured, as
defined in the following sections, press “Save”

Type a Name for the Test Task, and select the Frequency
Band using the pull down menus. Then select the test task(s)
from the list in the Window.

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Pi l o t Fl e e t 3 . 1 Us e r Gu i d e

Time Window
All Fleet tests have control and timing facilities which offer
capability and flexibility appropriate to the individual test. In
addition, many tests offer the Time Window as an alternative;
this is a uniform test structure where the operator can create a
fixed length window for the test with defined rules for call setup
and duration. In this manner all test, whether they are voice or
data will return a consistent number of results, all with similar
control and measurement criteria, within a fixed time.
The setup and logical operation of the time window is identical
for all tests where it is available and comprises four selections:
Use Time Selects the Time Window as the timer for
Window the test. This will disable any other timers
to avoid possible conflict.
Task window (s) The time, in seconds, between two
successive calls. This comprises the
setup time, the Time Window Duration
when the call takes place and the Guard
Band when the mobile is idle.
Task duration (s) The minimum duration for the call in
Guard Time The time in seconds between the end of
(s) the Time Window Duration and the next
call set up start
The logical operation of the Time Window is as follows
1. Fleet calculates the call setup time by subtracting both
Task duration and Guard time from the Task window
2. If the call is not established within the call setup time, a
Blocked Call event is created.
3. If a call is established before the completion of the call
setup time (the normal case) Fleet times the call length
from that point.
4. If the call fails before the period defined by the Task
Duration has expired a Dropped Call event will be
5. If a call ends after the Task Duration but before the Guard
Band has started (due to the circumstances in 3 above)
the call end will be classified as normal and a Dropped
Call event will not be recorded
6. The call will always be terminated at the end of the
predefined Call Duration period.
The diagram below shows the timing pictorially

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Call start Connect Call End Next Call

ACK start
Call Setup Call Duration Idle

Call set up Task duration Guard time

time 25 sec 90 sec (set) 5 sec (set)

Task window 120 secs (set)

Notes: Times shown are examples only
The task duration and guard time are set by the operator
The call set up time is calculated by Fleet
Dial Test (Voice Calls)
Dial Test selects voice calls and there are several options
defined in the next five sections of this manual.
To test voice calls, select “Dial Test” and a long screen will
appear, this is split into sections which cover the multiple voice
test options; select the options as required and complete the
settings according to the table in each section.
Dial Setting

Configure the call by selecting the options according to the

descriptions below
The number of other party in the call .
Dial Number

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Outgoing call means MOC

Outgoing which this RCU channel
Call dials the defined Dial
It means the local number
Call Type Called
in voice server calls this
channel; in this case, this
channel is MTC.

Call from RCU means

another RCU channel dials
this channel, e.g. RCU1 (2)
dials RCU2 (2). In this case,
Called RCU1 (2) is MOC and
From RCU2 (2) is MTC.
RCU Attention: Even if you
change the call type: Call
from server or Call from
RCU, this channel is always
CDMA channels only, select from the
following pull down menu options
Voice (is-96) Voice (is- 13k
96-a) loopback
8K loopback Voice (13k) 13Marko
CDMA Dial Mode Rate set 2 v (“old”
Markov (“old” Markov 13k)
8K) (“new”) EVRC
Rate set
Data 1 Markov
UMTS channels only, select from the
following pull down menu options
KeyPress AMR Use only
UMTS Dial Mode Video 4.75kbps 5.15kbps
5.90kbps 6.70kbps
7.40kbps 7.95kbps
0.2kbps 12.2kbps
This is a time-out period to prevent the
Disabled if Use Time

system from hanging if a connect fails.

Window is selected

If the connection is not established in

Connect this time the redial process will be
(s) initiated and a blocked call registered.
Note: Once the connection is
successfully established, the call
Duration period only commences after
the remainder of this Connect time

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The programmed length of each call in

Duration seconds. Note: The Duration time
commences after the connect time.
Interval The interval between successive calls
Voice Evaluation Select to enable voice quality testing
For more details of the next four settings see the full
description of the Use Time Window at the beginning of the
Test Tasks section of this manual
Use Selects the Use Time Window for use in this test.
Time Note that this disables Connect, Duration and
Window Interval above in addition to Random Dial and
Long Call.
Task The time between two successive calls.
Task The minimum duration for the call.
Guard The time between the end of the Task duration
time and the next call set up start
Random Dialling Control

Select Random Dialling Control if variable call lengths are

required. If this option is selected the Dial Setting duration in
the previous paragraph is ignored
Random If this option is selected the Duration and
Range figures do not appear and all call
durations are selected randomly by the RCU
User When selected, the selections below are
Defined displayed for completion by the user
Min The shortest call length, in seconds, required
Duration by the user
Max The Longest call length, in seconds, required
Duration by the user
The spread of the time range between Min and
Max Duration can be skewed by creating a
table of range sub-divisions and percentages.
Time Range To add a range select “New”, add the
Table maximum value and the percentage in the
pop-up boxes and click OK each time, the new
range will be added to the table.
To remove a range check the adjacent tick box

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and select “Delete”

Dial Control

Long Call Check this box for a continuous call lasting the
duration of the drive test
Idle Mode Check this box to test in idle mode. No call will
be made.
For each of the two redial categories use the
pull down menu to select the required action:
None The RCU will redial at the
Redial original scheduled time of
Action after the next call, (as if the call
Drop had completed its planned
Immediate The RCU will redial
immediately for the
remaining scheduled period
and will continue with the
Redial original schedule
Action after RxLev (Ec/Io) RCU behaviour is
Fail determined by the
“RxLevel/EcIo Controlled
test Settings” as defined
Wait The RCU will wait the period
defined in “Redial after
Drop/Fail (as appropriate)
and then resume the
planned schedule
Redial After Define the time interval, in seconds, between a
Drop call drop and the selected redial Action

Redial After Define the time interval, in seconds, between a

Fail call fail (blocked call) and the selected Redial
RxLevel/EcIo Controlled Test Setting

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RxLevel/EcIo Add this figure to define the threshold for

“Redial Action” in the Dial Control.
A defined period of time .If the threshold of
RxLevel/Eclo is continuous below the fixed
Penalty value value for this period of time( eg.10 seconds),
in this case, any action will be selected in the
following four actions
No Action No action will be taken; the RCU will attempt
to continue to run this task according to the
defined test plan.
Check to end the current call and go back to
Back To Idle idle mode if the threshold is continuous
Mode below the fixed value for a period of
time(e.g.:10s) until the threshold is restored
and the schedule restarts
Stop Testing As “Back to Idle Mode” with the cessation of
all data collection during idle mode.
Wait for Idle As “Back to Idle Mode” except that the
mode current call continues for its scheduled
duration prior to the idle mode period
LAC/SID Controlled Test Setting

LAC/SID List the Location Area Codes (or System IDs)

to define the required testing area, separated
by commas
Penalty The defined period of time .If the threshold of
value LAC/SID keeps larger than the fixed value for
this period of time( eg.10 seconds), in this
case, any action will be selected in the
following four actions
No Action No action will be taken, the RCU will attempt to
continue to run this task according to the
defined test plan.
Back To Check to end the current call and go back to
Idle Mode the idle mode when the threshold is beyond
the fix value until the threshold is restored and
the schedule restarts
Stop Ticking this option decides to terminate current
Testing call immediately and RCU stops collecting
data if the situation like Back to Idle Mode is
Wait for Idle As “Back to Idle Mode” except that the current
mode call continues for its scheduled duration prior
to the idle mode period
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Data Tests
Data tests may be performed simultaneously with voice tests
(subject to network and mobile support) as defined in
“Permissible Test Combinations”. Select “Data Test” to open
the following set-up window

Prior to configuring data tests, the Remote Access Server

connection data must be configured to enable the Fleet
module (or handset) to access the network internet portal. In
addition, FTP server details must be added at this point if FTP
tests are required. Configure these settings as follows:
RAS The Remote Access Server dial-up number for
Number the network being tested. This can be obtained
from the operator (it is typically *99#)
RAS APN The Access Point Name for the network, this
can be obtained from the operator
User Name These are set by the operator to enable access
& to the RAS
PAP Check this selection if the PAP authentication
protocol is being used.
The time out, in seconds. If this time expires
Timeout before connection is established the attempt will
be terminated to prevent the system from
The IP of the server being used in FTP tests
Attention: URL only supports the IP address at
Server IP present, such as, but not
supports the domain name
Port The Server Port Number (this normally defaults
to 21)

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User Name The User name of the FTP server account

being accessed
Password The password for the FTP account
Select the data tests as required; notice that some tests may
be performed simultaneously while others must be perfumed
individually. As each test is selected the window will expand to
reveal the settings required for the test to operate, as shown
by the next 7 sections
Ping Tests

Select “Ping” to display the settings, and complete them as

shown in the table:
Ping IP The IP address of the server being used in the
Packet Size The size of packets to be sent in the Ping test
Timeout The maximum time allowed for each ping to
complete, otherwise it will terminate and
register a failure.
Interval The time to be allowed between successive
Ping tests
If this box is selected the UE will detach after
Detach each test and attach again before the next test.
Every Time Otherwise repeated tests will be performed
while continuously attached.
Disconnect If this box is selected the UE will disconnect
Dial from the network after each test and redial the
Network connection before the next test. Otherwise
Every Time repeated tests will be performed while
continuously connected.
Note: While Use Time Window is ticked, Synchronized is
available to be used, which indicates all the channels for data
service should be synchronized if it is ticked in each data
service tasks.
FTP Tests
Select FTP Upload or FTP Download according to the test
required. Note that a single FTP server, as configured in Data
Tests above, must be used for all FTP tests in a single Test
Task; a new Test Task must be created to enable access to an
additional server.
Complete the FTP settings below as shown in the table:

Confidential and Proprietary
Pi l o t Fl e e t 3 . 1 Us e r Gu i d e

FTP Upload Select to activate the FTP upload test

The IP address of the destination server for the
upload file
Server IP Attention: URL only supports the IP address at
present, such as, but not
supports the domain name
Port The access port number for the upload server.
This is typically port 21
User Name The user account name for the upload server
Password The password for the upload server account
File Size The size of the file to be uploaded
Upload A timeout, in seconds. If this time expires
Limit(s) before the FTP Upload is complete, the
transfer will be terminated
Detach If this box is selected the UE will detach after
Every Time each test and attach again before the next test.
Otherwise repeated tests will be performed
while continuously attached.
Disconnect If this box is selected the UE will disconnect
Dial Network from the network after each test and redial the
Every Time connection before the next test. Otherwise
repeated tests will be performed while
continuously connected.

FTP Select to activate the FTP Download test


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Download A maximum transfer time in seconds. If this

Limit(s) time expires before the FTP Download is
complete, the transfer will be terminated
Download The name of the file to be downloaded. If it is
File not in the server root directory then a directory
path must also be included
No A timeout for the test to start, in seconds. If the
Response time is exceeded without any data being
Time transferred, the test will terminate and register
an error
Detach If this box is selected the UE will detach after
Every Time each test and attach again before the next test.
Otherwise repeated tests will be performed
while continuously attached.
Disconnect If this box is selected the UE will disconnect
Dial from the network after each test and redial the
Network connection before the next test. Otherwise
Every Time repeated tests will be performed while
continuously connected.
Note: Pay attention to the following three points.
1. The FTP upload file size should be larger (UMTS network)
to avoid resulting in problems for the transmitting speed is
too fast to be recognized by RCU
2. The download file should be compressed; otherwise the
Modem compressed transmitting speed that has been
calculated is larger than the bandwidth.
3. The upload limit, download limit and no response time must
be set up
4. .While Use Time Window is ticked, Synchronized is
available to be used, which indicates all the channels for
data service should be synchronized if it is ticked in each
data service tasks.
5. Download Thread in Download task is able to be selected
one or two from the pull down menu
Email Tests
To test mobile Email performance select “E-Mail” to display the
settings, and complete them as shown in the table:

Confidential and Proprietary
Pi l o t Fl e e t 3 . 1 Us e r Gu i d e

Email Type Select Sending or Receiving from the

drop down list.
Interval The time, in ms, between emails
Timeout The maximum time allowed for the test
to complete, otherwise it will terminate.
A timeout, in seconds, which if
No Response Time exceeded without any data being
transferred, will cause the download to
be terminated
Email Subject The subject as defined by the email title.
Multimedia email Select to enable email of voice, video,
picture etc.
For more details of the next four settings see the full
description of the Use Time Window at the beginning of the
Test Tasks section of this manual
The POP3 (incoming) mail server
Attention: URL only supports the IP
Server IP address at present, such as,
Pop3 but not supports the domain name
Setting Port The POP3 mail server port number
(defaults to port 110)
User Name The user name of the POP3 account
Password The user password for the POP3
Email The address of the inbox index to
Index enable selection of the required email.
Email Email destination address

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Email size The size of the email attachment in

The SMTP (outgoing) mail server
SMTP address
Setting Server IP Attention: URL only supports the IP
address at present, such as,
but not supports the domain name
Port The SMTP mail server port number
(defaults to port 25)
User Name The user name of the SMTP account
Password The user password for the SMTP
SMTP Server Tick to enable SMTP server
required authorization. Most email servers
Authorization require this.
HTTP Tests
To test mobile access of internet pages select “E-Mail” to
display the settings, and complete them as shown.

Add the URL of the internet page to be used

for the test. Both IP address and domain
name are surportted.
Source URL
Interval Interval, in msec, between successive tests
No response The time, in seconds, which if elapses with
time not bytes transferred will cause the transfer to
be cancelled
Time out The max time, in second, allowed for the test
to complete
If this box is selected the UE will detach after
Detach each test and attach again before the next
Every Time test. Otherwise repeated tests will be
performed while continuously attached.
Disconnect If this box is selected the UE will disconnect
Dial Network from the network after each test and
Every Time reconnect before the next test. Otherwise
repeated tests will be performed while
continuously connected.
Attach Testing

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To measure the UE attach time, select “Attach” and complete

the settings below according to the table:

Timeout The maximum time allowed for the test to

complete, otherwise it will terminate.
Interval The wait time, in MS, between successive tests
PDP Activation Testing
To measure the PDP Context Activation time for the UE, select
“PDP Active” and complete the settings below according to the

Timeout The maximum time, in msec, allowed for the

test to complete, otherwise it will terminate.
Interval The wait time, in MS, between successive tests
If this box is selected the UE will detach after
Detach each test and attach again before the next test.
Every Time Otherwise repeated tests will be performed
while continuously attached.

Connect Testing
To measure the UE connection time, select “Connect Test”
and complete the settings below

Break The interval between two tests


Duration The length of the test

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Detach If this box is selected the UE will detach after

Every each test and attach again before the next test.
Time Otherwise repeated tests will be performed
while continuously attached.
Awaken Testing
To measure the time for a connection to reactivate, select
“Awaken Test” and complete the settings below:

Break The wait time to allow the connection to return to

Time idle
Note: The Awaken test is triggered by a Ping. The Ping test
must me used in conjunction with this test.
Awaken Test Process
The Awaken test is unique in that it uses other Fleet tests in a
sequence to measure the awaken time. This sequence is as
1. The operator must ensure that UE is already attached to
the network
2. The operator must ensure that the Ping and PDP Activate
Commands are pre-configured
3. Run test task containing Awaken Test
4. Fleet will automatically issue a PDP Activate command
5. The Awaken break time will expire, during this period the
connection will return to idle
6. Fleet will automatically issue a Ping
7. Fleet will detect the Awaken by measuring the time
between the Ping and the allocation of a DCH
8. The Awaken time will be recorded

WAP Testing
To measure the WAP performance, select “Wap Test” and
complete the settings below

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Home Page The WAP home page URL

Gateway The WAP access gateway IP address. This
must always be provided.
Dial Number The RAS dialup for WAP access
APN The Access Point name for WAP access
Port The WAP server port number
User Name The network WAP access user name
Password The network WAP access password
Interval The time in msec between successive tests
Timeout The max time in milliseconds, for the test to
RAS Timeout The timeout, in msec, for the RAS dial to
Home logon This is now deleted
URL Layer Use the pull down list to select the user
defined WAP URL, or any linked page up
15 levels of linking.
URL List Add the WAP URLs required to be tested
Detach Every If this box is selected the UE will detach
Time after each test and attach again before the
next test. Otherwise repeated tests will be
performed while continuously attached.
Disconnect Dial If this box is selected the UE will disconnect
Network Every from the network after each test and
Time reconnect before the next test. Otherwise
repeated tests will be performed while
continuously connected.
Scan Frequency

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To perform a frequency scan.

Create a list of 200kHz channels to be scanned with channels
separated by commas. A group of sequential channels may be
included in the list as a single item comprising the first and last
channel separated by a hyphen.
For example, the list 1-124,126,312 contains 126 channels
comprising 1 through to 124 plus 126 plus 312,

Supplementary Services
Select the required test
SMS Test
Select “SMS Test” and complete the settings below:

SMSC The SMS Service Centre address

SMS Select the format from the pull down list,
Format currently only PDU is supported

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Status Enter the maximum wait time for the SMS

Report report from the network. If the report is not
Time Limit received after this time has expired the test will
time out and an SMS failure will be reported
Interval (Formerly called Break Time)The interval
between two successive tests
Enter the SMS time out. If the SMS send is not
complete at the end of this time, the test will
Send Delay
terminate and a failure message will be
Create a list of expected contents of received
messages. For each item in the list specify
Recv Number The originating phone number
Recv Content The expected content
Option SP Defines if the number is a service provider
(Will not be used, specific requirement for a
China customer
Then press “New”, the expected message will
be added to the list to the left of the window. To
edit the list use “Delete” to remove selected
messages and “Clear” to delete the entire list
MMS Testing
Select “MMS Test” and complete the settings in the MMS
window as show below

MMS Centre The MMS Centre access number

Gateway The MMS access gateway IP address. This
must always be provided.

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Port The access port of the MMS server

MMS Size The number of bytes in the MMS being sent
Interval (Formerly called Break Time)The interval
between two successive tests
Detach If this box is selected the UE will detach after
Every Time each test and attach again before the next test.
Otherwise repeated tests will be performed
while continuously attached.
Disconnect If this box is selected the UE will disconnect
Dial Network from the network after each test and reconnect
Every Time before the next test. Otherwise repeated tests
will be performed while continuously
Send Delay Enter the MMS time out. If the MMS send is
not complete at the end of this time, the test
will terminate and a failure message will be
Status Enter the maximum wait time for the MMS
Report Time report from the network. If the report is not
Limit received after this time has expired the test
will time out and an MMS failure will be
Create a list of expected receiving numbers in
the list specified
Recv Number : the originating phone
Receive number
Option Then press “New”, the expected number will
be added to the list of the left window. Choose
the required number to remove, then press
“Delete “. “Clear” button is to remove all the
numbers listed in the left window
APN The Access Point name for the network
Dial Number The RAS dial for the network MMS access
User Name The network access user name
Password The network access password
Timeout The Timeout, in seconds, for the RAS dial up
WAP Download
To test the download from a WAP site select “WAP Download”
and complete the settings on the screen below:

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URL The URL of the WAP site

Gateway The gateway of the WAP server
Port The access port number in the WAP
Interval The time, in msec, between successive
Timeout The timeout for the download to
APN The access point name for the WAP
Dial Number The RAS dial up number for the WAP
RAS Setup

User name The WAP account user name.
Password The WAP account password
Timeout The timeout for the RAS dial up
If this box is selected the UE will detach
after each test and attach again before
Detach Every the next test. Otherwise repeated tests
Time will be performed while continuously
If this box is selected the UE will
Disconnect Dial disconnect from the network after each
Network Every test and reconnect before the next test.
Time Otherwise repeated tests will be
performed while continuously connected.
GPSOne testing
Testing of the Qualcomm GPSone positioning system will be
covered in a future release
Video Testing
To setup Video testing select “Video Testing” and complete
the settings on the screen below:

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URL The URL of the Video server

Interval The time interval, in msec,
between tests
Timeout The timeout, in msec, for the test
to complete.
APN The network Access Point Name for
video access
RAS Setup

Dial Number The RAS dial up number for video

User Name The video account user name.
Password The video account password
Timeout The timeout for the RAS dial up
If this box is selected the UE will
detach after each test and attach
Detach Every Time again before the next test. Otherwise
repeated tests will be performed while
continuously attached.
If this box is selected the UE will
disconnect from the network after
Disconnect Dial each test and reconnect before the
Network Every Time next test. Otherwise repeated tests
will be performed while continuously

Test Plans
A Test Plan comprises a time schedule which is used with one
or more Test Tasks to create a work schedule which can be
applied to an RCU channel.
Select “Test Plan” on the Maintenance Explorer Bar. The Test
Plan List will be displayed as shown below.

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To delete a Test Plan, select the plan and click “Delete”

To Edit a Test Plan click on the test plan name.
To create a new Test Plan click on “Add”, the blank Test Plan
Information Window will be displayed as shown below.

The selections in this screen are as follows:

Test Plan Name Add a name for the plan
Testing day of the Select the required days.
Test Tasks

Start Time, The start and end of a testing period.

End Time Multiple testing periods may be

scheduled, each with one or more test

tasks running. Tasks are added or
deleted from the list via the Editor
Start Time, These are used to define a time
End Time period for addition to the plan

Add Adds a new time period to the plan

Delete Deletes a selected time period from a
Test Plan Implementation
Test Plan Set Up
1. Ensure that the required Test Task(s) have been created
and configured
2. Define a time period by completing the Editor Start and End

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3. Press “Add”. The two times will appear in the Test Tasks
List together with a “+” button
4. Select “+”. A test task box will appear along with a selector
“Repeat Count” and a new “+” button.
5. Double Click on the newly appeared Test Task box, the pull
down list of available Test Tasks will appear
6. Select the required task.
7. Set “Repeat Count” to define the number of times this test
is to be run.
8. If a further test(s) is to be run in the time period, press the
new “+” button and repeat the process to select a new Test
Task and an associated Test Count
9. If a further Time Period is required repeat steps 1 to 8.
Note: Time Periods must not overlap.

Test Plan Operation

During each time period the test task, or the group of test
tasks, will run as a repeated sequence
1. Test task 1 will run the number of times specified by its
repeat count
2. Test task 2 will run the number of times specified by its
repeat count
3. Test task 3 will run the number of times specified by its
repeat count
4. If there is only one task, repeat count ‘1’ means loop of
test, ‘0’ means no test.
etc until all the tasks listed in the plan have been run
their specified number times
The entire sequence (1 through 3) will be repeated until the
end of the time period.

3.3.3 RCU Information

This section enables the operator to configure the core RCU
and its logging channels for operation within a Fleet system.
All the RCUs configured in a domain are listed in the explorer
bar under “RCU Information”. Selection of an RCU will select a
setup screen to configure the master RCU functions. It will
also list, in the explorer bar immediately beneath the RCU, all
the configurable components and devices which are installed
in the RCU. These components are in a fixed order
GPS This is always the first item under the
RCU and, when selected, will open a
screen to configure the GPS operation.
Modem This is always the second item listed
under the RCU and, when selected, will
open a screen to configure the channel
which is being used as the upload modem

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Device Model(s) All subsequent items listed under an RCU

refer to logging devices which comprise
two types
• air interface test devices (test
mobiles, test modules or PCMCIA
• Scanners
Selection of any device will open the
screen to enable its configuration.
On each screen please ensure changes are saved before
moving to the next screen, otherwise the changes will not be
registered and must be re-entered.
RCUs are added to the system in the .FLEET licence file
which is located in the central server. They cannot be added or
deleted from a Fleet client screen. However any RCU can be
reconfigured as required. Whenever a channel is physically
added to, or removed from, an RCU the change must be
mirrored by changing the configuration within the Fleet
software. Select “Add Device” or “Delete Device” as
RCU Setup
Selecting RCU Information will list all the RCUs which have
been installed in the system under that domain:

Configuring RCU General Settings

Select an RCU name in the previous screen to show the RCU
Information screen below. Complete the selections as required

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RCU Name The RCU Name. This is defined in the

licence and cannot be changed
Serial ID The RCU serial number. This is defined in
the licence and cannot be changed
Test data The default setting is selected and enables
integrity the upload of full logfiles. If cleared only the
real time monitor data will be transferred and
all data will be retained in the RCU memory.
The default setting is cleared and the RCU
will operate according to the test plans
Test while
defined for each channel. Set this to start
RCU start
testing immediately the RCU turns on. Each
channel will run the first scheduled test
indefinitely, all other schedule settings will be
The default setting is selected; this ensures
that testing will only commence after the
Test while
PPP connection is established between the
connected to
RCU and the Central Server. (This will
synchronise the RCU and server times).
Clear this setting to commence testing
without ensuring connection.
The default setting is cleared, test plans will
run without interruption. When this is
selected, RCU channels running identical
test plans are guaranteed to run
Synchronizing synchronously with each other.
test plans in Note: Since the Fleet architecture
the module of synchronises all clocks, test plans will
RCU normally run synchronously automatically.
However, selection of this option will forcibly
restore synchronism to a channel which
becomes out of sequence due to poor radio
conditions (eg dropped call). This option
should therefore always be selected for

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When Disk
space is none,
RCU testing:

If the RCU buffer fills up, stop testing.
Continue and
testing data If the RCU buffer fills up overwrite the oldest
cover the data first
oldest data

Configuring UPS Option

When external These option define the RCU response to

power is lost, the loss of external power (eg the car
RCU turn off: ignition is turned off)
Immediately Immediately execute a controlled RCU shut
down (terminate all calls, stop testing and
power down)
After UPS is Wait until the RCU internal battery is critical
exhausted and then execute a controlled shut down
Select this option and add a figure, in
minutes, to define the time the RCU will
After xx
operate before executing a controlled shut
down Note: The RCU internal battery will
last about 1 hour maximum.
Configuring Central Server Information – Primary and

Preferre The IP address and access port number of the

d server Central Server
and port
Alternate The IP address and access port number of an
server alternate server. This is useful for time critical
and port tests and enables real time continuity and rapid
access to ongoing data in the event of a Central
system failure.
Configuring Remote Software Upgrade Facility

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Remote Select this option to enable the RCU to download

upgrade and install new software
Server IP The IP address of the server holding the new
RCU software
Server The access port number of the upgrade server
User The user name of the account containing the
Name upgrade server
Password The password for the upgrade server account
Version The version number of the software to be
number downloaded
Upgrade The file name of the upgrade software
Define Geographical Test Conditions

User range test Select this option to control the RCU

conditions operation according to its GPS position
Min /Max Longitude The four positions define a rectangular
and Latitude area of operation for the RCU when this
option is selected.
The RCU will operate normally when
outside the area
Action No Action
while Back to The RCU channels will go to idle when
out Idle mode the RCU leaves the area.
Stop The RCU will cease all testing when it
Testing leaves the area
Wait for The RCU channels will stop their test
Idle plans when they are next in the idle
Test Conditions based on GPS

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Testing while Select this option to continue testing when

losing GPS the GPS position is lost
Testing while Select this option for the RCU to continue
GPS not testing when it is stationary (as determined
motion. from the GPS)

Hot Spot Setting

Hot RCU Settings: after longitude and altitude has been set, the
RCU location information will be based on such settings.

note:Data service needs to be rebooted to make add or

delete hot RCU take effect.

RCU Device List

These devices comprise the GPS, the modem (a channel used
for data upload) and the logging channels. They can be
selected from the explorer bar, or from the list is the end of the
RCU Information Screen shown below:

Note:The first device in the list is always the GPS

The second is always the modem
Remaining items are logging devices (handsets, scanners)
GPS setup
Selecting the first device will open the GPS setup screen

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Device Port The RCU Port. This will always be zero

Device The model installed
Entry Param Not used – will be deleted
Stop Use Select this to disable the device
Invalid A default figure, in seconds, is set here,
Duration change if required. If this time elapses with no
GPS data being received then an alarm will
be registered and sent to the central system
Suggested value is above 300s. If this
parameter is too short for GPS device to
detect any satellite within required time, the
device itself will incessantly cut off power and
reboot, which will cause localizing failure.
No Motion A default figure, in seconds, is set here,
Duration change if required. If this time elapses with no
motion being recorded then an alarm will be
registered and sent to the central system
Modem Setup
The modem configuration comprises three parts
1. The modem operational setting
2. The initial RAS dial settings
3. The alarm setting

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The modem port in the RCU. This is

Device Port governed by the physical position in the
Device Model The modem model name
Phone number The phone number of the SIM installed in
the modem
System Operator The Operator of the network, choose from
the pull down menu
SMSC Number The number of the SMS server
Recv SMS The SMS number of the SIM
Baud rate 2G only - The required baud rate. For 3G
modem channels this figure is not used
Length of A timeout for the dial up connection.
Entry Param Not used, this will be deleted
Stop Use Select this to stop the use of this modem.
Select to dedicate this channel for use as
a modem (ie with no logging activity).
Independent Note: If this is not selected it will be
Modem possible to suspend data upload, store all
data in the RCU memory and use this
device as an extra logging channel.
Data Transmitting
setup Options:
None Select this to cease all upload. All data
will be stored for transfer later
Select this for normal operation. The
Normal modem will upload data as quickly as pos

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sible, according to radio conditions data

channel availability
Select this option to upload data only
Only Transmit when no channels in this RCU are
when RCU is Idle logging data. This option removes the risk
of the upload channel affecting the
performance of a logging channel.
Only transmitting Select this option, and define the Begin
within fixed time and End times, to restrict the data upload
Begin Time to the period between these two times.
(eg upload at night when not testing)
End Time
Select this option to ensure that GPS and
Transmit GPS Alarm data are always uploaded
and Alarm Data immediately (irrespective of all other
settings). This allows real time tracking
and alarm sensing at all times.

Note: The RCU will initially connect via its pre-programmed
dial up settings (stored via rcuclient or from a previous
connection). Once connected Fleet will download a complete
configuration file including new dial up settings. In order to
maintain connection the No 1 RAS dial settings below must
be set
RAS The RAS dial number to access the
Number network internet portal
APN The Access Point Name of the network
internet access
RAS RAS User The network internet access user name
RAS The network internet access password
PAP PAP protocol. For standard connections
this must be selected
RAS These parameter selections have the
Number same meaning and functions as for No 1
RAS and apply for an alternate RAS dial
No.2 APN
path, should one be available, in the
RAS RAS User event of failure of No 1 RAS

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Modem Connect Alarm settings

PPP Link Add this number to define the number of

Fail Count continuous PPP link fails before an alarm is
Login Add this number to define the number of
Server continuous login failures before an alarm is
Fail Count generated
Connect Add this number to define the number of
Server continuous failed connection attempts before an
Fail Count alarm is generated
Logging Channel Setup
This will apply to all air interface logging channels, regardless
of standard or physical type (ie 2G, 3G, module, handset,
Select the channel to be configured and the following screen
will appear

Device Port The RCU port

Device Mod The Model Type as defined by the operator

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Phone The phone number if the SIM installed in the
number device
System The network operator of the SIM
Test Plan The Test Plan for use in the device. The drop
down list will display all the plans defined under
“Test Plans” in this Fleet Domain.
Entry Param Not used. Will be deleted
SMSC The SMS Service Centre for use by this SIM
Stop Use Select this option to cease operation of this
Reduce Select this option to reduce the logfile size by
Data filtering the L1 data according to the selected
Sample sample rate
Breaking The Layer 1 sample time in msec. when
time “Reduce Data Sample” is selected. Eg every
Complete this field to define the number of
Call Fail
continuous failed (blocked) calls before an
alarm is generated
Complete this field to define the number of
Drop Call
continuous dropped calls before an alarm is
Complete this field to define the number of
DSP error
continuous DSP errors fails before an alarm is
Complete this field to define the number of
Auth Fail
continuous connect authorization fails before
an alarm is generated
PPP Link Complete this field to define the number of
fail Count continuous PPP link fails before an alarm is
Scanner Channel setup
If a scanner is installed in an RCU, selection of that device will
open the scanner setup screen.

Configure according the details shown below

Device Por The RCU port

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Device The Model Type as defined by the operator
Device The transfer rate to which the device is
Rate configured
Test Plan The Test Plan required for use with this device.
Adding or Deleting RCU Channels
Select the RCU in the explorer bar, all its channels will be
listed in the main window.
To delete a channel select the channel and press “Delete
To add a channel select “Add Channel”, the following screen
will appear

Nnote: add new devices according to the nest steps

GPS, Modem, Handset
The GPS port is defined 0; the modem is defined 1 and others
are defined according to the order.
Users can’t add the RCU and port device, but only Dingli can
add or delete because of License control
Note that this screen has the same layout as Figure 56 and
should be configured in the same manner.

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Should the new channel be a scanner, select “Scanner” and

the following screen will appear:

Note that this screen has the same layout as Figure 57 and
should be configured in the same manner.

To stop a device: click to device to be stopped and tick” Stop

Use” to stop it as follows:

If a device continues to reboot, please check the following:

1. The SIM card for this device is not inserted and this device
is still running.
2. The SIM card is not in good connection with the device
socket, and the device is still running.
As to the above condition, please stop the device immediately
or the whole RCU will continue to reboot.

3.3.4 Event Define

A Fleet Client operator can create events based on Call Drops
and Call Fails caused by specified failure modes. This allows
the system to search for the specific system error or cause
value which created the fault.

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To configure an event select “Event Define” in the explorer bar

and the four options will be listed. Note that the two general
categories of failure, network disconnect and the engineering
channel release, are the same for both failed and dropped calls.

To create an event based on disconnect cause (Call Fail or Call

Select “Disconnect” and press”Add”. The Screen below will

Type a name for the event in “Title” and then select the
disconnect location and disconnect cause for which the event
is searching. Note that each class of disconnect cause can be
expanded to give a list of detailed cause possibilities.
Press “Save”.
To create an event based on a Channel Release cause (Call
Fail or Call Drop)
Select “Channel Release” and press”Add”. The Screen below
will appear

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Type a name for the event in “Title” and then select the
channel release cause for which the event is searching.
Press “Save”.

3.3.5 Global Setting

This section is used to define the bad speech quality. Users
can identify the speech quality according to the configuration
in the next figure

Continuous Count Numbers of low speech

testing results defined by user
before an alarm is generated.
Gate Threshold of speech testing.
Results below will be treated
as “Low quality”

The operation tab of the Fleet Web Client provides user
facilities for the operation and control of the system according

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to the configurations established in the Maintenance section

and according to the User’s privileges.
The following facilities are available:
1. Monitor the operation of the Fleet Central Services
2. Control and Monitor the operation of the Fleet RCUs in
the current Domain
3. Monitor and maintain the two Fleet core databases
• Original data (= logfile database in the Central Server)
• Decode database, in the Statistics Server, which
comprises the decoded logfile data for use in statistics
and reports. This data is also used in the SQL server,
where used.

3.4.1 Service
Select “Service” to enable remote control of Fleet services
through the Web interface. The service list is given in Figure .
This capability only exists if Fleet Kernel Service and Fleet
Web Service are already started. All services except
FleetKernelSrv and FleetWebSrv can be controlled in this

Note: FleetKernelSrv can not be stopped through Web access,

as this would cause the loss of all internet access to Fleet
Note also that FleetMonitorSrv, FleetTerminalSrv and
FleetRemoteControlSrv may require two or more commands
before operation ceases.

3.4.2 RCU Control

Selecting Operation, RCU, opens the following Web Client

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This screen provides the following information

Names of all RCUs attached to Fleet and
RCU Name operating in the selected domain. A user with
Fleet administration rights will see all RCUs in
all domains.
The current status of each RCU from the
following list
- The RCU is not connected
Upload An upload request has been
Uploading An upload request has been
acknowledged and uploading is
either starting or is underway
Skip A skip request has been sent and
the current logfile transfer will be
Status skipped
Alarm An alarm packet has been received;
this will trigger an alarm email
GPS A GPS Packet has been received
and will be sent to monitor client for
real time display
Report An event packet has been received
and will be sent to monitor client for
real time display
Finished A logfile upload has been completed
and the file is being closed
Idle The RCU is attached but is inactive.

Data Time Record of beginning of the current file

Size Size of current transmitting file
Last Active Last time the RCU on line

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Online The elapsed time since the RCU connected

Distance The distance travelled since the last reset
Version The software version in the RCU
The following operation commands are available and affect all
RCUs which have been selected via the check box to the left
of the RCU name.
Operation Function
Refresh Refresh the screen to update the data
Select to automatically update the data on the
screen at regular intervals specified by the
adjacent selection “Refresh Interval”. This is set
to a default 5 seconds but may be changed to
any number. Auto Refresh must de deselected
prior to Refresh Interval being changed.
Disconnect Force the selected RCU(s) to break the TCP/IP
RCU connection. The RCU will re-connect and reload
the configuration file.
Restart Force the selected RCU(s) to disconnect and
RCU reboot
Refresh After one RCU has been modified in the test task
Project or test plan, use this button to change the
current test and begin a new test
Print Print the operational schedule for the selected
Schedule RCUs

3.4.3 Original Data

Selecting Original Data displays the Fleet database which is

located in the Central Server and contains the original logfiles
after they have been received from the RCUs and

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decompressed. Once the system has been operational for a

while the list will be many pages long.
Logfiles are listed in the order pf receipt, and each is defined in
terms of
1. File Name (with suffix .msg). Note that there is a select
box adjacent to each file name
2. RCU Name (RCU where the file was created)
3. File Size
4. Recording Begin and end record times
The user can manipulate the files by the options listed on the
Select all This selection toggles between select
files /deselect all the files in the database
Delete File If this option is selected the delete options
Permanentl below will be permanent, logfiles will be
y cleared from memory and will not be available
for a subsequent rebuild
Refresh Refresh the screen. This will add files recently
Delete the selected logfile from the Index file
which lists all the logfiles in the database. The
file will not be listed on the screen but will still
be retained in memory unless the “Delete File
Permanently” option is selected.
Delete All The same as “Delete” above but will apply to
all the logfiles.
Rebuild the logfile database by retrieving all
the logfiles from memory and re-listing them
on the Index file. They will then be visible on
the screen

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3.4.4 Decode Data

Selecting Decode Data displays the decode database which is

located in the Statistics Server and contains parameter data
which has been extracted from the original logfiles for use in
statistical calculations and report generation. This extraction is
performed in real time immediately after the logfile packets
have been received and decompressed.
Decode data files are listed in the order pf receipt, and each is
defined in terms of
1. File Name
2. The originating RCU
3. The files size
4. Recording begin and end record times
The user can manipulate the files by the options listed on the
Select all files This selection toggles between select
/deselect all the files in the database
Delete File If this option is selected the delete options
Permanently below will be permanent, and logfiles will be
cleared from memory
Refresh Refresh the screen. This will add files
recently recorded
Delete the selected logfile from the decode
data index file which lists all the decode
data files in the Statistics Database. The file
Delete will then not be listed on the screen but will
still be retained in memory unless the
“Delete File Permanently” option is selected.
Delete All The same as “Delete” above but will apply
to all the logfiles.

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Note: If the user wishes to subsequently rebuild the decode

data index file, the RCU data viewer program should be used

3.5.1 Statistics and Reporting Overview
This section of the Fleet Web Server allows the user to change
data thresholds, set up, program and run statistics, and
generate and distribute reports manually. The Statistics
Functions are split into five sub menus
Thresholds Define the parameter threshold values for all
statistics calculations and reports
Configuration Defines the statistics data sources Manual
s (network, RCUs etc) statistics
Statistics Defines the parameters used in a
Templates statistical analysis
Statistics Uses a Configuration and a
Statistics Template to manually
create statistics and reports.
Programmed Configures and the outgoing email Automat
Service path and schedules for automatic ic
Setting report generation and distribution statistics
Programmed Defines the content and
statistics distribution lists for automatic
These six sub menus are always visible in the Explorer bar
when operating within Statistics.
Notice that the totally separate processes are used for manual
and automatic reports.

3.5.2 Thresholds
Selecting Thresholds will open the screen below

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The list of all the parameters supported by Fleet Statistics is

divided into the 10 categories (GSM, GPRS, CDMA,
[CDMA]1X, [CDMA]EVDO, UMTS, Data, Voice, Supplementary,
Other Event). Scroll down to view the full list. The functions of
the headings and control buttons are as follows.
Field name The Parameter. (GSM Fields are shown in
the Figure above, select a different category
for other Fields)
This displays the steps into which the
parameter’s operational range is divided,
each step being a sample group for eventual
Thresholds use in the statistics. The figures shown are
the screenshot above are the default values
programmed into Fleet. To change the values
type in the new selection with the steps
separated by a comma (,) and press save to
store. See the example below.
Sample The default values which are programmed
into Fleet and which will be stored when
“Default” is pressed
Default Stores the pre-programmed field thresholds
as shown in the Sample column. Any values
which have been changed will be restored to
their default settings.
Save saves any new settings which the user has
Cancel cancels any operation
To enable the statistics to analyse RxQualFull
between two ranges 0–4 and 4-7

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1. Select GSM
2. Select the Threshold box for RxQualFull
3. Replace the current settings with 4
4. Click on “Save”
Note: if login for the first time, please make sure that
‘thresholds’ are not empty. If empty, please click
‘default’ first and then change them by needs. If IE
Cache has been cleared, the ‘thresholds’ is also

3.5.3 Configurations
A Statistics Configuration provides the data source for a
statistical analysis. It must be used in conjunction with a
Statistics Template which is covered in the next section of this
manual and which defines the actual parameters.
Select Configurations, the Central Screen will change as

All existing configurations, created by this user only, will be

shown on this screen. To edit an existing configuration clicks
on it.
To create a new configuration, click on “Create”.
The screen layout as in Figure 14 below will open. Type a
Configuration name, if required, and select, one by one, the
five stages of selecting the data source for this configuration.
Note that the first three stages must be configured, the final
two (Filtering and GIS parameters) are optional.

Configurations step 1 - System Operator Selection

When creating or editing a Configuration, the Configuration
Information screen below will appear. With the System
Operators (ie networks) listed as they are configured in the
system. Select the one required for this configuration. Press

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Configurations step 2 – RCU Selection

Select the RCU Tab in the Configurations Information Window.
This will show a list of all RCUs which are configured on this
Fleet system and which contain at least one SIM registered to
the Operator selected on the previous screen. Select any or all
as required. Press “Save”

Note: All RCUs are selected by default. If ‘System Operator’

has been changed, user need to re-select RCU.

Configurations step 3 – Method (of Defining Statistics)

This section defines the calculation method and time period(s)
during each day for which the statistics are created (Note: It
does not include the actual days, these are added in the next
stage of the Statistics setup to allow periods of statistics to be
easily changed)
Statistics may be calculated: By Time with flexible selection
of time period(s) and grouping
methods, and a resample
By Grid (ie by distance) with
configurable grid size

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Note: If the user will want to visualize a statistical report as a

trace in the Fleet Client Map View this can only be
implemented with Grid statistics
To configure the statistics method, select “Method”. The
following screen will appear

Event Detail Period: Interval (seconds) of download of

original data of call failure, handover failure, etc.
If ‘Statistic the disconnect message in call kpi’ is selected,drop
caused by Disconnect/Channel Release will be treated as a
successful call, or vice versa.

Configuration Method 1 - To Specify Statistics

Calculations by Time:
1. Against “Statistic Method” select “Time”
2. Select the required Time Combination where:
Normal is the aggregated results of all the time subsections
within each day for the total duration of the statistics
calculation. Any number of subsections can be listed in the
Time Subsection List (see below).
Grouped is the grouped result of all the time subsections within
each day for the total duration of the statistics calculation. Any
number of subsections can be listed in the Time Subsection
List (see below).
Interval is to calculate the statistics for the continuous duration,
ie between the start times of the first day to the end time of the
last day.
Note: When “Interval” is selected, the Time Subsection List is
not displayed because the statistics are calculated for a single
continuous time period each day.

3. Select the Statistics Time Period(s)

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This selects the time Subsection(s) during each day of the

duration of the period (selected in “Statistics”) of the
calculation. These are displayed in the Time Subsection List
which defaults to a single 24 hour period from midnight to
Statistics Time sections are controlled as follows
Time Displays all the selected Time Periods for
Subsection List the Statistics Configuration. Nothing is
typed directly into this box.
Begin Time The start time for a time subsection when
data is selected for statistics
End time The end of the time subsection
Add Adds the time period (between Begin Time
and End Time) to the Time Subsection List
Delete Deletes any highlighted time period in the
Time Subsection List
4. Define the Resample Algorithm from the following four
• The Default setting uses no algorithm and simply
applies each measurement sample as a data point
• Resampling “By Time” changes the screen as shown
below. Input the required times, in mSec, which Fleet will
uses to average each data sample

• Resampling “By Point” changes the screen as shown

below. Input the required number of points which will be
averaged to produce a single point for the statistics

• Resampling “By Distance” changes the screen as

shown below. Input the required distance, in metres,
during which Fleet will average all data samples to create
a single point.

• Please note that the “Distinguish Cell” selection, to

define the statistics by cell, is not implemented in Fleet
3 Press “Save” to save the changes, or
“Cancel” to cancel changes, or
“Default” to return to the default settings, or

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“Configurations” to return to the Configuration home page

Configuration Method 2 - To Specify Statistics
Calculations by Grid

1 Against “Statistic Method” select “Grid”

2 The screen will change as shown above
3 Select the Grid Size in Metres. This defines the distance
between the data samples which will be used in the
statistics calculations
4 Select the time period(s) as for Time Statistics
Note: Time combination and resample algorithm options do
not apply for Grid Statistics
Press“Save” to save the changes, or
“Cancel” to cancel all the settings in that Configuration
“Default” to return to the default settings, or
“Configurations” to return to the Configuration home
Select Region
Select region is used for stat for specified region. There could
be one or more closed curves in each region name. Map
import should be done on Server. If no map of any region is
imported, no map name will be displayed. If map is imported
after all configurations, a new configuration needs to be
created to display the newly imported region map

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Region map format

113.46260995 22.42520202
113.68140324 22.42093705
113.67287328 22.28317831
113.45450650 22.30663568
113.47583138 22.43032000
113.46260995 22.42520202
Note:Map file should be closed curve of longitude and
altitude in decimal format. Map could be created by Dingli
How to import map:
1. Run FLEET installed path\bin\ProjUpMaps.exe on fleet

2. Click at the right of ‘File Name’ to pick up map in need

and click ‘Import’

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Configurations step 4 - Filtering

This is an optional facility to use the recorded data to create a
mathematical or Boolean expression for inclusion in the

Press “Filtering”, the screen above will appear.

The mathematical and logical symbols are used as follows

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Arithmetic and Boolean Symbols

Located beneath the Conditional Expression Window
() Brackets the entire expression which is on the
screen at that time
( LH Bracket
) RH Bracket
+ Plus
- Minus
* Multiply
/ Divide
AND Logical and function
OR Logical or function
NOT Logical not function
Value Comparison Symbols – comparing a parameter to a
Located under the pull down tab between the Parameter Selection and Default Value
= equal to the selected value
<> Not equal to the selected value
> greater than the selected value
>= equal to or greater than the selected value
< less than the selected value
<= equal to or less than the selected value
Process To create a Conditional Expression:
• Select any parameter, changing category (eg UMTS, Data
etc) as necessary, the default values for that parameter will
• Select a default value and use the pull down button under
the “Add to Expression” button to select a Value comparison
• Press ”Add to Expression”
Note: If the list of default values does not contain the required
figure, select any figure and edit in the Conditional Expression
Window. This will always apply, for example, when looking for
a define BCCH or Scrambling Code
1. Add Boolean expressions and further parameters as
2. Edit the final expression directly on the screen as required.
3. Press save to add to the Configuration

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Configurations step 5 - GIS Parameter

This optional facility allows the user with special requirements
to change the default GIS setting in Fleet.

1. Press “GIS Parameters and the central area of the screen

will change as shown above.
2. Change the values of the settings as required.
3. Use the pull down menus to access the pre-programmed
list of Ellipsoids.
4. Press “Save” to save into the Configuration

3.5.4 Statistics Templates

Statistics Templates define the recorded Parameters to be
statistically analysed.

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Select “Statistics Template” in the Explorer bar and the

opening screen will appear as above. All the Templates which
have been created by this User are listed here.
To create a new Template, press “Create” in the Operation
Alternatively select an existing Template and press “edit” to
edit an existing template,
Accordingly press “delete” to delete selected statistics
Create Window will open as shown below:

Create or modify the Template on this screen as follows:

1. Type or Edit a Name (for the Template)
2. Type a Title (This will be the title of a report produced from
the Statistics)
3. Select a report style from the “Style” pull down menu
4. If charts are required in the report check the box labelled
“Output Chart” and select the required type from the pull
down menu labelled “Chart Type
5. Tick Output Voice Detail to evaluate each voice in statistic

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6. Download Msg Data in Time Range: settings of download
original data at key events(Drop Call/Block Call),including
original data during time intervals before and after events.
7. Select the fields required for the statistics
• Parameters are grouped by category eg GSM, UMTS,
Voice etc. Ensure all required parameters are checked
• Each Category has a “Select All XXX Fields” tick box;
this will alternately select or deselect all the parameters in
that category.
• The single “Select All” tick box in the centre of the
screen will alternately select or deselect all the Fleet
parameters in all categories.
In the Operation Window, click on “Save” to save the Template

3.5.5 Manual Statistics Calculations

Prior to running statistic, and creating reports, appropriate
Configurations and Statistics Templates must be created and

1. When the appropriate Configuration and Statistics

Template are created and saved, press “Statistics” in the
Explorer bar. The Screen above will appear.
2. Type in a Statistics Name in the box provided
3. Using the pull down menus select the required
Configuration and Statistics Template
4. Select the Begin Date and End Date to give the required
period for the statistics calculation. The dates can either be
typed in, or selected via the calendars to the RH end of the
Note: The dates are in US format (Day/Month/Year)
5. Press “Start” in the Operation Window to commence the
statistics calculation, then a process bar will appear. The
statistics will appear in on the screen in HTML Format.
6. It is suggested user choose “background processing” for a

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massive load of data: through which other works could be

done simultaneously and the statistic results will be save in
report sooner.
7. Tick MOC to stat MOC results only; tick MTC to stat MTC
results only. Tick both to stat the two excluding testing data
and idle mode data. Tick none to stat all data without
distinguishing MOC or MTC.
Creation of a Report from manually produced Statistics
When the Statistics are displayed on the screen, a small Excel

symbol will be seen at the top of the screen. Press, select

either “Save” or “Open” as appropriate and the report will be
produced in Excel format.

To Change the daily Time Periods prior to producing the

This can be performed without the need to exit Statistics and
re-creating the Configuration.
Check the box labelled “Redefine time condition of statistics”.
The Window will expand to allow the daily time periods (and
the start and stop dates) to edited as shown below.

1. Type the new Start and Stop times in the two “Time” boxes.
Similarly change the Begin and End dates if required.
2. Press “Add” and the new range will appear in the box
labelled “Time and Date Setting”.
3. If further time periods are required they can be added by
repeating the process 1-2.
4. To delete a time period, highlight and then press “Delete”
5. To save the settings locally so that they can be used for
follow on statistics using different templates, click “Save the
new settings to cookie”
6. Press “Start” in the Operation window, the statistics will be
calculated and displayed
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7. The original time periods in the Configuration will be

ignored but will remain unchanged.

3.5.6 Programmed Service Settings

This function sets up Fleet communication settings and time
schedules to enable the automatic distribution of all reports
created in the Programmed Statistics Function
Select “Programmed Service Settings” in the Explorer bar and
the screen below will appear

Configure the settings in the main window as defined below

and then press “Save”.
Statistics Server IP IP Address of Statistics
Statistic Server Port Statistics Server Port
Statistic Interval(s) Time between statistics
calculations (seconds)
Max Store Day Maximum storage time
for reports
Statistics Time of start of
Setting statistics calculations
(hh:mm:ss) (these are
Begin Time performed in advance
of the report generation)
Save Statistic Result Tick if Statistics results
File are to be stored

Store Path On Server Data stored path on

SMTP Server SMTP server for email
Outgoing account
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SMTP Port Port number used by

SMTP Server (defaults
to 25)
Account Name on Email
account Holder
Authorization Select if authorisation
is required
Password Email account
From Email address
Max RCPT Maximum Number of
email attempts
Sending Interval(s) Time allowed between
successive emails
Immediately Select for immediate
Schedule Fixed Time Select for emails to
start at the Begin Time
Begin Time Time for emails to start
if “Fixed Time” is

3.5.7 Programmed Statistics and Reports

The Programmed Statistics selection in the Statistics Explorer
bar enables the configuration of Fleet Reports for automatic
distribution through the Programmed Service settings. Select
Programmed Statistics to display the Screen below.

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Any pre-programmed statistics and reports will be listed with

their status conditions:
Status Active Enabled for operation
(Statistics and
Status Inactive Pre-prepared and awaiting activation
(statistics and as required
Sending Email At least one email has been added to
Enabled (Reports the report distribution list
Sending Email The report is pre-prepared and
Disabled (Reports awaiting a distribution list

Note: The Fleet automatic reporting system is totally

independent of the manual system.
The automatic system operates by calculating the statistics
which are subsequently converted into a report and distributed.
A report contains one or more statistics, and Statistics may be
used in multiple reports.
To edit a Programmed Statistics click on it.
To create a new statistics selections select “Create Statistics”.
The following screen will appear:

The Programmed Statistics performs a similar function for

Automatic Reports as the Configuration does for manual
reporting. It is set up in for sections in four sections.
As below:

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The Programmed Statistics performs a similar function for

Automatic Reports, Both has specified the data source.

Programmed Statistics Information –1. Schedule settings

Statistic Name Add a name for the statistics
Scheduled Select this to make the Statistics Active and
Statistics enable it for operation
Select the required type from the pull down
Every day
Every week
Schedule Type
Every Month
Every Season (quarterly)

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By date (according to the Begin date and

End date)
Begin and End Use the calendar adjacent to each date box
Dates to select the begin and end dates for the
statistics to be run.
Select Domain (if it is not already selected. Then select the
domain where the statistics are required. Note: Multiple
Domains can be selected for statistics only if their GIS
characteristics coincide so that they cover the same
geographic area.
Select a domain and the screen will expand to show all the
RCUs which are allocated to that Domain

Select the RCUs as required. Note: The “Select All RCUs”

option will allow all RCUs to be selected or deselected in a
single click.
Also select the System Operator from the Pull down list, notice
that only those operators active in the selected domain will be
Programmed Statistics Information – 3. Method (of sampling
This section defines the calculation method and time period(s)
during each day for which the statistics are created (Note: It
does not include the actual days which are defined in the
Programmed Statistics schedule setup described above)
Statistics may be calculated: by Time with flexible selection
of time
period and grouping methods,
and a configurable sampling
by Grid (i.e. by distance) with
configurable grid size
To configure the statistics method, select “Method”. The
following screen will appear

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To Configure Programmed Statistics Calculations by Time:

Select “Statistic method” – By Time. There is a four stage
process to complete the configuration
1. Select the Time Combination from the three options:
Normal is the aggregated results of all the time subsections
within each day for the total duration of the statistics
calculation. Any number of subsections can be listed in the
Time Horizon List (see below).
Grouped is the grouped results of all the time subsections
within each day for the total duration of the statistics
calculation. Any number of subsections can be listed in the
Time Horizon List (see below).
Interval is to calculate the statistics for the continuous duration,
ie between the start time of the first day to the end time of the
last day.
Note: When “Interval” is selected, the Time Horizon List is not
displayed because the statistics are calculated for a single
continuous time period each day.
2. To Select the Statistics Time Subsection(s)
This selects the time Subsection(s) during each day of the
duration of the period (selected in the schedule) of the
calculation. These are displayed in the Time Horizon List
which defaults to a single 24 hour period from midnight to
Statistics Time sections are controlled as follows
Time Displays all the selected Time Subsections for
Horizon the Statistics Configuration. Nothing is typed
List directly into this box.
Begin Time The start time for a time subsection when data
is selected for statistics
End time The end of the time subsection
Add Adds the time period (between Begin Time and
End Time) to the Time Horizon List
Delete Deletes any highlighted time period in the Time

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Horizon List
3. Define the sample Algorithm from the following four options
a The Default setting uses no algorithm and simply applies
each measurement sample as a data point
b Resampling “By Time” changes the screen as shown below.
Input the required times, in mSec, which Fleet will uses to
average each data sample.

c Resampling “By Point” changes the screen as shown below.

Input the required number of points which will be averaged to
produce a single point for the statistics.

d Resampling “By Distance” changes the screen as shown

below. Input the required distance, in metres, during which
Fleet will average all data samples to create a single point.

e Please note that the “Distinguish Cell” selection, do define

the statistics by cell, is not implemented in Fleet UMTS
4. Press“Save” to save the changes, or
“Cancel” to cancel changes, or
“Default” to return to the default settings, or
“Configurations” to return to the Configuration home page
To Configure Programmed Statistics Calculations by Grid:
Select “Statistic method” – By Grid. The screen below will

1. Select the Grid Size in Metres. This defines the distance

between the data samples which will be used in the statistics

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2. Select the time period(s) and sample Algorithm as for Time

3. Press“Save” to save the changes, or
“Cancel” to cancel all the settings in that Configuration
“Default” to return to the default settings, or
“Configurations” to return to the Configuration home page

This Main heading in Fleet Web Client provides for two
additional report functions
- Report Export This function allows the creation of
reports from one or more stored statistics
calculations combined with Statistics
- Map View Map View allows the Geographic display
of a grid based (not time based) statistics
calculation laid over a map on the screen
Report Export
Select Report Export in the explorer bar and the screen below
will appear.

All stored statistics calculations (Statistics Names) will be

shown together with existing Statistics Templates. Select a
Statistics Template and one or more Statistics names and
select Create Report. The new statistics will appear on the
screen. Press the Excel log at the top of the screen to produce
the report which may be displayed or saved.
Map View
Select Map View in the explorer bar and the following screen
will appear

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All stored grid based statistics will be listed. Select one and
click Open Map Window to display the statistics on the map
The following coverage map of statistic results will display:

Move coverage map: press left button of mouse and drag.

Clear: clean current map and testing data.
Zoom in: zoom in current map and testing data.
Zoom out: zoom out current map and testing data.

Attention: When GPS path is not displayed, please check the

1. Whether there is GPS data for this map or not.
2. Whether the testing results is GRID statistics or not.
3. Whether the coverage parameters are correct or not.

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Testing results are stored by different users. The saved files are
name by “filename + current date + current time”.

To delete statistic results, user should go to Report→Report

Export→Select file to be deleted→Delete Statistic instead of
operate on this panel.

Map file can only be generated from Grid statistics results.


The Fleet Monitor functions require Macromedia Flash Player
which is normally installed automatically with Internet Explorer.
The latest version can be freely downloaded from the
Macromedia website
To Start the Real Time Monitor
To enter the Real Time Monitor from the Fleet main menu
select “Monitor”
The Monitor login screen will appear as shown below; enter
user name and password followed by OK.

Note: This screen includes a selection “More Options”. Select

this option to access the real time option on a different Fleet
system, in this case the server IP and Port Number must be
entered together with the log in details for that Fleet system;
this is shown below.

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If “More Options” is selected in error, the IP and Port Number

selections can be removed by ticking the box marked “Use
Default Settings” followed by “OK”
After logging in to the Real Time Monitor the Select Domain
Window will appear listing the available Domains in the system
as shown below.

Select one or more Domains according to the areas where real

time viewing may be required. Press “OK”. The Online Monitor
will open as shown below

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The online monitor The Monitor shows two display modes:

Track to visualise one or more RCUs
geographically positioned in real time on a
Network to visualise multiple logging data parameter
values, from multiple RCU channels, in real
In each mode all RCUs installed in the selected domain(s) are
listed in the top right hand side of the screen with the
parameters available for display on the Network screen listed
immediately below. The channels in each RCU can be
displayed by selecting the + adjacent to the RCU to show the
operator and standard.
Note: Real time data is taken from the data upload stream
when received and decompressed at the central server. When
uploading in real time via a channel with sufficient capacity to
handle the total recorded data of all channels, there should be
a minimal delay from the time of recording, typically a few
minutes maximum. For details of recording and upload
channel data volumes see the system specification.
To monitor real time RCU Positions on a map
1. In the Online Monitor Window select “Track”
2. Press “Select Map” followed by “Refresh”. The maps will be
3. Open the list (if more than one map) and select the
required map. Press “OK”. The map will download and be
4. Drag the required RCU onto the map, if it is operational and
within the area covered by the map its position will be shown
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by a symbol . As the RCU moves in real time it will leave a

track as shown below.
5. Real time alert will pop up in monitoring process.

To move the map hold the RH mouse key and drag the map
to it required new position. The following lists all the operation
allowed for an imported map:

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Select Map Selection of a new map

Zoom + Zoom in

Zoom - Room out

Reset Reset map

Quality Quality(resolution) of map

Track Colour Colour of GPS path。

Motion Effect Smooth map transitions

Light Map to prevent high map detail from

masking the RCU position

To monitor real time parameter values

1. In the Online Monitor Window select “Network”
2. The window below will open.

Notice that the four quadrants, which represent different

standards, can be freely adjusted in size. If required the entire
window display area may be devoted to one quadrant

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Drag either an RCU, or any of its channels on to the screen

quadrant which represents the technology in use. Multiple
RCUs and multiple standards may be displayed
Select the required parameters, one by one, from the Field list
and drag on to the screen quadrant of the appropriate
technology. There is currently a maximum limit of ten
parameters per technology
Press to commence the real time display. Parameters may
be added (or deleted by the delete button) at any time.
Note: Fleet will not allow RCU channels and parameters to be
displayed in an inappropriate quadrant. This prevents the
operator from attempting an impossible task eg trying to
display a CDMA parameter from a GSM channel.

The same “Drag and Drop” rule is applied to RCU and

measured fields, e.g. user may click and drag selected RCU to
corresponding network (UMTS) and click on play button to
display related information.

Double click the title bar of the window, displayed RCU is removed
from the window, and in display window, select the field and hit delete
button to remove a field


In below main window, click Monitor2 in the main menu.

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The following figure is popped up where enter the user name

and password

And in below figure select the domain you want to operate,

then press OK to enter into the main monitor page.

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3.8.1 Real Time Moni tor in Map Window

In the top right of the below figure, tick Map option to monitor
real-time in Map window.

Please note that all RCUs and their modules in current

selected domain are shown in Dashboaders, and the major
parameters for all supported networks
(GSM,CDMA,UMTS,1X,EVDO, EDGE,HSDP) are presented in
Layer. Furthermore the main parameters for data call and
voice call are also displayed here.
You can drag the desired RCU or the module(s) and one or
more parameters to the right map window. By this way, the
RCUs icon and test route will be shown in map window like
below figure.

3.8.2 Real Time Monitor in Satellite Window

Tick Satellite in top right window to pop up the below figure.

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The operations to show the RCUs or modules and parameters

are similar to these introduced in above section. The following
is an example shown in Satellite window

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Fleet tools is a powerful client software which covers a series
of functions such as RCU monitor, original data management,
data server management as well as log files recorded in real-
time etc. All these information indicate the status of current
RCUs and severs and view the test schedule and alarming in
real-time, which are extremely helpful for users to discover
and solve problems in time
Click Start� All Program � Pilot Fleet � Fleet Tools, then a
Pilot Fleet Tools window will appear as shown in the

Click Com in the top left window, a login screen will appear

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Input the server IP and port in the Server, for instance,

Fleet:9000 (LAN) or network)
Type the use name and password in respective Usename and
Password boxes which have been defined by the project files.
Different privilege is granted to different users.

4.2 RCU
This session is used to view the RCU operation status, reboot,
disconnect or refresh RCU

Disconnect Disconnect the connection between RCU

and server
Reboot Restart RCU
Config Dominate RCU to select setting
Skip Force to terminate the current transmitting
Note:This operation will take effect only
when RCU is open and user has logged
on to server successfully.
Reset Reset the distance, online time and call
RCU RCU name
Status RCU state
File The current transmitting original data files
Size The size of the data file (Byte)

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The last online time of RCU, indicating the

end time that RCU connects the sever for
Activate (GMT)
the last time. Provided RCU and server
keep connected all the time, it means the
current time
The online period of time, indicating the
duration from the last time of connecting to
the server to now. If disconnect to the
sever, the time will recount
Distance The total distance for RCU drive test
Version RCU used software version
Begin(GMT) The time for the original data files

The last time for updating the original data

End (GMT)
Note: the interval is 5 seconds
Longitude The longitude for GPS
Latitude The latitude for GPS

4.3 DATA
Index to view, maintain or rebuild the Fleet service is available
in this part. In some cases, such as adding new data,
recovering backup, user can rebuild the index here.
The index files are conserved in the relevant directory for the
data service in default. But users can modify the directory in
the data service configuration.
Go to Start --- All Program --- Pilot Fleet --- Terminal Service -
-- Configuration --- General. In the opened Configuration
window the RCU Index File is the data index file where all the
index modification and reestablishment are all stored.

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Fleet Original Data Management

Remove the selected data files from index
files. “Delete disk file when remove from
index” is ticked only to delete the data index
files, otherwise the original data files will
also be removed.
By Date Delete the data files in the defined date
from index files. Click it to set the date
Invalid Remove the empty or index file without
corresponding data file from index files
Clear Remove all data files from index files
Rebuild data index according to the
original data stored in the data server
Attention: The action of Rebuild is first to
scan files in hard disk, then add it to the
index file, but it does not decode data
Delete disk file Tick to delete the index file and
when remove corresponding original file.
from index
Owner RCU uploading original data files
File The original data file name
Size The size of the original data file
Begin(GMT) The beginning time for recording original

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End(GMT) The end time for recording original data
Left The smallest longitude in the test data
Top The highest latitude in the test data area
Right The largest longitude for the test data
Bottom The lowest latitude in the test data area

This objective in this section is to know the connection
condition of the client. That is to say, network connection
state can be shown for client who has been connected to the
server; some connection can be disconnected in terms of
requirement; at the same time it is used to control server
computer, including service restarted, service terminated or
computer rebooted.

Client Connection Management

Disconnect Disconnect network connection of the
selected client
Restart Restart Fleet service
Exist Terminate Fleet service
Force to terminate Fleet service

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Kill Attention: This action will make test

data lost
Reboot Restart the Fleet server computer
No The order for network connection
Server IP Service IP connected by client
Client IP The client IP connected to the service
Type Connection type. That is the current
action for the active connection such
as Control, Log
User The user name who establish the
current active connection
Connect (GMT) The time for establishing current
network connection
Active(GMT) The last online time which indicates
the end time of the last connected
service for the client

This section is to configure data service, which is the same to
that in section Data Server Initialization.

Fleet Data Service Management

4.6 LOG
It is major employed to view log records in real-time, in which
plenty of information are displayed, including test procedure,
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such as test beginning, success or failure; operation

information, for instance, restarting service, refreshing project
or deleting files; and alarming information, for example,
system error, all of which are useful to grasp the test condition,
locate problem, use and manage Fleet

Real-time Log Record

Copy Copy all the log content to the clipboard
Save Store the current log record to the
appointed directory. Click it to define the
Font Set the current log record font

RCU Display log message by different RCU

Save Save current RCU Log and System Log
Load Load last RCU Log and System Log
Tile Tile the screen
Clear Clear the current log record
Auto Clear Tick it to clear the log record when it is
more than 1000 lilnes

:Left click mouse to configure fonts in log message.

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:Only System log window will appear in default.

Different RCU log message could be displayed in different log
window by clicking RCU button,

User can select to display log message of a single RCU, or

multiple ones. When more than one RCU are selected, all
events of these RCUs are displayed, when a single RCU is
selected, only events of this RCU is displayed.

To get a clear view of each RCU, it is suggested to display

events of a single RCU in one log window.

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� System Log can not be closed, otherwise “Can't Close
System Log Window!” dialog box will appear.
� When more than one RCU are selected, System log
window will display all RCU events and System message
(displaying all log messages in default). When a single RCU is
selected, only event of this RCU is displayed.
� If configuration for each RCU arrangement and its related
log message has been saved, such configuration can be
reloaded by clicking “load” button at next login.
� If log window is not full screen displayed or blocked or
partly dragged outside screen, click “tile” button to get a full
screen view (tiled view).


The following things are present in this section. They are

hardware configurations of the server and client, operation
system, current system state, server configuration and active
network connection information.

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RCU Appearance
Description of each item:
1. RCU antenna connector
2. Antenna for RCU module
3. Power button
4. working-status-indicator light
5. Power supply connector
6. Network Connection port
7. Connecting port for external test phone
8. Connecting port for external Scanner
9. Connecting port for external GPS
10. RCU GPS antenna
Status-indicator light

RCU status-indicator light

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Status light Color Definition Normal working

Control unit Red System state glitter
Modem Green Modem state glitter
Modules Blue Modules test Light on all the time
SYS.Power Red System power Light on all the time
EXT.Power Green External Light on when
power state external power
access in
BAT.Low Blue Low battery Light on when with
low battery


5.2.1 Overview on RCU installation
Generally, we place RCU on vehicle to proceed with outdoor
test automatically. However, to ensure the stability of test
performance, you are required to install and debug RCU
before putting it into normal practice.
1. Make sure all the accessories have been well-prepared,
such as GPS antenna, test module antenna, power supply
cable, SIM card, UIM card and vehicle.
2. Antenna connection
3. Placing SIM/UIM card
4. Placing RCU

5.2.2 RCU antenna installation

1. Five antenna connectors placed on the top left of RCU, the
three of which marked with GPS, MODEM, GSM respectively.
2. Check if antenna connectors are all good without any block
of each eyelet.
3. Insert antenna into corresponding eyelet and tighten it.
4. Make sure antenna installation are all tight joints.
5. The proper interval between antennas shall be less than
Attention: do take good care of connection error, untight
connection and abnormal connection during antenna

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5.2.3 Placing SIM/UIM card

1. Remove the slot cover at the bottom of RCU to show
six SIM/UIM card slot in push-pull way.
2. Insert SIM/UIM card into the popped card slot.
3. Replace the popped card slot to fix SIM/UIM card

SIM/UIM card slot

1. Make sure the clearness of both SIM/UIM card and card
2. Do not place the wrong position of SIM/UIM card
3. Make sure the sufficiency of your card balance.

5.2.4 Guide for Placing RCU

1. make sure the vehicle can run well and with stable
power supply of 12V.
2. Steadily Place the well-configured antenna and RCU
equipped with SIM card into test vehicle to against
humidity, dusty and harsh environment.
3. Attach RCU antenna to antenna bracket outside vehicle
to achieve a better fix.
4. Connect power supply cable.
5. Plug power source in cigar lighter to realize power
6. Switch on power supply to begin test.
Attention: supposing the power supply cable do not match
with cigar lighter inside vehicle which might result in slide
of connector, in this case, you can easily connect the
power supply cable to the storage battery of vehicle
directly by the following way:
(1).snip connector off cigar lighter

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Snip connector
off cigar lighter


(2) Connect the brown one with safety cable (10A) we have
provided as below: 烟

(3). Connect safety cable (10A) to the positive polarity of

vehicle storage battery, meanwhile, connecting the blue cable
to negative polarity of storage battery.

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RCU Client is a type of software used to operate RCU by
specific data cable. It possesses the following characteristics:
� Check the settings of RCU test devices
� Read, delete, save and send test data files in RCU,
� Control RCU to stop collecting data and to reset
� Update RCU
� Read ESN of CDMA handset and write MIN

6.1.1 Data transmission port
RCU is connected directly to the network card in PC using
standard network wire by data transmission port.

6.1.2 Run RCU Client

Click Start----Program File---Pilot Fleet---RCU Controller---
RCU Client to pop up the following figure.

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6.1.3 Change RCU IP

It is necessary to change RCU IP address to make
communications smooth when data files are transmitted
directly between RCU and PC.
Go to Local Connection---Properties---Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) to open below figure. The default IP is set as
219. 198. 245. 200 .

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Attention: Provided you download data file from server or

upload data file to server, at this time please change the RCU
IP to the IP address when connected to internet.


This section is major to guide how to control RCU by using
RCU Client, including stop testing, reset RCU and update

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6.2.1 Stop testing

Enter the IP address of the connected RCU in the box of top
left corner, then press stop to terminate testing seen in above

6.2.2 Rest RCU

Enter the IP address of the connected RCU in the box of top
left corner, then press Reset to restart RCU.

6.2.3 Update RCU

To update RCU goes to above figure, in the up left box input
the IP address of connected RCU, then press Update to
choose updated file in *.upg.


In above section, operations to RCU, such as stop RCU test,
reset RCU and update RCU, have been described. In this
section we will guide you how to read and write RCU
configurations, upload and download data files, get and write
configurations and read the ESN of the CDMA handset and
write MIN.

6.3.1 Project
The view and maintenance of server will be completed in
Project page

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RCU ID The current RCU ID which is identical

with that in project file in server
Get Config Click it to get configurations file for
current RCU ID from server
Write Config Write new configurations file to the
current RCU configurations
Load Import RCU configurations file
Save Save the Get RCU configurations file
clear Remove the content of current
configurations file
The operations to the configurations files are followed the
below steps:
Step1: enter server IP and corresponding port in Date Server
in top right of above figure
Step2: ensure the connection between PC and server is OK.,
Step3: type the required RCU ID in RCU ID box
Step4: click Get to show the configurations file in right box
Step5: click Load to import new configurations and click Save
to store the current configurations to the appointed RCU.

6.3.2 Data
The following is the Data figure. You can view all test data
files in RCU, and unnecessary data files are available to be
deleted so as to save the free space. Furthermore, test data

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files are able to be stored to hard disk of local PC. In case

data files can not be transmitted because of the network
trouble, a storage path is set to store the data file, and latter
data files are uploaded to other appointed server.

Filename The compressed original
file name in RCU
Length(Byte) The size of original file
Time(UTC) The time to generate the
original file
Save The path to store the
Directory compressed original data
file in RCU
List List all original files in RCU
Delete Remove the selected
original files from RCU
Read All Read all original data files
to the appointed path
Read Data Read the selected original
data file to the appointed
File(GMT) The original file name after
uploaded and
decompressed.. it is named
as the current time in .msg
Full name The compressed original
data file name before uploa

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ding (.rcu)

Upload Size The size of the original data

Message The state during uploading:
Sending, OK, skip and Error
Add files(s) Add the original data files
required to upload (.rcu)
Add Dir Add the file folder which the
original data files are stored
Remove Remove the selected
original data file
Clear Remove all original data
Stop Stop uploading original data
Send Upload original data files to
Upload data files again. If
click it, first software will
check each data file, in
Reconnect for case one data file has been
every file transmitted completely, the
file will be skipped, or else it
will be uploaded
Speed Adjust the upload speed.
Please follow the blow steps if you want to edit or read the
data files in RCU.
Step1: enter RCU IP: in top left and change
PC IP to
Step2 connect RCU and PC using standard network wire.
Step3 press List to show all data files in RCU in right box,
including file name, length, and time.
Step4 click Read All to store all data files in RCU to the
appointed path.
Step5 click Delete to remove the data files in RCU
Please follow the below steps to upload data files to server
from PC.
Step1 enter server IP and corresponding port which is used to
receive data file in Data Server.

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Step2 connect PC to internet and ensure the normal

Step3 click Add File or Add Dir to add uploaded data files

6.3.3 Configuration
This section provides the functions to view and modify the
configurations file in RCU.

Host The data server IP address

General Port The corresponding port
Phone The dial-up number
Dial-up User The dial-up user name
Password The password of dial-up user
APN The APN for data call
Read Click it to read the configurations
file in RCU
Write Click it to write the modified
configurations to the configurations
file in RCU

6.3.4 CDMA

The major functions in this section are to read ESN of CDMA

handset and write MIN. The following is the figure

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ESN The number used to mark the mobile device only

MIN The identifier of mobile device
Read ESN
Click Read ESN to show the ESN of CDMA handset in the left
box in the state that test stops
Write MIN
First write the MIN in the left box and then press Write MIN.

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Step4 press Send to transmit the added data file to data serve,
Step5 click Stop to stop uploading data files and the upload
speed is adjustable.

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1. Operator name: Each RCU channel is assigned an
operator name in the test plan, and the operator name is
added to the test data during decompression after receipt
from the RCU. It is essential that the names correlate prior to
data collection otherwise the statistics calculations will be
Modification of any Test Plan does not require the restarting of
any related service.
If the Phone Numbers and Service Provider are changed in
the RCU Information, all Fleet service must be stopped and
restarted. Other changes to RCU settings, including
modifications to test plans, do not require service restart.
2. The RCU Device Model name defined in the RCU
Information is an identifier for decoding. Subsequent changes
will cause problem in RCU data collection.
a) If an error occurs in an RCU connection with a server (e.g.
the wrong IP or dial phone number is configured in the RCU),
an SMS with the correct information can be sent to the RCU
modem to correct the setting. SMS information may change
one or multiple items each separated by the Enter (Return)
symbol. Setup corrections are defined below:
A) IP address
B) Port number
C) APN information
D) Dial phone number
E) User name
F) Password
G) 1 | 0 indicates the PAP dial mode
E.g. following is the SMS of modification command of multiple
/* Start */
/* End */
3. If an RCU is seen, or suspected, to be malfunctioning
when examining data on the Web Client, (eg no data upload,

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showing offline, frequent disconnects), follow the

recommendations listed below:
a) Logon to Fleet Web Client
b) Click on Operation page�RCU, select problem RCU, click
Restart RCU
c) If resetting RCU remotely fails, then turn-off RCU power
supply, wait for 3-5 minutes and turn-on RCU again.
d) If RCU is still not working after b) and c), the next step is to
stop all Fleet services on the Central server, then restart them
e) If d) fails it is recommended to restart the Data Server PC
4. Upgrade RCU
Log on to Fleet Web Client’ Maintenance �RCU
Information�select the RCU to be upgraded.

Check the box labelled “Remote upgrade software”, and fill in

all related server information. The RCU will download the
upgrade software through FTP PASV download.
1. Direct connect transfer of RCU test data can be
implemented as follows:
A) Connect the RCU and computer using an RCU connect
internet cable (Ethernet crossover)
B) Assign computer IP address as
C) Turn-on the RCU, Run RCUClient software on the
computer, select Data TAB and click on the List button to
display the list of data files in the RCU. Select the data files to
be downloaded, then click Read Data button (Read all for
downloading all data files).
Note: The downloading process may take few minutes, the
software application will not respond to any request during the

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D) Disconnect the RCU, Turn-off RCU power (RCU may be

activated to upload data to data server by RCU client software
through the computer LAN connection)
E) The next step is to transfer RCU data from the local
computer to data server. In RCU client –Data page, click Add
Files/Add Dir in Upload section to select files to transfer (the
saved RCU file is located in Save Directory in Download
section), then click on Send button, the files listed in Upload
section will be sent in order. Note: RCU client will read the
existing files in the Data Server and will not send duplicates.
a) The send speed is adjustable, if the server is not busy,
faster sending speed may be selected. If the server is busy
with other tasks, it is recommended to select slower sending
speed in order for the server to better serving other active


7.2.1 No Voice quality (PESQ) scores (uplink):

Check if the caller phone number is correct (the caller ID
display function can be ordered from the telephone provider),
the caller number needs to be matched with the number
specified in the RCU device page. After correction of the caller
number, all Fleet services must be restarted.

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Status Description
-- Offline. RCU is not connected to the server, or keep in unknown
Idle RCU has been connected to the server, and there is no action
during the defined time period. User can modify this setting (RCU
Idle Gate)
Config�General-> RCU Idle Gate
Finished A data file has completed to upload successfully which indicates the
server ends this file transmitted normally.

Skip The prepared transmission file is recorded as the finished

transmission file in the server, or user clicks Skip (controlled in Fleet
Tools) to force not to transmit this file.
Login RCU logs in the server
Log out RCU logs out the server
Sync. time The time in RCU synchronizes that in the server.
Config RCU gets the configurations from the server
Upload RCU is to transmit a file to the server
Uploading RCU is transmitting test data and the server receives the data
packet from RCU.
Stop Stop transmitting the current file
Cmd Send a control command from the server , such as skip、Reset、
Config、Disconnect、Refresh Project
Keep Send commands in cycle to keep PPP link and TCP/IP connection.
Alarm RCU sends the real-time alarms to the server
GPS RCU sends the real-time GPS data to the server
Report RCU sends the real-time events to the server, which indicates the
action that RCU is doing, such as dial start、connect ACK, dial end,
FTP connect to server, FTP start download, FTP receive package,
FTP download end, FTP download disconnect etc.

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The following data is collected in this setting: Connect 15,
Duration 45, Interval: 10

Dial Test Time Data Size Average

No reduce 1hour 11 11.7 M 2.75K/S
minutes and
200ms 1hour and 3.15M 0.87K/S
500ms 1hour 2 2.89 M 0.78K/S
minutes and
1000ms 1hour 1 minute 2.70M 0.73K/S
FTP Test Time Data Size Average
No reduce 1hour 2minutes 10.1M 2.70K/S
200ms 1hour 4minutes 7.28M 1.89K/S
500ms 57minutes 6.62M 1.93K/S
1000ms 1hour and 3.9M 1.07K/S


These signals are extracted from the uploaded logfiles on
receipt in the Data Server and displayed and logged in the
FleetTools real time display program.
Limited event information is also shown on the Web Client
Operation screen for RCU status indication
Table 1. Fleet Real Time Events

Table 2 Fleet Alarms and Error Codes

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Table 1. Fleet Real Time Event


Event Name Data (where appropriate) additional to

record time
FTP upload start Upload file Size (bytes)
Time period from starting to connect FTP
Time period from starting to upload file(s)
FTP upload end
Actual upload file size(B)
Error Code: Success or failure
FTP download Download file Size (bytes)
Time period from starting to connect FTP
Time period from starting to download file(s)
FTP download end
Actual download file size(B)
Error Code: Success or failure
Time period from starting to upload to upload
Actual upload size till FTP upload drop(B)
FTP upload drop
Error code: 0
means normal; 1
means timeout and
2 means restart
Time period from starting to download to
download drop(s)
Actual download size till FTP download
FTP download drop
Error code: 0 means normal; 1 means timeout
and 2 means restart
WAP failure, time Time period till WAP fails
WAP success Time period from WAP dial-up time(s)
Time period from WAP access time (ms)
WAP link Time period for successful connection (s)
Error code: 0 means success; 1means failure
Dial start Time period for dial start (s)

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Event Name Data (where appropriate) additional to

record time
Error code: 0 is normal end
1 is connection fail
Dial end 2 is drop
3 is after DSP error or before RCU
is turned off
Attach success Time after function connect (ms)
Attach failure Time after function connect (ms)
PDP Activate success Time after function connect (ms)
PDP Activate failure, time Time after function connect (ms)
HTTP download start, size File Size (bytes)
Time period from starting to connect HTTP
Time period from starting to download file(s)
HTTP download end
Actual download size(B)
Error Code: Success or failure
POP3 start File Size (bytes)
Time period from starting to connect POP3
Time period from starting to receive the mail(s)
POP3 end
Actual mail size(B)
Error Code: Success or failure
SMTP start File Size (bytes)
Time period from starting to connect SMTP
Time period from starting to send the mail(s)
SMTP end
Actual mail size(B)
Error Code: Success or failure
Time delay for sending SMS
SMS sent Error code: success(representing1) or failure
(representing error)
SMS from
SIM to
SMS sent index
SMS rect index
SMS receive Delay time for SMS received (ms)

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Event Name Data (where appropriate) additional to

record time
SMS RCPT Delay time (msec)
SMS error Error code: success (representing 1) or failure
(representing error)
The actual time duration for sending MMS
MMS sent
Error code: success ( representing 1) or
failure (representing error)
The actual time period for sending Push
notification (ms)
MMS push
Error code: success (representing 1)or failure
(representing error)
Time duration for receiving MMS text (ms)
MMS text Error code: success (representing 1)or failure
(representing error)
Time delay for downloading WAP page (ms)
WAP page Error code: success (representing 1)or failure
(representing error)
Time delay for KJava download
KJava download Error code: success (representing 1)or failure
(representing error)
KJava installed
Dial alerting
Dial connected
Dial connect ACK
ATD start
ATD end
FTP download open socket
FTP download RETR File Size (bytes)
FTP download first packet
FTP download last packet
Time duration when FTP download drop(s)
Actual file size when FTP download drop
FTP download drop
Error code: 0 for normal; 1 for timeout; 2 for
restart and 3 for no response
FTP download close socket
FTP upload open socket

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Event Name Data (where appropriate) additional to

record time
FTP upload RSTR, size FTP download file size (bytes)
FTP upload first packet
FTP upload last packet
Time duration when FTP upload drop (s)
FTP upload drop Actual file size when FTP upload drop(bytes)
Error code: 0 for normal; 1 for timeout; 2 for
restart and 3 for no response
FTP upload close socket
HTTP open socket
HTTP first packet
HTTP last packet
Time duration when HTTP drop (s)
HTTP drop Actual file size when HTTP drop(bytes)
Error code: 0 for normal; 1 for timeout; 2 for
restart and 3 for no response
POP3 open socket
POP3 sent RETR
POP3 first packet
POP3 last packet
Time duration when POP3 drop (s)
POP3 drop Actual file size when POP3 drop(bytes)
Error code:1 for restart; and other for error
POP3 done
SMTP open socket
SMTP first packet
SMTP last packet
Time duration when POP3 drop (s)
SMTP drop Actual file size when POP3 drop(bytes)
Error code:1 for restart; and other for error

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Event Name Data (where appropriate) additional to

record time
SMS access request
SMS sent finished
SMS sent report
SMS recieved
MMS(send) open socket
MMS(send) connect gateway
MMS(send) gateway OK
MMS(send) end
MMS notify
MMS(recv) open socket
MMS(recv) connect gateway
MMS(recv) gateway OK
MMS(recv) end
WAP open socket
WAP connect gateway
WAP gateway OK
WAP first packet
WAP last packet
WAP drop
WAP download open socket
WAP download connect gateway
WAP download gateway OK
WAP download first packet
WAP download last packet
WAP download drop
Unknow event:

Table 2 Fleet Alarms and Error Codes

Hex Code Error Additional information (where
0x1000 RCU unknown error

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Hex Code Error Additional information (where

Error code:
0x01 : the configuration file is changed
0x02 :the initialization for port fails
0x03 :error in file system

0x1004 RCU reboot 0x04 :the file space is not enough

0x05 :error in the setting port
0x06 : restart the server
0x07 : error in modem
0x08 <Not used>
0x09: no memory
0x1005 Error during write file Error code: OS
0x1006 Error during read file Error code: OS
0x1007 Memory error
0x1008 Not enough diskspace
0x1009 Logon server failure
0x100A RCU upgrade error
0x100B Alart from server Error code: from server
0x100C TCP/IP error Error code: TCP/IP standard
0x100E Starting transmitting data
0x100F Data transmitting finished
0x1010 USB module error
0x1011 Alarm & GPS buffer overflow
0x1100 Modem unknown error
0x1101 Open modem failure
0x1102 Modem AT command error
0x1103 Modem SIM card reject
0x1104 Start modem ppp connection
0x1105 Modem access failure
0x1106 Modem dialup error
0x1107 Connect server failure
0x1108 Modem PPP connection
0x1109 Modem TCP/IP disconnect
0x1200 Unknown GPS error

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Hex Code Error Additional information (where

0x1201 Open GPS module error
0x1202 Open GPS module success
0x1203 No GPS data
0x1204 Invalid GPS data
0x1205 RCU box stilled
0x1206 GPS unstable: Time of instability (S)
0x1207 RCU box run out of specify
0x1208 GPS data error
0x1209 GPS disable
0x1300 Unknown module error
0x1301 Open module success
0x1302 Open command port failure
0x1303 Can't get data from command
0x1304 Invalid data from command
0x1304 Invalid data from command
0x1306 Open data port failure
0x1307 Data port AT command error
0x1308 Module SIM card reject
0x1309 Access network failure
0x130A Build PPP connection failure
during data test
0x130B PPP authorize failure during
data test
0x130C Continues call failure
0x130D Continues call drop
0x130E Continues bad quality
0x130F Idle mode
0x1310 Module disable
0x1311 Module reboot
0x1312 Out of service
0x1313 New test

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Hex Code Error Additional information (where

0x1400 Unknown DSP error
Error code:
0x01: error in writing wave
0x02: error in setting voice
0x04: error in calculating score
0x1401 DSP error
0x05: error in record
0x06: error in record no wave
0x07: error in play
0x08: error in play no wave
0x08: error in opening DSP port

0x1402 DSP reboot

0x1403 DSP reboot finished
0x1404 DSP hareware failure
0x1405 Voice file absent
0x1406 DSP caculate error
0x1500 Unkown power error
0x1501 External power on
0x1502 External power of
0x1503 UPS error
0x1506 Power lost
0x1507 RCU Supend
0x1605 Call drop
0x1606 Access failure
0x1624 FTP download drop
0x1634 FTP upload drop
0x1645 Ping error
0x1650 HTTP download error
0x1660 SMTP error
0x1661 POP3 error
0x1670 Sent SMS error
0x1671 Sent MMS error
0x1672 WAP page error
0x1673 WAP download error
0x1674 MMS get error

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Hex Code Error Additional information (where

0x2000 Unknown server error
Time when the alarming happens
RCU name
0x2001 Idle more than 0x2001
RCU Idle time(s)
The maximum time for idle
Time when the alarming happens
0x2002 Idle timeout of, force RCU Name
RCU Idle time(s)
0x2010 Dongle will be expired days Days left
0x2011 Dongle not exists, program
0x2012 License expired, Program
0x2013 client(s) overflow license client Current client count
License client count
0x2014 Low free disk space: Current free diskspace
0x2015 Decode message error
0x2016 Poor uplink PESQ score, The number of a poor link score in a
Continuous Count:, Score predefined period time
The poor link score
0x2017 PESQ server can't get the
caller ID
0x2018 Fatal error: Decode agent not
0x2019 Load project failure Project file name
0x2020 Prjoect file not found Project file name
0x2021 Buffer overflow: Client IP
Current buffer size
0x2022 Buffer clear, data lose
0x2023 Hacker attack Client IP

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Hex Code Error Additional information (where

0x2024 Decode buffer out of memory, Time
data lose, Client:
Client IP


This list defines the Parameters and KPIs which are
generated in Fleet for inclusion in statistics and reports. The
parameters can also be analyzed using Pilot Navigator to
locate and diagnose network problems.
The default thresholds and steps are shown; these can be
freely changed by any operator through Fleet Client.
The list will shortly be developed to add explanatory
information and algorithm details where necessary. It will also
be updated regularly as new system outputs are developed.

Table 1 GSM Information

Table 2 GSM (GPRS) Information

Table 3 CDMA Information

Table 4 CDMA 1x Information

Table 5 EvDo Information

Table 6 UMTS Information

Table 7 Data Functions Information

Table 8 Voice Quality Information

Table 9 Supplementary Services Information

Table 10 Other Event Information

Table 1 GSM Information

Field name Default Sample Thresholds

RxQualFull (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); MIN: 0; MAX: 7

RxQualSub (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); MIN: 0; MAX: 7

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Field name Default Sample Thresholds

(-120, -94, -85, -75); MIN: -120; MAX: -
RxLevFull (dBm)

(-120, -94, -85, -75); MIN: -120; MAX: -

RxLevSub (dBm)

TA (0, 3, 5, 10); MIN: 0; MAX: 63

TxPower (5, 8, 10, 12); MIN: 0; MAX: 33

FER (%) (0, 10, 20, 30); MIN: 0; MAX: 100

(0, 3000, 5000, 10000); MIN: 0; MAX:

Call Delay (ms)

Event Code N/A

Half Rate (0, 1, 2); MIN: 0; MAX: 2

(-120, -94, -85, -75); MIN: -120; MAX: -

Coverage Rate (dBm)

Table 2 GSM (GPRS) Information

Field name Default Sample Thresholds

RLC Down Throughput (Byte/s) (0, 1200, 2400); MIN: 0; MAX: 9600

RLC Up Throughput (Byte/s) (0, 300, 750); MIN: 0; MAX: 9600

LLC Down Throughput (Byte/s) (0, 1200, 2400); MIN: 0; MAX: 9600

LLC Up Throughput (Byte/s) (0, 300, 750); MIN: 0; MAX: 9600

RLC Down Retransmitted Rate (%) (0, 5, 10, 30); MIN: 0; MAX: 100

RLC Up Retransmitted Rate (%) (0, 5, 10, 30); MIN: 0; MAX: 100

LLC Down Retransmitted Rate (%) (0, 5, 10, 30); MIN: 0; MAX: 100

LLC Up Retransmitted Rate (%) (0, 5, 10, 30); MIN: 0; MAX: 100

BLER (%) (0, 10, 20, 30); MIN: 0; MAX: 100

CS DownLink (0, 1, 2, 3); MIN: 0; MAX: 10

CS UpLink (0, 1, 2, 3); MIN: 0; MAX: 10

(-90, -75, -60, -47); MIN: -110; MAX:

C Value (dBm)

Sign Value (0, 5, 10, 15); MIN: 0; MAX: 65535

RxQual (0, 4, 5)
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Field name Default Sample Thresholds

GMM Server State (0, 1, 2); MIN: 0; MAX: 2

Attach (s) (0, 1000, 2000); MIN: 0

PDP Active (s) (0, 500, 1000); MIN: 0

TBF Open Down (s) (0, 100, 1000); MIN: 0

TBF Open Up (s) (0, 100, 1000); MIN: 0

TS Down Count (0, 1, 2, 3); MIN: 0

TS Up Count (0, 1, 2, 3); MIN: 0

PDP Active Event (0, 1); MIN: 0; MAX: 1

Attach Event (0, 1); MIN: 0; MAX: 1

Table 3 CDMA Information

Field name Default Sample Thresholds

RxAGC (dBm) (-100, -85, -75); MIN: -100; MAX: -25

TxAGC (dBm) (0, 10, 20); MIN: -50; MAX: 30

TxAdj (dB) (0, 10, 20); MIN: -50; MAX: 30

(0.00, 1.00, 3.00, 5.00, 10.00); MIN:

FFER (%)
0; MAX: 100

Total EcIo (dB) (-20, -13, -9); MIN: -24; MAX: 0

Total Ec (dBm) (-100, -85, -75); MIN: -120; MAX: -25

Hand Off (1, 2, 3, 10); MIN: 0; MAX: 6

Call Delay (ms) (0, 3000, 5000, 10000); MIN: 0

EventCode N/A

Table 4 CDMA 1x Information

Field name Default Sample Thresholds

(0.00, 1.00, 3.00, 5.00); MIN: 0; MAX:


(0.00, 1.00, 3.00, 5.00); MIN: 0; MAX:

SCH0_FER (%)

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Field name Default Sample Thresholds

(0.00, 1.00, 3.00, 5.00); MIN: 0; MAX:
SCH1_FER (%)

(0.00, 1.00, 3.00, 5.00); MIN: 0; MAX:


(0, 19200, 57600); MIN: 0; MAX:

Phys_RX (bps)

(0, 19200, 57600); MIN: 0; MAX:

Phys_TX (bps)

RLP_FT (Byte/s) (0, 2400, 7200); MIN: 0; MAX: 19125

RLP_RT (Byte/s) (0, 2400, 7200); MIN: 0; MAX: 19125

FCH_SP (dB) (-8, 0, 8)

SCH0_SP (dB) (-8, 0, 8)

SCH1_SP (dB) (-8, 0, 8)

DCCH_SP (dB) (-8, 0, 8)

Reverse FCH Power (dBm) (0, 10, 20)

Reverse SCH0 Power (dBm) (0, 10, 20)

Reverse SCH1 Power (dBm) (0, 10, 20)

Reverse DCCH Power (dBm) (0, 10, 20)

Table 5 EvDo Information

Field name Default Sample Thresholds

RxAGC(dBm) (-100, -85, -75); MIN: -100; MAX: -25

TxAGC(dBm) (0, 10, 20); MIN: -50; MAX: 30

(-20, -12, -9, 0, 9, 12, 20); MIN: -64;

MAX: 64

(-20, -12, -9, 0, 9, 12, 20); MIN: -64;

MAX: 64

PER(%) (0, 5, 8, 10, 30); MIN: 0; MAX: 100

DRC Rate (0, 3, 10, 20, 30); MIN: 0; MAX: 100

(0, 192000, 384000, 768000); MIN: 0;

Physical Rate Downlink(bps)
MAX: 2000000

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Field name Default Sample Thresholds

(0, 20480, 40960, 81920); MIN: 0;
Physical Rate Uplink(bps)
MAX: 2000000

Session State (0, 1, 2, 3); MIN: 0; MAX: 3

AT State (0, 1, 2); MIN: 0; MAX: 2

Duplicate Rate0(%) (0, 5, 8, 10, 20); MIN: 0; MAX: 100

(0, 192000, 384000, 768000); MIN: 0;

RLP Downlink Throughput0(bps)
MAX: 2000000

(0, 20480, 40960, 81920); MIN: 0;

RLP Uplink Throughput0(bps)
MAX: 2000000

RLP Retransmitter Rate0(%) (0, 5, 8, 10, 20); MIN: 0; MAX: 100

RLP Error Rate0(%) (0, 5, 8, 10, 20); MIN: 0; MAX: 100

Duplicate Rate1(%) (0, 5, 8, 10, 20); MIN: 0; MAX: 100

(0, 192000, 384000, 768000); MIN: 0;

RLP Downlink Throughput1(bps)
MAX: 2000000

(0, 20480, 40960, 81920); MIN: 0;

RLP Uplink Throughput1(bps)
MAX: 2000000

RLP Retransmitter Rate1(%) (0, 5, 8, 10, 20); MIN: 0; MAX: 100

RLP Error Rate1(%) (0, 5, 8, 10, 20); MIN: 0; MAX: 100

Table 6 UMTS Information

Field name Default Sample Thresholds

Rx Power(dBm) (-110, -90, -75); MIN: -100; MAX: -25

(-60, -45, -10, 0, 10); MIN: -50; MAX:

Tx Power(dBm)

Rx Adj(dB) (-60, -45, -10, 0, 10, 45, 60)

Tx Adj(dB) (-60, -45, -10, 0, 10, 45,60)

Ec/Io(dB) (-20, -15, -12, -8); MIN: -24; MAX: 0

RSCP(dBm) (-110, -90, -75); MIN: -120; MAX: -25

SIR(dB) (-10, 0, 5, 10); MIN: -11; MAX: 20

Target SIR(dB) (-10, 0, 5, 10); MIN: -11; MAX: 20

BLER(%) (0,10,20,30); MIN: 0; MAX: 100

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Field name Default Sample Thresholds

Reference SC N/A

Frequency(ARFCN) N/A

(0, 6400, 19200, 25600); MIN: 0; MAX:

PDU Throughput Downlink Rate(bps)

(0, 6400, 19200, 25600); MIN: 0; MAX:

PDU Throughput Uplink Rate(bps)

(0, 6400, 19200, 25600); MIN: 0; MAX:

SDU Throughput Downlink Rate(bps)

(0, 6400, 19200, 25600); MIN: 0; MAX:

SDU Throughput Uplink Rate(bps)

PDU Downlink Error Rate(%) (0, 5, 8, 10); MIN: 0; MAX: 100

PDU Uplink Retransmitted Rate(%) (0, 5, 8, 10); MIN: 0; MAX: 100

(0, 6400, 19200, 25600); MIN: 0; MAX:

Physical Downlink Rate(bps)

(0, 6400, 19200, 25600); MIN: 0; MAX:

Physical Uplink Rate(bps)

Phone State (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5); MIN: 0; MAX: 5

Event Code N/A

Call Delay(ms) (0, 3000, 5000, 10000); MIN: 0

Table 7 Data Functions Information

Field name Default Sample Thresholds

Ping Delay (s) (0, 500, 1000, 2000)

PPP Downlink (bps) (0, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600)

PPP Uplink (bps) (0, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600)

IP Downlink (0, 100, 500, 1000)

IP Uplink (0, 100, 500, 1000)

TCP Downlink (0, 100, 500, 1000)

TCP Uplink (0, 100, 500, 1000)

Ping Event (0, 1); MIN: 0; MAX: 1

Ping Time (ms) (0, 100, 300, 500)

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Field name Default Sample Thresholds

FTP Upload Connection Time (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

FTP Download ConnectionTime (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

ATD Succ: 0
PSD Service Accessibility_A (%)
IP Service: 1

PSD Service Setup Time_A (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

Success: 0
FTP Download Access Ratio_A(%)
Fail: 1

FTP Download Setup Time_A (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

FTP Download Mean DataRate_A (bit/s (0,12000,24000,48000,96000)

Success: 0
FTP Download Completed Session Ratio_A (%)
Fail: 1

FTP Download Session Time_A (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

Unknown Drop: 0

FTP Download Data Transfer Cut-off Rate_A Timeout Drop: 1

(%) RCU Restart: 2
No Response: 3

Success: 0
FTP Upload Access Ratio_A (%)
Fail: 1

FTP Upload Setup Time_A (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

FTP Upload Mean Data Rate_A (bit/s) (0,12000,24000,48000,96000)

Success: 0
FTP Upload Completed Session Ratio_A (%)
Fail: 1

FTP Upload Session Time_A (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

Unknown Drop: 0
Timeout Drop: 1
FTP Upload Data Transfer Cut-off Rate_A (%)
RCU Restart: 2
No Response: 3

Success: 0
HTTP Access Ratio_A (%)
Fail: 1

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Field name Default Sample Thresholds

HTTP Setup Time_A (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

HTTP Mean Data Rate_A (kbit/s) (0,50,100,200,400)

HTTP Completed Session Ratio_A (%) (0,1) Succ: 0;Fail: 1

HTTP Session Time_A (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

Unknown Drop: 0
imeout Drop: 1
HTTP Data Transfer Cut-off Rate_A (%)
RCU Restart: 2
No Response: 3

Success: 0
Email POP3 Access Ratio_A (%)
Fail: 1

Email POP3 Setup Time_A (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

Email POP3 Mean Data Rate_A (kbit/s) (0,50,100,200,400)

Success: 0
Email POP3 Completed Session Ratio_A (%)
Fail: 1

Email POP3 Session Time_A (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

Unknown Drop: 0
Timeout Drop: 1
Email POP3 Data Transfer Cut-off Rate_A (%)
RCU Restart: 2
No Response: 3

Success: 0
Email SMTP Access Ratio_A (%)
Fail: 1

Email SMTP Setup Time_A (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

Email SMTP Mean Data Rate_A (kbit/s) (0,50,100,200,400)

Success: 0
Email SMTP Completed Session Ratio_A (%)
Fail: 1

Email SMTP Session Time_A (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

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Field name Default Sample Thresholds

Unknown Drop: 0
Timeout Drop: 1
Email SMTP Data Transfer Cut-off Rate_A (%)
RCU Restart: 2
No Response: 3

PSD Service Accessibility_B (%) (0,10,30,50)

PSD Service Setup Time_B (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

Success: 0
FTP Download Access Ratio_B (%)
Fail: 1

FTP Download Setup Time_B (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

FTP Download Mean Data Rate_B (kbit/s) (0,0,12000,24000,48000,96000)

Success: 0
FTP Download Completed Session Ratio_B (%)
Fail: 1

FTP Download Session Time_B (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

Unknown Drop: 0

FTP Download Data Transfer Cut-off Rate_B Timeout Drop: 1

(%) RCU Restart: 2
No Response: 3

Success: 0
FTP Upload Access Ratio_B (%)
Fail: 1

FTP Upload Setup Time_B (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

FTP Upload Mean Data Rate_B (bit/s) (0,12000,24000,48000,96000)

Success: 0
FTP Upload Completed Session Ratio_B (%)
Fail: 1

FTP Upload Session Time_B (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

Unknown Drop: 0
Timeout Drop: 1
FTP Upload Data Transfer Cut-off Rate_B (%)
RCU Restart: 2
No Response: 3

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Field name Default Sample Thresholds

Success: 0
HTTP Access Ratio_B (%)
Fail: 1

HTTP Setup Time_B (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

HTTP Mean Data Rate_B (kbit/s) (0,50,100,200,400)

Success: 0
HTTP Completed Session Ratio_B (%)
Fail: 1

HTTP Session Time_B (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

Unknown Drop: 0
Timeout Drop: 1
HTTP Data Transfer Cut-off Rate_B (%)
RCU Restart: 2
No Response: 3

Email POP3 Access Ratio_B (%) (0,1) Succ: 0; Fail: 1;

Email POP3 Setup Time_B (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

Email POP3 Mean Data Rate_B (kbit/s) (0,50,100,200,400)

Success: 0
Email POP3 Completed Session Ratio_B (%)
Fail: 1

Email POP3 Session Time_B (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

Unknown Drop: 0
Timeout Drop: 1
Email POP3 Data Transfer Cut-off Rate_B (%)
RCU Restart: 2
No Response: 3

Success: 0
Email SMTP Access Ratio_B (%)
Fail: 1

Email SMTP Setup Time_B (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

Email SMTP Mean Data Rate_B (kbit/s) (0,50,100,200,400)

Success: 0
Email SMTP Completed Session Ratio_B (%)
Fail: 1

Email SMTP Session Time_B (s) (0, 2, 5, 10, 20)

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Field name Default Sample Thresholds

Unknown Drop: 0
Timeout Drop: 1
Email SMTP Data Transfer Cut-off Rate_B (%)
RCU Restart: 2
No Response: 3

Table 8 Voice Quality Information

Field name Default Sample Thresholds

(1.000, 2.500, 2.800, 3.000); MIN: 1;
MOS Uplink
MAX: 5

(1.000, 2.500, 2.800, 3.000); MIN: 1;

MOS Downlink
MAX: 5

Table 9 Supplementary Services Information

Field name Default Sample Thresholds

SMS Send Delay(ms) (0, 3 ,5 ,10)

SMS Status Report Delay

SMS Received Delay

SMS Count

Success: 0
MMS Send Attempt
Fail: 1

MMS Send Time(s)

Success: 0
MMS Retrieval
Fail: 1

MMS Retrieval Time(s)

MMS Notification Time(s)

MMS End-to-end Delivery Time(s)

MMS Size(Byte)

Success: 0
WAP Page Gateway Accessibility
Fail: 1

WAP Page Gateway Setup Time(s)

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Gu i d e

Field name Default Sample Thresholds

Success: 0
WAP Page Refresh
Fail: 1

WAP Page Refresh Time(s)

WAP Download Access Ratio_A(%)

WAP Download Setup Time_A(s)

WAP Download Mean Data Rate_A(kbit/s)

WAP Download Completed SessionRatio_A(%)

WAP Download Session Time_A(s)

WAP Download Data Transfer Cut-offRate_A(%)

WAP Download Access Ratio_B(%)

WAP Download Setup Time_B(s)

WAP Download Mean Data Rate_B(kbit/s)

WAP Download Completed SessionRatio_B(%)

WAP Download Session Time_B(s)

WAP Download Data Transfer Cut-off


Table10 Other Event Information

Field name Default Sample Thresholds

RAU By Time (s) (0, 1); MIN: 0; MAX: 1

Cell Reselection By Time (s) (0); MIN: 0; MAX: 0

FTP Download (s) (0, 1); MIN: 0; MAX: 1

FTP Upload (s) (0, 1); MIN: 0; MAX: 1

FTP Upload Dropped (s) (0, 1, 2); MIN: 0; MAX: 2

FTP Download Dropped (s) (0, 1, 2); MIN: 0; MAX: 2

Wap (s) (0, 1); MIN: 0; MAX: 1

Wap Link (s) (0, 1); MIN: 0; MAX: 1

RAU By Distance (m) (0); MIN: 0; MAX: 0

Cell Reselection By Distance (m) (0); MIN: 0; MAX: 0

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Field name Default Sample Thresholds

FTP Drop Rate (0); MIN: 0; MAX: 0

FTP Full Download Rate (kbps) (0); MIN: 0; MAX: 0

Rand Dial Time (s) (6, 60, 120, 200, 300)

LAC Update (0, 1); MIN: 0; MAX: 1

Paging Response (0, 1, 2, 3); MIN: 0; MAX: 3

Paging Request Type (1, 2, 3); MIN: 1; MAX: 3

FTP Full Upload Rate (kbps) (0); MIN: 0; MAX: 0


This document is provided in addition to the Fleet User Guide

and contains an essay to follow checklist of the mandatory
settings necessary for Fleet to operate. Its objective is to
minimise the time taken to get the system operational by
eliminating setup errors. Once the system is running it is then
easier to configure the remaining settings to the user’s
precise requirements.
The user is recommended to print this document, write in the
initial communication settings and then check each item as
completed by ticking the check column.

Installation of a Fleet system divides into seven stages, the
first four of which are critical and are defined here. The
remaining stages should be completed using the instructions
in the Fleet User Guide. These stages are:
1. Connect and configure the hardware
2 Define the essential basic settings (IPs, directories etc)
3 Configure the Fleet Central software modules with these
basic settings
4 Configure the RCU modems with essential communication
information enabling them and the Fleet Central System to
operate together
5 Decide and configure the optional settings in the Fleet
Central System ( Alarms, backups etc). Use Terminal
Services, Services Configuration and Voice Server

Confidential and Proprietary
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3 . 1 Us e r
Gu i d e
6 Decide and configure the operational requirements of Fleet
(User Accounts, Test Tasks & Plans etc). Use a Fleet Web
7 Decide and configure the optional RCU settings (upload
strategy etc). Use a Fleet Web Client
Stage 1. Connect and configure the hardware
Function Check
Install Voice cards
Plug the Voice card(s) into PCI slots in the (Note: in this document the
Voice Server PC Voice Server configuration is
1.2 not considered critical as the
Install the driver and configure according to
system will run without it.
the manufacturers instructions. Allocate
However, at a minimum the
channels as defined in the Fleet user guide
cards should be physically
located in the server to avoid
the need to dismantle the
system later.
Configure the Fleet network connections
For a single PC system there are no networking connections required by
Where PCs are connected via a network hub, set up the network LAN
network IP on each PC using: Start -> Network Connections -> LAN or High
Speed Internet -> (select the network connection) -> Properties -> Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP) -> Properties -> Obtain an IP address automatically.
Where two PCs are connected directly via a crossover network cable,
set up the network LAN network IP on each PC using: Start -> Network
Connections -> LAN or High Speed Internet -> (select the network
connection) -> Properties -> Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) -> Properties -> Use
the following IP address
Add the IP address and Subnet mask which can be found via Start -> Run -
> type cmd -> OK-> type ipconfig, (return)
Install the fixed IP Internet connection in the Data Server
Connect the router or modem (according to the mode of connection) and
install any necessary drivers to the manufactures instructions.

Stage 2 Define the following information

Function to be defined Action Record Check
The Data
Fixed IP address of the internet Supplied by ISP
connection with the Data Server.
The network IP address user name Get IP names from Start ->
and password of the Data Server Run -> type cmd -> OK type
PC ipconfig, (return)
If the server software module

Confidential and Proprietary
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Function to be defined Action Record Check

The Data
2.3 s are located on the same PC
The network IP address user name
the IP address becomes
and password of the Statistics
Server PC
The network IP address user name
and password of the Voice Server
The network user name of the Data These will not apply when
Server PC software modules are on the
2.6 same PC
The network password of the Data
Server PC For multiple PC systems it is
2.7 recommended thataccount
The network user name of the
user names and passwords
Statistics Server PC
are not set when initially
2.8 installing a new system to
The network password of the
Statistics Server PC simplify the set up process
2.10 and reduce the risk of
The network user name of the installation errors. Once the
Voice Server PC system is running correctly
The network password of the Voice then these security settings
Server PC should be established.
The Location of the Logfile Use Windows Explorer to
Database in the Data Server PC create a new directory. It is
recommended that this is
located in a separate partition
The Location of the RCU Index File This is normally located in the
(which is created and maintained Logfile database. If it is
by Fleet) required in a new directory
use Windows Explorer to
create it
The Location of the Decode Use Windows Explorer to
Database in the Statistics Server create a new directory. It is
PC recommended that this is
located in a separate partition
The Location of the Decode Data This is normally located in the
Index File (which is created and Decode Database. If it is
maintained by Fleet) required in a new directory
use Windows Explorer to
create it
The location of the Fleet Project This is a critical file, place in a
File (which contains the RCU safe directory where it is
licenses and is supplied by DingLi) unlikely to be deleted. Record
the directory path
Select an RCU and two SIMs, one for the modem and one for a logging channel
test module. Define and record the following data :

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Function to be defined Action Record Check

The Data
The Serial ID for the selected RCU Note: This must be licensed
to the system via the
Test.Fleet file
The phone number of the modem
The SMS Service Centre number
for the Modem SIM
The RAS dial number to access the Typically *99#. Get from the
data RAN by the modem SIM network operator
RAS user name for the modem SIM Get from the network operator
RAS user password for the modem Get from the network operator
The Access Point Name (APN) for Get from the network operator
the modem SIM to access the RAN
Internet Gateway
The phone number of the logging
The SMS Service Centre number
for the logging SIM
Stage 3 Configure the mandatory settings in the Fleet Central Software
If any of the following functions is set incorrectly the system
will not connect with WebClients and RCUs.
N Action Note Check

On Statistics Server PC - Open Program files ->

Open Services Pilot Fleet -> Services
Configuration software Configuration
Set up the Decode Database Enter in Statistics & Localhost if
directory path, as defined in Monitor tab -> Decode statistics and data
2.13, in Fleet Services Data Save Root Path, servers are co-
Configuration Press “Apply” resident
Set up the Decode Database Enter in Statistics & Localhost if
directory path, as defined in Monitor tab -> Decode statistics and data
2.13, in Fleet Services Data Save Root Path, servers are co-
Configuration Press “Apply” resident

Confidential and Proprietary
Pi l o t Fl e e t 3 . 1 Us e r Gu i d e

N Action Note Check
Set up the Data Server IP Enter in Statistics & Localhost if
address, as defined in 2.2, to monitor tab -> Authorise statistics and data
enable communication from Server. Press “Apply” servers are co-
the Statistics and Monitor resident
Set up the Data Server IP Enter in Web Server tab ->
address, as defined in 2.2, to Data Server Host. Press
enable communication from “Apply”
the Web Server software
Set up the Statistics Server IP Save in Fleet Services
address, as defined in 2.3, to Configuration -> Web
enable communication from Server tab -> Statistic
the Web Server software Server Host. Press “Apply”
Set up the Voice Server IP Enter in Web Server tab ->
address, as defined in 2.4, to Voice Server Host. Press
enable communication from “Apply”
the Web Server software
Set up the Data Server PC Enter in Web Server tab To simplify initial
user name as defined in 2.5 Data Server Host. Press system installation
“Apply” and reduce the
3.8 impact of errors it is
Set up the Data Server PC Enter in Web Server tab -> recommended that
password as defined in 2.6 Data Server Password. PC accounts are
Press “Apply” not established
3.9 until full system
Set up the Statistics Server Enter in Web Server tab ->
operation has been
PC user name as defined in Statistics Server User.
2.7 Press “Apply”
Set up the Statistics Server Enter in Web Server tab ->
PC password as defined in 2.8 Statistics Server Password.
Press “Apply”
Set up the Voice Server PC Enter in Web Server ->
user name as defined in 2.9 Voice Server User. Press
Set up the Voice Server PC Enter in Web Server tab ->
password as defined in 2.10. Voice Server Password.
Press “Apply”
On Data Server PC - Open Open Program files ->
Terminal Services Pilot Fleet -> Terminal
Services -> Stop -> config
Set up The Logfile database Enter in General Tab ->
directory path as defined in Root Directory

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N Action Note Check
Set up the RCU Index file and Enter in General tab ->
directory path as defined in RCU Index File using the
2.12 adjacent browse button
Set up the Decode Data Index Enter in General tab ->
file and directory path as Project File using the
defined in 2.14 adjacent browse button
Setup the name and directory Enter in General tab ->
path of the Fleet Project File Project File using the
as defined in 2.15 adjacent browse button
Start Fleet Services in all Fleet Start -> All Programs ->
Central System PCs Pilot Fleet -> Start Fleet
Test Fleet Web Client local Open Internet Explorer 6
operation (or higher) at address
Fleet will open at Statistics
page Enter Fleet user name
admin, no password
To Test Fleet Web Client Open Internet Explorer 6
remote operation (or higher) on any Internet
connect PC at address
Fleet will open at the Statistics
http://fixedIP where fixedIP
is the Fleet IP address
from section 2.1. Enter
Fleet user name admin, no
Stage 4 Configure an RCU with the minimum setup required to connect with
the Fleet Central System
Function N Action Check
Start Fleet services on all PCs Start -> All Programs -> Pilot Fleet -> Start
Fleet services
Start Fleet Web Client from As defined in 3.18 and 3.19
Data Server or an
independent PC
Select RCU for connection Maintenance -> Domain (select domain) ->
RCU Information (select RCU with the serial ID
in 2.16 )
Set up connection IP Enter Data Server fixed IP from 2.1 into
Preferred Server
Press Save

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Function N Action Check

Set up RCU comms settings in Select modem (the second module listed
Fleet RAS settings under the RCU)

Configure Enter the SIM phone no (from 2.17) into Phone
Configure Enter the SMS Service Centre no (from 2.18)
into SMSC Number
Configure Enter the RAS Dial no (from 2.19) into RAS
Configure Enter the RAS user name (from 2.20) into RAS
Configure Enter the RAS Password (from 2.21) into RAS
Configure Enter the network APN (from 2.22) into APN
Configure Select PAP
Configure Select Data Transmitting set-up Normal
Configure Select Transmit GPS and Alarm Data
Press Save
Set up RAS Dial data directly Connect any PC/Laptop to the RCU using a
into RCU to enable its initial crossover network cable
connection prior to the RCU
Change PC IP to
downloading a Configuration
File. Run RCU Client.
Select Configuration Tab
Configure Enter the Fleet fixed IP number (from 2.1) into
Configure Enter 21 into Port
Configure Enter RCU modem phone number from (2.17)
into Phone
Configure Enter the RAS User name (from 2.20) into
Configure Enter the RAS Password (from 2.21) into
Configure Enter the APN from (2.22) into APN
Configure Select PAP Authenticate

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Function N Action Check

Load data to RCU Press Write
Switch off RCU, disconnect from PC
4.24 4.25 Add SIMS to modem and the logging
Configure RCU for use
Connect Cellular and GPS Antennas. Ensure
GPS antenna can see the sky
Test RCU Switch on RCU. Check self tests (all lights on
for 10 seconds, they will go out)
Modem light will flash after several seconds
Test Connection with Fleet Open Web Client -> Operation -> RCU. The
Central System RCU under test will show Status activity. Once
a Test Plan is established (even idle mode
logging) parameters will be seen in the Real
Time Monitor Network screen.
Stages 5 – 7 can now be completed by defining the settings as required using the
instructions in the Fleet User Guide


This document provides operational and specification details
for the Pilot Fleet Remote Control Unit
Remote Control Units are sometimes called probes and
contain channels to allow UEs and scanners to collect
measurement and performance data simultaneously on
multiple Cellular networks, store locally prior to transfer to the
Fleet Central System. This transfer is normally via rapid, near
term uploads but can, in the eventuality of network problems
or if specifically required by the user, be stored until the end
of the test and then transferred by direct cable connection.
Full details of all these options are contained in this document.

Subject Details

Width Depth Height Weight

Physical Data 4channel unit

25.4cm 18cm 10.5cm


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Pi l o t Fl e e t 3 . 1 Us e r Gu i d e

Subject Details

Voltage Typical Power

Electrical Data Base unit PESQ Per UE Channel

10-18VDC 25W 15W 2W

MTBF 3000hours

Internal battery support for 30 minutes after

power disconnection. The data upload will stop,
Power on / Power off Process and unit will disconnect from the network and
power down after a time defined by the
operator when setting up the test schedule, the
default is 15 minutes. On power up the upload
will restart after successful completion of the
self test and initialisation sequence.

Operating Non
Environmental Data
Temperature range-25°C to + 70°C -45°C to
+ 85°C
Relative humidity 93% @ +40°C
1. Rugged protective steel case complete with
mounts (bolt-on bracket or flexible magnetic
2. Linux operating system for stable operation
Architecture and to allow full synchronisation of multiple
dial up commands when benchmarking.
3. USB, serial and PCMCIA channel support
is provided for connection of measurement
devices (see measurement channel
capacity below)
4. An NMEA 0183 GPS is contained within the
5. 1 GB compact flash memory.

Standards Supported UMTS (WCDMA/GSM/GPRS)

Voice (with or without PESQ) UL, DL &

Mobile to Mobile
Functions tested HTTP, WAP,
Email POP3 & SMTP
Messaging SMS, MMS
Video Calling and streaming

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Subject Details

UMTS & CDMA Sample rate 20Msec

Data recording 500Msec sample rate to
reduce data volume by up to

GSM Sample Rate 470Msec

Between 0.5 MB/hour (100% GSM) and

5MB/hour (100% WCDMA) per measurement
RCU Logfile Data Volumes channel. The WCDMA data volumes can
reduced by up to 60% by reducing the L1
sample rate.

Data Format Compressed Fleet logfile format with all

measurement channels combined. Alarm data
is transmitted in separate interleaved packets.
1. Anywhere
Recording Area 2. Selectable by LAC
3. Within an operator defined rectangle pre-
defined by four positions.
1. The user assigns, via an RCU setup
process, a dedicated channel (or a shared
collection channel if required) for use as a
modem. This channel is used for both
control functions and remote data transfers.
The setup process also stores the dialup
setting for the modem channel and the IP
address for the Fleet Central Server
2. The RCU will connect to its stored IP
RCU Communication & Control address via a dial-up command, and
initialise by downloading a new
configuration file which contains its work
orders. The connection occurs in one of
three sequences:
a) After power up
b) After connect fail
c) After the modem channel receives a call
3. The server IP address and dial up setting
can be configured by SMS (E.g. PHONE:*99#
USER:wap PASS:wap IP: PORT:9002)
4. Remote software upgrade is also initiated
by SMS command

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Pi l o t Fl e e t 3 . 1 Us e r Gu i d e

Subject Details

Autonomous Operation
1. Via the assigned channel (normally a
dedicated WCDMA channel for optimum
speed but in practice any data channels
can be used and if it is not dedicated, it
may be set to multiplex with logging
2. Upload data is compressed to minimise
transmission time
3. Four types of Upload schedules
a) Always. This is the Normal mode of
Data upload operation where the channel is
permanently connected, upload starts
after 1 sec or when the RCU memory
contains at least 10KB
b) Always when RCU is Idle
c) At specified times
d) At specified times when RCU is idle
Manual Operation
Direct connect via RJ45 Ethernet cable to PC
running Fleet RCU client software
Real Time Alarm and Monitor Data
The operator may select autonomous upload
for either, or both, the Real Time and Alarm
data packets even if the measurement data is
being stored for manual transfer. This will retain
the Real Time Monitor and Real Time Alarm
1. Up to four embedded module UE
measurement channels (plus the
embedded modem channel)
2. If autonomous data upload is not required,
the modem may be used as a fifth
embedded measurement channel
RCU Measurement Channel Capacity
3. Up to four USB connect handset UE
measurement channels
4. Up to two PCMCIA connect datacard UE
measurement channels
5. Up to two EIA/TIA-232-C serial connect
PCTel scanners (GSM, WCDMA or Triband)
6. Four PESQ VQ measurement channels.
Must be assigned to UE measurement
channels during in the test schedule.

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Subject Details

A self test routine runs on power up, if this fails

the modem channel will not connect.
During operation both the RCU functions and
Internal Test functionality the incoming measurement data are
continuously monitored and all failures are
encoded as alarm data and sent to the central
RCUs can be programmed to send an alarm
SMS to the operator in the event that a fault
prevents the unit from uploading alarm data.
1. The Unit is field serviceable
2. Software upgrade either remotely over the
Unit Maintenance air, or manually via direct PC connect
3. Two tier fault finding:
a. Alarm codes received from
uploaded data, RCU SMS
message or RCU fault log
b. Analysis using RCU service
software via direct connect to PC

Tested as follows
Environmental tests - Electrical
- Shock
- Vibration
- Atmospheric (temperature, humidity, salt


Example 1: Which configurations should be set to run
Fleet smoothly supposing there is no other setting after
completing installation?
Data Server Configurations:
First click Start --- Program--- Pilot Fleet 3.1---Stop Fleet
Services to terminate all services.
Then click Start--- Program --- Pilot Fleet 3.1 ---Terminal
Service to open the following figure

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In above figure press Config. The Configuration window will be

opened where General, Mail Settings, Alarm Settings and
Backup will be configured.

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General Configurations (necessary setting)

The directory for

storing original data

The default location of the Fleet

project file (*.fleet). Note: The
incorrect settings will lead to
work abnormally for RCU
cannot connect to server

Port 9000 is for data

services of Fleet3.1

Attention: All the settings should be kept in default expect the

Root Directory and Project File.
Data Keep Days, the days for storing original data in server, is
set in term of requirements. O is set to store original data in
server infinitely.

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Pi l o t Fl e e t 3 . 1 Us e r Gu i d e

Mail Settings(recommended setting)

The server address

for sending alarm

In Fleet 3.1 all alarm information in RCUs during testing will

be sent to the appointed email address (es) by mail. Provided
that the above setting is incorrect, alarms will not be mailed to
the destinations.
When settings complete, the following methods will help you
to validate whether they are right or not. Click Test in above
window, below figure will appear

Enter the email

address (es) for
receiving mails

If incorrect, another window as below will appear. In this case,

back to Mail Setting to reset until settings are correct

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If correct, the following figure will appear.

Alarm Settings (recommended setting)

Several email
addresses can be set
for receiving alarm
mails. Note: Comma is
only the effective

Tick the alarms

which require
sending mails

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The root for backuping

original data files
automatically. It is
recommended to use it
for safety, but it will
occupy much more

Statistics and Web Services Configurations

First click Start --- Program --- Pilot Fleet3.1--- Services
Configuration to open the Fleet Services Configuration

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The directory
for storing
decoded data

Supposing t data
server and
statistics server are
installed in one
computer. They are
set as localhost,
otherwise, IP
should be reset.
These settings
keep in default

It is recommended to
use the default
setting. Provided data
server and statistics
server are installed in
one computer. They
are set as localhost,
otherwise, IP should
be reset.

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Voice Service Configurations

If it is required to evaluate speech quality, voice service
should be configured, which will be illustrated in example 2.

Example 2: In case one module in a RCU needs to do dial

test for voice quality evaluation with using time window
The dial settings are: RCU channel dials a local number
in voice server once, and then this local number dials
this channel once, then test in cycle. Task duration:95s,
Connect:15s, Guard time:10s and Time session:8:00---
12:00, 14:00 ---18:00. This part will guide you how to
First you should get to know the relationship between channel
and local number.

Local numbers are set

manually and each one
matches only with one
These channels are channel
generated automatically
while voice card and driver
have been installed
correctly, and they are not
allowed to be modified

Then the setting steps are listed below:

Log on the Web Client, then go to Maintenance---Domain
Information --- Domain Name ---Schedule Information ---Test
Task --- Add --- Dial Test.

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Add new
test task

Dial test

Outgoing call
The local number in voice selected
server which must be the indicates this
same to the one in channel is
corresponding voice Tick it while doing MOC
channel, or else, dial voice quality
connection will fail or the evaluation
evaluation score will not be

Tick it to make time

window effective, in The
this case, common dial programmed
setting is ineffective length of
each call in

period,, in
The time period It is recommended to tick all,
second, between two which indicate dial
successive calls The interval connection succeeds as long
Confidential and Proprietary
between as any one occurs
Pi l o t Fl e e t 3 . 1 Us e r Gu i d e

Call from
server selected
indicates this
RCU channel
The local number in voice
is MTC
server which must be the
same to the one in
corresponding voice
channel, or else, voice
server can not dial RCU or
take the test plan

Add test plan

Add new
time session
Double click here
to add new test
Test times for
each test task

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The phone number of

RCU channel, which
must be set correct,
otherwise, voice server
Choose test plan
can not dial RCU
channel, that is to say ,
can not get the right
voice score

Then go to Start --- Program --- Pilot Fleet3.1--- Voice Service

Configuration to open the next figure

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The standard source voice

file stored in voice server is
used to compute uplink The standard playing voice
PESQ score (PESQ.wav) file of which incorrect
Supposing it is not set settings will lead to play
correctly, PESQ score will voice file abnormally for
not be calculated voice server

The directory for storing

PESQ score record files

It is recommended to set 3,
that is the *.wav files with
PESQ score low 3 will be
stored in Data Score Path

It is recommended to
tick it. While there is
neither outgoing call
nor incoming call
during Deactive Delay
between RCU and voice
channel, this channel
will be set as Deactive
state, which means
incoming call or
outgoing call will not be

Choose Channel then click Refresh

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These channels are generated Local numbers are set

automatically while voice card manually and each
and driver have been installed one matches only with
correctly, and they are not one channel
allowed to be modified

It is required
to tick it Click it to apply new test
task in voice server

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The local number

for voice evaluation

The phone number of RCU channel

The test time


Take test plan

from Maintenance

Click it to apply

Example3 How to locate and calibrate maps in JPG,
BMP or GIF formats by using Fleet Map Tools?
The steps are described in the following:
Step 1 Open Map Tools from Start --- Program ----Pilot
Fleet3.1 ---Map Tools
Step 2 Click Open then choose Bin---Fleet Web Pages(EN)--
-Maps--- Maps.xml( the default map file) shown as below

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Choose the
required map
Add new

Steps 3 Click Add Catlog to add new catalogue, and Click

Add Map to add new maps under this new catalogue.

Step 4 Open the required map by pressing adjacent to

Selection Map Information.
Step 5 If the selected map is in SWF format, the following
figure will jump up where coordinates information, longitude
and latitude are presented. Press Save to store map file in the
default path.

Include coordinates

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Step 6 If the selected map is in JPG, GIF or BMP format, you

can continue operating according to the next methods
1. Choose any two points {Min,Max}at random in the
opened Locate window, between which the distance is
the farthest as possible.
2. The initial coordinates of the Min and Max points adjacent
{X,Y} can be obtained either by typing manually or by
3. Enter the actual coordinates adjacent to {Longitude,
4. Click OK after completion
5. Press Save to store the map file after calibration

The initial
coordinates The current
The actual coordinate
coordinates s

New maps can be used in Monitor after importing in lights of

above way.

Example 4: How to monitor RCU working state, including

GPS information and wireless parameters information?
Step 1 Log on Fleet 3.1: input user name and password then
click Log in

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Step 2 Choose Monitor in main interface

Click it

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Enter username
and password

Select corresponding

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Select the required map, for

GPS route is shown on
map imported in server
using Map Tools

Press it to
refresh map

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Tick the
desired map

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Gu i d e

Drag the
desired RCUs
into map

Map window

GPS route and

colour can not
be changed

The current RCU,

time, longitude
and latitude

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Pi l o t Fl e e t 3 . 1 Us e r Gu i d e

Click it to go to
this page

Drag required
RCUs to
network window
These four
windows can
not be
defined and

Drag required
parameters to
Click here to window

Example 5:There
There is a test data file for UMTS voice
evaluation dial test including MOC and MTC from Oct.8th
to 10th, 2006. How to do statistics for MOC and MTC
respectively according to samples?
Step 1 Thresholds setting. The below figure is to set threshold
which can be kept in default and reuse if you log on Fleet3.1
the next time while you save these settings.

Press Save
to store;
Default to
Threshold can recover the
be changed initial
directly settings

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Step 2 Configurations. Choose system operator, RCU,
method and other setting in below four windows.


Tick system

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Tick the

Press Save
to conserve
the setting

Add test time


Step 3 Statistic templates setting.

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Enter the title in


Input template

Press Save
to conserve

for statistics

Step 4 Doing statistics.

Select Configuration

Select statistics

The beginning and

end time for statistics

Tick MOC or MTC for


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Step 5 Export statistics result.

One way is that all statistics result will be listed as below figure

or exported into Excel table by clicking in the top right


Click it to export
statistics result
into Excel table

Another way is from Report shown below.

Press it to
create report
Tick the required
statistic name

Tick the desired

statistic templates

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Gu i d e

Example 6: A RCU has been testing from Oct.23th to

Oct.24th, 2006 in a city. Dial mode: two channels in this
RCU dial each other. Please divide this city into four
parts, and then do statistics for their network parameters
Step 1 Region division. Divide this city into four parts and
each part is a closed curve shown as below:

Every time a
point is
selected in the The total
curve, a new number of
coordinates will curve
be added points

The beginning and end

coordinates of the closed
curve must be the same, or
else it is opened curve

Step 2 Map index. The created map index (*.txt) must be stored
in the same directory to the divided region parts.
Index format: file name 1234 file name

Step 3 Map importing. It is required to complete it in server.

The concrete method is listed below:
The following figure is opened by running installation directory.
Then go to Bin ---ProjUpMaps.exe

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Click it to choose
the imported map

The map files have

been imported

Step 4 Statistics. Please refer to example 5 where threshold

setting, statistic templates establishment and statistics
calculation have been described. Here more details on statistics
configurations will be explained

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Gu i d e

Tick the


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Choose statistics

Tick region
for statistics

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Set filtering

Press Save to
conserve the
Select the proper
Ellipsoid name

Input local Central

Meridian exactly
divisible by 3

Example 7: When RCU is uploading the test data of last

day, in this case, how to keep real-time?
The following gives three methods.
First delete test data in CF card by using command: rm
/dos/data * -f.

Second delete test data in CF card by RCUClient. The steps are

listed below.

Step 1 Change computer IP to 219.198.245.* (the default is

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Step 2 Connect RCU to computer using cable

Step 3 Open RCUClient as below, then go to Data ---Download

from RCU where press List to display all the test data files, then
choosing the required ones follows to press Delete

Select the required

ones for deletion

Third delete test data by using Fleet Tools. How to operate is to

open Fleet Tools then log on server as below.

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Select RCU then press this

button, test data uploading in
this RCU will be skipped.
Attention:: This RCU must be

Example 8:How
How to export coverage map? (Attention
(Attention:: The
statistics method is ticked By Grid)

Step 1 Threshold setting, statistic templates establishment

and statistics have been introduced. Here pay more attention
to configurations

Tick the

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Tick it to export
coverage map

Set grid size.

The default is
200 meters.

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3 . 1 Us e r
Gu i d e

Set filtering

Press Save to
conserve the
Select proper settings
Ellipsoid name

Input local Central

Meridian exactly
divisible by 3

Step 2 Statistics calculation which has been explained in

example 5

Step3 Coverage map generation

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Tick the desired

statistic name
Press it to export
coverage map

GPS route

Example 9: Supposing the test data in RCU is not

uploaded in real-time, how to take the stored test data in
CF card manually and upload them to the appointed
server by Internet?

Step 1 Change computer IP to 219.198.245.* (the default is
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Gu i d e
Step 2 Connect RCU to computer using cable

Step 3 Open RCUClient as below, then go to Data ---Download

from RCU where press List to display all the test data files, then
choosing the required ones follows to press Read Data to save
them in Save Directory. If Read All is ticked, all test data files will
be conserved.

The stored
directory for
test data file

Test data files

stored in CF

Step 4 Go to Data --- Upload Server, then click Add File(s)or

Add Dir to add test data files and input correct server IP (WAN)
or computer name (LAN), at last click Send to upload the
selected test data files to appointed server.

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Skip the
files stored
in server

The test data files Uploading

needed to upload test data file
to server
Adjust upload

When upload completes, Ok is in Message

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