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President Barack Obama’s recent visit to India was historic. It was
a meeting of minds — of two of the world’s greatest democracies.
Politically and economically, the India-U.S. relationship could
define the global architecture of the 21st century
US-IndIa: PartnerShIP
In FocUS

we have begun bilateral, exploratory meetings on how to as-

sure the safety of the global commons — including maritime
security and protecting both outer space and cyberspace.
Some people have said that the warmth and closeness of the connect
bilateral relations seen during the Bush administration would It was an extraordinary coming together of
President Barack Obama’s first visit to India has generated not continue. Such doubts are misplaced. There is clear bi- two of the world’s greatest democracies.
great excitement and greater expectations in India. With partisan support in Washington for a stronger India-U.S. part- An epochal meeting of minds that could forge
India-U.S. relations transforming into a robust strategic part- nership, just as there is broad political support in India. one of 21st century’s defining partnerships...
nership, such widespread sentiments are only natural. Even What is happening today is continued reinforcement of the
two decades ago, it was almost unimaginable that India and transformation of our relationship — which began during Pres-
the U.S. could have such a partnership, with shared values of
democracy, basic freedoms, pluralism and rule of law at its core.
ident Bill Clinton’s presidency and gathered steam under
President George W. Bush.
In the evolving international situation, these shared values Some have pointed out that issues like outsourcing mark a
have guided the world’s largest and the world’s oldest democ- new backsliding in relations. But these issues need to be seen
racies in building a mutually beneficial partnership — in the
interest not only of the two countries but also of the world.
from the right perspective. Two-way trade has doubled in the
past five years and is broadly balanced, including in services.
Yes, we can! — An overview
India-U.S. relations have deepened in virtually all areas of Indian investments of $25 billion over the same period have
cooperation — trade, investments, education, health, energy,
defense, counterterrorism, space, agriculture, science and
directly generated or saved more than 65,000 direct jobs in
the United States and many more indirectly. 16
technology and peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The India- Our relations are based on a rare level of respect and under- Obama at USIBC Summit:
U.S. Civil Nuclear Agreement has emerged as a centerpiece of standing. The world is going through a time of fragile eco- Restrictions on hi-tech exports eased
our partnership. It has allowed us to realize the full potential nomic recovery, and it is understandable that growing
of our bilateral cooperation and has opened opportunities to unemployment could create pressures for protectionist meas-
work even closer together in areas like energy security, climate ures. We believe that the way forward lies in creating a posi-
change and nuclear nonproliferation. tive-sum game — creating jobs and prosperity in both countries. 22 Getting into groove... First Lady bowls over
India has assigned two sites for building nuclear reactors, in Now, as a major leap forward in our partnership, the people
30 Obamas find Humayun’s Tomb ‘spectacular’
cooperation with U.S. companies, and signed the Convention of India are keenly looking forward to Obama’s visit. Our
on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage. It is shared values and the tempo of our continuing cooperation 44 Obama addresses Joint Session of Parliament
time now for businesses to take commercial negotiations forward. in diverse areas give us confidence that the president’s visit
India is now a major buyer of U.S. military-technical equip- will prove to be a milestone — not only in consolidating what 54 India, U.S. to forge strategic partnership
ment. We have already concluded contracts worth $4 billion. our two nations have accomplished together, but also in pro-
These purchases have created 50,000 jobs in the United viding a vital opportunity to make further progress in our 62 Indian delicacies wow Obamas at State Banquet
States. India has also become a significant export market for shared international agenda, including genuine reform of in-
U.S. goods, helping ensure more employment. Discussions for ternational institutions to make them reflective of current

defense procurements of a similar amount are under way. geopolitical realities and enabling them to deal with future
India and the United States have instituted regular talks on challenges.
issues relating to Afghanistan, East Asia and new global
threats and challenges, including terrorism and nuclear prolif-
eration. We also discuss how we can work together for the de-
velopment of Africa. In the larger Asian and global context,
Meera Shankar
Ambassador, November 4, 2010
‘obama is a sincere and a valued friend’
4 5

“ es, we can”, an-

nounced the head-
line of an Indian daily
the day after the US
President Obama concluded
his historic visit to India on No-
vember 9. Perhaps no other
phrase best sums up the new
dimension that President
Barack Obama has added to
India-US relations during his
four-day Indian sojourn.
Whether we look at it from
the Indian or the American
point of view, India-US relations
have now reached a stage
where the two countries can
US President Barack Obama’s recent visit to India
jointly raise the “Yes, we can” slo- was historic. It was a meeting of minds — of two
gan popularized by President of the world’s greatest democracies. Politically and
Obama, then Senator Obama,
during his 2008 Presidential
economically, the India-U.S. relationship could
campaign. define the global architecture of the 21st century,
While India welcomes, among says Arjun Sen
other things, President Obama’s
endorsement of India’s wish for a
key role at the UN high table – a
Permanent Seat on the Security
Council – the United States on its part is delighted that
India had hailed President Obama’s idea of making India-
US relations “the defining partnership of the 21st century”.
During his visit, President Obama emphasized that the
partnership that the US had been seeking with India is
both political and economic. By hailing India’s historic role ganized during his visit. “We don’t simply welcome your
of speaking up for the democratic and human rights of rise – as a nation, and a people – we ardently support it.
peoples who cannot do so on their own, and urging India We want to invest in it. And I’m here because I believe
to not only “look East” but also to “engage the East”, Pres- that in our interconnected world, increased commerce be-
ident Obama clearly indicated that the US sees India play- tween the U.S. and India can be and will be a win-win
ing a leadership role in the world in spreading and proposition for both nations,” President Obama said.
upholding the common values shared by the two coun- “… In 2010, trade between our countries is not just a
tries – commitment to democracy and rule of law and re- one-way street of American jobs and companies moving to
spect for fundamental human freedom. India. It is a dynamic, two-way relationship that is creating
At the same time, President Obama strongly underlined jobs, growth, and higher living standards in both our
the key economic role that India could play in reviving the countries. And that is the truth,” President Obama added.
US economy, creating jobs for Americans, and contribut- To achieve this shared goal of growth for both the
ing to the overall economic and financial stability of the economies, President Obama urged India to steadily re-
highly integrated global economy, while at the same time, duce any existing barriers to trade and investment.
reaping for itself the benefits of closer economic, trade In reply, India made clear that she too was willing to say
and investment ties with the United States. “Yes, we can” both politically and economically. At the
“The United States sees Asia – and especially India – as Joint Press Conference held by Prime Minister Dr. Manmo-
a market of the future,” the President declared at a busi- han Singh and President Obama on November 8, 2010,
ness summit between Indian and American businesses or- this was clearly evident. Speaking first, Prime Minister


6 7

President Obama is a sincere and a valued friend of our country, and our dis-
cussions have led to a meeting of minds. Ours is a partnership based on com-
mon values... a shared vision of the world... I look forward to working with
the President to realize the enormous potential of this partnership...

Singh said: “President Obama yesterday characterized the

India-US partnership as one of the defining and indispen- President Barack Obama’s visit to India was the sixth by a U.S. President since
sable partnerships of the 21st century. In my discussion
with the President, we have decided to accelerate the Dwight D. Eisenhower became the first to come visiting more than 50 years ago.
deepening of our ties and to work as equal partners in a Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were the other
strategic relationship that will positively and decisively in-
fluence world peace, stability and progress.” U.S. presidents to visit India.
The Prime Minister went on to emphasize that “Presi-
dent Obama is a sincere and a valued friend of our coun-
try, and our discussions have led to a meeting of minds. DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER
Ours is a partnership based on common values and inter- Eisenhower came calling in December 1959 during his Asia tour. In his address to the Indian
ests, a shared vision of the world, and the deep-rooted ties Parliament, he spoke of “a great awakening” in which the world has come to recognize “that
of friendship among our two peoples. I look forward to only under a rule of moral law can all of us realize our noblest aspirations”. India’s first Prime
working with the President to realize the enormous poten- Minister Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru hosted Eisenhower. In his arrival message, Eisenhower said: “In
tial of this partnership of our two countries.” fulfilling a desire of many years, I pay in person America’s tribute to Indian people, to their
culture, to their progress and to their strength among independent nations.”

The first-ever visit of a U.S. President to India, that of RICHARD NIXON
Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1959, was a big success with the Richard Nixon was the second President to visit India. Making a one-day trip in July 1969,
President spending almost a week in India and enjoying President Nixon was hosted by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
immense popularity wherever he went. The visit was a
huge success, say old-timers, with Prime Minister Jawahar- JIMMY CARTER
lal Nehru and President Eisenhower getting on very well. In January 1978, Jimmy Carter was the third President to visit India. A peanut farmer,
India-US relations were often viewed through the nar- President Carter visited Daulatpur village in Haryana. Carter’s mother Lillian Gordy Carter used
row prism of geopolitical equations, the Cold War and the to be a regular guest at the village headman’s house when she worked in India as a Peace
Non-Alignment Movement (NAM), and India’s alliance with Corps volunteer. Carter and First Lady Rosalynn visited the home where Lillian had stayed
the erstwhile Soviet Union during the first three decades and presented the village with its first television set. Daulatpur was renamed Carterpuri to
of her independence. What is often ignored is the eco- commemorate the presidential visit. Prime Minister Morarji Desai was India’s Prime Minister then.
nomic basis of this relationship.
“In 1951, India formally initiated its development pro- BILL CLINTON
gram with the launch of the First Five-Year Plan. The In March 2000, Bill Clinton became the fourth U.S. president to visit India. Accompanied by
United States, which was by then the undisputed leader of daughter Chelsea Clinton, his five-day trip was the longest by a U.S. President. President
the free world, had high hopes of India. The consensus Clinton’s visit also marked a watershed in India-U.S. relations, with trade and business driving
view in the US was that whereas East Asian economies, the relationship to a new high.
such as the Republic of Korea, were likely to turn into
basket cases, India and Africa would quickly grow out of GEORGE W. BUSH
US President Obama
and Indian Prime poverty. The scholarly community also shared this US gov- George W. Bush was the fifth U.S. President to visit India, in March 2006. An ardent supporter
Minister Dr. Manmohan
Singh wave to media ernment view,” writes internationally reputed US econo- of India, President Bush in a speech at New Delhi’s historic Purana Qila said: “In my country,
after arriving at Air
Force Station in New
mist of Indian origin Arvind Panagariya in his book India: some focus only on one aspect of our trade relationship with India: outsourcing. It’s true that
Delhi on November 7. The Emerging Giant. some Americans have lost jobs when their companies moved operations overseas... Some
“Yet, by 1980, the tables had been turned. In the early people believe the answer to this problem is to wall off our economy from the world through
1960s, the Republic of Korea decisively switched from an protectionist policies. I strongly disagree... We’re helping to create millions of new jobs in both
inward-looking, import substitution industrialization strat- our countries by embracing the opportunities of a global economy…”
egy to a policy of aggressive outward orientation. The re-
sults were spectacular: Its per capita gross domestic


8 9

The Clinton visit was recognition of all these changes on the economic front.
As a commentator pointed out: “For the first time, a visiting U.S. President
was accompanied by a large business delegation. President Clinton even
addressed two different gatherings of businessmen during his visit.

India’s overall growth rate. The reforms in the country’s

public sector also unlocked huge resources that had hith-
erto been either under-utilized or not utilized at all.
The Clinton visit was recognition of all these changes on
the economic front. As a commentator pointed out: “For the
first time, a visiting U.S. President was accompanied by a
large business delegation. President Clinton even addressed
two different gatherings of businessmen during his visit.”
But even as times were changing in India, American per-
President Obama and the
ceptions of India too underwent a transformation. Al- First Lady Michelle Obama
though the US had imposed sanctions on India following being welcomed by the
Indian Ambassador to the
President Obama shaking hands
its nuclear test in 1998, by the time President Clinton U.S. Meera Shankar, on their
arrival, at Chhatrapati Shivaji
with Indian students after an in- came to India, “the idea of isolating India had run out of International Airport, in Mum-
teraction at St. Xavier’s College in bai, on November 6. Minister
Mumbai on November 7, 2010. steam”, says G. Parthasarathy, a former Indian diplomat. of State (Independent Charge)
“Also, it was then that the prowess of the Indian IT in- for Corporate Affairs and
Minority Affairs Salman
dustry and the creativity of Indians in the US had woken Khurshid is also seen.
up the American administration. Matters of economy au-
tomatically worked themselves into bilateral negotiations President Obama, Dr. Singh said it had everything to do with
product (GDP) grew at an average annual rate of more public sector rather than the private sector, there was little rather than because of any concerted effort from either India’s rise as an economic power, and that what he was today
than 6 percent and in two decades till the end of the economic basis for closer India-U.S. relations. Consequently, side,” says Parthasarathy. The need for greater economic was because of what the country had made him.
1970s, it virtually eliminated poverty as conventionally there was little incentive either on the part of the Indian or cooperation between the two countries and greater trade “President George Bush’s attraction for India is really a tribute
measured. In contrast, India turned progressively inward, the American establishments to address the gap that existed and investment flows between the business communities to India and I find the same thing in President Obama,” the
embarked upon a major expansion of the public sector, and to build the necessary political bridges that would bring of the two countries began to impact political perceptions. Prime Minister told journalists aboard his special aircraft while
and subjected the private sector to strict investment li- the two countries closer to each other. While President Clinton was the first to move the U.S. returning from the G-20 summit in Seoul.
censing. The result was an average annual growth in per No wonder then that in the 53 years of independence till toward neutrality in India-Pakistan disagreements, the next “When the first time I met him, President Bush introduced me
capita GDP of just a little above 1 percent during the 2000, only three US Presidents visited India — Richard Nixon visit by President George W. Bush led to the de-hyphen- to his wife and said: ‘Laura, do you know of any other country of
1960s and 1970s. There was no change in the trend of in 1969, Jimmy Carter in 1978 and, of course, Eisenhower in ation of India and Pakistan in U.S. perceptions apart from 1.2 billion people committed to democracy, committed to re-
the proportion of the population living imparting a monumental improvement in India-US rela- spect for fundamental human freedom, committed to the rule of
below the official poverty line and with the tions, thanks to the inking of the landmark civil nuclear law and yet doing well in terms of the development agenda’?”
population growing more than 2 percent The successful visit of President Eisenhower was cooperation agreement. Perhaps, he said, the same applied to Obama. “His speech
per annum, the absolute number of poor based on the promise and potential that India to our Parliament, his idea of India that he talked about in his
rose,” writes Panagariya. held out to the rest of the world as a function- speeches, is a reflection of the uniqueness of India as a func-
As economists such as Panagariya, or so ing democracy with a mixed economy... THE NEW ARCHITECTURE tioning democracy, committed to the rule of law, committed to
many other political commentators have The third Presidential visit to India within a decade, that respect for fundamental human freedoms and yet managing
pointed out, the successful visit of President of President Obama, has probably opened the door for to grow at a respectable rate,” the Prime Minister said. “So,
Eisenhower was based on the promise and potential that 1959. But since President Bill Clinton’s visit in 2000, there much vaster India-U.S. cooperation and engagement. this is a tribute to India and not a tribute to me. What I am is
India held out to the rest of the world as a functioning have been two more presidential visits in just the last decade. The rise of India as a major global economic power has because what India has made me.”
democracy with a mixed economy which despite being By 2000, India had opened up her economy and been a key determinant. Today, the US needs India as Thus, if today, both India and the US are ready to sing the
based on the notion of building a “socialistic pattern of adopted market oriented policies that encouraged private much as India needs America. same tune and say “yes we can”, it is because India has emerged
society” also accepted the benefits that dynamic entrepre- entrepreneurship. The consequences: the emergence of Today, the world’s oldest democracy and the world’s and is ready to demand and get in return respect and equal
neurship can generate in a growing economy. India as a major global power in information technology, a largest democracy see eye to eye on a vast swathe of politi- treatment that one friend can demand and get from another.
It is, therefore, not surprising that as long as India adopted sharp rise in the country’s tele-density with the onset of cal and economic issues. President Obama’s visit was, therefore, historic. Today, the
a near-autarchic trade policy with emphasis on self-reliance the mobile phone revolution, a major thrust on infrastruc- On the conclusion of President Obama’s visit, Prime people of both the countries can expect these two great
at the cost of imbibing the latest available technologies and ture by the Indian government as a facilitator rather than Minister Dr. Singh has said as much. Asked about his rap- democracies to increasingly be on the same page, both eco-
production processes, and a more important role for the as a market interventionist and of course, a sharp rise in port and friendship with both President Bush as well as nomically and politically.


10 11

The full text of his survivors. I thank them all and whose colleagues made States and India are working
remarks: for joining us here today, the ultimate sacrifice. together more closely than
“On behalf of Michelle and along with so many others The perpetrators wanted ever to keep our people safe.
myself, I want to say what an who endured the anguish of to pit believers of different And I look forward to deep-
extraordinary honor it is to those four days in November. faiths against one another. ening our counterterrorism
be here in India. I want to We'll never forget the But they failed. Because cooperation even further
thank the people of Mumbai awful images of 26/11, in- here in Mumbai, the diversity when I meet with Prime
and all of you here today for cluding the flames from this that is India’s strength was Minister Singh in New Delhi.
your extraordinarily warm hotel that lit up the on full display: Hindus, We go forward with confi-
welcome. And I want to say Sikhs, Christians, Jews and dence, knowing that history
to the people of India how Muslims protecting each is on our side. Because
much we are looking for- other, saving each other, those who target the inno-
ward to spending the next living the common cent, they offer nothing but
three days in this remark- truth of all the world’s death and destruction.
able country and to deepen- great religions, that What we seek to build — to
ing the partnership between we are all children of welcome people of different
our two countries. God. faiths and backgrounds, and
I know there’s been a Those who at- to offer our citizens a future
great deal of commentary on tacked Mumbai of dignity and opportunity.
our decision to begin our wanted to demoral- That is the spirit of the gate-
visit here in this dynamic ize this city and this way behind us, which in its
city, at this historic hotel. country. But they architecture reflects all the
And to those who have failed. Because the very beauty and strength of dif-
asked whether this is in- next day, Mumbaikars came ferent faiths and traditions,
tended to send a message, night sky. back to work. Hotel staff re- and which has welcomed
my answer is simply, ab- We’ll never forget how the ported for their shifts. people to this city for a
solutely. Mumbai is a sym- world, including the Ameri- Workers returned to their century.

bol of the incredible energy can people watched and businesses. And within That is the hope that in
and optimism that defines grieved with all of India. weeks, this hotel was once towns and villages across
India in the 21st century. But the resolve and the again welcoming guests India, across this vast nation,

And ever since those horrific resilience of the Indian peo- from around the world. leads people to board
days two years ago, the Taj ple during those attacks By striking the places crowded trains and set out
has been the symbol of the stood in stark contrast to where our countries and to forge their futures in this
strength and the resilience the savagery of the terrorists. people come together, those city of dreams. And that is

of the Indian people. The murderers came to kill who perpetrated these hor- the shared determination of
So, yes, we visit here to innocent civilians that day. rific attacks hoped to drive India and the United States
send a very clear message But those of you here risked us apart. But just as Indian — two partners that will never

that in our determination to everything to save human citizens lost their lives on waver in our defense of our
give our people a future of lives. 9/11, American citizens lost people or the democratic
security and prosperity, the You were strangers who their lives here on 26/11 — values that we share.
United States and India helped strangers; hostages along with the citizens of For just as your first Prime
stand united. who worked together to many nations. And just as Minister said the day that
Paying tributes to the victims of Mumbai terror attacks, President A few moments ago, break free and escape; hotel our people prayed together the father of your nation
Obama said, “We’ll never forget the awful images of 26/11, including Michelle and I had the op- staff who stayed behind to at candlelight vigils, our gov- was taken from you, we shall
portunity to visit the memo- escort guests to safety; in- ernments have worked never allow that torch of
the flames from this hotel that lit up the night sky” rial here and to honor the cluding the hotel manager, closer than ever, sharing in- freedom to be blown out,
memory of those who were even after he lost his own telligence, preventing more however high the wind or
lost. And we also had the family; a nanny who braved attacks, and demanding that stormy the tempest. We be-
privilege of meeting with the bullets to protect a young the perpetrators be brought lieve that in America, and we
some of their families, as well boy; and Indians in uniform to justice. know you believe it here in
as some of the courageous who stopped the carnage Indeed, today, the United India.”


12 13

MANI The Obamas write their

comments in the Mani
Bhavan guest book (Left).
The Bhavan’s Director
Usha Thakkar takes the
Obamas around the her-
itage site where Mahatma
Gandhi had spent several
years of his life.

The US President describes Mahatma Gandhi as a “hero not

just to India, but to the world”


M Gandhi is a
“hero not just
to India but to
the world”, US President
Obama wrote in the visitor’s
The Obamas visited the room where Gandhi lived and
interacted with the trustees. They also saw the museum
with tableaux depicting several scenes from Gandhi’s life.

book after spending an en-

grossed half hour touring First Lady visited all the orary Director Dr. Usha The Bhavan has preserved
Mani Bhavan in Mumbai rooms of Mani Bhavan, his Thakkar, who took them on a Gandhi’s spinning wheel and
where the apostle of ahimsa second stop in the city after tour of Mani Bhavan. other belongings. The build-
(non-violence) used to stay. speaking at the Taj Hotel. Earlier, the Obamas were ing was owned by Gandhi’s
In remarks in the visitor’s While Obama was attired in greeted at Mani Bhavan with friend and follower
book, Obama wrote: “I am a black suit with a white garlands. All the parallel Revashankar Jagjeevan
filled with hope and inspira- shirt and blue tie, Michelle roads leading to Mani Bha- Jhaveri.
tion as I have the privilege to was wearing a grey dress with van were cordoned off several In 1955, it was taken over
view this testament to a three-string pearl necklace hours before the visit. About by the Gandhi Smarak Nidhi
Gandhi’s life. He is a hero, not around her neck. 300 people visit the library and later became a heritage
just to India, but to the world.” The Obamas visited the and the museum everyday. building.
President Obama’s wife room where Gandhi lived
Michelle, who was with him, and interacted with the
wrote below: “This visit will trustees. They also saw the
be one that I will always museum with tableaux de-
treasure. The life and teach- picting several scenes from
ings of Gandhi must be Gandhi’s life.
The Honorary Director
shared with our children Gandhi stayed in of Mani Bhavan Dr Usha
Thakkar greets US First
around the world.” The presi- Mani Bhavan from Lady Michelle Obama
dent and his wife also read 1917 to 1934. He during the US First
Couple’s visit to the
the remarks written by Amer- was assassinated heritage building.
ican civil rights leader Martin in New Delhi on
Luther King, who stayed at January 30, 1948. The mu-
the two-storey building on seum houses rare memora-
Laburnum Road in May bilia and 50,000 books. After
1959. writing in the visitor’s book,
President Obama and the Michelle spoke to the Hon-


14 15
Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group chair-
man Anil Ambani (L), General Electric
CEO Jeffrey Immelt (2L), US President
Barack Obama (C), President Boeing
Military Aircraft Christopher Chadwick
isiting US President Barack

(2R) and Spicejet Airways director
Bhupendra Kansagra (R) look on as
Obama addressed an India- Presicdent Obama speaks at the CEOs’
Forum in Mumbai on November 6.
US CEOs’ Forum at Trident
Hotel, Nariman Point, Mum-

bai, which was one of the hotels that
came under attack during the 26/11
terrorist attacks in the city.

The full text of the

President’s speech:

“Well, thank you very much, everybody,
for joining us. I’m going to be very brief
here today. This is partly because I’ve
got a long speech that will immediately
follow this.

But as I emphasized before I left the
United States, one of the biggest priorities
on this trip is to highlight the degree to
which US economic success, US job cre-
ation, US economic growth is going to be
tied to our working with, cooperating with,

establishing commercial ties with the
fastest-growing economies in the world.
And no country represents that promise of rived, and I’m very much looking forward define the course, as the global architec-
a strong, vibrant commercial relationship to the remaining days ahead. ture, political and economic, changes.
more acutely than India. After the address of President Obama, We welcome what you have said as

Obviously anybody who comes to the Indian Minister of Commerce and you embarked for India about doubling
Mumbai is struck by the incredible en- Industry Anand Sharma spoke on the the trade, but also increase jobs. By
ergy and drive and entrepreneurial spirit occasion.
So often when enhanced economic engagement both
that exists here. This is a commercial
we talk about will happen. India has reached a stage
town and this is an increasingly commer- Here is the full text of trade and where I can say not with optimism but
cial nation. And it is so important for Sharma’s speech: commercial without any hesitation that this is a
not just US companies but US workers Thank you, Excellency, President
relationships, country of limitless opportunities for
to recognize these incredible opportuni- Obama. I’m very privileged to welcome
the question is your industry, for your investors to
ties and hopefully for Indian workers and In his interactions with captains of Indian you on behalf of the government and
who’s winning engage in.
Indian companies to recognize the op- and US industries in Mumbai, President people of the Republic of India. Your
and who’s At the same time, both our countries
portunities for them as well. visit has a special significance, because
losing. This is are fortunate that we have human re-
So often when we talk about trade
Obama emphasised that India-US business after many missed opportunities in our
a classic sources. US has institutions, US has
and commercial relationships, the ques- relations are a two-way street engagement as two nations, there has
situation in strengths in innovation, in high-end
tion is who’s winning and who’s losing. been a historic embrace.
which we can technologies, and it can be greatly re-
This is a classic situation in which we We watched with admiration your
all win. And warding for both our countries.
can all win. And I’m going to make it election, your commitment, your refer-
I’m going to My Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan
one of my primary tasks during the next ences to the values espoused by the fa-
highlight all Singh, and the chairperson of the ruling
three days to highlight all the various ther of the Indian nation, Mahatma
the various coalition, Sonia Gandhi, has specifically
ways in which we’ve got an opportunity I a terrific conversation with some US But what I’m really excited about is Gandhi, Martin Luther King, the civil
ways in which asked me to convey the warm greetings
think to put Americans back to work, CEOs who are already doing a lot of the fact that we’re actually doing some rights movement, and to speak for human
we’ve got an and welcome to you. We hope your visit
see India grow its infrastructure, its net- work here in India. I just had a chance business while we’re here. And so be- dignity and the values associated.
opportunity to will be a path-breaking one, clearly
works, its capacity to continue to grow at to meet some young Indian entrepre- fore I turn it over to some of the compa- Our two countries share a lot. And in
put Americans defining the road map of the coopera-
a rapid pace. And we can do that to- neurs, as well as US and Indian compa- nies, I’d like Minister Sharma to just say the 21st century, there are expectations
back to work. tion between the two big democracies of
gether, but only if both sides recognize nies that are joint-venturing to take US a few words and thank him and the en- that these two countries, which have a the world.
these opportunities. technology and apply it in new ways tire Indian government for the incredible shared commitment to democracy, to Thank you.
So rather than speak about these pos- here in India, using new business and hospitality that’s already been shown to human rights, pluralistic society, multi- After these two speeches CEOs pres-
sibilities in the abstract, I’ve been having innovative business models. me during the few hours since I’ve ar- cultural, multireligious, multiethnic, can ent in the meeting shared their views.


16 17

In his address at USIBC, President Obama
talks of a new paradigm in the business
and economic relationship between India
and the United States...

ddressing the US-India Business Council and Entrepreneurship Summit at Trident Nari-

A man Point Hotel, Mumbai on November 6, President Obama made the announcement to
remove restrictions on sensitive hi-tech exports, even as he declared deals worth $15 bil-
lion that would support some 54,000 American jobs and seek to answer critics back home.
Obama said all the right things that would please Indians even as he told his audience back home
to shed old stereotypes about the country as growing ties with India would benefit both nations, which
he said were set for a “defining and indispensable partnership of the 21st century”.
“We not only welcome India’s rise, but we ardently support it,” the President told the business sum-
mit at Oberoi’s Trident Hotel — one of the targets of the 26/11 attackers that struck Mumbai — on the
first day of his four-day visit to India, the first halt in a four-nation Asian tour.


18 19

Excerpts: the Confederation of Indian ing ahead to the new year. So be one of the defining and in- Green Revolution that trans- a win-win proposition for ture, including the new air-
“Good afternoon, everyone. Industries. (Applause.) And to all of you who are observ- dispensable partnerships of formed life for generations of both nations... port here in Mumbai where I
Namaste. Thank you all for Rajan Bharti Mittal, president ing this sacred holiday here the 21st century. Indians. Americans have In 2010, trade between our landed this morning... A grow-
an extraordinarily warm wel- of the Federation of Indian and around the world, Happy Our nations are the two helped build India, and India countries is not just a one- ing number of American-
come. And before I get Chambers of Commerce and Diwali and a Saal Mubarak.. largest democracies on Earth. has helped to build America. way street of American jobs made aircraft are taking flight
started, I just want to ac- Industry. (Applause) I want to thank all the or- We are bound by a common Today, your country is one and companies moving to in your skies. And soon, there
knowledge some outstanding On behalf of my wife ganizations that have brought language and common val- of the fastest-growing India. It is a dynamic, two-way will be more.
public servants, some won- Michelle and myself, thank us together today, as well as ues; shared aspirations and a economies in the world. And relationship that is creating That’s because today, just
derful dignitaries who are in you to the people of Mumbai the business leaders, the shared belief that opportunity while there are many amaz- jobs, growth, and higher living moments before I arrived
the room. Anand Sharma, and the people of India for CEOs, the government offi- should be limited only by ing success stories and rap- standards in both our coun- here, several landmark deals
our Commerce and Industry the incredible hospitality you cials who have joined us here. how hard you’re willing to idly expanding markets in tries. And that is the truth. were sealed between the U.S.
Minister here in India. (Ap- have shown just in the few I just had some incredibly work, only by how hard you Asia, the sheer size and pace As we look to India today, and India. Boeing, one of
plause.) Khurshid Salman, hours since I’ve arrived in this productive discussions with are willing to try. Trade and of India’s progress in just two the United States sees an op- America’s largest companies,
the Minister of Corporate Af- magnificent country. American business leaders commerce between our peo- decades is one of the most portunity to sell our exports is on track to sell India
fairs and Minority Affairs, We are especially honored and Indian entrepreneurs, ple has been happening for stunning achievements in in one of the fastest-growing dozens of commercial and
who’s here. (Applause.) to be here as you celebrate and today I want to speak centuries — even before we human history. This is a fact.. Today, your markets in the world. For cargo aircraft. General Elec-
Dr. Montek Singh Diwali. (Applause) Some of with you about why we all were independent nations. In- Since your reform of the li- country is one America, this is a jobs strat- tric, another American com-
Ahluwalia, State Planning you may know this. Last year, benefit from the strengthen- dian immigrants crossed censing raj and embrace of of the fastest- egy. As we recover from this pany, will sell more than a
Commission Deputy Chair- I was honored to become the ing ties between our nations. oceans to work on farms in the global economy, India has growing recession, we are determined hundred advanced jet en-
man. (Applause.) Gary Locke, first American President to This is my first trip to India, the United States, and later lifted tens of millions of peo- economies in to rebuild our economy on a gines. And I’m pleased that
who is the Secretary of Com- help celebrate the Festival of but this will be my longest generations came to practice ple from poverty and created the world. And new, stronger foundation for two U.S. firms are finalists for
merce for the United States. Lights in the White House. visit to another country since medicine, and do cutting- one of the largest middle while there are growth. And part of that a major locomotive tender.
(Applause.) Terry McGraw, the (Applause.) And I know that becoming President.. And edge research, and to start classes on the planet. many amazing foundation involves doing Now, these are just a few of
chairman of the US-India today, families are lighting that’s because I believe that businesses. American re- You are now a nation of success stories what America has always the more than 20 deals being
Business Council. (Applause.) their Diyas and giving thanks the relationship between the searchers partnered with In- rapid growth and rising in- and rapidly been known for — discovering announced today, totaling
Hari Bhartia, the president of for their blessings and look- United States and India will dian scientists to launch the comes and massive invest- expanding and creating and building the nearly $10 billion.
ments in infrastructure and markets in products that are sold all over From medical equipment
energy and education. In the Asia, the sheer the world. That’s why I’ve set a and helicopters to turbines
coming decades, you will be size and pace goal of doubling America’s ex- and mining equipment,
the world’s most populous of India’s ports over the next five years American companies stand
nation, with the largest work- progress in just because for every $1 billion ready to support India’s grow-
force and one of the largest two decades is in exports, thousands of jobs ing economy, the needs of
economies in the world. Now, one of the are supported at home. And your people, and your ability
undoubtedly, that means that most stunning already, our exports to India to defend this nation. And
the U.S. and India will engage achievements have quadrupled in recent today’s deals will lead to more
in a healthy competition for in human years, growing much faster than 50,000 jobs in the
markets and jobs and indus- history. than our exports to many United States — 50,000 jobs...
tries of the future. But it also other countries. The goods Now, these are major deals
offers the prospect of ex- we sell in this country cur- that are significant for both
panded commercial ties that rently support tens of thou- our nations. But our trade re-
benefit both countries. sands of manufacturing jobs lationship is not just about
The United States sees across the United States — what America sells India. It’s
Asia — and especially India — from California and Washing- also about Indian investment
as a market of the future. We ton to Pennsylvania and in America is doing. Indian
don’t simply welcome your Florida. And that doesn’t even investment in America is
President Obama and
Anand Mahindra, Vice
rise — as a nation, and a peo- include all the American jobs among the fastest growing of
Chairman and Managing ple — we ardently support it. supported by our other ex- any country. In recent years,
Director of Mahindra &
Mahindra Ltd., at the We want to invest in it. And ports to India — from agricul- Indian companies have in-
USIBC meet in Mumbai.
I’m here because I believe ture to travel to educational vested billions of dollars in
that in our interconnected services. the United States — in Ameri-
world, increased commerce As we speak, American- can machinery, manufactur-
between the United States made machinery is helping ing, mining, research,
and India can be and will be India improve its infrastruc- technology. Today, these in-


20 21

vestments support tens of workers from this nation or growth and entrepreneurship. ready begun to do that... decades, it has been people
thousands of American jobs. any nation. Going forward, that commit- I’m confident because we who have driven our progress.
Hundreds of American And to further increase our ment must be matched by a both recognize that knowl- It is individual men and
companies — including many exports to places like India, steady reduction in barriers to edge is the currency of the fu- women like you who put their
small businesses — are invest- we’re marshalling the full re- trade and foreign investment ture, and that we must give shoulder to the wheel of his-
ing in India; not just in sources of the United States – from agriculture to infra- our children the skills and ed- tory and push. An American
telecommunications, but in government to help our com- structure, from retail to ucation that success requires scientist who discovers an
industries from clean energy panies sell their goods and telecommunications. Because in a global economy. agricultural breakthrough.
to agriculture. This means services in other markets. in a global economy, new And I’m confident because An Indian engineer who
more choices for Indian con- We’re increasing export fi- growth and jobs flow to coun- our countries are blessed with builds the next-generation
sumers and more jobs for In- nancing for small and tries that lower barriers to the most effective form of electric car. A small business
dians and Americans. medium-sized businesses. trade and investment. government the world has owner in Detroit who sells his
Our relationship is also We’re being a better advocate These are steps we can ever known: democracy. product to a new company in
about more than the goods for our businesses. We’re in- take together to strengthen Even if it can be slow at New Delhi. And all the Mum-
that we sell or the invest- creasing our trade missions. the economic ties between times. Even if it can be baikars who get up every day
ments we make — it’s about In fact, my Secretary of Com- our nations – ties that hold messy... in this City of Dreams to
the innovative partnerships merce, Gary Locke, will be incredible
we forge in the name of leading another trade mission promise for
progress. Before I came here, to India in the next few our people –
I had a fascinating meeting. I months. And we’re reforming the promise of
met with business leaders And these our export control system, so new jobs, new
from both our countries, in- partnerships that even as we strengthen industries and We must admit it won’t always be an easy
cluding some young Indian remind us that our national security, we new growth. road, but as I stand here today, I can tell
entrepreneurs. And what’s fas- by pursuing make sure that unnecessary Whether or you that I’m absolutely confident we will
cinating is the way that they trade and barriers don’t stand in the not that meet this challenge because in our two
are now partnering to take commerce, we way of high-tech trade be- promise is ful- nations, I see the fundamental ingredients
technology that has had one are unleashing tween our countries. filled depends to success in the 21st century...
application and use in the the most Today, I’m pleased to an- on us – on
U.S. and found entirely new powerful force nounce that we will work the decisions
uses and new businesses the world has with India to fundamentally we make and
models here, in India. ever known reform our controls on ex- the partner-
They’re working together to for eradicating tionship between the United ners. And that’s why we want ports, which will allow ship we build in the coming For we know that when forge a better life for their
make cell towers across India poverty and States and India is still one of to work together with you to greater cooperation in a years. governments are accountable children...
that can run on solar, and creating enormous untapped poten- remove the barriers to in- range of high-tech sectors We must admit it won’t al- to their people, their people This is the spirit of opti-
not diesel. They’re putting opportunity — tial. Of all the goods that creased trade and investment and strengthen our nonpro- ways be an easy road, but as I are more likely to prosper; mism and determination that
American technology into In- and that’s India imports, less than 10 between our nations. liferation efforts. stand here today, I can tell and that, over the long run, has driven our people since
dian electric cars. They’re try- broad-based percent come from the In the United States, we’re So we’re taking the neces- you that I’m absolutely confi- democracy and economic before we were nations – the
ing to develop better drugs economic United States. Of all the committed to doing our part. sary steps to strengthen this dent we will meet this chal- growth, freedom in the politi- same spirit that will drive our
for diseases like malaria... growth. goods that America exports With India and our other relationship. India can also lenge because in our two cal sphere and freedom in future. And that’s why I’m
These are examples of Ameri- to the world, less than 2 per- G20 partners, we’ve resisted do its part. Over the past two nations, I see the fundamen- the economic sphere go hand thrilled to be in India and
can companies doing well cent go to India. Our entire the protectionism that would decades, it has become much tal ingredients to success in in hand. We believe that. with you here today. And
and Indian companies doing trade with your country is still have plunged the global easier for companies to do the 21st century. What gives me the most that’s why I’m confident that
well. And these partnerships less than our trade with the economy even deeper into re- business and invest here in I’m confident because we confidence about our future we can and will forge new
remind us that by pursuing Netherlands — this is a coun- cession. Today, our country India. It was striking talking to both cherish the entrepre- is our greatest resource – the economic partnerships and
trade and commerce, we are try with a smaller population remains one of the most some of the American CEOs neurial spirit that empowers drive and ingenuity of our deliver the jobs and broad-
unleashing the most powerful than the city of Mumbai. As a open economies in the world. who are here who’ve come innovation and risk-taking, people: workers and entrepre- based growth that our peo-
force the world has ever result, India is only our 12th And while I make no apolo- frequently over decades and and allows them to turn a neurs — students and innova- ples so richly deserve.
known for eradicating poverty largest trade partner. gies about doing whatever it seen the incredible progress good idea into a new product tors; Indians and Americans, And I am absolutely certain
and creating opportunity — I have no doubt that we takes to encourage job cre- that’s been made... or company that changes the including the nearly 3 million that the relationship between
and that’s broad-based eco- can do better than that — we ation and business invest- Today, India is making world. And we have exam- Indian Americans who bind the United States and India is
nomic growth. can do much better. There’s ment in America, I still work major investments in its infra- ples of Indian entrepreneurs our nations together. going to be one of the defin-
Now, despite all this no reason this nation can’t be to make sure our efforts don’t structure and creating greater and American entrepreneurs For despite all the sweep- ing partnerships of the 21st
progress, the economic rela- one of our top trading part- unfairly target companies and transparency to support sitting right here who’ve al- ing changes of the last few century.”


22 23

US First Lady Mitchelle

Obama participates in a
cultural event with students
and volunteers from the
Make A Difference (MAD)
NGO, at the Mumbai Univer-
sity campus in Mumbai on
November 6, 2010.

US First lady Michelle
Obama greets students
and volunteers from
the Make A Difference
(MAD) NGO, at the
Mumbai University
campus in Mumbai
on November 6, 2010
during a cultural event.

In a spontaneous display of indulgence, the US First Lady joins the Mumbai

children, taking to the dancing floor with elegant ease

he did a little jig to a Looking relaxed, she took hugged the children and sat children thumped on little

US First lady Michelle
Obama dances to a
Bollywood film song Bollywood number, off her shoes — even as scores with them talking about the drums. The wide grin on her
during an interaction thumped the tam- of photographers clicked on importance of education. face was hard to miss as
with students from the
Make A Difference bourine and even furiously — and played hop- “Working hard, studying everyone worked up a little
(MAD) NGO, at the
Mumbai University played hopscotch barefoot! scotch with the kids cheering and having courage are the musical crescendo.
campus in Mumbai
on November 6, 2010. US First Lady Michelle her on. She even broke into a important things in life. We Enthralled by the First
Obama certainly conquered jig, as the hit song ‘Rang De did not have a lot of money, Lady’s warmth, 13-year-old
hearts with her spontaneity Basanti’ from the Bollywood but it was because of work- Johny David, one of the chil-
as she mingled with special blockbuster by the same ing hard — I could never dren who got to be up close
children at a Mumbai event name came on. imagine being first lady of the with the First Lady, said: “She
on November 6, 2010. “I love dancing,” said the US — that when time came to was like a dream to me”.
Dressed in an olive green First Lady, who has two do this, I was ready,” she told The event was organised
top and a grey knee-length daughters — Malia, 12, and the children. by the NGO Making a Differ-
skirt, Michelle Obama, 46, Sasha, 9. And sure enough, Chatting them up, sitting ence (MAD). While the First
had a casual, fun-filled inter- she took dancing cues from with them in a circle, it Lady interacted with the
action with the kids at the the children in attempting seemed like she had known children, President Obama
Mumbai University library in some bhangra-like moves! them forever. She comfort- was talking business with in-
an event organised by an Bringing a touch of com- ably kept beat on a tam- dustry executives in another
NGO. passion, the First Lady bourine as some of the part of the city.


24 25

Pictures show the

Obamas swinging

a leg with the
students of Holy
Name School and
generally having
a good time.

For the students of Holy Name School in Mumbai,
the visit of the US First Family was the best
Diwali gift that they could ask for

t was a swinging start to by the children, dressed in with palms joined, and lit a

I the day for the Obamas

on November 7, 2010,
with both the President
and his wife shaking a leg
with children at the Holy
vibrant reds, greens and or-
anges, who first presented a
semi-classical dance followed
by the traditional Koli folk
dance of Maharashtra's fish-
traditional lamp to flag off
the function. Earlier, Michelle
Obama had also seen an ex-
hibition of paintings and ran-
golis put up by the students.
Name School in Mumbai as erfolk, the original inhabi- Later, President Obama is
a Marathi folk tune played in tants of Mumbai. scheduled to address around
the background. That over, Michelle 100 students selected from
President Barack Obama Obama gamely agreed when six different city colleges at
and his wife Michelle, who the children asked her to the St. Xaviers College in
landed in Mumbai on Novem- join them, swinging her hips Dhobi Talao, again a stone's
ber 6, 2010, for a four-day to the catchy tune and throw away from Chhatrapati
India visit, were relaxed and quickly catching on as the Shivaji Terminus, another
smiling as they interacted with steps were taught to her. target of 26/11.
students, many of them from The president was not to far He will also visit an agri-
poor families, at the school. behind either, and happily cultural exhibition there, at-
The couple arrived sepa- got up to join the fun, wav- tend a democracy expo and
rately at the venue, in a quiet ing his arms and swinging interact with farmers in a Ra-
by-lane in Colaba, a hub of along with the rest. jasthan village through video
foreigners and close to the The children were de- conferencing.
Leopold Cafe, which was tar- lighted — and so it seems Thereafter, they are ex-
geted during the Nov 26, were the Obamas who were pected to return to the Taj,
2008 Mumbai terror attacks. seen smiling broadly. drive down to Colaba and
The US first couple — the Minister of State for Mi- hop onto a chopper for the
president in shirtsleeves and nority Affairs Salman Khur- Chhatrapati Shivaji Interna-
the first lady in a black and shid, who is also the tional Airport for their on-
white dress with a hot pink minister-in-waiting for the ward visit to New Delhi.
shrug — moved around, shak- Obamas, and Indian Ambas- South Mumbai remained
ing hands with the children sador to US Meera Shankar a virtual fortress as US digni-
and stopping to exchange sat behind the couple. taries went about their social
some words. Obama had greeted the engagements in the area,
They then settled down to students with a namaste, the mostly within a two square
watch dance performances traditional Indian greeting kilometre radius.


26 27

At the town hall meeting in Mumbai, President Obama responds to a
variety of complex questions, pausing to reflect and contemplate...

ielding questions ahead after the electoral the US would begin reduc- Burma, that will be anything

F from students on is-

sues ranging from
Pakistan to jehad,
establishing an e-connect
with farmers and breaking
rout. India has “the biggest
stake” in a successful and
stable Pakistan, Obama said
from the packed forecourt of
the college with its Indo-
ing troop levels starting July
2011. “But we will not be re-
moving all our troops.”
On Islam and jehad, he
said: “Well, the phrase jehad
but free and fair.”
Wife Michelle Obama
had earlier candidly spoken
to the students about her
growing up years and how
into an impromptu jig, US Gothic architecture as he an- has a lot of meanings within her family didn’t “have a lot
President Barack Obama got swered a question on the Islam. It is subject to lot of of money”.
into the groove in more ways prickly issue of Pakistan. different interpretations. But “My parents worked hard...
than one as he ended the He asserted that it was in I will say that first Islam is My parents couldn’t give us
first leg of his India visit here India’s interest to remove the one of the world’s great reli- material things,” she said elo-
before heading for New “distraction” of insecurity in gions and over a billion peo- quently. But “they taught us
Delhi on November 7, 2010. the region when it was mov- ple practice Islam.” that our circumstances didn’t
The morning, devoted to ing ahead on the global eco- The president, who also define us”, the wife of the
meeting farmers and stu- nomic stage. reiterated how Mahatma US’ first African American
dents, was expected to throw “Obviously the history be- Gandhi continues to inspire president said.
up color and some non-po- tween India and Pakistan is him in his day to day life, Before addressing the stu-
litical content. But it also incredibly complex and born said he did not consider dents, the president inter-
turned out to be a day for out of much tragedy and vio- India a rising power but one acted with farmers from
making important policy lence. It may be surprising, that had already “risen”. Ajmer through a video-con-
statements on global issues but I am absolutely con- “The common thread ference link to understand
as Obama took on a host of vinced that the country that runs is my determina- how India was seeking to
sharp questions from eager which has the biggest stake tion to take partnership (be- bridge the digital divide by
students at the St Xavier’s in Pakistan’s success is tween the two countries) to reaching technology and
College here. India,” Obama, who was criti- an entirely new level. We be- services to the grassroots
Exhorted by First Lady cised by some in India for lieve that India has already level. Stating that he wanted
Michelle Obama to ask not mentioning Pakistan’s risen.” to have a glimpse of the IT
President Obama at the St. Xavier’s College “tough questions”, the stu- terror link in his opening ad- In remarks that may be revolution in rural India,
town hall meeting, responding to a dents drawn from six Mum- dress at the Taj Hotel, said. seen as a subtle critique of Obama said: “Many of these
question posed by a student. bai colleges did just that as He also spoke of the need India’s policy towards Myan- innovations are because of
they asked the President his to “give space and time for mar, Obama also said: public and private collabora-
views on jehad, Pakistan, Afghan security forces to de- “There are elections that are tions between the United
Afghanistan and the road velop” and reiterated that being held right now in States and India.”


28 29

President Obama got a first hand feel of how India
is using the Internet to let citizens interact with local US President Barack
Obama in Mumbai
government bodies to access services interacting with Indian
farmers in Rajasthan
through video confer-
encing on November
7, 2010.

S President State for Communications tion in India in the 1970s mediately — in a departure Incidentally, both the and birth certificates. be in a position to leapfrog extent that we can use tech-

U Barack Obama on
November 7,
2010, interacted
with farmers from Ajmer
through a video-conference
and IT Sachin Pilot was with
the farmers in Kanpura vil-
lage in Ajmer, Rajasthan.
Obama said he wanted to
have a glimpse of the infor-
where scientists of the two
sides worked together for
better seeds and irrigation.
Large screens were in-
stalled both at the Mumbai
from the weeks that it would
have otherwise taken in the
Similarly, healthcare
worker Sunita Rathore ex-
moderators in Mumbai and
in Ajmer have been edu-
cated in the US.
Presently an advisor to the
Indian Prime Minister on
Full text of remarks
made by the US Presi-
dent at the Open Gov-
ernment and Technolo-
gy Exposition:
some of the intermediate
stages of government service
delivery, avoiding some of
the 20th century mecha-
nisms for delivering services
nology to provide people
with basic health informa-
tion, in some cases simple
diagnoses, that can save
people time, it can save the
link from Mumbai to under- mation technology revolu- college and at Kanpura, plained how she could ac- public information, infra- “Well, here’s the good news. and going straight to the government money, and we
stand how India was seeking tion in rural India, how some 25 km from Ajmer — a cess digitised medical structure and innovations, In the United States we are 21st. can end up with better
to bridge the digital divide citizens were interacting vir- town famous for the shrine records of the villagers, espe- Pitroda has studied at the trying to do some of the But many of the issues health outcomes. And obvi-
by reaching technology and tually with local government of Sufi saint Hazrat Khwaja cially children, to plan their Illinois Institute of Technol- same things that you’re that you’re talking about ously the same applies for all
services to the grassroots bodies using internet and Muinuddin Chisty — for vaccination schedules. ogy, while Pilot is an alum- doing — trying to make gov- here are ones that we’re try- the services you mentioned.
level. accessing information and those two sides to “meet and These apart, a student of nus of the Wharton School, ernment more transparent, ing to apply in the United So I want to congratulate
Moderating the discussion services such as tele-medi- interact” with each other vir- management, Vipul Johar, University of Pennsylvania. trying to make government States, as well. For example, all of you for doing the ter-
at the Open Government cine and e-education. tually. told the US President how Kanpura was chosen not more accountable, trying to in many rural areas in the rific work. And I look for-
and Technology Exposition “Many of these innovations Obama was visibly pleased he was pursuing further just because it falls in the make government more United States, it’s hard ward to watching this terrific
organised at the St. Xavier's are because of public and when the village local body studies via internet by down- constituency of Pilot, but efficient. sometimes to get to a hospi- experiment in democracy
College campus in the city private collaborations be- secretary Shiv Shankar said loading course material, also because a pilot project And one of the incredible tal. Even though the infra- continue to expand all
was the Chicago-based tech tween the US and India,” the how his complaint about a sparing him the need to there has connected it with benefits of the technology structure may be better throughout India, and you’ll
evangelist Sam Pitroda, US President said, giving the faulty handpump over inter- travel 25 km to Ajmer for optic fibre network for on- we’re seeing right here is developed, there’s still signifi- be a model for countries
while the young Minister of example of the green revolu- net was rectified almost im- the direct-contact classes. line access to land records that in many ways India may cant distances. And to the around the world.


30 31

“Indian civilization has endured and led the world
to new heights of achievement...”

relaxed US first logical Survey of

A couple looked
like any other
visitor to the Hu-
mayun’s Tomb, except for
the scores of plainclothes In-
India’s superinten-
ding archaeologist
K.K. Muhammad,
the Obamas spent
about half-an-hour
The Obamas go around
Humayun’s Tomb in Delhi
with the Archaeological Sur-
vey of India’s superintending
archeologist K.K. Muham-
mad serving as guide.

dian and US security per- walking through

sonnel swarming around, the monument, on
the glare of cameras and the which the more fa-
absence of any other mous Taj Mahal is
tourists. The Obamas de- modelled. The first
scribed the 16th century garden-tomb in
monument complex as India, the tomb was commis- tween four to 13 years, gave ried a black slate on which awed by the special atten- certainly impressed that the vied to record their feelings. to build something like this
“spectacular”. sioned by Hamida Bano, the an enthusiastic welcome in they had written in English - tion bestowed on them. US president and his wife As he left the venue at in seven years in the U.S., it
The presidential black lim- wife of the second Mughal Hindi to the US first couple, “Welcome to H.E (his excel- Ten-year-old Puja strug- shook hands with all in their around 5.20 p.m., Obama will be tough. Good contrac-
ousine drove up to the west emperor Humayun. who met them on the first lency) US President Barack gled to name the visitor, group. “He shook my hands remarked to the contingent tors,” before exiting with a
gate of the Humayun’s Tomb “Let’s take a look,” Obama floor terrace of the Mughal Obama and First Lady “Maba, no.. Obaji”, before and with everybody else. I re- of Indian and foreign media comment of “spectacular”.
complex, a World Heritage was heard saying, as he tomb. “Namaste,” said Michelle Obama”. her cousin, Shiv Ram, 6, ally liked it,” he said. at the complex that the In- Writing in the visitor’s
site, at 4.55 p.m. - the sec- walked up the stairs to the Obama to the children, “They said we should work came to her rescue with an All the children got gifts of dian capital seemed to be a book, Barack and Michelle
ond engagement of the US tomb. In between, the Oba- some of whom were accom- hard and study more,” said emphatic, “Obama”. a silver bookmark, embossed “modern city rooted in Obama said: “Through the
President Barack Obama mas, in a personal touch, in- panied by their parents and Vishal, the eldest of the 14 When asked if they knew with the presidential seal and civilization”. rise and fall of empires, In-
and his wife Michelle after teracted with the children of the organisers of an ASI-run children present at Hu- why the two persons were Obama’s signature. Immedi- Commenting to reporters dian civilization has endured
arriving in New Delhi in the labourers employed by ASI school in Tughlakabad. mayun’s Tomb. While Vishal important, they shyly shook ately after Obama left Hu- on the workmanship of the and led the world to new
afternoon, as part of their for the conservation projects Dressed in new uniforms recognized the importance their heads in the negative. mayun’s Tomb, the children structure, Obama said: “It heights of achievement. The
four-day official visit to India. and even gave them gifts. of grey skirt or shorts and a of the visitor, the younger Ram Das, an ASI labourer turned into media stars of the took seven years to build world owes a profound debt
Accompanied by Archaeo- The children, aged be- red-checked shirt, they car- children seemed rather over- and father of Vishal, was day as television channels this (monument). If you try to India and its people.”


32 33

ith camel-

W mounted bands
on either side
and another
playing on the terrace, what
was initially billed as an inti-
President Obama
having a one-on-one
chat with Prime
Minister Dr. Manmohan
Singh at the dinner.

mate “private dinner” for

about 20 people by Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh
and his wife Gursharan Kaur
for US President Barack
Obama and his wife Michelle
turned into a grand affair that
was described by about 60
Indian and about ten Amer-
President Obama, First ican guests as “outstanding”
Lady Michelle at the and “magnificent”.
dinner hosted by Prime
Minister Dr. Manmohan The dinner, on the lush
The “private dinner” hosted by Prime Minister Dr. Man-
Singh at his residence.
Also seen is Smt. front lawns of the prime
mohan Singh for President Obama turned into a grand
Gursharan Kaur.
ministerial residence at 7
affair that was described by about 60 Indian and about
Race Course Road, was
ten American guests as “outstanding” and “magnificent”.
held under a semi-open
marquee that, along with
the music-filled atmosphere
and lights, made it, in the
words of a guest, a setting
“straight out of the Arabian
Nights”. Anand Sharma, Kapil Sibal Commerce Secretary Gary including the Obamas, loved
The bands were drawn and S.M. Krishna and Plan- Locke, US ambassador to every moment of it with some
from the Border Security ning Commission Deputy India Timothy J. Roemer and in their group overheard as
Force and the Indian Navy. Chairman Montek Singh Rajiv Shah, Administrator of saying “we could learn much
They played soft non-intru- Ahluwalia. So were bureau- USAID. from the Indians how to or-
sive music that complimented crats National Security Ad- Before the dinner, that was ganise such things”.

the perfect weather and the viser Shivshankar Menon, catered by ITC Maurya’s sig- Each table was named
glittering ambience. Manmohan Singh’s Principal nature restaurants Bukhara after leading Indian Ameri-
Among those present were Secretary T.K.A. Nair, Foreign and Dum Pukht and in- cans or Americans who either
Congress President Sonia Secretary Nirupama Rao and cluded both non-vegetarian had a love for India or had

Gandhi, her son and party India’s ambassador to US and vegetarian fare represent- worked in India.
general secretary Rahul Meera Shankar. ing the best of Indian cuisine, President Obama hosted
Gandhi, Jammu and Kashmir Others to get the invite Prime Minister Singh and the first state dinner of his


Chief Minister Omar Abdul- were corporate bigwigs Azim President Obama met sepa- presidency in honor of Man-
lah, senior leaders L.K. Ad- Premji, Ratan Tata, Swati Pi- rately, followed by a meeting mohan Singh under a sprawl-
vani and Arun Jaitley, Actors ramal and N.R. Narayana between their families that in- ing white tent on the lawns of

Shabana Azmi, her husband Murthy, environmental scien- cluded the prime minister’s the White House in Novem-
Javed Akhtar and Aamir tist Sunita Narain and Jamia daughters and a son-in-law. ber last year that brought to-
Khan, besides Priya Dutt and Millia Islamia vice chancellor Sam Pitroda, the Prime gether the Who’s Who of
Meenakshi Natarajan, both Najeeb Jung. Minister’s Advisor on Technol- Washington and the Indian
MPs. From the American side ogy, said the setting was “un- American community and
Also present were cabinet were National Security Ad- believable” and “done with made it the most talked
ministers Pranab Mukherjee, viser Tom Donilon, Treasury class and thought”. about social event for months
P. Chidambaram, A.K. Antony, Secretary Timothy Geithner, Pitroda said the Americans, in the American capital.


34 35

ndia and the US are the world’s largest democracies

I sharing “certain values” and their relationship will be

a defining one in the 21st century, President Barack
Obama said after receiving a ceremonial welcome at
Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi on November 8, 2010.
“As I have said earlier, I believe the partnership be-
tween the US and India is one of the defining relation-
ships of the 21st century,” Obama told reporters in brief
remarks at the presidential palace, ahead of opening
talks with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
Dressed in his usual conservative black suit with a
maroon tie, the president underlined the “extraordinary”
people-to-people relations between the US and India.
He credited this largely to the role played by the vast
Indian diaspora “who contribute so much to our country”.

Obama also thanked “all the people in India ... for the
wonderful hospitality we have received... We want to ex-
press the warmest of regards from the people of the US
to the people of India”.

Obama spoke minutes after he and his wife Michelle
were warmly and formally greeted by President Pratibha
Patil and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at the fore-

court of the imposing British-built Rashtrapati Bhavan.
Singh had met him when he landed in New Delhi on
November 7, 2010, from Mumbai, where he began his India

visit a day earlier. The President inspected a special guard
of honor in the forecourt of the Rashtrapati Bhavan.
The Prime Minister and wife Gursharan Kaur, the

President and husband Devisingh Patil as well as a host
of cabinet ministers, including Defence Minister A.K.
Antony, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee and
External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna
President Obama inspecting a were at Rashtrapati Bhavan before
guard of honor during the the offi-
cial ceremonial welcome to the US the US first couple pulled up in their
President at Rashtrapati Bhavan in
New Delhi on November 8, 2010
black limousine.
(Left). The US President making a President Obama and the First
speech after inspecting the guard
of honor in the forecourt of Rashtra- Lady, in a black and green dress, were
pati Bhavan (below). met by Patil and the Prime Minister as
they alighted from the car. While Patil
was in a white sari with a green border, Gursharan Kaur
was in a rich cream sari with an elaborate russet border.
President Obama highlighted the extraordinary people-to-people relations After meeting the Indian ministers, Obama introduced
between the US and India during the official ceremonial welcome hosted Patil to the US delegation. President Obama later paid
by Indian President Pratibha Devisingh Patil at Rashtrapati Bhavan homage to Mahatma Gandhi at Rajghat and went into
talks with Manmohan Singh.


36 37

‘GANDHI’S wife looked absorbed in the sombre at-

mosphere of the Rajghat,” Kumar said.

According to Kumar, Obama asked
several questions about the memorial.
“He asked me how many people visit
Rajghat everyday. When I answered more

than 10,000, he looked impressed. He
also wanted to know if it is ever closed
and when it will open to the public after

his visit. I said that Rajghat is never
closed and will be open to the public as
soon as he leaves,” Kumar added.
President Obama and the First Lady
laid a wreath of white carnations, tied
with a blue-red-white ribbon, on the
t was a solemn moment as Presi- After signing the Visitors Book, the U.S.

I dent Obama and his wife Michelle

laid a wreath of white carnations at
Mahatma Gandhi’s memorial at Ra-
jghat in New Delhi on November 8,
2010, saying “his light” still inspires the
first couple was presented a bust of
Gandhi, a khadi scroll containing the
seven social sins Gandhi wrote about in
Young India in 1925 and three books.
The books were Gandhi’s autobiogra-
world. He also presented an “unparal- phy, My Experiments with Truth, The
leled” gift in the form of a Martin Luther Mind of Mahatma Gandhi and Mahatma
King Jr. memo- Gandhi in 100
rabilia. During years. As a special
the 20-minute gesture, they were
President Obama and
First Lady Michelle
visit, the Presi- also gifted a model
offer floral tributes at dent penned a of a charkha or a
the Samadhi of
Mahatma Gandhi, the note from the spinning wheel
Father of the Nation. heart in the which symbolizes
Visitor’s Book the Gandhian con-
at the Rajghat cept of self-entrepre-
Memorial while neurship and played
Michelle stood a vital role during
beside him. India’s independ-
“We will always ence. Obama also
remember the great soul who changed gifted something to Rajghat – a King
the world with his message of peace, tol- memorabilia.
erance and love. More than 60 years after Resting in a gold-wrapped box, this was
his passing, his light continues to inspire a piece of white stone from the Washing-
the world,” President Obama wrote. ton National Memorial of American civil
Rajnish Kumar, secretary of the Ra- rights activist Martin Luther King Jr., who
jghat Samadhi Committee who received was greatly inspired by Gandhi.
President Obama at the marigold The stone was set on a black base,
adorned VIP entrance, said that he saw which was embossed with the presiden-
“deep respect” for Gandhi in the Presi- tial seal and Obama's signature. Calling it
dent’s eyes. “unparalleled”, Kumar said that the gift
“Up until that moment I had only read had a profound meaning. “Gandhi stood
in the newspapers that Obama was a big for non-violence and so did King. So this
fan of Gandhi, but when I received him gift has a deep meaning behind it. We
here I could actually see the deep respect will put the stone in a glass case and
for Bapu (Gandhi) in his eyes. Even his keep it in our Rajghat office,” he said.


38 39

We have decided to hold our extended region, includ-

a higher education summit ing East Asia, Afghanistan,
next year. Cooperation in Pakistan and West Asia. We
the field of education holds have a shared vision of secu-
great promise because no rity, stability and prosperity
two other countries are bet- in Asia based on an open
ter equipped to be partners and inclusive regional archi-
in building the knowledge tecture. We have agreed to
economy of the future. broaden our strategic dia-
The United States is one logue to cover other regions

OBAMA of our largest trading part-

ners. Our trade is balanced
and growing. India is
among the fastest-growing
and areas, and initiate joint
projects in Africa and
As states possessing nu-

IS A sources of investment in the

United States. Indian invest-
ments have helped to in-
clear weapons, we have
today put forth a common
vision of a world without nu-

SINCERE crease the competitiveness

of the U.S. economy. We
welcome increased U.S. in-
clear weapons, and decided
to lead global efforts for
nonproliferation and univer-

AND A vestment and high-technol-

ogy flows in key sectors of
our economy, including the
sector of nuclear energy.
sal and non-discriminating
global nuclear disarmament.
This is a historic and bold
bilateral initiative.

VALUED We have agreed to facili-

tate trade and people-to-
people exchanges,
We also decided to
strengthen cooperation to
tackle nuclear terrorism and

Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh describes President
recognizing that protection-
ism is detrimental to both
our economies.
I conveyed our gratitude
we welcome US participa-
tion in the Global Center of
Nuclear Energy Partnership,
which will be set up in India.
to the President for the co- President Obama is a sin-
Obama as India’s true and sincere friend operation we have received cere and a valued friend of
in our counterterrorism our country, and our discus-
sions have led to a meeting
of minds. Ours is a partner-
ship based on common val-
S President Barack PRIME MINISTER: partnerships of the 21st cen- technology items and tech- ues and interests, a shared

U Obama and Indian

Prime Minister Dr.
Manmohan Singh
addressed a joint press con-
ference at Hyderabad House
The President and the First
Lady have made an abiding
impression on the people of
India with their warmth, with
their grace, and with their
tury. In my discussion with
the President, we have de-
cided to accelerate the deep-
ening of our ties and to
work as equal partners in a
nologies to India, and sup-
port India’s membership in
multilateral export control
regimes such as the Nuclear
Suppliers Group. This is a
“We have agreed to facilitate trade and people-to-people
exchanges, recognizing that protectionism is detrimental
to both our economies.” — Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh
vision of the world, and the
deep-rooted ties of friend-
ship among our two peoples.
I look forward to working
with the President to realize
in Delhi on November 8 after commitment to promoting strategic relationship that manifestation of the growing the enormous potential of
concluding bilateral discus- the relationship between our will positively and decisively trust and confidence in each sectors. We have an- opment center, the estab- measures post-Mumbai. We this partnership of our two
sions. Excerpts from the re- two great democracies. Presi- influence world peace, stabil- other. nounced specific initiatives lishment of a global disease will start a new homeland countries.
marks by President Obama dent Obama yesterday char- ity and progress. We have agreed on steps in the areas of clean energy, detection center in India, security dialogue to deepen I now invite President
and Prime Minister Singh in acterized the India-U.S. We welcome the decision to expand our cooperation health and agriculture. and an agreement for coop- this cooperation. Obama to make his re-
the Joint Press Conference in partnership as one of the by the United States to lift in space, civil nuclear de- These include a joint clean eration in weather and crop We had a detailed ex- marks. And I thank you.
New Delhi. defining and indispensable control from exports of hi- fense and other high-end energy research and devel- forecasting. change on the situation in (Applause.)


40 41

HIGHLIGHTS ing climate change; from the new partnerships across so

US President Barack Obama
development that gives peo- many areas as we have dur- addressing the joint Press
Conference with Indian Prime
ple and nations a path out ing my visit. Minister Manmohan Singh in
m Controls on export of economies. of poverty to advancing We’ve expanded trade and New Delhi on November 8,
high technology items m To promote global human rights and values investment to create pros-
and technologies to health, a new disease that are universal. None of perity for our people. The
India lifted. detection center will be this will be possible without major trade deals that were
m To support India's set up at New Delhi. strong cooperation between signed in Mumbai were an
membership in multi- m To start a new Home- the United States and India. important step forward in el-
lateral export control land Security Dialogue Moreover, as Prime Minis- evating India to one of
regimes such as the to deepen cooperation ter Singh alluded to, ours is America’s top trading part-
Nuclear Suppliers in counter-terrorism. no ordinary relationship. As ners. Today I’m pleased to
Group. m To broaden strategic di- the world’s two largest welcome India’s preliminary
m Steps to expand coop- alogue to cover other democracies, as large and agreement to purchase 10
eration in space, civil regions and areas, and growing free market C-17 cargo planes, which
nuclear, defense and initiate joint projects in economies, as diverse, multi- will enhance Indian capabili-
other high end sectors. Africa and Afghanistan. ethnic societies with strong ties and support 22,000 jobs
m Deepening cooperation m To strengthen coopera- traditions of pluralism and back in the United States.
on clean energy tech- tion to tackle nuclear tolerance, we have not only We agreed to reform our
nology, including set- terrorism and to set up an opportunity but also a re- controls on exports, and the
ting up of a Joint Clean the Global Center for sponsibility to lead. United States will remove In-
Energy Research and Nuclear Energy Part- And that’s why I believe dian organizations from the
Development Centre. nership in India. that the relationship be- so-called “entity list,” which
m An agreement for co- m Starting new partner- tween the United States and will allow greater coopera-
operation in weather ship in forestry and India will, in fact, be one of tion in a range of high-tech
and crop forecasting. sustainable develop- the defining partnerships of sectors like civil space and
m Increasing cooperation ment of land to help the 21st century. That’s why defense. And we agreed to
in the field of educa- meet the commitment I’ve worked with the Prime keep working to reduce and law enforcement com- liferation. In keeping with ahead with a new disease cussing why these efforts
tion sector and to hold in Copenhagen to Minister, a man of extraordi- trade barriers and resist pro- munities has already its commitment at our Nu- detection center here in New can be models for the kind
a Higher Education combat climate nary intellect and great in- tectionism. reached unprecedented lev- clear Security Summit, India Delhi. Building on our suc- of cooperation that not only
Summit next year. change. tegrity, to deepen and As a result of this visit, we els. And today, we’re taking will build a new center of ex- cessful efforts to expand ed- benefits America and India,
m To facilitate trade and m To launch a new part- broaden the cooperation be- are already beginning to im- another step — a new effort cellence for nuclear energy ucational exchanges, but benefits other nations as
people-to-people ex- nership for an ever- tween our two countries. plement our civil nuclear between our Department of and security to help reach including our Singh-Obama well.
changes, recognising green revolution to And I very much look for- agreement. We agreed to Homeland Security and the our goal of securing vulnera- 21st Century Knowledge Ini- So, taken together, all of
that protectionism is improve food security ward to addressing the In- deepen our cooperation in Indian Ministry of Home Af- ble nuclear materials in four tiative, we’ll convene a sum- these partnerships, all these
detrimental to both around the world. dian Parliament and the pursuit of clean energy tech- fairs to improve security at years. mit to forge new initiatives make it clear the
people of India later today nologies, and this includes our ports, our airports, and Given India’s growing role collaborations in higher edu- relationship between the
to discuss how the United the creation of a new clean our borders. in the region, we also agreed cation. And we’re announc- United States and India is
States and India can take energy research center here I also discussed with the to deepen our consultations ing two initiatives today that stronger, deeper and
PRESIDENTOBAMA: such graciousness and a our partnership to the next in India, and continuing our Prime Minister our efforts in on East Asia. Given India’s harness technology to de- broader than ever before.
Thank you very much, Prime wonderful dinner last night. level, with a vision of how we joint research into solar, bio- Afghanistan, and once again growing role on the world liver progress for our people. So, Mr. Prime Minister, again
Minister Singh. And good af- As I’ve said throughout my can work together as global fuels, shale gas, and building thanked him and the Indian stage, we’ll expand our dia- Building on the Indian I thank you for your partner-
ternoon, everyone. I want to visit, I have come to India partners. efficiency. And we agreed to people for the generous con- logue on global issues. And and American agricultural ship and for your friendship.
begin by saying how thrilled because I believe that the re- With the progress we’ve new partnerships including tributions that India has we discussed the need for collaboration that led to the I am confident that as
my wife Michelle and I and lationship between the made today, we’re seeing forestry and sustainable de- made towards development international institutions, in- Green Revolution, we’re India’s influence in the world
our entire delegation are to United States and India is just how broad and deep velopment of land to help and improving the lives of cluding the United Nations, launching a new partnership continues to rise, so, too, will
be here in India. We have indispensable to addressing our cooperation can be. As meet the commitments we the Afghan people. We to reflect the realities of the for a Evergreen Revolution the opportunities for even
been received with incredi- the challenges of our time -- President, I’ve had the op- made at Copenhagen to agreed on the need for all 21st century — which I will to improve food security closer cooperation between
ble warmth and incredible from creating economic op- portunity to appear with combat climate change. nations in the region to discuss further in my ad- around the world. We’re our two countries. And that
hospitality. And that in- portunity for our people to many of my foreign counter- To ensure the safety of work together and ensure dress to Parliament. also launching a new part- will mean even greater secu-
cludes the hospitality of our confronting terrorism and vi- parts at press conferences our citizens, we’re deepening that there are no safe Finally, we continue to ex- nership to promote open rity and prosperity for India,
friends, Prime Minister Singh olent extremism; from pre- such as this, but I cannot re- our efforts to prevent terror- havens for terrorists. pand partnerships between government and to empower for the United States, for
and his lovely wife Mrs. venting the spread of member an occasion when ism. Cooperation between We’re expanding our ef- our peoples. To promote citizens. And in my address this region, and for the
Kaur, who we thank for nuclear weapons to address- we have agreed to so many our countries’ intelligence forts to prevent nuclear pro- global health, we're moving to Parliament I’ll be dis- world.


42 43

SONIA Congress President Sonia

Gandhi called on US

President Barack Obama in
New Delhi on November 8.
Congress sources said

Gandhi, who was
accompanied by Finance

Minister Pranab Mukherjee,
raised issues of mutual The Leader of
the Opposition
interest and expressed in the Lok Sabha,
Sushma Swaraj,
meeting the US
India's desire to further President Barack
Obama, in
strengthen ties with the US. New Delhi on
November 8, 2010.

Gandhi is chairperson of
the ruling United
The President of
the Indian Na-
tional Congress
Progressive Alliance (UPA)
and heads the National
Advisory Council (NAC).
and Chairperson
of the ruling
United Progres-
sive Alliance
Sonia Gandhi
discusses a point eader of the Opposi- The BJP leader said she mind” and his government
with President
Obama during
their meeting in
New Delhi on
November 8,
2010. L tion in the Lok Sabha,
the lower House of
Parliament, and sen-
ior Bharatiya Janata Party
(BJP) leader Sushma Swaraj
told Obama that such re-
marks caused unease in
India as every word originat-
ing from Washington was fol-
lowed closely here. Swaraj
“will keep these in considera-
tion” and “will be careful”.
On the Bhopal gas tragedy,
she conveyed to Obama that
it was the world’s worst in-
called on US President said she told Obama that dustrial disaster and “the
Barack Obama on November there were “loud whispers” that compensation that people
8 in New Delhi. She said her India was being seen as a got was peanuts”. She said
meeting with US President market and Pakistan as an ally. the guilty should be brought
Obama was “very fruitful” as “You are an outstanding to book and the US govern-
he was “very receptive and re- communicator, such a good ment should help the Indian
sponsive” to the issues raised orator. Please wash away this government in the Bhopal
by her, including terrorism, impression,” Swaraj told Obama. case, which needs to be re-
India's sensibilities about The BJP leader said she opened. The environmental
China, the Bhopal gas urged Obama to understand issues linked to the tragedy
tragedy and outsourcing. India's sensibilities vis-a-vis should also be addressed, she
“Not only did he under- China and emphasised that asserted. Obama told her he
stand the issues but said (he India was a dependable and would speak about the Bhopal
will) try to address them as reliable friend. She said the gas tragedy issue at an ap-
far as possible,” Swaraj told US had cancelled joint exer- propriate forum and asked
reporters here. She said she cises in Arunachal Pradesh Swaraj to convey his sympa-
raised five issues with and an India-US-Japan exer- thies to the affected people.
Obama, including occasional cise apparently because Bei- Swaraj said Obama had in-
statements from senior US jing would be unhappy. vited her to visit the US.
officials about Pakistan en- She said Obama told her “Generally, such meetings
joying a special status and that the points she raised are one-sided. But, he was
being a major non-NATO ally. “had been registered in my very responsive,” she said.


44 45

ADDRESS TO Addressing a Joint Session of India’s Parliament on November 9,

President Obama said that “the relationship between the United
THE JOINT SESSION OF States and India — bound by our shared interests and our shared
values — will be one of the defining partnerships of the 21st

PARLIAMENT century. This is the partnership I’ve come here to build.

This is the vision that our nations can realize together.”


46 47

alize together. always found inspiration in spired with America and moon. character.”
My confidence in our the life of Gandhiji and his the world. (Applause.) Instead of resisting the And instead of being lured
shared future is grounded in simple and profound lesson An ancient civilization of global economy, you became by the false notion that
my respect for India’s treas- to be the change we seek in science and innovation; a one of its engines —- reform- progress must come at the
ured past -— a civilization the world. (Applause.) And fundamental faith in human ing the licensing raj and un- expense of freedom, you
that’s been shap- just as he summoned Indi- progress -- this is the sturdy leashing an economic built the institutions upon
US President Obama ad- ing the world for ans to seek their destiny, he foundation upon which you marvel that has lifted tens of which true democracy de-
dressing the joint session
of Parliament in the thousands of influenced champions of have built ever since that millions of people from pends —- free and fair elec-
Central Hall of Parlia-
ment House in New years. Indians equality in my own country, stroke of midnight when the poverty and created one of tions, which enable citizens
Delhi on November 8.
Vice President Mohd.
unlocked the in- including a young preacher tricolor was raised over a the world’s largest middle to choose their own leaders
Hamid Ansari, Lok tricacies of the named Martin Luther King. free and independent India. classes. without recourse to arms --
Sabha Speaker Meira
Kumar and the Prime human body and After making his pilgrimage (Applause.) And despite the Instead of succumbing to (applause) -- an independent
Minister, Dr. Manmohan
Singh are also seen. the vastness of to India a half-century ago, skeptics who said this coun- division, you have shown judiciary and the rule of law,
our universe. It’s Dr. King called Gandhi’s phi- try was simply too poor, or that the strength of India —- which allows people to ad-
no exaggeration to say that losophy of non-violent resist- too vast, or too diverse to the very idea of India —- is its dress their grievances; and a
our Information Age is ance “the only logical and succeed, you surmounted embrace of all colors, all thriving free press and vi-
rooted in Indian innovations moral approach” in the overwhelming odds and be- castes, all creeds. (Ap- brant civil society which al-
—- including the number struggle for justice and came a model to the world. plause.) It’s the diversity rep- lows every voice to be heard.
zero. (Applause.) progress. (Applause.) Instead of slipping into resented in this chamber This year, as India marks 60
Of course, India not only So we were honored to starvation, you launched a today. It’s the richness of years with a strong and
opened our minds, she ex- visit the residence where Green Revolution that fed faiths celebrated by a visitor democratic constitution, the
panded our moral imagina- Gandhi and King both millions. Instead of becom- to my hometown of Chicago lesson is clear: India has
Here is the speech: economic rise; from the uni- my longest visit to another tions -- with religious texts stayed —- Mani Bhavan. And ing dependent on commodi- more than a century ago -— succeeded, not in spite of
“Mr. Vice President, Madam versity students who will country since becoming that still summon the faith- we were humbled to pay our ties and exports, you the renowned Swami democracy; India has suc-
Speaker, Mr. Prime Minister, chart India’s future, to you —- President. (Applause.) For ful to lives of dignity and dis- respects at Raj Ghat. And I invested in science and tech- Vivekananda. He said that, ceeded because of democ-
members of Lok Sabha and leaders who helped to bring in Asia and around the cipline, with poets who am mindful that I might not nology and in your greatest “holiness, purity and charity racy. (Applause.)
Rajya Sabha, and most of India to this moment of ex- world, India is not simply imagined a future “where be standing before you resource —- the Indian peo- are not the exclusive posses- Now, just as India has
all, the people of India. I traordinary promise. emerging; India has the mind is without fear and today, as President of the ple. And the world sees the sions of any church in the changed, so, too, has the re-
thank you for the great At every stop, we have emerged. (Applause.) the head is held high” -- (ap- United States, had it not results, from the supercom- world, and that every system lationship between our two
honor of addressing the rep- been welcomed with the And it is my firm belief plause) -- and with a man been for Gandhi and the puters you build to the In- has produced men and nations. In the decades
resentatives of more than hospitality for which Indians that the relationship be- whose message of love and message he shared and in- dian flag that you put on the women of the most exalted after independence, India
one billion Indians and the have always advanced its interests as a
world’s largest democracy. been known. proud leader of the non-
(Applause.) I bring the So, to you aligned movement. Yet, too
greetings and friendship of and the peo- often, the United States and
the world’s oldest democracy ple of India, I am proud to visit India so early in my India found ourselves on op-
—- the United States of on behalf of presidency. It’s no coincidence that India is posite sides of a North-
America, including nearly me, Michelle my first stop on a visit to Asia, or that this `South divide, estranged by a
three million proud and pa- and the has been my longest visit to another long Cold War. Those days
triotic Indian-Americans. American country since becoming President. For in are over.
(Applause.) people, please Asia and around the world, India is not Here in India, two succes-
Over the past three days, accept my simply emerging; India has emerged... sive governments led by dif-
my wife Michelle and I have deepest ferent parties have
experienced the -- and dy- thanks. (Ap- recognized that deeper part-
namism of India and its peo- plause.) Ba- nership with America is both
ple -- from the majesty of hoot dhanyavad. (Applause.) tween the United States and justice endures -— the father natural and necessary. And
Humayun’s Tomb to the ad- Now, I am not the first India -— bound by our of your nation, Mahatma in the United States, both of
vanced technologies that are American President to visit shared interests and our Gandhi. (Applause.) my predecessors —- one a
empowering farmers and India. Nor will I be the last. shared values -— will be one For me and Michelle, this Democrat, one a Republican
women who are the back- But I am proud to visit India of the defining partnerships visit has, therefore, held spe- -— worked to bring us closer,
bone of Indian society; from so early in my presidency. of the 21st century. This is cial meaning. See, through- leading to increased trade
the Diwali celebrations with It’s no coincidence that India the partnership I’ve come out my life, including my and a landmark civil nuclear
schoolchildren to the inno- is my first stop on a visit to here to build. This is the vi- work as a young man on be- agreement. (Applause.)
vators who are fueling India’s Asia, or that this has been sion that our nations can re- half of the urban poor, I’ve So since that time, people


48 49

global cooperation. have worked to help make it So we’ve removed Indian or- compromises that are neces- to share India’s expertise nothing ever justifies the
Now, to advance these in- a reality. ganizations from our so- sary so global trade works with farmers in Africa. And slaughter of innocent men,
terests, I have committed the Together with our part- called “entity list.” And we’ll for all economies. this is an indication of women and children. It’s why
United States to compre- ners, we have made the G20 work to remove -- and re- Together, we can India’s rise — that we can we’re working together, more
hensive engagement with the premier forum for inter- form our controls on ex- strengthen agriculture. Co- now export hard-earned ex- closely than ever, to prevent
the world, based on mutual national economic coopera- ports. Both of these steps operation between Indian pertise to countries that see terrorist attacks and to
interest and mutual respect. tion, bringing more voices to will ensure that Indian com- and American researchers India as a model for agricul- deepen our cooperation
And a central pillar of this the table of global economic panies seeking high-tech and scientists sparked the tural development. It’s an- even further. And it’s why, as
engagement is forging decision-making, and that trade and technologies from Green Revolution. Today, other powerful example of strong and resilient societies,
deeper cooperation with has included India. We’ve America are treated the same India is a leader in using how American and Indian we refuse to live in fear. We
21st century centers of influ- increased the role of emerg- as our very closest allies and technology to empower partnership can address an will not sacrifice the values
ence — and that must neces- ing economies like India at partners. farmers, like those I met yes-
urgent global challenge. and rule of law that defines
sarily include India. international financial insti- We can pursue joint re- terday who get free updates Because the wealth of a us, and we will never waver
Now, India is not the only tutions. We valued India’s search and development to on market and weather con- nation also depends on the in the defense of our people.
emerging important role at Copen- create green jobs; give India ditions on their cell of its people, we’ll America’s fight against al
US President Obama
signing the Golden Visitors’ power in the hagen, where, for the first more access to cleaner, af- And the United States is a continue to support India’s Qaeda and its terrorist affili-
Book, in the Central Hall of
Parliament House in New
world. But time, all major economies fordable energy; meet the leader in agricultural pro- effort against diseases like ates is why we persevere in
Delhi on November 8. Lok relationships committed to take action to commitments we made at ductivity and research. Now, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, Afghanistan, where major
Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar
is also seen. between our confront climate change —- and as global development assistance from
countries is and to stand by those ac- partners, we’ll India has improved the lives
unique. For we are two tions. We salute India’s long work to im- of the Afghan people. We’re
strong democracies whose history as a leading contrib- We need to forge partnerships in hi-tech prove global making progress in our mis-
constitutions begin with the utor to United Nations sectors... So we’ve removed Indian organiza- health by pre- sion to break the Taliban’s
same revolutionary words — peacekeeping missions. And tions from our so-called “entity list.” And venting the momentum and to train
“We the people.” We are we welcome India as it pre- we’ll work to remove... our controls on ex- spread of Afghan forces so they can
two great republics dedi- pares to take its seat on the ports. Both of these steps will ensure that pandemic flu. take the lead for their secu-
cated to the liberty and jus- United Nations Security Indian companies seeking hi-tech trade And because rity. And while I have made
tice and equality of all Council. (Applause.) and technologies from America are treated knowledge is it clear that American forces
people. And we are two free In short, with India assum- the same as our very closest allies... the currency will begin the transition to
market economies where ing its rightful place in the of the 21st Afghan responsibility next
people have the freedom to world, we have a historic op- century, we summer, I’ve also made it
pursue ideas and innovation portunity to make the rela- will increase clear that America’s commit-
that can change the world. tionship between our two Copenhagen; and show the as farmers and rural areas exchanges between our stu- ment to the Afghan people
in both our countries have stage. But I stand before And that’s why I believe that countries a defining partner- possibilities of low-carbon face the effects of climate dents, our colleges and our will endure. The United
asked: What’s next? How you today because I am con- India and America are indis- ship of the century ahead. growth. change and drought, we’ll universities, which are States will not abandon the
can we build on this vinced that the interests of pensable partners in meet- And I believe we can do so And together, we can re- work together to spark a among the best in the world. people of Afghanistan -— or
progress and realize the full the United States — and the ing the challenges of our by working together in three sist the protectionism that second, more sustainable As we work to advance the region -— to violent ex-
potential of our partnership? interests we share with India time. (Applause.) important areas. stifles growth and innova- Evergreen Revolution. our shared prosperity, we tremists who threaten us all.
That’s what I want to ad- — are best advanced in part- Since taking office, I’ve, First, as global partners we tion. The United States re- Together, we’re improving can partner to address a Our strategy to disrupt
dress today —- the future that nership. I believe that. (Ap- therefore, made our relation- can promote prosperity in mains — and will continue to Indian weather forecasting second priority —- and that is and dismantle and defeat al
the United States seeks in plause.) ship a priority. I was proud both our countries. To- remain — one of the most systems before the next our shared security. In Mum- Qaeda and its affiliates has
an interconnected world, The United States seeks to welcome Prime Minister gether, we can create the open economies in the monsoon season. We aim to bai, I met with the coura- to succeed on both sides of
and why I believe that India security — the security of our Singh for the first official high-tech, high-wage jobs of world. And by opening mar- help millions of Indian farm- geous families and survivors the border. And that’s why
is indispensable to this vi- country, our allies and part- state visit of my presidency. the future. With my visit, we kets and reducing barriers to ers — farming households of that barbaric attack. And we have worked with the
sion; how we can forge a ners. We seek prosperity — a (Applause.) For the first are now ready to begin im- foreign investment, India can save water and increase pro- here in Parliament, which Pakistani government to ad-
truly global partnership -— strong and growing economy time ever, our governments plementing our civil nuclear realize its full economic po- ductivity, improve food pro- was itself targeted because dress the threat of terrorist
not just in one or two areas, in an open international are working together across agreement. This will help tential as well. As G20 part- cessing so crops don’t spoil of the democracy it repre- networks in the border re-
but across many; not just for economic system. We seek the whole range of common meet India’s growing energy ners, we can make sure the on the way to market, and sents, we honor the memory gion. The Pakistani govern-
our mutual benefit, but for respect for universal values. challenges that we face. needs and create thousands global economic recovery is enhance climate and crop of all those who have been ment increasingly recognizes
the benefit of the world. And we seek a just and sus- Now, let me say it as clearly of jobs in both of our coun- strong and is durable. And forecasting to avoid losses taken from us, including that these networks are not
Of course, only Indians tainable international order as I can: The United States tries. (Applause.) we can keep striving for a that cripple communities American citizens on 26/11 just a threat outside of Pak-
can determine India’s na- that promotes peace and se- not only welcomes India as We need to forge partner- Doha Round that is ambi- and drive up food prices. and Indian citizens on 9/11. istan —- they are a threat to
tional interests and how to curity by meeting global a rising global power, we fer- ships in high-tech sectors tious and is balanced —- with And as part of our food This is the bond that we the Pakistani people as well.
advance them on the world challenges through stronger vently support it, and we like defense and civil space. the courage to make the security initiative, we’re going share. It’s why we insist that They’ve suffered greatly at


50 51

the hands of violent extrem- fective, credible and legiti- strengthened the corner- services to which they’re en- like it on the planet. There entire people hostage to the ple of India who are watch- aside old habits and atti-
ists over the last several years. mate. That is why I can say stone of the global non-pro- titled -- (applause) -- and to is so much that countries greed and paranoia of bank- ing today. tudes that keep people
And we’ll continue to in- today, in the years ahead, I liferation regime, which is hold officials accountable. transitioning to democracy rupt regimes. It is unaccept- In your lives, you have apart, when we recognize
sist to Pakistan’s leaders that look forward to a reformed the Nuclear Non-Prolifera- Voters can get information could learn from India’s ex- able to steal elections, as the overcome odds that might our common humanity, then
terrorist safe havens within United Nations Security tion Treaty. about candidates by text perience, so much expertise regime in Burma has done have overwhelmed a lesser we can begin to fulfill these
their borders are unaccept- Council that includes India Together, the United message. And you’re deliver- that India can share with the again for all the world to see. country. In just decades, you aspirations that we share.
able, and that terrorists be- as a permanent member. States and India can pursue ing education and health world. And that, too, is what Faced with such gross vio- have achieved progress and It’s a simple lesson con-
hind the Mumbai attacks Now, let me suggest that our goal of securing the care services to rural com- is possible when the world’s lations of human rights, it is development that took other tained in that collection of
must be brought to justice. with increased power comes world’s vulnerable nuclear munities, as I saw yesterday largest democracy embraces the responsibility of the in- nations centuries. stories which has guided In-
We must also recognize that increased responsibility. The materials. We can make it when I joined an e-pan- its role as a global leader. ternational community —- es- You are now assuming dians for centuries —- the
all of us have an interest in United Nations exists to ful- clear that even as every na- chayat with villagers in Ra- As the world’s two largest pecially leaders like the your rightful place as a Panchtantra. And it’s the
both an Afghanistan and a fill its founding ideals of pre- tion has the right to peace- jasthan. democracies, we must never United States and India —- to leader among nations. Your spirit of the inscription seen
Pakistan that is stable and serving peace and security, ful nuclear energy, every Now, in a new collabora- forget that the price of our condemn it. parents and grandparents by all who enter this great
prosperous and democratic promoting global coopera- nation must also meet its in- tion on open government, own freedom is standing up And if I can be frank, in imagined this. Your children hall:
—- and India has an interest tion, and advancing human ternational obligations —- our two countries are going for the freedom of others. international fora, India has and grandchildren will look “That one is mine and the
in that as well. rights. These are the respon- and that includes the Islamic to share our experience, (Applause.) Indians know often shied away from some back on this. But only this other a stranger is the con-
In pursuit of regional se- sibilities of all nations, but Republic of Iran. And to- identify what works, and de- this, for it is the story of your of these issues. generation of Indians can cept of little minds. But to
curity, we will continue to especially those that seek to gether, we can pursue a vision velop the next generation of nation. Before he ever But speaking up for those seize the possibilities of the the large-hearted, the world
welcome dialogue between lead in the began his struggle for Indian who cannot do so for them- moment. itself is their family.”
India and Pakistan, even as 21st century. independence, Gandhi stood selves is not interfering in As you carry on with the This is the story of India;
we recognize that disputes And so we up for the rights of Indians the affairs of other countries. hard work ahead, I want this is the story of America —
between your two countries look forward in South Africa. Just as oth- It’s not violating the rights of every Indian citizen to know: - that despite their differ-
can only be resolved by the to working There is so much that countries transition- ers, including the United sovereign nations. The United States of Amer- ences, people can see
people of your two countries. with India —- ing to democracy could learn from India’s States, supported Indian in- It is staying true to our ica will not simply be cheer- themselves in one another,
More broadly, India and and other na- experience, so much expertise that India dependence, India champi- democratic principles. It is ing you on from the and work together and suc-
the United States can part- tions that as- can share with the world. And that, too, is oned the self-determination giving meaning to the sidelines. We will be right ceed together as one proud
ner in Asia. Today, the pire to what is possible when the world’s largest of peoples from Africa to human rights that we say there with you, shoulder to nation.
United States is once again Security democracy embraces its role as a global Asia as they, too, broke free are universal. And it sustains shoulder. Because we be- And it can be the spirit of
playing a leadership role in Council leader... from colonialism. (Ap- the progress that in Asia lieve in the promise of India. partnership between our na-
Asia —- strengthening old al- membership - plause.) And along with the and around the world has We believe that the future is tions —- that even as we
liances; deepening relation- — to ensure United States, you’ve been a helped turn dictatorships what we make it. We believe honor the histories which in
ships, as we are doing with that the Se- leader in supporting demo- into democracies and ulti- that no matter who you are different times kept us apart,
China; and we’re reengaging curity Council is effective; that Indian leaders have es- tools to empower citizens. cratic development and civil mately increased our secu- or where you come from, even as we preserve what
with regional organizations that resolutions are imple- poused since independence —- And in another example of society groups around the rity in the world. every person can fulfill their makes us unique in a glob-
like ASEAN and joining the mented, that sanctions are a world without nuclear how American and Indian world. And this, too, is part So promoting shared God-given potential, just as a alized world, we can recog-
East Asia summit —- organi- enforced; that we strengthen weapons. partnership can address of India’s greatness. prosperity, preserving peace Dalit like Dr. Ambedkar nize how much we can
zations in which India is the international norms And this leads me to the global challenges, we’re Now, we all understand and security, strengthening could lift himself up and pen achieve together.
also a partner. Like your which recognize the rights final area where our coun- going to share these innova- every country will follow its democratic governance and the words of the Constitu- And if we let this simple
neighbors in Southeast Asia, and responsibilities of all na- tries can partner —- strength- tions with civil society own path. No one nation human rights -- these are tion that protects the rights concept be our guide, if we
we want India not only to tions and all individuals. ening the foundations of groups and countries has a monopoly on wisdom, the responsibilities of leader- of all Indians. pursue the vision I’ve de-
“look East,” we want India to This includes our respon- democratic governance, not around the world. We’re and no nation should ever ship. And as global partners, We believe that no matter scribed today —- a global part-
“engage East” —- because it sibility to prevent the spread only at home but abroad. going to show that democ- try to impose its values on this is the leadership that where you live —- whether a nership to meet global
will increase the security and of nuclear weapons. Since I In the United States, my racy, more than any other another. But when peaceful the United States and India village in Punjab or the by- challenges —- then I have no
prosperity of all our nations. took office, the United administration has worked form of government, delivers democratic movements are can offer in the 21st century. lanes of Chandni Chowk -- doubt that future generations
As two global leaders, the States has reduced the role to make government more for the common man —- and suppressed —- as they have Ultimately though, this can- (laughter) -- an old section —- Indians and Americans —-
United States and India can of nuclear weapons in our open and transparent and woman. been in Burma, for example not be a relationship only of Kolkata or a new high- will live in a world that is
partner for global security —- national security strategy, accountable to people. Here Likewise, when Indians -- then the democracies of between presidents and rise in Bangalore -- every more prosperous and more
especially as India serves on and we’ve agreed with Rus- in India, you’re harnessing vote, the whole world the world cannot remain prime ministers, or in the person deserves the same secure and more just be-
the Security Council over sia to reduce our own arse- technologies to do the same, watches. Thousands of polit- silent. For it is unacceptable halls of this Parliament. chance to live in security cause of the bonds that our
the next two years. Indeed, nals. We have put as I saw yesterday at an ical parties; hundreds of to gun down peaceful pro- Ultimately, this must be a and dignity, to get an educa- generation has forged today.
the just and sustainable in- preventing nuclear prolifera- expo in Mumbai. Your land- thousands of polling centers; testors and incarcerate polit- partnership between our tion, to find work, to give So, thank you, and Jai
ternational order that Amer- tion and nuclear terrorism at mark Right to Information millions of candidates and ical prisoners decade after peoples. their children a better future. Hind. And long live the part-
ica seeks includes a United the top of our nuclear Act is empowering citizens poll workers -- and 700 mil- decade. It is unacceptable to So I want to conclude by And we believe that when nership between India and
Nations that is efficient, ef- agenda, and we have with the ability to get the lion voters. There’s nothing hold the aspirations of an speaking directly to the peo- countries and cultures put the United States.


52 53

S First lady she had no idea that women cessories — colourful Kutchi


U Michelle Obama
shopped for a
slice of India in
New Delhi on November 8,
2010, almost running out of
could make so many different
kind of craft products,”
Ghosh said.
The First Lady exhausted
her shopping budget at the
embroidered textile craft, pat-
achitra from Bengal, wood
craft from Karnataka and tex-
tile craft from the northeast.
The First Lady purchased

money as she splurged on crafts museum and said the 15 mobile covers, 15 rag Gu-
bedspreads, paintings and Indian craft items were ideal jarati dolls and five yogi
curios as the perfect Christ- gifts for Christmas, barely thailas or embroidered bags.
mas gifts! But there was also one-and-a-half months away. The next stop on her list was
a moment in the capital's “This is a historic occasion a vend from Orissa from
Impressed by the exquisite design of Indian traditional handicrafts, the US First sun-draped crafts museum for the museum. She was im- where she bought hand fans
Lady almost ran out of money as she splurged on bedspreads, paintings when she stood entranced pressed by what she saw. Ear- and elephants made of rice
and curios during her visit to the National Handicrafts by the strains of ‘baul’ folk lier Hillary Clinton and her stalks. “She bought a rag
music. The First Lady went daughter had also visited the doll that my four-year-old the welfare of the girl child.
and Handlooms Museum in New Delhi on a shopping spree after ar- museum,” museum chairper- daughter was making,” “We wanted to highlight
riving at the National Handi- son Ruchira Ghosh said. Sumar Bhura, an artisan the plight of these children.
crafts and Handloom A gentle breeze ruffled the from Kutch, said. We are not looking at any
Museum at 10.45 A.M. She giant trees inside the com- The museum, which is kind of help from the first
The US First Lady
talks to an artisan lingered for nearly two hours, plex as a five-member usually closed Monday, was couple — but just a little visi-
during her visit to
the National Hand- shooting well past her one- troupe of ‘baul’ minstrels kept open specially for the bility for the girls and expo-
icrafts and Hand- hour scheduled program. from West Bengal set the First Lady. The First Lady sure to the world they live
looms Museum in
New Delhi on Museum chairperson tone of her visit with songs also took time out to talk to in,” Sanjay Joshi of Nanhi
November 8, 2010.
Ruchira Ghosh walked the of Lalan Fakir. 14 poor girls from Punjab, Chaan said. The First Lady
First Lady through the gal- “Shob loke koy Lalon ki Rajasthan and New Delhi. struck an instant chord with
leries. “She was so impressed jaat shangshare...,” sang She answered queries about the children offering them
with the Indian handicrafts Swarasati Banerjee and her her “dreams, her life, her “biscuits and drinks” and
on display that she did not troupe clad in saffron robes daughters and enquired fielding their innocent queries
want to leave. She went on a to the sounds of the ektara about the children — and “with patience and a smile”.
shopping binge, buying al- and dhol as the First Lady their livelihoods” over snacks “She was wonderful with
most everything she came listened to them for a few and soft drinks. the children,” Ghosh said.
across,” said Ghosh. minutes, entranced by the The girls were brought to At the end, a delighted
She purchased four kan- folk melody. the crafts museum by the First Lady wished she “had
tha bedspreads from a Ben- She was clad in the same Nanhi Chaan Foundation, more time to spend at the
gal counter, greeting cards black and green dress she an organisation working for museum”.
handpainted with Mad- had worn at Mahatma
hubani motifs from Bihar, Gandhi’s memorial Rajghat
colourful wooden key and from where she drove
chains, Ganesha icons from down in an eight-vehicle
Karnataka, and a crochet convoy to the
dining table cover from crafts museum The US First Lady
checks out handicrafts at
Andhra Pradesh. The First while her hus- the National Handicrafts
and Handlooms Museum
Lady said she would have band and US in New Delhi on
November 8, 2010.
bought more had she been President Barack
left with more money, those Obama left for
at the museum said. Hyderabad House for talks
About 20 women artisans with Prime Minister Manmo-
from across the country ex- han Singh.
hibited their work on the oc- What she bought was an
casion. “The First Lady said enchanting mix of art and ac-


54 55

he Joint Statement Both leaders underscored sues of mutual interest, in-

reaffirms their na- PARTNERSHIP FOR THE that all states have an obli- cluding Central and West
tions’ shared values 21st CENTURY gation to comply with and Asia.
and increasing con- Prime Minister Singh and implement UN Security The two sides committed
vergence of interests, Prime President Obama called for Council Resolutions, includ- to intensify consultation, co-
Minister Dr. Manmohan an efficient, effective, credi- ing UN sanctions regimes. operation and coordination
Singh and President Barack ble and legitimate United They also agreed to hold to promote a stable, demo-
Obama resolved today in Nations to ensure a just and regular consultations on UN cratic, prosperous, and inde-
New Delhi to expand and sustainable international matters, including on the pendent Afghanistan.
strengthen the India-U.S. order. Prime Minister Singh long-term sustainability of President Obama appreci-
global strategic partnership. welcomed President UN peacekeeping opera- ated India’s enormous con-
The two leaders welcomed Obama’s affirmation that, in tions. As the two largest tribution to Afghanistan’s
the deepening relationship the years ahead, the United democracies, both countries development and welcomed
between the world’s two States looks forward to a re- also reaffirmed their strong enhanced Indian assistance
largest democracies. They formed UN Security Council commitment to the UN that will help Afghanistan
commended the growing co- that includes India as a per- Democracy Fund. achieve self-sufficiency. In
operation between their gov-
ernments, citizens,
businesses, universities and
scientific institutions, which ...President Obama welcomed India’s emergence as a
have thrived on a shared major regional and global power and affirmed his
Prime Minister culture of pluralism, educa- country’s interest in India’s rise, its economic prosperity,
Dr. Manmohan Singh tion, enterprise, and innova-
at the delegation and its security.
level talks with U.S. tion, and have benefited the
President Obama in
New Delhi on people of both countries.
November 8. Indian
Ambassador to the Building on the transfor-
U.S. Meera Shankar
is also seen.
mation in India-U.S. rela-
tions over the past decade, manent member. The two The two leaders have a addition to their own inde-
the two leaders resolved to leaders reaffirmed that all shared vision for peace, sta- pendent assistance pro-
intensify cooperation be- nations, especially those that bility and prosperity in Asia, grams in Afghanistan, the

tween their nations to pro- seek to lead in the 21st cen- the Indian Ocean region two sides resolved to pursue
mote a secure and stable tury, bear responsibility to and the Pacific region and joint development projects
world; advance technology ensure that the United Na- committed to work together, with the Afghan Govern-
and innovation; expand mu- tions fulfills its founding and with others in the re- ment in capacity building,

tual prosperity and global ideals of preserving peace gion, for the evolution of an agriculture and women’s em-
economic growth; support and security, promoting open, balanced and inclu- powerment.
sustainable development; global cooperation, and ad- sive architecture in the re- They reiterated that suc-

and exercise global leader- vancing human rights. gion. In this context, the cess in Afghanistan and re-
ship in support of economic Prime Minister Singh and leaders reaffirmed their sup- gional and global security
development, open govern- President Obama reiterated port for the East Asia Sum- require elimination of safe
ment and democratic values. that India and the United mit and committed to havens and infrastructure
The two leaders reaffirmed States, as global leaders, will regular consultations in this for terrorism and violent ex-
The Joint Statement issued after talks between Prime Minister that India-U.S. strategic part- partner for global security, regard. The United States tremism in Afghanistan and
Dr. Manmohan Singh and U.S. President Barack Obama, reaffirms nership is indispensable not especially as India serves on welcomes, in particular, Pakistan. Condemning ter-
that India-U.S. strategic partnership is indispensable not only for their only for their two countries the Security Council over India’s leadership in expand- rorism in all its forms, the
but also for global stability the next two years. The lead- ing prosperity and security two sides agreed that all ter-
two countries but also for global stability and prosperity in the 21st century and prosperity in the 21st ers agreed that their delega- across the region. The two rorist networks, including
century. To that end, President tions in New York will leaders agreed to deepen ex- Lashkar e-Taiba, must be
Obama welcomed India’s intensify their engagement isting regular strategic con- defeated and called for Pak-
emergence as a major re- and work together to ensure sultations on developments istan to bring to justice the
gional and global power and that the Council continues in East Asia, and decided to perpetrators of the Novem-
affirmed his country’s interest to effectively play the role expand and intensify their ber 2008 Mumbai attacks.
in India’s rise, its economic envisioned for it in the strategic consultations to Building upon the Counter
prosperity, and its security. United Nations Charter. cover regional and global is- Terrorism Initiative signed in


56 57

July 2010, the two leaders vention on the Law of the nuclear disarmament in the welcomed the Memorandum
announced a new Home- Sea, and peaceful settlement 21st century. They affirmed of Understanding for coop-
land Security Dialogue be- of maritime disputes. the need for a meaningful eration in the Global Centre
tween the Ministry of Home The transformation in dialogue among all states for Nuclear Energy Partner-
Affairs and the Department India-U.S. defense coopera- possessing nuclear weapons ship being established by
of Homeland Security and tion in recent years has to build trust and confi- India.
agreed to further deepen op- strengthened mutual under- dence and for reducing the Both sides expressed deep
erational cooperation, standing on regional peace salience of nuclear weapons concern about the threat of
counter-terrorism technology and stability, enhanced both in international affairs and biological terrorism and
transfers and capacity build- countries’ respective capaci- security doctrines. They sup- pledged to promote interna-
ing. The two leaders also ties to meet humanitarian port strengthening the six tional efforts to ensure the
emphasized the importance and other challenges such decade-old international safety and security of biolog-
of close cooperation in com- as terrorism and piracy, and norm of non-use of nuclear ical agents and toxins. They
bating terrorist financing contributed to the develop- weapons. They expressed a stressed the need to achieve
and in protecting the inter- ment of the strategic part- commitment to strengthen full implementation of the
national financial system. nership between India and international cooperative ac- Biological and Toxin
In an increasingly inter-de- the United States. The two tivities that will reduce the Weapons Convention and
expressed the hope for a
successful BWC Review
Conference in 2011. The
The two Governments resolved to further strengthen United States welcomed
defense cooperation, including through security India’s destruction of its
dialogue, exercises, and promoting trade and chemical weapons stockpile
collaboration in defense equipment and technology... in accordance with the pro-
visions of the Chemical
Weapons Convention. Both
countries affirmed their
shared commitment to pro- constructive and immediate cooperation in civil space, the core principles of these national export control laws
pendent world, the stability Governments resolved to risk of terrorists acquiring moting the full and effective steps to meet its obligations defense, and other high- regimes, as the Government and policies. The Prime Min-
of, and access to, the air, further strengthen defense nuclear weapons or material implementation of the CWC. to the IAEA and the UN Se- technology sectors. Com- of India takes steps towards ister and President commit-
sea, space, and cyberspace cooperation, including without reducing the rights The two leaders expressed curity Council. mensurate with India’s the full adoption of the ted to a strengthened and
domains is vital for the secu- through security dialogue, of nations that play by the regret at the delay in starting nonproliferation record and regimes’ export control re- expanded dialogue on ex-
rity and economic prosperity exercises, and promoting rules to harness the power negotiations in the Confer- TECHNOLOGY, INNOVA- commitment to abide by quirements to reflect its port control issues, through
of nations. Acknowledging trade and collaboration in of nuclear energy to advance ence on Disarmament for a TION, AND ENERGY multilateral export control prospective membership, fora such as the U.S.-India
their commitment to open- defense equipment and their energy security. The multilateral, non-discrimina- Recognizing that India and standards, these steps in- with both processes moving High Technology Coopera-
ness and responsible inter- technology. President leaders reaffirmed their tory and internationally and the United States should clude the United States re- forward together. In the view tion Group, on aspects of
national conduct, and on Obama welcomed India's de- shared dedication to work effectively verifiable treaty play a leadership role in pro- moving Indian entities from of the United States, India capacity building, sharing of
the basis of their shared val- cision to purchase U.S. high- together to realize the com- banning the future produc- moting global nonprolifera- the U.S. Department of should qualify for member- best practices, and outreach
ues, India and the United technology defense items, mitments outlined at the tion of fissile material for tion objectives and their Commerce’s “Entity List” and ship in the Australia Group with industry.
States have launched a dia- which reflects our strength- April 2010 Nuclear Security nuclear weapons or other desire to expand high tech- realignment of India in U.S. and the Wassenaar Arrange- The possibility of coopera-
logue to explore ways to ening bilateral defense rela- Summit to achieve the goal nuclear explosive devices. nology cooperation and export control regulations. ment according to existing tion between the two na-
work together, as well as tions and will contribute to of securing vulnerable nu- India reaffirmed its unilat- trade, Prime Minister Singh In addition, the United requirements once it im- tions in space, to advance
with other countries, to de- creating jobs in the United clear materials in the next eral and voluntary morato- and President Obama com- States intends to support poses export controls over scientific knowledge and
velop a shared vision for States. four years. Both sides ex- rium on nuclear explosive mitted to work together to India’s full membership in all items on these regimes’ human welfare, are without
these critical domains to The two leaders affirmed pressed deep concern re- testing. The United States strengthen the global export the four multilateral export control lists. boundaries and limits. They
promote peace, security and that their countries’ com- garding illicit nuclear reaffirmed its testing morato- control framework and fur- control regimes (Nuclear Both leaders reaffirmed commended their space sci-
development. The leaders mon ideals, complementary trafficking and smuggling rium and its commitment to ther transform bilateral ex- Suppliers Group, Missile the assurances provided in entists for launching new
reaffirmed the importance of strengths and a shared com- and resolved to strengthen ratify the Comprehensive port control regulations and Technology Control Regime, the letters exchanged in initiatives in climate and
maritime security, unim- mitment to a world without international cooperative ef- Test Ban Treaty and bring it policies to realize the full Australia Group, and Wasse- September 2004 and the weather forecasting for agri-
peded commerce, and free- nuclear weapons give them forts to address these into force at an early date. potential of the strategic naar Arrangement) in a End-Use Visit Arrangement, culture, navigation, resource
dom of navigation, in a responsibility to forge a threats through the IAEA, The leaders reaffirmed partnership between the two phased manner, and to con- and determined that the two mapping, research and de-
accordance with relevant strong partnership to lead Interpol and in the context their commitment to diplo- countries. sult with regime members to governments had reached velopment, and capacity
universally agreed principles global efforts for non-prolif- of the Nuclear Security macy to resolve the Iranian Accordingly, the two lead- encourage the evolution of an understanding to imple- building. They agreed to
of international law, includ- eration and universal and Summit Communiqué and nuclear issue, and discussed ers decided to take mutual regime membership criteria, ment these initiatives consis- continue discussions on and
ing the United Nations Con- non-discriminatory global Action Plan. The two sides the need for Iran to take steps to expand U.S.-India consistent with maintaining tent with their respective seek ways to collaborate on


58 59

future lunar missions, inter- context, they welcomed the reiterated the importance of largest trading partner in countries to enhance their of India-U.S. health coopera- comed India’s decision to The President and Prime
national space station, commencement of negotia- a positive result for the cur- goods and services, and economic and technological tion, Prime Minister and the hold a Festival of India in Minister also pledged to ex-
human space flight and data tions and dialogue between rent climate change negotia- India is now among the partnership. President celebrated the Washington DC in 2011. plore cooperation in support
sharing, and to reconvene the Indian operator and U.S. tions at the forthcoming fastest growing sources of To enhance growth glob- signing of an MOU creating Recognizing the importance of efforts to strengthen elec-
the Civil Space Joint Work- nuclear energy companies, conference of the United foreign direct investment en- ally, the Prime Minster and a new Global Disease Detec- of preserving cultural her- tions organization and man-
ing Group in early 2011. and expressed hope for early Nations Framework Conven- tering the United States. The President highlighted both tion Regional Center in New itage, both governments re- agement in other interested
They highlighted the just commencement of commer- tion on Climate Change two leaders agreed on steps nations’ interests in an am- Delhi, which will facilitate solved to initiate discussions countries, including through
concluded Implementing cial cooperation in the civil (UNFCCC) in Mexico and af- to reduce trade barriers and bitious and balanced con- preparedness against threats on how India and the sharing their expertise in
Arrangement for enhanced nuclear energy sector in firmed their support for the protectionist measures and clusion to the WTO’s Doha to health such as pandemic United States could partner this area.
monsoon forecasting that India, which will stimulate Copenhagen Accord, which encourage research and in- Development Agenda nego- influenza and other danger- to prevent the illicit traffick- Taking advantage of the
will begin to transmit de- economic growth and sus- should contribute positively novation to create jobs and tiations, and in having their ous diseases. ing of both countries’ rich global nature of their rela-
tailed forecasts to farmers tainable development and to a successful outcome in improve livelihoods in their negotiators accelerate and Embracing the principles and unique cultural heritage. tionship, and recognizing
beginning with the 2011 generate employment in Cancun. To that end, the countries. expand the scope of their of democracy and opportu- India’s vast development ex-
monsoon rainy season as an both countries. leaders welcomed enhanced They also welcomed ex- substantive negotiations bi- nity, the leaders recognized A SHARED INTERNA- perience and historical re-
important example of bilat- Just as they have helped cooperation in the area of panding investment flow in laterally and with other that the full future potential TIONAL PARTNERSHIP search strengths, the two
eral scientific cooperation develop the knowledge climate adaptation and sus- both directions. They noted WTO members to accom- of the partnership lies in the FOR DEMOCRACY AND leaders pledged to work to-
advancing economic devel- economy, India and the tainable land use, and wel- growing ties between U.S. plish this as soon as possi- hands of the next genera- DEVELOPMENT gether, in addition to their
opment, agriculture and United States resolved to comed the new partnership and Indian firms and called ble. They agreed to work
food security. strengthen their partnership between the United States for enhanced investment together in the G-20 to
The two leaders welcomed in creating the green econ- and India on forestry pro- flows, including in India’s in- make progress on the broad
the completion of steps by omy of the future. To this grams and in weather fore- frastructure sector, clean en- range of issues on its To enhance growth globally, the Prime Minster and
the two governments for im- end, both countries have un- casting. ergy, energy efficiency, agenda, including by en- President highlighted both nations’ interests in an
plementation of the India- dertaken joint research and aviation and transportation, couraging actions consistent ambitious and balanced conclusion to the WTO’s Doha
U.S. civil nuclear agreement. deployment of clean energy INCLUSIVE GROWTH, healthcare, food processing with achieving strong, bal- Development Agenda negotiations...
They reiterated their com- resources, such as solar, ad- MUTUAL PROSPERITY, sector and education. They anced, and sustainable
mitment to build strong vanced biofuels, shale gas, AND ECONOMIC welcomed the work of the growth, strengthening finan-
India-U.S. civil nuclear en- and smart grids. The two COOPERATION U.S.-India CEO Forum to cial system regulation, re-
ergy cooperation through leaders also welcomed the The two leaders stressed expand cooperation between forming the international
the participation of the U.S. promotion of clean and en- that India and the United the two countries, including financial institutions, en- tion in both countries. To Consistent with their com- independent programmes, to
nuclear energy firms in India ergy efficient technologies States, anchored in democ- in the areas of clean energy hancing energy security, re- help ensure that all mem- mitments to open and re- adapt shared innovations
on the basis of mutually ac- through the bilateral Part- racy and diversity, blessed and infrastructure develop- sisting protectionism in all bers of that generation enjoy sponsive government, and and technologies and use
ceptable technical and com- nership to Advance Clean with enormous enterprise ment. They also encouraged its forms, reducing barriers the benefits of higher educa- harnessing the expertise and their expertise in capacity
mercial terms and Energy (PACE) and ex- and skill, and endowed with enhanced engagement by to trade and investment, and tion, the Prime Minister and experience that the two building to extend food se-
conditions that enable a vi- panded cooperation with the synergies drawn from India’s Indian and American small implementing the develop- the President agreed to con- countries have developed, curity to interested countries,
able tariff regime for electric- private sector. They wel- rapid growth and U.S. global and medium-sized enter- ment action plans. vene an India-U.S. Higher the leaders launched a U.S.- including in Africa, in con-
ity generated. They noted comed the conclusion of a economic leadership, have a prises as a critical driver of Building on the historic Education Summit, chaired India Open Government Di- sultation with host govern-
that both countries had en- new MoU on assessment natural partnership for en- our economic relationship. legacy of cooperation be- by senior officials from both alogue that will, through ments.
acted domestic legislations and exploration of shale gas hancing mutual prosperity They looked forward to tween the India and the countries in 2011, as part of public-private partnerships Prime Minister Singh and
and were also signatories to and an agreement to estab- and stimulating global eco- building on these develop- United States during the a continued effort to and use of new technologies President Obama concluded
the Convention on Supple- lish a Joint Clean Energy Re- nomic recovery and growth. ments to realize fully the Green Revolution, the lead- strengthen educational op- and innovations, promote that their meeting is a his-
mentary Compensation. search Center in India as They emphasize innovation enormous potential for trade ers also decided to work to- portunities. They welcomed their shared goal of democ- toric milestone as they seek
They further noted that important milestones in not only as a tool for eco- and investment between the gether to develop, test, and the progress made in imple- ratizing access to informa- to elevate the India-U.S.
India intends to ratify the their rapidly growing clean nomic growth and global two countries. replicate transformative menting the Singh-Obama tion and energizing civic strategic partnership to a
Convention on Supplemen- energy cooperation. competitiveness, but also for Recognizing the people-to- technologies to extend food 21st Century Knowledge Ini- engagement, support global new level for the benefit of
tary Compensation within The leaders discussed the social transformation and people dynamic behind security as part of an Ever- tiative that is expanding initiatives in this area and their nations and the entire
the coming year and is com- importance of working bilat- empowerment of people. trade and investment green Revolution. Efforts will links between faculties and share their expertise with mankind. President Obama
mitted to ensuring a level erally, through the Major Prime Minister Singh and growth, they called for inten- focus on providing farmers institutions of the two coun- other interested countries. thanked President Patil,
playing field for U.S. compa- Economies Forum (MEF), President Obama celebrated sified consultations on social the means to improve agri- tries and the expansion in This will build on India’s Prime Minister Singh, and
nies seeking to enter the In- and in the context of the in- the recent growth in bilateral security issues at an appro- cultural productivity. Collab- the Nehru-Fulbright Pro- impressive achievements in the people of India for their
dian nuclear energy sector, ternational climate change trade and investment, char- priate time. The two leaders oration also will enhance gramme for Scholars. this area in recent years and extraordinary warmth and
consistent with India’s na- negotiations within the acterized by balanced and agreed to facilitate greater agricultural value chain and Noting that the ties of kin- the commitments that the hospitality during his visit.
tional and international legal framework of the UNFCCC rapidly growing trade in movement of professionals, strengthen market institu- ship and culture are an in- President made to advance The two leaders looked for-
obligations. to meet the challenge of cli- goods and services. They investors and business trav- tions to reduce post-harvest creasingly important an open government agenda ward to the next session of
India will continue to work mate change. Prime Minister noted positively that the elers, students, and ex- crop losses. dimension of India-U.S. rela- at the United Nations Gen- the U.S.-India Strategic Dia-
with the companies. In this Singh and President Obama United States is India’s change visitors between their Affirming the importance tions, President Obama wel- eral Assembly. logue in 2011.


60 61

OBAMA President Obama
meeting India’s
President Pratibha

Devisingh Patil,
at Rashtrapati
in New Delhi on
November 8, 2010.

S President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle called on Indian

U President Pratibha Patil in the evening of November 8, 2010, at the

Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi. The meeting was held in the Morning
Room of the Presidential Palace. Done up in bright yellow, the room was
adorned with Ajanta-style paintings and was personally redecorated by President
Pratibha Patil. The Morning Room was chosen over the North Drawing Room, which is
usually reserved for meeting with visiting Heads of States.
After their half-hour meeting, the Obamas took a walk around the beautiful Mughal
Gardens, lighted specially for the occasion. They then attended a grand reception
later at the garden, where a spectacular cultural extravaganza was also organized.
While welcoming President Obama, President Patil said “You are in our midst at a
time when India-U.S. relations have never been stronger and the promise and
potential of our partnership has never been greater.”
For the full text of President Patil’s speech, please see Page 64.

OBAMA’S V ice President Hamid Ansari on November

8 said that the visit of President Obama
to India will bring the people of the two

Vice President
VISIT WILL nations closer. Welcoming President Obama to
the Central Hall of Parliament for his address to
Mohd. Hamid Ansari
meeting President,
Obama, in New Delhi
on November 8, 2010.
BRING members of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha,
Vice President Ansari said India’s Constitution
had been inspired by the values of liberty, consti-

OUR tutionalism, law, political and cultural equality.

“We have accommodated diversity, eschewed

PEOPLES conflict and promoted peace,” he said. Ansari,

who is Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, said that
the U.S. and India have to do much together.

CLOSER “We are confident the visit will bring our two
peoples closer,” he said.


62 63

ighted earthen diyas
lining the steps, colorful
rangolis on the floor,
pretty string lights on
the bushes, and the melodious
welcome song — Kesariya
balam, padharo mhare des...
(welcome to my land, beloved)
— captivated President Obama
and his wife Michelle Obama WOW CHICKEN SHAMI KEBAB
during the State Banquet at
the Rashtrapati Bhavan in New
Delhi on November 8. The
State Banquet, hosted by Presi-
dent Pratibha Patil, was held
The overall ambience as well
on the lush green Mughal Gar- SALAD RAITA
as the mouth-watering Indian PINEAPPLE HALWA
den lawns at the brightly illu-
minated Presidential Palace, delicacies captivated the Obamas CHANA PAI
specially done up to welcome during the State Banquet at SOUTH INDIAN COFFEE
the U.S. First Couple. Rashtrapati Bhavan
The Obamas called on
President Patil and held a half-
hour meeting with her at 7.30
pm in the Morning Room of
the Rashtrapati Bhavan. Done
up in bright yellow, the room Tata and Mukesh Ambani and
was adorned by Ajanta-style his wife Nita were present.
paintings and had been Clad in a cream and green
personally redecorated by sari, President Patil had Presi-
President Patil. dent Obama and wife Michelle,
The whole passage leading who was in a gray dress, seated
from the Rashtrapati Bhavan at her table, along with former
to the Mughal Garden lawns President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam,
was lit up with earthen diyas, Dr. Manmohan Singh and
string lights, and decorated invited guests along with Presi- Sonia Gandhi. the group, bringing smiles on
with flowers and rangoli. The dent Patil and her husband After the Rajasthani songs, it the faces of Prime Minister
diya lights at the entrance Devisingh Ramsingh was time for showcasing India’s Singh and President Obama.
steps shimmered against the and stability and be partners in Shekhawat. cultural extravaganza in a 20- The cultural show was organ-
evening dark — adding to the diverse sectors like interna- Over 100 guests were part of minute performance that in- ized to showcase India’s rich
grand ambience. tional economic development, the banquet, including Vice cluded musicians playing Indian mitted to the promotion of cul- culture and heritage.
After the meeting in the clean energy, food and health President Hamid Ansari, Prime percussion instruments like the ture. The 16-member Shillong As the guests settled down
Morning Room, which was cho- security. She also said the two Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh mridangam, tabla, ghatam and Chamber Choir enthralled with to a sumptuous dinner, the
sen over the North Drawing countries have “responsibilities and his wife Gursharan Kaur, khanjeera. The percussionists a melange of songs from the Navy Band took over, playing
Room usually reserved to greet to work together for peace, sta- Congress President Sonia were led by musician Guruvar northeast of India. The group lilting music from old Bolly-
visiting Heads of State, the Oba- bility and security in the world”. Gandhi and her son and Con- Dorai and V. Raja Rao. had grabbed the gold at the wood hits of the 1960s and
mas were taken on a round of Obama once again showered gress General Secretary Rahul Then followed a choreogra- World Choir Olympics. The 70s, including ‘Awara Hoon..’
the beautifully lit Mughal Gar- praises on Prime Minister Dr. Gandhi, Bharatiya Janata Party phy titled ‘Maitrayee’ — a mix of choir also sang a friendship The banquet consisted of a
dens where Rajasthani singers Manmohan Singh, saying his leaders Sushma Swaraj and India’s diverse classical dances song from an Indian film and a mouth-watering repast of In-
sang ‘Kesariya balam...’. country and India were work- Arun Jaitely, Samajwadi Party in which Bharatanatyam, song written by an American dian delicacies — from pineap-
In her speech, President Patil ing together to build a global leader Mulayam Singh Yadav Odissi and Kathak were show- gospel singer. ‘Yeh Dosti Hum ple halwa, to achari fish tikka,
said India and the U.S. should partnership in the new century. and business magnates like cased. It was put together by Nahi Todenge..’ — the hit Bolly- chicken shami kebab and even
work together for global peace Later, the Obamas met the Tata Group Chairman Ratan Seher — an organization com- wood number — was sung by palak papdi chaat.


64 65

Indian President Pratibha

Patil hosted a State Banquet in
honor of President Obama at
the Rashtrapati Bhavan on No- President Pratibha Patil
making her opening
vember 8, 2010. The following remarks at the
is the text of President Patil’s State Banquet in honor of
President Obama at the
speech at the banquet: Rashtrapati Bhavan on
November 8, 2010

It is a great honor and privi-
lege, Mr. President, to welcome
you this evening. You are in have the strength of our values
our midst at a time when and the benefit of our experi-

India-U.S. relations have never ence to make our own modest
been stronger and the promise paradigm of cooperation. contribution to this cause.
and potential of our partner- There are many ties that Excellency, we cannot make

ship has never been greater. bind our two nations together. our world more prosperous
From different paths and dif- Nearly 3 million people of without making our people
ferent circumstances, Indians Indian origin in the United safer. As democracies, we have

and Americans have reached States act as a bridge of friend- a profound responsibility to
the same conclusion: that ship, including over 100,000 work together for peace, stabil-
democracy is a universal ideal Indian students in the United ity and security in the world.
and justice, dignity and oppor- States, who along with the We must continue our joint ef-
tunity are universal aspirations. growing number of young forts to reform global institu-
At important moments in Americans coming to India, are tions to reflect contemporary
our history — for example, dur- sowing the seeds of future realities, and increase their ef-
ing India's freedom struggle partnerships. Our enterprises, fectiveness in meeting current
and the American Civil Rights scientists, engineers, technolo- challenges.
Movement — we have inspired gists and academics are creat- This is a time of great chal-
each other. The lives and mes- ing partnerships that generate lenges in the world, but never
sage of Mahatma Gandhi and hope for the future. has the opportunity been
Martin Luther King reflect our We have, therefore, enor- greater, the environment better,
shared vision, our common mous potential to work to- and the need more urgent for
struggles and our collective gether for a sustainable and our two countries to work to-
hopes. Nothing echoes this inclusive global economic de- gether and lead global efforts partnership is thus imperative in this rity Council; seek a broad expansion of
better than the words of Martin velopment, to address the chal- to seek a safer, more prosperous new era. The transformation of U.S. ties bilateral trade and investment, begin-
Luther King, “If humanity is to lenges of infrastructure, clean and more sustainable future, full with New Delhi over the past 10 years, ning with a Bilateral Investment Treaty;
progress, Gandhi is inescapable. energy, food security and of goodwill for this world. led by Presidents Clinton and Bush, greatly expand the security relationship
He lived, thought, and acted, health security, and educate Your visit, Mr. President, has stands as one of the most significant and boost defense trade; support In-
inspired by the vision of hu- and empower the youth, espe- been a historic milestone in triumphs of recent American foreign pol- dian membership in key export control
manity evolving toward a world cially our women, for the re- our shared journey. Excellen- CENTER FOR A NEW AMERICAN icy. It has also been a bipartisan success. organizations, a step toward integrating
of peace and harmony.” Your sponsibilities of the new era. cies and Distinguished Guests, SECURITY: “NATURAL ALLIES: A We believe it is critical to rejuvenate India into global nonproliferation ef-
own admiration for Mahatma Our two nations are well may I now request you to join BLUEPRINT FOR THE FUTURE OF the US-India partnership and put U.S. forts; and liberalize U.S. export controls,
Gandhi reflects this continuing placed to harness the power of me in raising a toast to:- US-INDIA RELATIONS” BY RICHARD relations with India on a more solid including the removal of Indian Space
philosophical bond between innovation, not only for tech- m The good health of His L. ARMITAGE, CO-CHAIR, foundation. The relationship requires a Research Organization (ISRO) sub-
our peoples. nological leadership and global Excellency, President R. NICHOLAS BURNS, CO-CHAIR, bold leap forward. The United States sidiaries from the U.S. Entity List.
Today, we have built a strong competitiveness, but also as a Obama, and Her Excel- AND RICHARD FONTAINE (OCT 2010) should establish a vision for what it The U.S. relationship with India
strategic partnership on the solid tool for economic empower- lency, Mrs. Obama; seeks in the relationship and give con- should be rooted in shared interests
bedrock of shared ideals and ment and social transformation. m To the prosperity and well- he emergence of India as a crete meaning to the phrase “strategic and values and should not be simply
common interests. The historic
Civil Nuclear Initiative is an in-
strument and a symbol of our
transformed relations. But, across
virtually every field of human
I am pleased that today we
have announced initiatives to
benefit not only our peoples,
but also fulfill our responsibility
to humankind. We have the hu-
being of the people of the
United States; and
m To further strengthening of
the bonds of cooperation
and friendship between
T new major global power is
transforming the world’s
geopolitical landscape, with
profound implications for the future
trajectory of our century and for Amer-
In order to chart a more ambitious
US-India strategic partnership, we be-
lieve that the United States should
commit, publicly and explicitly, to work
transactional or limited to occasional
collaboration. India’s rise to global
power is, we believe, in America’s strate-
gic interest. As a result, the United
States should not only seek a closer re-
endeavor, we have explored mility to know that we do not India and the United ica’s own global interests. with India in support of its permanent lationship with India, but actively assist
new frontiers and redefined the have all the answers, but we States. A strengthened US-India strategic membership in an enlarged UN Secu- its further emergence as a great power.


66 67

reminder, as if we needed one, that global diplomatic and security chal-

Americans will always have plenty to lenges, tie the two countries together in
fight about. But I am pleased that the a mutually beneficial economic em-
US-India relationship hasn’t been one brace, and promote freedom and rule Nuclear Cooperation Agreement in
of them. We need to keep it that way. of law in Asia and beyond -- was brac- 2007, we probably would not have seen
We need to continue to elevate our ing. Obama’s warm reception by the In- India take part in that kind of summit. FOREIGN POLICY MAGAZINE
partnership with India above the politi- PRESS RELEASE, U.S. SENATE dian parliament, commentariat, and Now it is becoming an integral part of “TRIUMPH IN NEW DELHI“
cal fray, because its potential benefits FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE, public bodes well for future ties be- the global nonproliferation mainstream. BY ASHLEY J. TELLIS | NOVEMBER
are just too important to America, to “CHAIRMAN JOHN KERRY SUPPORTS tween the world’s oldest and the world’s Many of us believe strongly that India 16, 2010
India, and to the world. INDIA BECOMING PERMANENT largest democracies. should be made a permanent member In India, where the stakes of the trip
SENATOR JOHN McCAIN Furthermore, it is because of our MEMBER OF UN SECURITY COUNCIL” of the UN Security Council. I was, were highest, the President’s visit was a
AT THE CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT shared values that we view the rise of NOVEMBER 8, 2010 therefore, delighted that President ringing success. The visit marked the
FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE India as inherently good in itself. …Who “I endorse President Obama’s support Obama used the occasion of his speech first time that Obama himself provided
NOVEMBER 5, 2010 can believe in “Asian values” or doubt for India’s inclusion as a permanent to the Indian parliament to endorse the clear and unmistakable judgments
The emergence of a strategic partner- the universality of democratic capital- member of a reformed and expanded elevation of India’s status in the United about India. “In Asia and around the
ship with India has been one of the ism in a world where India exists? United Nations Security Council.  The Nations. As the President suggested in world, India is not simply emerging,”
most consequential bipartisan successes Therefore, contrary to the old dictates UN must reflect the realities of the 21st his remarks, the time is ripe for this Obama said both at a news conference
of recent U.S. foreign policy. It began of realpolitik, we seek not to limit or di- century, and one of those realities is change, which is consistent with our de- and in speaking to India’s Parliament.
with President Bill Clinton’s historic visit minish India’s rise, but to bolster and India’s unquestioned global stature.” sire to see India become a full stake- “India has emerged.” Responding to
to India in 2000. It grew exponentially catalyze it economically, geopolitically, holder in the international community. this reality, Obama endorsed, for the
with President George W. Bush’s strate- and yes, militarily. In short, the United It also would reflect more properly the first time ever, India’s claim to a perma-
gic decision to invest America’s global States has a compelling stake in the power realities of the 21st century. nent seat on the United Nations Secu-
influence in the propulsion of India’s success of India. US ASIA PACIFIC COUNCIL There will continue to be differences rity Council. His support for India –
rise to power — a decision that reached To unleash the full potential of our WASHINGTON REPORT between the two countries largely be- over treaty allies like Germany and
its fullest expression in the ground- partnership, we must resist the forces VOLUME NOVEMBER 2010 cause neither country will behave as other claimants such as Brazil – spoke
breaking civilian nuclear agreement. that would turn our strategic relation- ENGAGING INDIA IN A GLOBAL the junior partner to the other. volumes about the importance that the
Our new partnership with India has ship into a transactional one—one de- PARTNERSHIP It is very important for the United United States places on its alliance with
been consistently affirmed, sustained, fined not by what we do together but BY AMB. KARL F. INDERFURTH States and India to continue to have in- India as an emerging power. Obama
and broadened by overwhelming bipar- by what concessions we extract from Former Indian Prime Minister Atal Bi- depth consultations about Afghanistan also announced a far-reaching initiative
tisan majorities in Congress. And with one another. We must also resist the hari Vajpayee, who governed from 1998 and its future and what the two coun- that expands India’s access to U.S. high-
the President set to arrive in New Delhi temptation to lose our strategic focus to 2004, first expressed the view that tries can do individually and together to tech equipment. In exchange for an In-
tomorrow, the potential to expand our by failing to set priorities. The virtue of FOREIGN POLICY MAGAZINE: the United States and India are “nat- assist Afghanistan in becoming a stable, dian commitment to continually upgrade
partnership is immense. the US-India relationship is its breadth. ARE US-INDIA RELATIONS OVERSOLD? ural allies.” I think that still best cap- secure, and prosperous country. India its export control system, an important
Of course, our progress to date would The United States should push for BY DAN TWINING, tures where we are heading in this already has made valuable contribu- step toward tightening the global non-
have been inconceivable without the India’s inclusion in the International NOVEMBER 12, 2010 relationship. tions to Afghanistan’s development and proliferation regime, Obama declared
strategic vision and political courage of Energy Agency, the Asia-Pacific Eco- His (President Obama) biggest success In particular, we want to assist and hopefully can do more over time. that the United States would permit
many Indian leaders, especially Prime nomic Cooperation forum, and those was his embrace of a transformative support India in becoming a full stake- There is no doubt that a major foun- India to purchase previously restricted
Minister Manmohan Singh. The Prime parts of the global non-proliferation partnership with India. The President holder in the international community. dation of a new relationship with India commodities, such as systems useful for
Minister literally risked his government regime from which India is still excluded. can now claim ownership of a relation- This would entail India joining all of will be in the economic and defense defense and space applications.
and his political life to achieve the civil- Most of all, the United States should ship that has been on the rocks since the key organizations and groupings areas. We’ve come a long way in a short As Obama noted during his trip, the
nuclear agreement, and he has never support India’s permanent membership he took office, and he deserves consid- that will be making decisions about the period of time. I am very pleased that relationship between the United States
wavered in the fight to defend his vision on an expanded UN Security Council. If erable credit for arguing that India’s rise broad array of challenges confronting the Obama administration under Secre- and India is one of the “defining and
of a partnership with the United States— we want India to join us in sharing the and success as a future democratic su- us in the years ahead. tary of Defense Gates launched a com- indispensable partnerships of the 21st
doing so in a democratic arena that responsibilities for international peace perpower is a core interest of the New Delhi also took part in the inter- prehensive review of US export controls! century.” His visit there has helped
can make American politics appear and security, then the world’s largest United States. national nuclear summit hosted by A review that will do more than simply bring the two countries together on
tame by comparison. democracy needs to have a seat at the The President’s vision of a far-reach- President Obama this past April. Before chip away at some of the barnacles that shared interests and moved their rela-
On our side, Tuesday’s election was a high table of international politics. ing partnership with India — to manage the conclusion of the US-India Civil have developed over time. tionship forward significantly.


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A D I E U ...
President Barack
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after boarding Air
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Delhi on November
9, 2010.

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