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SCHOOLE OF THE NOBLE and Worthy Scienee of Defence, ; 1 Being the firt ofany Englifh-mans”inuention , which profeffed the Syd Sciences So plainly deferibed, that any man may quickly came to the tre kuevledge oftheir weapons ith Jona psines and litsle pratt, i 4 he L accenni Then rea itadifely en ve he benef thereof when acction fat fru, fo fhal Wp atx daw Gp thaenser, wr\ ‘andl comiortable vo thy friend, / the aevidtah wilh v Aforssy ater goed and profitable Precepts and Comes forthe managing f Qual f toe Mavirg Pia lon Eon ved offer iar led “ae i L Y Mh Vriteen by Losmpn SweTn Ade ahbvirden Coun fom b Ckiwwoy [ratory aAdbins a ; ; . | LONDON, . ‘ a ‘ nedbyNacuotas Oxxs. 1617. a et ‘Yiieoare Of Gracious and No- ble Prince, the many MY, great and Kinde fanours B which /receined fromthe L BIR hands of your late Bro- ther deceafed , unto whom Liwas tutor in the skill of weapons, to my no little credit, which makes me now turne backe to [he my loue ina finall meafure onto your Princely felfes, and yevit isas muchas I amable , a bunchof grapes is but a fall prefent, and yet King Philip of Mace- a2 don don d'd receive them, and accept them, and the rather , becanfe a poore man profented them, and therefore F sruft jour Highnelfe» will more efleeme the good-will of the giner; then the value of the gift. ‘Three things did chiefly encourage me t0 publfh it under the glorious name of your gracious Elighneffe: The frp is,in ‘regard of your Highne(fe» deepe defire 40 gaine experience in all Arts and Sci- ences, the which is feene by your Graces favonring and faring any man which a8 endued with any good quality , therein rightly refembling a branch ofthe fame, Stocke-s from» whence your Excellency rang, of whom. in my next epi tothe Ree Anill peake more, at large: But atthis times for doubt of beeing offen- fine, with the renewing of olde griefes, Sandina..maze , like ynto that childe, | i . who FETISH EN ~ TheEpifile Dedicatory: who being asked whether be loued bis fu- ther or bis mother bef], ood mute as dow bing bow to anfiver for feare of difplea~ fing the one of thems: enen fo in this place will. Now the fecond canfe of this my Dedication wnto your Excellency is, in reppeél of my vebement lone wherto in duty Tam bound ontoyour Princely felfe: and thirdly, that it may paffe vader your Highnoffe proteftion, the better to fhroud it felfes from. backe-biters and fault Finders, leaft amongit fuch it be taken yp like afriendle(fé vagarant : Ob therefore Letit find fauour,, F bumbly intreate your Highnefe, althonghit can litlepleafure Jour Princely felfe, yet it may flead many others, and fa doubting leaf F haue troub- Jed your Highneffe ouer long, # will therefore here drawe: the (iurtaines, and commit your Highnoffe to the Pro. teltion of the Alnighty, who ener blefe, 4 3 proferne,

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