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John P. ANTON (AGHIGJ!JK-JF). 2010. /012 3"$'-'()2: 4 #5'+-0"67

A)7.8%$&* 3768+198 ,6µ"&/+%1+ : -1& #$$7&1&. L1#6%"2: 37*8+, E##'2.
a tutorial and round-table discourse on ‘4"#$%$&* 4+$,.1+’
Noam CHOMSKY. 1991. Deterring Democracy.
Hill and Wang: New York, NY.

B$@/0"2 C. D"8%"0$@/062 / Georges D. CONTOGEORGIS. 2006. !"
!"#$%$&' ()(%*µ+%+: ,"µ** #$$%&'() *"+µ"+,+-%µ. (The Hellenic Cosmosystem). E&,5(.$2 F$,</6:
37*8+, E##'2.
-.$%")/01+ &+$ ,$+(%'(.$2
Robert Alan DAHL. 1972. P o l y a r c h y :
P a r t i c i p a t i o n a n d O p p o s i t i o n . Yale
34",5µ6(6 + &/$%*/$+ .4$#"0*2 University Press: New Haven, CT.
Round table with Q+A session
Eric Robertson DODDS. 1951. The Greeks and the Irrational. University of
California Press: Berkeley, CA.
* :+($&* +/;* ,)8+µ$&*2 ()(%*µ+%"2: 6 ,"µ*
4 %98 (;<(.98 µ.%+=> µ.%+?#6%@8 (. <8+
(>(%6µ+ 4/"&+#.1 %6 ()µ4./$A"/' %")
Howard ZINN. 1980. A People's History of the
Nicholas C. GEORGANTZAS + Georges D. CONTOGEORGIS 3-.45 / Sources
United States. Harper & Row: New York, NY.
! " # $ " % µ&'() (* + , " - µ% . / 0 % 1 1 % . 2 ! (my heroes)

E##68$&* 4"#$%$&* A/586(6 (prudence or wisdom)

‘34",<&%.2’ 4"#$%$(µ"1: /9µ+M&52, ;/$(%$+8$&52 &+$ (>0;/"8"2 .)/94+M&52

!*/+8 " &'7. <8+2 5,%$ ;/.$+N5%+8, <=9 %+ )45#"$4+

H+ )45#"$4+: " 4)/*8+2 %62 .##68$&*2 4"#$%$&*2 A/586(62

8"&.9'() :5;-:<=µ.: 512 µ5"0",µ: &. 16:$%>",µ:; !"#$%&'()*+,+"-'"./"0'('-10,-"&($2(3,

O;$ 4#<"8 (. $(;> .8,$+A</"8 µ1µ6(62 %62 &#+($&*2 &#6/"8"µ$'2 $216/0$,"<,6),=>?,-'('@$&+A'/,($+(B,
E/.)8+ +87/@4$862 A>(62 0$' !"#!$%&!'( &+$ &"$898$&* !)*('µ+",( (A$,-$&(%10,5"E$%&6$&(,'&,=>?,

-48+7 98:"(,.": O85µ+%+ %.(('/98 %<&898 %") D.#.">

F4+/%$+%@8 " µ>7"2 (-("#!,+ #." /!$01") &+$ 6 /*%/+
P#.)(18$+ L)(%*/$+ (?0<"("$@5-%) &+$ %62 L.%+8.1/+2, µ. %6
345 %"8 µ>7" (%"8 #50": C*µ6%/+ (C+-µ'%./, C+: ,9/$&52 %>4"2 %")
Anton 2010 + H")%")8%N* 2001 "85µ+%"2 B+-B+1+) (%68 E#.)(18+.
+) D+##$,1&6: &+#* C1&6 (7.', &5/6 Q<µ$,"2 &+$
C$52R ‘#?B: #+) @4µ<("#+7’ (%"8 Oµ6/").
?) D#.$($,1&6: =+&")(%* 0$' C$&+$"(>86.
D#)%52 (µ. >S$#"8): 4./$@8)µ"2, =+&")(%526
(%"8 Oµ6/" &+$ µ. ‘.$’.
0) C6µ@: C*µ"2, %" 7.µ<#$" %62 C6µ"&/+%1+2.*
,) C6µ"A@8%+2: A"8.>2 %") C*µ") (<?8::
(–800 to –730)? 95'@#+#!$'3> 3?8(5@'7).

* C*µ"2 (+/;$&@2 /?µ+7), ,.8 ,6#@8.$

+4#@2 %" #+5, +##' %"8
<!<('*!)µ%"+ 3(' +56(".µ%"+ @!
/>µ+ $(=.
;5'<#=$!µ+7: >5.(7 #+) µ48+) 6'? #:" !/"</;.%+$ +4' %" /*µ+ ‘,+19’ (µ. +$),
*'?*+@: #:7 A!.56,(7 3(' /:µ+35(#,(7
4") <;.$ %68 <88"$+ %") µ"$/'N9.


~ 150 years later: 98:"(,." *:µ+35(#,( 234567845491
:4;+;3-8+<091 (–508 to –507;, D#6/9%1,+: %" ‘G-spot’ %62 +)7.8%$&*2 ,6µ"&/+%1+2
()A' $."(0.-;.) ;=8+,01:431-,;>?:/01


D&>µ( 2: !$8'&$" (%"$;.198 +8+08@/$(62,

)*+,-./01 µ. %" 58"µ+ ‘3/;1#";"2 T+#6/.>2’

D&>µ( 1: 3/;+1+ &#6/9%12

* &#6/9%1,+ * &#6/"%*/$"8

D&>µ( 3: D#6/9%1,.2 µ. µ6;+8$(µ5
;"+8".$,* (9#*8+ &+$ ;/9µ+%$(%<2 µ4'#.2

-+)@!,+ 95&(,(7 96+5?7, D#+? 9##?$+)

D#6/9%1,+: #>8.$ %" 4/5?#6µ+ %62 9'.6>"0@2 C<(µ6 ,$+(%'(.98 '+)-%-.2

!/"2 %68 +87/@4$86 :&-:$BA:'. 58%98 .&’ A>(.92 4"#$%$&@8, *

(9(%* 4"#$%$&* 60.(1+ +4+$%.1 %" ‘&"$85 &+#5’ 92 >(%+%6 +=1+

345&#$(6 +45 %" 3+'"= 3($= (%6/1N.$ ‘(+7/'’ 4"#$%$&' ()(%*µ+%+

7/%89*:0 92 4+/<&#$(6 #509 +µ+7.1+2

(93(*:µ,( E$?#."+7: @&+$!,+ <+$'#'3>7 !3<(,*!)@:7 ) H)/+881+ !.$($(%/+%$,@8 ~> D#.$(7<862 ~> $(5%6%+
(–384 to –322)
H" 1("8 .18+$ ‘,1&+$"8’ &+$ "µ"8"1+2 (9(%$&58 . . .
. . . +45 %" ‘,1;+’: µ$(5-µ$(5, &<8%/" &>&#") 1(98, "µ";1& 4"#$%@8

F%5;"2 4"#$%$&*2 +08"1+2 ‘L<%/"8’ 3768+198 +45 %" &<8%/" ( r ): &+%' µ+%+$","=1+2, >?/62 &+$ )4./?"#*2
6 &+%'&%6(6 %62 $(;>"2 !/9%+05/+2: «4'8%98 ;/6µ'%98 µB-0"& '87/94"2» (+87/94"&.8%/$(µ52)

3,+*2 60.(1+ #.$%")/0.1

&.5,7 #50" &+$ µ<%/"

U9/12 +<&"A7 67$&*2 &+$

René Girard’s
4"#$%$&*2, (35(@,( &+$ mimetic desire
<$!+"!B,( +8%$&+7$(%">8
%68 +/.%*, 4.;. ...

C<(µ6 ,$+(%'(.98 :$:<>:0;.2 C<(µ6 9'(.&'(C& ,$+(%'(.98: .µ4$(%"(>86 (. .8%"#",5;")2 &+$ ,$&+$"(>86


{ E+$'#'3+, F$$?*+7: «D! 6'+)&?5+)", ?5( )<?5&!'7!» }


E=<#$=6 A$#"("A1+2

=/*(/+*--9/+2 80'-
3*1/(/+*--9/+2 80'-
L+&.,"81+ &+%+/0.1 +)%"7<(µ$(6:
F9&/'%62, !#'%98: 3&+,6µ1+, (1) X*898 ~ F%"', (2) E41&")/"2 ~
W.8"&/'%62: 67$&* 6 #"0$&* 6 A)($&*, D*4"2, (3) !>//98 ~ F&.4%$&">2,
3/$(%"%<#62: ->&.$"8 * !./$4+%$%6&"1 (4) 38%$(7<862 ~ D)8$&">2 &+$
(5) 3/1(%$44"2 ~ V,"8$&">2

Hellenic cosmosystem as it
evolved through the time
spiral ( t ) ;$'/+2 +%/ +*'µ*.*"/+2 80'- >$'(/+/'(/+2 80'-

G."4)7+05/.$"$ &+$ G."4#+%98$&"1

Oµ6/"2, V(1","2, -+&.,+1µ98
L",./'%"2 " B+,+/.>2 + G$&5µ+;"2 "
3#&µ'8+2, T./.&>,62, E4$µ.81,62: All
B./+(6852: «%/$+,$&5%6%+ %") .852»
Cretans are liars (self-reference
paradox), E#.'%.2, W.8"A'862,
!)7+05/+2, Eµ4.,"&#*2: 4:<5 / T1#98 Y"),+1"2 " 3#.=+8,/.>2
A$#1+ – 8.1&"2 (conflict), 3%"µ$&"1: Philo Judaeus of Alexandria (–20 to +50)
-.>&$44"2 &+$ C6µ5&/$%"2 E4$;.$/.1 0.A>/9(6 %") 6/+&#.$%.1")
#50") µ. %6 %)A#* 41(%6 %") Y"),+M(µ">.
Used allegory to fuse and to harmonize
hellenic philosophy and Judaism.

W.8"A@8 !#'%98 Polybius’ influence on Cicero

(–430 to –354) (–427 to –347)
9"?µ!@( @#: D<?5#: 3(' Heraclitus 1) Utopia
@#+" #%$!'+ µ+"?5&: Parmenides 2) Theory of ideas
(C45+) 3) Soul immortality
4) Cosmogony
5) Reminiscence
!"#>?$"2 !"(.$,@8$"2
(–203/200 to –120/118) [ \4+µ.>2 / [ Z5,$"2
FB'@+55=<:@: !B+)@'1" (–135 to –51)
F9&/'%62 3/$(%"%<#62 Balance of powers body dies but soul lives
(–470/469 to –399) (–384 to –322)
E5=#)<+ (5!#>7, D=&":; -. ‘3"$'-'(@’
1) Meta-physics !+8+1%$"2 " Z5,$"2
: (5!#> !,"(' 6"1@'7
2) Ethics (–185 to –110/09)
3) ‘Politics’ L<(6 F%"'
4) Logic Platonic elements,
abandons materialism,
5) Physics
soul goes with body

(–203/200 to –120/118) Scipio Aemilianus or
FB'@+55=<:@: !B+)@'1" Scipio Africanus the C$&+1+/;"2 (–4"2 +$.)
L'/&"2 H>##$"2 D$&</98+2
Balance of powers L.((*86 F$&.#1+2
Younger µ(8:#>7 95'@#+#%$:
Marcus Tullius Cicero
D=&":; -. ‘3"$'-'(@’ (–185 to –129) (–106 to –43)

&+$ F%9$&"1
influence on 7.M&* +0'46 &+$ «6 7*/+ %62
.),+$µ"81+2 92 $("//"41+2 P"#MDM'%#1Q$QDCR1%L"!DM"F1'%Q'%LC1
µ.%+=> $(;>"2 &+$ 67@8», XO,GHYJO,DS+T35/3=5U54*Z,[,\A1(,'+,D'MDMVCFQ(M!*],
Letter to Isaak Tiffany (1816)

Nothing on Alexander Hamilton:

Aristotle in «6 7*/+ %62 .=")(1+2»,
E!5, H4@:7 I!1"
Francis Bacon
+##' ;9/12 +/.%*
A"BC&D1E#%F1G%(#H1 h"0'('-10,+)+($6,7h>;,#$+'5&, lmGnOJVIoM,NLPOSOTLU,VWVSRIJSLM,
John Adams:
«6 %$7'(.)(6 %62 .=")(1+2» h>,i, h>,j, kkk, h>,6,
Thomas Hobbes
D$&</98+2 (@)"#:5:#'3=7) p&+('(4('"&,#$+'5&,7p:;,, qJ_OrKfVd,_GVIgYB,NsmsB,ToIIJSJ,
/ Cicero James Madison:
«V!3 92
(–106 to –43)
./0+(%*/$" .#.)7./1+2» p:,i, p:,j, kkk, p:,&,

y4&-('"&+, zGOSLWKQHGM,nOJTWerKYdVdM,
John Locke Benjamin Franklin:
«…if we don’t hang together,
Aristotle’s ‘Politics’ (0'$!$!48!5+7)
we will all hang separately» t#4-1('"&,[,uJOnGHJ, :$<$&+$,[,vIWYJ, kkk, w'x"&"6'1,[,8A%$61('+('x$,
French: 1568 by Loys Le Roy
English: 1598 Nicholas Oresme James Monroe:
English: 1776 William Ellis «to leave America for the
English: 1797 John Gilles
Americans» (the Monroe ^NOnOg{GOM,NKLM,JKOVSGHJ,7WX)X@1WYXZ[)\)X@;3,
+ Nicomachean Ethics
Isaac Newton Doctrine, 1823) JPR_GOJ,7D&KD(;B,Ja_LYHJ,7!#CFD$;B,JQJ_oY,7D(C1N""L;,1&#,JOV_dSOTR,7%CQD(CDM'Q;,


qKOSRKOJ,GNOPLQRM,NLPOSOTLU,VWVSRIJSLM, 4) ]/92 4"#$%$&52 !#'%98o2 ‘F)µ45($"’ &+$ ‘!"#$%.1+’

Political Eros Plato’s ‘Symposium’ and ‘Republic’

Y,<+ 4") 4+/+&$8.1 ,6µ$")/0$&* ,/+(%6/$5%6%+. ]/92 L>7"2 %") (46#+1"): %./'(%$+
1) !"#$%$&* .='/%6(6 %") ("'&", .=.>", ,6µ$")/052 4") 4#'7.$ ‘%5&" .8 &+#@’ </0"8, (. <8+ +4"%);1+ 0$' 5(")2 ;'8")8 %"
|KOVSLSrPdM, 4./$?'##"8 7.(µ@8 %62 4"#$%.1+2 4") .18+$ *,6 &+#"1 ,+$µ58$" %") 4"#$%$&"> </9%+.
?%'+("(0$, 2) Q.µ.#19(6 :<9.;µ"&"2 E;"< (>µA98+ µ. %68 !"#!$%&!'(, &+$ ./'(µ$"$. L58"8 µ. %">%" 7+ ?0">µ. +45 %"
7}~•€,D"1}~jj;, ,6#+,* %68 %.#."#"0$&* #.$%")/01+ %62 +87/@4$862 N9*2
1&#, (4*#+$". ]8+ ./9%$&'
•"A&,9"-x$, 3) D"$898$&* "µ)&"'. 92 4/9%+/;$&52, ")($@,62 5/"2 %62 .8"4"$6µ<8" (>µ4+8 0$'
7i‚~j,D"1iƒ„€;, 4"#$%$&*2 (%+7./5%6%+2 %98 "/7@8 4"#$%.$@8 4/"(%+(1+ +45 %"8 ,)M(µ5.
L+76%*2 %62 L+8%18.$+2 C$"%1µ+2, " F9&/'%62
µ.%")($@8.$ %"8 7.5 (. ,+1µ"8+. C$5%$ 6 +/.%* .18+$ ‘<=$2
4/"+$/.%$&*’, +45 %6 A>(6 /$N9µ<86 (%" ./9%$&5
,+$µ58$". J 4"#$%$&52 </9%+2 +4+$%.1 %68 .41%.)=6 %62
D"$8' (6µ.1+, +##' .##68$&* &+$ +µ./$&+8$&* 4"#$%.1+ ,.8 %+)%1N"8%+$ +/.%*2 +45 %")2 4"#1%.2.

]##68.2: "/1N")8 %" ‘&"$85 +0+75’ 92 .41%"µ" &+$ µ.(%5

4./$.;"µ<8")6 3µ./$&+8"1: .=.$,$&.)µ<8+ &+$ 4./$"/$(%$&'
3/$(%"A'862: +/;<0"86 ./9%$&* 4#6/5%6%+
345 %"8 D$&</98+, "$ 3µ./$&+8"1 ,1,")8 4/9%.>")(+ 7<(6 (%$2
$,<.2 %") John Locke 4./1 ‘A)($&@8 ,$&+$9µ'%98’

3##' 4"$"1 .1;+8 ,$&+$@µ+%+ (%68 &#+($&* E##',+; 30'798: " ]/92 .18+$ 9/+1"2 7.52

B$+%1 6 ;/*(6 %") 3/$(%"%<#6 0$' %68 ,$&+19(6 %62 ,")#.1+2;

Eµ4.,"&#*2: ‘6'$)-%2’ (%68 &"(µ"0"81+

D5"9)µ%+% %") 4"#$%$&"> </9%+: @=&"'. &+$ 9"=µ.-'+µ)2 Economia and What students learn at school
E4$&">/.$"$: ‘#'7. ?$@(+2’ Pax romana %98 Z9µ+198: (!635?#!'( *
F%9$&"1: ‘+8<;") &+$ +4<;")’ .=")(1+-,>8+µ6 civic civitas, %" <7"2 µ:*N" O6(")
D)8$&"1: ‘+(&6%$&52 ?1"2’ %" (%6/1N")8 '##+ +=$+&' (%"$;.1+ in modernity Too-big-to-fail?
(D$&</98 et al.), %" ("'&) .=.>)
]/92 4"#$%$&52: +µ.#6%<"2 (SMEs)
()8%+$/$'N.$ µ. %68 &'7. %"4$&* Y9'8862 " Augustine of
4+/',"(6 Q."#50"2 Hippo
]/92 4"#$%$&52: '(;.%"2 µ. %" U/$(%$+8$(µ52, 9M C(8+$'3>
officium * ;/<"2 &+$ &+7*&"8 e.g., Education
F<'@#+$> &+$ ‘De civitate dei’
3/$(%"%<#62 (of the city of god):
or 4+$,.1+
(–384 to –322)
(A/+01,+ )4"%+0*2 4"#$%$&">
</9%+ (%6 (9%6/$+&* +0'46
F%+ ‘E!5, J)&>7’, ‘G8'3? K'3+µ?&!'(’ What students
&+$ ‘E+$'#'3?’: must know
µ.%'?+(6 +45 %"8 %5.#(-µ48+
(%68 6$1@@( #:7 L'+$+6,(7
J </9%+2 ,$+%6/.1%+$: Or is it . . .
:5'><µ'-'()& &+$ "0:(-'()& Niccolò Machiavelli Thomas Hobbes John Locke
(+5%6!@8(', =5!B'7 ) (%""+'( #+) 35?#+)7 @#:" (,50µ+ &"$898$&"> (%.;86%5 &/'%"2 &+$
"!+#!5'3=#:#() ()µ?"#+1")) %.;86%52 '87/94"2)
J </9%+2 4/"?'##.%+$: Truly economic strategies:
+45 %68 (,@8:@: &+$ 0("#(@,( virtue based
92 %+ 5@>% &+$ %6 &)%+% and
Engels and Marx Homo sapiens moderation oriented
H.#$&52 (&"452 67$&"> &+$ (Dierksmeier and Pirson 2009)
(+58= 3(' *,3('+ 35?#+7: Homo economicus
4"#$%$&"> ?1"): .),+$µ"81+ %98 B$' %+ )45#"$4+:
4"#$%@8 &+$ %62 4"#$%.1+2 µ:-#(B'3=) Homo technicus 7-µ2(:-5 ?%@0+-5

]8+ <78"2 µ4"/.1 8+ .4$N*(.$ %98 +8"6($@8 %"), +&5µ+ &+$ %98 A)7.8%$&* 3768+198 ,6µ"&/+%1+* :
A$#","=$@8 %"). Oµ92 ,.8 µ4"/.1 8+ .4$N*(.$ %62 .(9%./$&*2
.78$&*2 4/","(1+2 a tutorial and round-table discourse on ‘4"#$%$&* 4+$,.1+’

!"# $%& '() !"#$% *$+ '( ,-)$'( %.#'$./+*& 01) 2%-./1+ 1
'3%('$ -44(.
!"#$%$&' ()(%*µ+%+: ,"µ*
544- (6'1 13)$+ *$+ )(7'& )$ 2%-./1+.
8$ 1)1)9)'$ 06( :'(+/13$ '7; 647; 1<3)$)1, <+- )$ 2%7.1'9:(2) -.$%")/01+ &+$ ,$+(%'(.$2
'() !"#$% *$+ '( ,-)$'( . . .
34",5µ6(6 + &/$%*/$+ .4$#"0*2
( !"#$%& *$+ ( ,-)$'(; 13)$+ $014=(3 *$+ (µ(+&'7'1;, 13)$+ 3
:2µ%47.>µ$'$, *$+ (+ 06( &?1+; '(2 +03(2 %.(:>%(2
Round table with Q+A session

@7µ9'.7; A+$)'3)7;: ‘!"#µµ$’ 4

* civitas diaboli

Thank you for your time and attention!

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