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Reflection of first language acquisition

We talked about behavioristic, natural and functional approach and their

features, differences from each other. Each supports language acquisition in
different perspectives. Behavioristics say that we are born with tabular rasa,
which means we are born with and empty mind and learn everything later.
Nativists say that we are born with LAD, namely, we have the ağabeylity and
capacity of learning language naaturally. The last ones support that language is
learn in a social group by means of interaction.
I have difficulty in understanding the mediating theory. In fact ı didn’t
grasp this topic .
I should focus more on the mediating theory.
I may use social interaction in my classes. I will encourage my students to
interact each other in classroom atmosphere by some activities. By the way they
will affect each other in the learning process and they will have active role in
learning. I will also pay attention to reinforcement which makes the behaviours
permanent. In fact, we can’t use just one of the approach. Although they are not
merely enough for teching, they each have beneficial techniques that we can
make use of them.

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