Magazine Cover Analysis

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To start of we came up with an idea for

the title of our magazine and then

decided on the positioning for our
headline, selling line and kickers . We
then started to play around with
different fonts for each space of text,
through use of the website called which we then
downloaded and imported into Adobe
We then started to play around with
colours, deciding on targeting mostly
bright and attractive colours that
would combine well with our fonts.
We found that red would be the best
colour for the title of our movie for the
foreshadowing effects that it would
leave on the carnage and bloodshed to
be spilled within the movie.
When we reached this point of the
design process we became unhappy
with the results and thought that it
was starting to resemble more of a
gossip kind of magazine. So
unanimously we started again and
transformed the whole aesthetic.
We believed that this layout was a
sleeker and more serious that would
help to attract those that were serious
about their films. We completely
transformed our fonts into ones that
would give the overall make-up a
stronger image. We kept the initial
decision for colours. We then added a
plug that would help entice the reader
the further.
Because our main designer is quite the
perfectionist we continued to tweak
the cover till we were sufficiently
happy with it. Which resulted in
adding a stroke to the title that helped
to bring it out of its stagnant position
in the background. We then moved
around the text continuously, unable
to decide on a final position.
Due to creative differences we decided
that the image no longer worked with
the direction we wanted to take. We
chose a new one and edited it on
Photoshop that was inspired by the
cover ‘Control’ of the art house
magazine Little White Lies. We now
had more space to move our text
around whereby giving it a cleaner
We then continued to tweak with the
appearance to changing certain
aspects like the title and the selling
line’s background cover.
We then decided that the background
colour of purple was too
unconventional and would possibly
not sell. Resulting in reverting back to
the old font for the title, and a black
background cover. We added a film
strip to the title that created a more
attractive cover.
Throughout the whole design process
we found difficulty in the placement of
our kickers and cover lines along with
the font, thus we continued to move
them around.
This was the final result that we came
to the agreement was the best result
out of all our aesthetics.

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