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Evaluation question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The media institution that might distribute my magazine would be IPC media ,It produces over 60
iconic media brands, with print alone reaching almost two thirds of UK women and 42% of UK
men , almost 26 million UK adults. This media institution already publishes two music
magazines, NME and uncut.

This media institution has a lot of experience is publishing magazines and also with music magazines
as NME is a very popular magazine and is published monthly, this shows that IPC have a good
amount of publishing experience, plus I think my magazine has quite a lot in common with NME and
Uncut therefore IPC media wouldn’t have any problem marketing my magazine because my target
market Is similar to the target market that NME would have.

How the magazine would be published , well I think my magazine would be a bit more low key than
NME and uncut so i think subscriptions through websites and free magazines offered to get my
target market hooked so it would be easier to get them to buy a subscription.

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