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Would Gaddafi Flee to Venezuela?

Gaddafi has strong connections with the Venezuelan president.

From Latin America to Eastern Europe, there is a lot of guessing going around of which
country would accept the Gaddafi as a refugee. If he decides to flee, being under
pressure of the revolution that has spread among the Libyan cities like fire.

Although Gaddafi declared that he will never leave Libya under any circumstances, and
that he would fight until the last drop of blood, but some observers believe that the
Libyan revolution would only end if the Gaddafi leaves after being in power for 42 years.

Gaddafi’s western neighbor, Zine El-Abedine Ben Ali, ended up fleeing to Saudi Arabia
after the collapse of his regime, and so might the Eastern neighbor, Hosni Mubarak,
whose properties have been frozen, and who has been claimed for trial.

Any country that would welcome the Gaddafi would face a great pressure. It is a heavy
responsibility to accept him because of all his horrible crimes against civilians, the large
number of victims, and the type of weapons used against them. All these crimes against
humanity might make him required for the International Criminal Court.

Gaddafi would most likely flee to Latin America, specifically Venezuela. Since that
Gaddafi is in good terms with the Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez. He might also
flee to Serbia; it is a second possible destination.

No matter where Gaddafi goes, he would never escape justice.

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