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V The energy stored in food is measured in

calories („ P or kilocalories („ P

V • „ is the amount of energy needed
to raise the temperature of one gram of
water by one degree Celcius

„ equivalent to  P

V Àifferent classes of food provide different
calorific values
1 g of carbohydrates = 16 kJ
1 g of proteins = 16 kJ
1 g of fats = 3 6 kJ
V The calorific value of food is determined
by measuring the amount of energy
released when 1g of the food is

V The  „ 
is the instrument
used in measuring the calorific value
÷hysical State of
Activities health

Body size Sex

Climate or the
Age temperature of the
V A person who does 6
 needs more
energy than a person who works in the office
V A worker doing heavy work has a 6 6

 than an office worker
V A person with a    body size has a 6 6

V ñ6  and
  need more energy
than adults
V The 
of children is 6 6
because they undergo    
V hen adults get older, they stop growing and
their metabolic rates drop
V The calorie requirement of a
 is higher than female
V ½ale is more „

 and has a
     than a female
V Ôowever, a 

and a mother who is breast-
feeding her baby need more
calories than a normal female
V J„need more energy in order to
p 6

V ÷eople suffering from different diseases
require different types of nutritional
programs to suit them
V ÷eople who live in „  places need more
energy than those who live in warmer place
V This is because they need more energy to
keep the body temperature „ 


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