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‫ݙ‬఍ዕ஽ ዱ⁵ / Waiting Heart

1.ᩖዕ᧕ỹ ∥ ώ⁥௱ ৉ ๙ႥὩ᾽ The Lord has come to Providence, please

follow me
᧱ ἖᧕ỹ ዹḩ ญ⁥ᄕ ৉ ๙ႥὩ᾽ Come hear the Word of new history,
please follow me
‫ݙ‬఍ዕ؉ ‫ݙ‬఍ᅡಁ ∥ ώ⁥௱ The precious Lord wed ve longed and
waited for has come to us
∥₁ ዹḩ ᰕℾ నṭ ଱ᑥ めᅡ੍ Words of the Lord deeply touched my
heart, I broke into tears

2.チ₝ ญ؉ ḙᄕ⋱ ๵ ৉ ᚱᄕ≁᾽ When Id m weary, fainting helplessly, please

call me, Lord
ঢ় ዱ⁵ỹ ⰵ೭ ➉ ๵ ৉ ⃊ṭ≁᾽ When forceful waves crash and thrash in
my mind, please hold me, Lord
‫ݙ‬఍ዕ؉ ‫ݙ‬఍ዕὍ௱ ৉ ᚱᄕ≁᾽ Id m anxiously waiting for Your help, please
call me
ડე᪵ዕ ዹḩ᪵ዕỹ ଱ᑥ めᅡ੍ Sounds of praises and sounds of Your
words bring tears to my eyes

3.チ₝ ญ؉ ờᅍῡ ๵ ╕Ẻ⺝᾽ When youd re weary, helplessly unsettled,

please sing praises
ዱ⁵ ᪶ỹ ⰵ೭ ➉ ๵ ‫ݙ‬೭⺝᾽ (╕Ẻú‫ݙ‬೭ᆅ When forceful waves crash and thrash in
ᔽࣽựờ᾽) your mind, please pray to God
‫ݙ‬఍ዕ؉ ‫ݙ‬఍ዕ᎝ ఁ ድুዕ If patiently, you wait for the Lord, youd ll
surely meet Him
ડე᪵ዕ ዹḩ᪵ዕỹ チ Ụự੍ Sounds of praises and sounds of His words
give me power and strength

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