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James M.

Executive Director

March 8, 2007

Shirley P. Pigott, M.D.

301 Woodway Drive
Victoria, TX 7704-1121
Sent via email & U.S. mail

Dear Dr. Pigott:

On behalf of the Texas Academy of Family Physicians Board of Directors, thank you for
attending the 2007 TAFP Interim Board Meeting. Your indication to TAFP officers that
you would like for both you and the TAFP to put this to rest and to move on in a
positive manner is appreciated.

This has never been about your advocacy for the private sector. Your concerns and
your problems are shared by many of your colleagues. Rather, TAFP’s action is
directed at the manner in which you presented your points. Significant time and effort
was spent defending the good names and work of the TAFP leadership and its senior
staff that could have been spent on addressing the problems of our mutual concern.

Dr. Pigott, you were in attendance at the March 3, 2007, Board Meeting. In order to
move on in a positive manner, the Board hopes that you will accept and comply with
the actions it approved at the TAFP Interim Board Meeting. The action items are
intended to close the book on this unfortunate situation. The Board urges you to
demonstrate that you are willing to start working in a collegial manner by responding to
these action items approved by the TAFP Board. They are restated below:

(1) The TAFP Board directed that you be informed that your proposed private sector
resolutions, reviewed by the TAFP Commission of Health Care Services and Managed
Care, at Annual Session 2006 were appropriately considered and that your specific
concerns were acted on appropriately. No further response from TAFP to you on this
matter is required.
(2) The TAFP Board acknowledges that the service of TAFP President Douglas W.
Curran, M.D., on the BlueCross/BlueShield Physician Advisory Council is consistent
with TAFP direction, and that he appropriately disclosed this appointment and that he
should continue to serve.

(3) The TAFP Board acknowledges that TAFP President Douglas W. Curran, M.D., did
disclose his involvement in the BlueCross/ BlueShield advertisement and he followed
the advice and counsel of senior TAFP staff. Given some recent actions by BlueCross/
Blue Shield, the Board concurs with Dr. Curran’s decision to ask that they stop using
the advertisement.
(4) The TAFP Board directed that you be formally notified that your accusations and
charges regarding the Texas Academy of Family Physicians, its officers and staff were
unfounded, inappropriate and some could be construed as slanderous and that you
should apologize to those you wrongly accused. Further, the Board directed you to
send copies of this apology to all those to whom you sent copies of your accusations.
At the Board meeting you requested, “What are the specific charges?” The “charges”
refer to the charges you made about TAFP officers and staff in many of your emails
that were sent to listservs with copies sent to numerous individuals with other
organizations. Specific examples can found in the email that you composed and sent.

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The only action required by you for Items 1 - 3 is for you to accept the Board’s
messages to you. The last action however does require action from you and it is
hoped that you will comply with the Board’s directives.

If you have any question please contact me.

For the TAFP Board,

James M. White

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