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1. Devices and Substances
- Flame Photometer device
- Measuring flask 1 mL and 5 mL
- Burette 50 mL
- Measuring pipette
- Film bottle
- Na standard solution 1000 ppm
- K standard solution 1000 ppm
- Aquadest.
2. Working Steps
- dilute K standard solution 1000 ppm and Na into 50 ppm, each 100 mL
- Make a K standard 0, 1, 2, 4, 7 and 10 ppm with dilution the 50 ppm
standard solution in measuring flask 50 mL. Do the same for Na standard.
- Ask your sample solution using measuring flask 50 mL, mark it and dilute
with aquadest
- Connect the flame photometer device to LPG gas, with electricity, and
turn on the compressor
- Turn on the power, press ignitor button until got flame in the burner. Set
the flame in the burner to be blue shape by setting fuel button.
- Place monochromator at Potassium filter, prepare the standard solution.
- Aspirated the Blanco solution, then set Blanc button until the indicator
shown scale at 00.
- Replace with the higher standard solution , set sensitivity (fine button)
until the indicator shown scale at 100
- Wash capillar with aquadest, and measure the Blanco. Indicator must
shown scale at 00.
- Measure all of standard solution, start from the lowest concentration.
- Do the same with sample solution and natural water also plant water that
has been asked before.
- For plant water, dilute it 50 times with aquadest. Do the same with river
3. Working Scheme

dilute K standard solution 1000 ppm and Na into 50 ppm

Make a K and Na standard 0, 1, 2, 4, 7 and 10 ppm

Ask your sample solution using measuring flask 50 mL

Connect the flame photometer device to LPG gas, with

electricity, and turn on the compressor

Turn on the power, set the burner

Place monochromator at Potassium filter

prepare the standard solution

Aspirated the Blanco solution

set Blanc button

Wash capillar with aquadest

measure the Blanco

Measure all of standard solution

Do the same with sample solution

For plant water, dilute it 50 times with aquadest

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