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Unit 1

I. insert a suitable word into each space:

a. A: Hello, ________. How ________ _________ ?
B: I’m __________. Thanks.

b. A: ________ that?
B: It’s ___ ________.
There ________ numbers _______ colours.

c. A: ______ you count to _________ in English?

B: Yes, I can. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

I. Translate into Vietnamese:

1. egg: ________________
2. pear: ________________
3. banana: ________________
4. eraser: ________________
5. ball: ________________
6. apple: ________________
7. wheel: ________________
8. number: ________________
9. colour: ________________
10. vase: ________________
11. flower: ________________
12. desk: ________________
13. board: ________________
14. door: ________________
15. window : ______________
16. doll: ________________
III. colour the picture:

1. yellow 5. dark green 9. dark brown

2. orange 6. light blue 10. red
3. pink 7. dark blue 11. grey
4. light green 8. light brown

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