Date Rape Myths Socio

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There are two myths associated with rape.

The first
myth is that rape often involves strangers when in
reality two out of every three rapes involve people
who know each other ( M a c i o n i s , 2 0 0 9 ) . Date or
acquaintance rape is what this type or rape is
commonly called. The second myth is that the victim
of rape did something to provoke the rape to occur
(Macionis, 2009).

My understanding of these facts early on in my

college career made me understand and empathize
more effectively with female friends that were raped.
I was able to know that the danger of rape could very
well be present with someone I knew, and maybe
even knew well. This knowledge of how rape often
occurs led me to make better choices when dating
and hanging out with friends. I think that this
knowledge should be more effectively dispersed so
that women and men are aware of what the exact
definition of rape is. Also I think that many law
enforcement officials and hospital workers need to be
privy to this information. I have often heard that
women who chose to report the crime or rape, were
chastised by police officers or hospital employees
about “why” the situation occurred. This badgering of
rape victims is cruel and unnecessary and I believe it
causes many women to never report these crimes.
But if the officers and employees are trained in how
often this crime occurs and that the women is not at
fault for trusting someone maybe more women would
report this crime.

M a c i o n i s , JJ . ( 2 0 0 9 ) . S o c i e t y t h e b a s i c s . U p p e r S a d d l e R i v e r,
NJ: Pearson Education INC.

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