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Communication is defined as imparting or
interchange of thoughts, opinions, or
information by speech, writing, or signs
Importance of Communication

• Communication is important because it is

about how information is sent and received
within firms
• The way information is communicated is
often governed by how firms are structured
Channels of Communication

• Communication in organisations follows

paths or channels
• Communication between managers and
subordinates is known as vertical
• This is because the information flows up or
down the hierarchy
Vertical/Lateral Communication
Organisation chart shows vertical (black
arrows) and lateral (green arrows)

Board of Directors

Finance Marketing Production

Finance Marketing Factory

Officers Assistants Operatives
Channels of Communication
• Channels between departments or functions involve
lateral communication
• As well as formal channels of communication,
information also passes through an organisation
• Communication is not complete until feedback has
been received
The communication process is made up of four
key components.
• encoding
• medium of transmission
• decoding
• feedback
The other two very important factors are:
• Sender
• Receiver

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