Light and Darkness Study

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Light and Darkness

Introduction: 1 Peter 2:9-10- God calls us out of darkness into light

 Is there a “gray area” for God in regards to how He judges man’s hearts?
 “To be in the light”- is this a question of knowledge? (enlightenment?)
 Complete the following table

 Darkness  Light
 Not a people 
 Not forgiven 
 Lost 
 Not a Christian 
 Not a follower or disciple 
 Where are you? In the light or in the darkness?

1. Isaiah 59:1-2- Separation from God means “not saved.”
a. What separates a man from God?

Darkness Light
Man God

b. How can the wall be broken?

c. When does a person find salvation?
2. Romans 3:23- We answer for our condition
a. Who is in darkness
b. Look at the following graph. Who is more in darkness? Who is further from God?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3

……….. …………………………. ……………………………………………..

3. 1 John 1:5-10- Live in the light

a. What do we need to be ready to do to live be in the light?
b. If you are in the light, do you remain like your former sinner self?
4. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Colossians 3:5-8, Revelation 21:6-8- Sins action, appearance
Use this chart of sins so that you can be open about your life before eachother

Synodal Translation Modern Translation Original Greek

Lechery/ prostitution Sexual Relations Unlawful sex
Idol worship Idol worship Idol worship
Adultery Adultery Unfaithful, Traitor
Male prostitution Male Prostitute Womanizer
Men having sex with men Homosexuality To share a bed with men
Stealing Robbery Robbery
Greed Greed Desiring more
Drunkenness Drunkenness Drunkenness
Slander Slander To sow discord
Predator Cheat, swindle Take with force
Uncleanliness Uncleanliness, dirty, sewage
Passion Lust Guided Passions
Evil passions Low Strivings Evil Desires/ wishes
Anger, Rage Anger, Rage Anger, Rage
Fury Fury Destruction
Spite, anger
Slander Cause harm with words
Foul Language Bad Language, foul Shameful words
Timidity Cowardous To act with fear
Unfaithfulness Unbelief Same
Foul Foul Stinking
Murder Murder Murder
Corrupt Unlawful sex
Bewitch Practice witchcraft
To lie To lie To lie

5. James 4:17- Sin of idleness?

a. How can this be- to sin without doing anything?
b. Think of an example of this type of sin?
6. Romans 6:23- The result of sin.
a. Would anyone really want what to receive from God what they deserve?

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