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Information Technology Act,

Prof. (Dr) N. L. Mitra
Fox Mandal
Solicitors & Advocates

Fox Mandal
Slide 1

MSOffice1 , 1/29/2005
Object of the Act
„ Electronic Governance made possible
„ Facilitates Electronic Commerce

Fox Mandal
Scope of the Act
The Act covers:
„ e-Commerce

„ Creation and use of digital signature

„ Facilitation of electronic records

Fox Mandal
„ First statute on IT
„ Influenced by the Model Law on Electronic
Commerce (UNCITRAL)
„ Passed on May 15, 2000
„ Came into force on October 17, 2000

Fox Mandal
„ e-transactions of governance in the Civil
„ Criminalization of internet rule violation
and administration of criminal justice.

Fox Mandal
e-Governance (CIVIL)
„ Facilitates of electronic filing of documents with
the Government agencies
„ Electronic record keeping and data protection
„ Signature in e-documents and authentication
„ E-Gazette
„ E-taxation
„ Matters connected therewith or incidental

Fox Mandal
Civil Wrong and Remedial Forum
„ Damage to Computer
„ Failure to furnish information and return
„ Adjudicative Officer
„ Cyber Appellate Tribunal

Fox Mandal
e-Governance (Criminalization)
„ Internet offences:
* Tampering documents
* Hacking system
* Publishing obscene material
* Breach of confidentiality and privacy
* Publication of false digital signature
* Publication of fourge digital signature

Fox Mandal
Criminal Tempering of Computers
with Documents
„Knowingly or intentionally does or causes
to be done:
* Conceals
* Destroy
* Alter
Computer source code

Fox Mandal
„ Intentionally or knowingly causing or likely
to cause:
*Wrongful loss
*Deletes or alters
Any information residing in computer source

Fox Mandal
Obscene in Electronic Form
„ Publishing
„ Transmission
„ Causes to be published
Material lascivious or appeals to prurient
„ Controller’s power to intercept

Fox Mandal
e-Governance (Criminalization)
IT Act brought amendment in the following
„ The Indian Penal Code

„ The Indian Evidence Act, 1872

„ The Banker’s Books Evidence Act, 1891

„ The Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934

Fox Mandal
„ Use of alternatives to paper-based methods of
communication and storage of information
„ Electronic contract
„ Authentication of contract
„ Documentation and proof
„ Performance of contract
„ Settlement of accounts
„ Dispute resolution

Fox Mandal
Applicability of the Act
„ Whole of India excepting those mentioned
in the Act
„ Any Offence or Contravention committed
outside India by any person.

Fox Mandal
Non-application of the Act
„ Negotiable Instrument (other than a cheque)
„ Power of attorney
„ Trust
„ Will
„ Contract for the sale or conveyance of
immovable property or any interest in such
„ Class of documents or transactions notified in
Official Gazette.

Fox Mandal
Electronic Gazette
„ Section 2(1)(s)
„ Official gazette
„ Electronic form

Fox Mandal
Digital signature
„ Section 2(1)(p)
„ Authentication
„ Electronic method

Fox Mandal
Affixing digital signature
„ Section 2(1)(d)
„ Adoption of any methodology or procedure
„ Purpose of authenticating by digital

Fox Mandal
Digital signature Certificate
„ Section 2(1)(q)
„ Digital signature certificate
„ Section 35(4)

Fox Mandal
Key pair
„ Section 2(1)(x)
„ Private key
„ Mathematically related public key
„ Public key should verify digital signature
created by the private key

Fox Mandal
Asymmetric crypto system
„ Section 2(1)(f)
„ Secure key pair
„ Private key to create digital signature
„ Public key to verify digital signature

Fox Mandal
Definition of Access
„ Section 2(1)(a)
„ Gaining entry into
„ Instructing or communicating
„ Logical
„ Arithmetical
„ Memory function

Fox Mandal
„ Section 2(1)(b)
„ Who receives the electronic record
„ Not intermediary

Fox Mandal
Adjudicating Officer
„ 2(1)(c)
„ Appointed under section 46(1)

Fox Mandal
Appropriate Government
„ Section 2(1)(e)
„ Any matter
„ List II of Seventh schedule
„ List III of Seventh Schedule

Fox Mandal
Certifying Authority
„ Section 2(1)(g)
„ Person with license
„ To issue Digital Signature Certificate
„ Under Section 24

Fox Mandal
Certification Practice system
„ Section 2(1)(h)
„ Statement of Certifying Authority
„ Indicates practice of Certifying Authority in
issuing Digital Signature

Fox Mandal
Computer System
„ Section 2(1)(l)
„ Device or collection of devices
„ Includes input and output support devices
„ Excludes calculators not programmable,
capable of being used in conjunction with
external files

Fox Mandal
Computer System
„ Containing computer programmes,
electronic instructions, input data and
output data
„ Performs logic, arithmetic, data storage
and retrieval, communication control and
other functions

Fox Mandal
„ Section 2(1)(i)
„ Electronic magnetic, optical or other high-
speed data processing device or system
„ Performs logical, arithmetic, and memory
„ Manipulation of electronic, magnetic or
optical impulses

Fox Mandal
„ Inclusion of input, output, processing,
storage, computer software, or
communication facilitates
„ Connected or related to computer,
computer system or computer network

Fox Mandal
Computer Network
„ Section 2(1)(j)
„ Interconnection of one or more computers
„ Use of satellite, microwave, terrestrial line or
other communication media
„ Terminals or a complex consisting of two or
more interconnected computers whether or not
the interconnection is continuously maintained

Fox Mandal
Computer Resource
„ Section 2(1)(k)
„ Computer
„ Computer system
„ Computer network
„ Data
„ Computer database or software

Fox Mandal
„ Section 2(1)(o)
„ Representation of
„ Information
„ Knowledge
„ Facts
„ Concepts or instructions
„ Being prepared or have been prepared
„ To be processed or has been processed
„ Computer system or computer network
„ In any form or stored internally in memory
Fox Mandal
„ Computer programme
„ Software and databases or
„ Microfilm or
„ Computer generated micro fiche

Fox Mandal
„ Section 2(1)(m)
„ Controller of Certifying Authorities
„ Appointed under section 17(1)

Fox Mandal
Cyber Appellate Tribunal
„ Section 2(1)(n)
„ Cyber Regulations Appellate Tribunal
„ Established under Section 48(1)

Fox Mandal
„ Section 2(1)(w)
„ Any person who
„ On behalf of another person
„ Receives, stores or transmits that
„ Provides service with respect to that

Fox Mandal
Electronic form
„ Section 2(1)(q)
„ Any information
„ Generated
„ Sent
„ Received or stored in media
„ Magnetic

Fox Mandal
Electronic Form
„ Optical
„ Computer memory
„ Micro film
„ Computer generated micro fiche or similar

Fox Mandal
Electronic record
„ Section 2(1)(t)
„ Data
„ Record or data generated
„ Image or sound stored
„ Received or sent
„ Electronic form or microfilm or computer
generated micro fiche

Fox Mandal
„ Section 2(1)(u)
„ Logic
„ Control
„ Arithmetical process
„ Deletion
„ Storage and retrieval
„ Communication or telecommunication

Fox Mandal
For any query contact
N.L. Mitra
Partner, Fox Mandal

Fox Mandal

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