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Q.1. The year 1726 marked the beginning of new phase in the evolution of Judicial
administration in India. Explain-What modifications has been made by the charter
of 1753.

1726 dk o"kZ Hkkjr eas uohu iz’kklu ds mnHko ds :i esa fpfUgr gSA** O;k[;k
dhft,! 1753 ds jktkKk ds }kjk D;k lq/kkj fd, x;s\

Q.2. State in Salient features of the Act of Settlement, 1781.

1781 ds cUnkscLrh vf/kfu;e ds eq[; izko/kkuksa dks crkbZ,A

Q.3. What do you understand by Judicial plan of 1772? Explain how warren Hasting
made improvements on it in 1774.

1772 dk U;kf;d ;ksuk ls vki D;k le>rs gS Li"V dhft, fd fdl izdkj gsfLVax us 1774
esa bl ;kstuk esa lq/kku fd;sA

Q.4. Discuss the main features of Morley-minto reforms of 1909.

1909 ds eksysZ&feUVksa lq/kkjks ds izeq[k rRoksa dh foospuk dhft,!

Q.5. What was the power & Jurisdiction of the federal court as formed under govt of
India Act, 1935.

Hkkjr ljdkj vf/kfu;e 1935 ds v/khu LFkkfir la?kh; U;k;ky; dh 'kfDr;k vkSj
vf/kdkfjrk D;k Fkh\

Q.6. Trace the History of codification of Laws in India. State how the charter Act 1833
is important in this respect.

Hkkjr esa fof/k;ksa ds lafgrkdj.k ds bfrgkl dh leh{kk dhft, crkbZ, fd fdl izdkj ls
1833 dh jktkKk egRoiw.kZ gSA

Q.7. What are the salient features of the Indian Independence Act, 1947. Explain.

Hkkjrh; LorU=rk vf/kfu;e] 1947 dh eq[; fo’ks"krk,a D;k gS\ Li"V dhft,

Q.8. Short notes:

(i) Lex Loci Report (ii) Nehru Report

(iii) Montague-chelmford Report (1919)

(iv) Third Law commission

(v) Indian High court Act, 1861

(vi) Provisions of Regulating Act, 1773

(vii) Simon commission

Q.9. Discuss the privy council’s contribution to Indian Law.

Hkkjrh; fof/k dks izhoh dkSfUly ds ;ksxnku dh foospuk dhft,A

Q.10. Case :

(i) Patna Case (ii) Cossijurah case.

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