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Career Unit


Monday, April 4- IMC

All students will take a career interest survey to begin the career unit. Students will be
given a list of 3 careers that are compatible to them based on their answers to the survey.
Students will rank their careers in order of interest and then a career will be assigned to
them for research.

Tuesday, April 5 – No School

Wednesday, April 6 – IMC Presentation about research & noodle bib.

It is important to take notes, and pay close attention to the presentation as it will review
and give information about how research & create a bibliography. Login and password
information will be provided at this time about how to access online research

Thursday, April 7 – Friday, April 15 – IMC research time

During this time it will be your goal to research efficiently and effectively in the IMC. Daily
checks on use of time will be taken as well as check-points for note card completion. You
need to be creating your bibliography as you research!

• All research will need to be completed on note cards

• 5-8 sources is required for your research
• A minimum of 20 notecards is required

The overall goal of the research:

• All information must be organized in a typed outline. (2 copies are needed)

• The final product will be a 3-5 minute informative speech on the research career.
• A visual is also required and will need to be a part of your speech.
• A typed bibliography is required

Week of April 18 – 22
18, 19 – write outline
20-21 – laptop/computer time to type outline – Outline due Mon 4/25
22 – no school

Week of April 25-29

April 25, 26 - Final preparations for speech
April 27, 28, 29 – Speeches
*if you are going on the band trip you need to let us know ASAP – you will
be scheduled to present on Wednesday, April 27

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