Case Stydy

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General Guideline for

writing Case Study

The Title Page
• University of Alexandria
• Faculty of Nursing
• Pediatric Nursing Department
• Name of the child :
• Age/sex
• Diagnosis:
• Date of admission
• Number of days you can cared for the child:
• Unit no. : Room No.
• Student's name Group:
• Bed no.:
• Referred to your pediatric nursing textbooks
and write bibliography.
• Utilize acceptable spelling, grammar, and
organization in nice presented copy.
Outline the normally expected
motor, emotional, social, and
mental developmental level of
an infant or child of the same
age group of your child and
compare them with your child
own level of development
•Gross motor
•Fine motor
Reaction to separation (father,
mother or sibling)
Reaction to illness and
Security and need for love
Social development:
Attitude towards patients, sibling
and other children
Relation ship with hospital
Play interest
Attitude towards discipline and
Attitude towards school, teachers
and peers
Language development
Learning Achievement
Educational level
Evaluation of family socio-
economic condition
Home environment
Recreational facilities
• Assess the child condition use the given
sheet for physical examination

• Write clinical manifestation

• Reaction to disease and hospitalization:
• Mother – family understanding of disease
condition, Prevention and treatment.
According to your assessment
develop the nursing care plan for
Nursing diagnosis
Nursing intervention/ rational
Describe the given
nursing intervention
for patient.
 Evaluating patient's condition based on
your intervention
 Describe the available community
facilities that help maintenance of care.
 List recommendations for any changes
or additions in the nursing care or of
the child and his family.

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