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Table Name Description of the Table

Account List Of Account Details

Account Type Details about the types of Account
CaName CA Details
CaseAccountMap Mapping of CaseID to Account Type
CaseComment Case Comments
CaseDocument Details about the Document to Case
CaseHistory Case history details
CaseItem CaseData is stored
CaseStatus CaseStatusDescription Details
DbForceUser Gives the DbForce details
DocumentStatus Details about the Documents
Form Details about the Form
ManagedProduct Details about the managed Product Description
ProductAccountType Mapping of Product to the Account Type
RegistrationType RegistrationType Details
RepVisibility Pershing user id Details
WorkItemCase Mpped the Case Number to WorkItemCase
Database Services GetDocumentDetailsFromBarCodeId
Update Document Table
DocumentImaging GetDocumentDetails
Evaluate Account Services Evaluate Client Profile
Filter Item Services Create Filter Criteria
Get Spat Details Service
iProcess Services AccountOpenResponse
Pershing Services Open Account
Reminder Mail Services Retrieve Mail User List
Retrieve Mailing Address Retrieve Mailing Address
Sales Force Services 1. Create Tibco Case
2. DBForceLogin
3. GetCACaseNumber
4. GetEmailFromUser[Email ids of all the BAM belonging to a
particular branch]
5. GetListCustomersFilterCriteria[Search for list of
customers based on filter criteria]
6. GetUsersFromPershingId[To get the CA / SA / BAM
from the Pershing Id as I/P]
7. Link Account Number
8. Prepolulate
9. SalesForce-Url-Verification
10. UserLogInDetails[Get Logged in User details]
11. ValidateSession[Check whether sales force session
exists or not]
Wizard Services Get Case Details[To get the Details of the case from iProcess &
Get User Level Details [To get the Details at user Level]
Save Case Details
Update Case Status

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