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How To Take Action To Change Your Life

Are you finding it hard to take action to change the quality of your life? I have found 3 ways that can get
you enthusiastic and inspired within minutes.

If you find yourself stuck, unable to make any further progress, be it in your work projects, personal
aspirations or life goals, where you just can't get motivated enough to step up and take action, you are not
feeling inspired. When you are uninspired or unenthusiastic, you are highly unlikely to take action, at least
not in the long term, or if you do take action you do so begrudgingly, and the end result might not be of
high quality.

The thing is, if the goals themselves were inspiring, you would take inspired action with ease. If, however,
your mind is not geared up to accept exciting goals, it could be difficult to take action.

When you are in such a position, a reversal in thought is the better action. You take action in order to
inspire yourself, where you force your thoughts to match the actions to bring about the desired outcomes.
This way you'll give your mind a bit of a jiggle to 'wake up' and help you pursue your objective or goal.

Here are 3 ways you can jiggle yourself, your mind, to go after your goal with inspired action to alter your
current way of thinking:

1. Practice change: Change a few routines in your life. Perhaps you can start by taking a different route to
and from work, wear your left shoe first as opposed to your right shoe first, dine at a different restaurant,
eat different foods. If you find it hard at the beginning, begin with small changes.

2. Practice knowledge: Learn a new craft, language, musical instrument, take some dance lessons. Get out
and grow, learn something you are either weak at or know nothing about. If it's something you enjoy, it
will spark some enthusiasm into your life, an also some inspiration to have you think in new and
empowering ways.

3. Practice creation: Do you have a hobby you would like to work on, get back to or start? Well, now is the
time to do it. If you have that novel burning within you, write it. If you have that painting or that
woodwork, paint it or build it. Bring to life the sleeping, inactive juices within you.

Every time you jiggle yourself by getting into inspired action, you will feel good, you will have fun, and your
whole attitude will change. In fact, your attitude will catch up and match your actions. What a great
reversal strategy to get you into action to change your life.

By the way, do you want to learn more about how to live your life your way, to manifest what excites you,
by reading articles like this to change your life and join the ranks of the highly successful people?

If so, I suggest you check this out: Live Your Life

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