Simple Spanish For You

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By :Rahul Mistry

Lesson 1

1. To say hello, merely say 'Hola' or 'oh-la' (rhymes with 'Lola'; note that the letter H is
silent in Spanish).
2. To
introduce yourself, merely say 'Me llamo' (may YAHM-oh) followed by your
name. For example, 'Hola, me llamo Chris' ('OH-la, may YAHM-oh Chris')
means 'Hi, I'm Chris.'
3. To ask someone's name in a formal
setting, say '¿Cómo se llama usted?' or 'KOH-moh say YAHM-ah oo-STED.'
(The 'oo' rhymes with 'moo.' This means, 'What is your name?'
4. In
an informal setting, or if speaking to a child, say '¿Cómo te llamas?'
or 'KOH-mo tay YAHM-ahss.' That also means, 'What is your name?'
5. After
the person responds, you may say, 'Mucho gusto' or 'MOOCH-oh
GOOSE-toe.' The phrase means 'much pleasure' or, in this context it is
understood as 'pleased to meet you.'

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