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'--.J Photo:

Bullies can hurt other students
'--' emotionally-by not talking to
them, leaving them out of school
'--" groups, making fun of them, or
spreading rumors about them
'-.J that are not true.

',---", Bullying is Complicated
Mi Hye from Korea

'-' Ju Hee from Korea

Bullying is doing things to hurt other people and have power over them. It is a serious
---- It's hard to stop bullying because it is complicated-it happens in different ways and in
dlfferent places.
'-- he,," óh,¡;.,) <..)~,,;;l \ ,;-¡{(" ",,,¡)t,,,~ rf<"rN<) \{.YI r .

'-.. fullliei hurt other students in many ways, One way is \.;ll1sting,them physically-Jlitting,
S'ñoViag.•.kickin.9;, I?,kllihing, slapplnq, or ~p!;!nching thern. Another way is hurting them
with words (verbal bullying)-threatening thern, calling them names, or saving ugly
things about them. A third way is hurting them emotionally-not talking to them,
leaving them out of school groups, or spreading rumors about them that are not true.

',-1 Bullying also happens in many different places. In the classroom, a bully might tear up
another student's paper. In the school cafeteria, a bully might push another student's
food tray on the floor. On the",p'Ja~-ill-Ql!Il.Q.()
bullies hit or punch a victim. On a school
" '-.: . bus, a bully might grab a student's glasses and throw them to another bully when he
, tries to get them back.
: In conclusion, bullying is a very complicated problem because it doesn't always happen
in the same way and it can happen almost anywhere.

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