Syntax Assign

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BIL 3063: Syntax and Morphology

Semester 2 2010/2011

Lecturer: Napisah Kepol

Office: FB 4-2
Tel. no.: 05 4505409

Task : Language Analysis (40%)

Type: Group (3 people per group)

Compare the syntactical and morphological structures of the English language with
another language of your choice. Your report should include a comparison of the
following factors and how these are the same or similar between the two languages:
1. the morphological aspects and rules of word formation in both languages.
2. the grammatical categories and constituents of each language.

Provide clear examples to support your explanation or description of the factors being

Use the Times New Roman typeface, font 12 and 1½ spacing for the paper. The paper
should not be more than 1200 words and no less than 1100 words in length. No special
cover page is needed. Staple the report together on the upper left side of the pages. Write
your name, matriculation number, course code and title, semester and task title on the
upper right corner of the first page.

The due date is April 7, 2011 (Thursday, Week 13).

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