Excercise - 1 MCM 354

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(Fatima, Nourhan, Ayse, Rehab, Iman, Wafaa &Yara)

1. What was the idea behind the creation of MySpace?

MySpace started out as a popular social networking website that offers an

interactive way of sharing content and culture such as, friends, photos, blogs,
music and videos internationally. It was created to connect around content and
culture. It wasn¶t created to be a general networking site but to be music-oriented
and provide content such as music, videos, and culture to a young target audience.

2. How is Facebook different from MySpace?

According to the research MySpace is used by teenagers who just graduated from
school and aren¶t willing to go to college, and they¶re just following their parents
foot-steps. On the other hand, Facebook users are those teenagers who come from
well-educated families and they¶re of a higher social class. Those teenagers are
the honors in their class and they¶re very much involved in their after school

3. Have you used MySpace or Facebook, and if so, how often? What was your

Yes, we used Facebook. We check our Facebook daily, the over experience is a
good in the sense that we are always connected to our families and friends
especially those that are abroad. Also, it keeps us up to date with news and events
for example the news about the Egyptian Revolution and other recent events.

4. Do you think Twitter will overtake Facebook as the most popular social
networking platform in the UAE? Explain?

No, because they are two different social networks that operate differently and
offer different services to their users. They also function on two different levels.
Speaking in the context of the UAE, twitter is still a growing social network
compared to Facebook but users are adapting easily. In some advertising agencies
in Dubai, employees are required to monitor tweets about certain products or
events. Therefore, it means that twitter is a growing social network, which is also
used in a professional context. Moreover, Facebook is mostly for communication
and entertainment purposes while twitter on the other hand could be used to
follow up on certain events/news.

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