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Bangladeshi & Pakistani National Contested In Indian Election : Illegal Migrants Are Kingmakers



Infiltration is a global phenomenon. Peoples, like water, which have a tendency to make out their own
echelon called migration. The poor seek to prosper by moving first from the countryside to cities, then beyond
the international borders of states and countries.
At present, the contention Bangladeshi (in India, they are called minority community) has contributed
to a silent demographic invasion in the North-Eastern States of India, which is a malicious exaggeration.
Demographic statistics prove the problem involves fugitives poor people feeling misery in search of a better life.
Although, a section of minority community said, It is the issue as communalized as in India in that
Hindu are treated as refugee and Muslim as infiltrator. But the fact is that, the political, economic and
sociological observers said or referred to Hindu Migrants as refugees because they fled from former EastPakistan, (that is, East-Bengal or locally called Purba Bangla), presently - Bangladesh for fear of religious
persecution and say they should be granted asylum in India. But the Muslim Migrants, as foreigners, who have
socio-economic reasons that is, better food, cloth, shelter and job and it is true, as a developing nation India
cannot afford added burdens on its economy.
In fact, refugees of the Partition years, mainly Hindus, were given Indian citizen ship. Most of the 1971
War refugees went back after the Bangladesh was created. While most of the Muslim Bangladeshi nationals are
not returned. The problem with the whole issue seems to be the dragging of feet and buck-passing. While sources
asserted that the disposal of cases and the inquiry of doubtful citizenship were painfully slow, many foreigners
managed to give the authorities the slip in the intervening period between the inquiry and the prosecution. As a
result of this, once again the illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators haunting the Northeast Indian States Assam, West
Bengal (WB), Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram and the Nagaland, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim
Government of India maintains that about 03,000 numbers to 05,000 numbers of illegal Bangladeshi
infiltrators are entering into India daily. But, The inflow of the Bangladeshi nationals into the WB is approximate
03 lakhs per year and most of the emigrants have settled in the districts of Coochbehar, Jalpaiguri, (Siliguri)
Darjeeling, East Dinajpur (presently known as North-Dinajpur), West Dinajpur (presently known as SouthDinajpur), Malda, Murshidabad, Nadia, Howrah, North-24-Parganas, South-24-Parganas as well as the capital of
the aforesaid state, Kolkata. Now, the state, WB has the highest numbers of Bangladeshi infiltrators over 12
millions, related the Report of the Indian Home Ministry (IHM), in the year 2000. While on the other hand,
more than 01,36,000 numbers of Bangladeshi immigrants are resettled in the Northern part of the West Bengal
(WB) State. Of them, Hindus are in large scales.
However, supporting the fact, the Indian West-Bengal State Police Force (IWBSPF) department had
disclosed, Averagely 800 numbers to 900 numbers of Bangladeshi are pushed back to their homeland every
month, who are illegally entered into the Indian State, WB.
The above Report of the IHM further disclosed, Since the Liberation War of Bangladesh, 1971, like WB,
another Northeastern Indian State, Assam has also faced the brunt of numbers of illegal Bangladeshi migration.
There are around 02.50 million emigrants in the states of Northeast Indian region, of whom near about 02 million
live only in the state of Assam, whore resided into the states districts of Dhubri, Goalpara, Bongaigaon, Barpeta,
Kamrup, Nagaon, Morigaon, Darrang, Sonitpur, Hailakandi and Karimganj districts respectively.
The inflow of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants is about 300 numbers per day, who are concentrated in the
Indian States Bihar and Jharkhand respectively also. The districts of Bhagalpur, Samastipur, Katihar, Kishanganj,
Araria, Purnia and Gaya districts of Bihar State and Pakur (earlier Samastipur district of Bihar State) and
Sahebganj (earlier Muzaffarpur district of Bihar State) districts of Indian State, Jharkhand. Even, after India
Pakistan War of 1971, a good number of Bihari Muslim People have also settled in North-Eastern State Bihar,
who come from Bangladesh time-to-time and engaged themselves in various trade, business, indus try, profession,
work, et cetera.
Apart from this, according to the secret information provided by the various Indian Intelligence Agency
(IIA)s that after their thorough investigations and the interrogations to the local populaces, whore residing in the
IBVs and International Border Town (IBT)s, it has been found and later informed to the Home Ministry,
Government of India, More than hundreds and hundreds numbers of illegal Bangladeshi Muslim immigrants are
mainly resettled in the adjoining India-Bangladesh International Bordering aforementioned districts of the
Eastern Indian States, Assam, West Bengal (WB), Bihar, and (in Dhalai, North-Tripura, South-Tripura and WestTripura districts) Tripura.
And this Muslim Bengali speaking peoples are migrated and preferred to live abovementioned these
particular international bordering areas only because, most of the above Indian districts are dominated by the
Bengali Muslim peoples, who are also migrated from former East Pakistan (presently, Bangladesh) not only after
Partition as well as Liberation War against former West Pakistan (that is, presently, Pakistan) but also still now
from the others areas of the Indian Sub-continent as well.

In fact, Bangladeshi Muslims are wanted to shift their base from their country Bangladesh to India, only
because, to escape poverty, rampant starvation, diseases, natural disasters (like flood, erosion, rain, cyclone and
landslide et cetera), dearth of space (Read : Land)s and frequent socio-political and economical unrest in their
native land Bangladesh.
However, it is also fact that the Bangladeshi nationals are too hard workers, who prefer tough physical
labour in the agricultural fields, construction sites, others related works as daily-labourer, including pulling
Rickshaws, Rickshaw-vans, Handbarrows and as vegetable-seller, egg-seller, fish-seller, fruit-seller, rag-pickers, et
cetera and they know that these kind of jobs or works are specially available in India, and in India the living cost is
almost same (like Bangladesh). So, the illegal Bangladeshis always think that they may easily obtain above these
employments to pass their life effortlessly.
Though, it is fact that the geographical and ethnic proximity coupled with the availability of better
economic opportunities in India, there is inflow of illegal migrants from Bangladesh is a common in nature. But,
nowadays, it has been reflected in different context the chief motto of this incessant illegal migration from
Bangladesh to trigger the rise activities of the Islamic Religious Fundamentalism (IRF) in the Eastern Indian
States as well as the entire country. As a result, it has not only threatening the Eastern Indian States but also the
entire country and Indian sub-continent as well.
Besides aforesaid serious demographic change in the aforesaid region, particularly, the IRF activities and
their religious extremists as well as the fundamentalists are being also pushed into India regularly, by the
intelligence agencies of Bangladesh and Pakistan, named Director General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI) and
Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), to distabilise the whole Indian province and the entire Indian sub-continent as
well as South-Asian region. Because, today, this excessive illegal infiltration without any hindrance over the years
have already endangered the whole Northeastern Indian region, while the Indian national security has threatened,
sovereignty and integration too are jeopardised.
It is ultimately fact that the unabated Bangladeshi illegal infiltrators were mostly entered into India
during the regime of Begum Khaleda Zia, when she was Prime Minister of Bangladesh and Major General Fazlur
Rahman, when he was Director General of Bangladesh Defence Rifles (BDR); both were always instigated in
trying to push the Bangladeshi infiltrators into India every now and then, directly and indirectly, in different
times, in different reasons and in different ways.
It is an old practice that the Bangladesh Army (BA) is always pushing their poor country peoples into
India territory with the help of the BDR soldiers, under the cover of the firing of Indian insurgents groups, whore
still in active in the soil of Bangladesh and on the other hand, above these rebels groups are using as a First Line
of Defence (FLD) on the Indo-Bangla international boundary, disclosed the intelligence agency of Border
Security Force Of India (BSFI) and Indian Meghalaya State Director General of Police Force, Bijon Dey Sawain on
18th October, 2008 at Shillong, the capital of Northeast Indian State, Meghalaya.
The above secret report further got strong support, when an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) official
during the period of mass killing (that is, between the year, 2004 to 2006) of Hindi speaking people in the Indian
State of Assam sent a report to the Indian Home Department consecutively, The major militant group of the
above state as well as the region United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) is making room for the illegal
Bangladeshi infiltrators (for their food, cloth, shelter, better life and job) by trying to push-back into Eastern
Indian region (mostly in to the state, Assam, apart from West Bengal, Tripura and Meghalaya States), at the
behest of the Bangladeshis intelligence agency Director General of Forces Intelligence of Bangladesh (DGFIB)
and the Pakistani intelligence agency Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), through the killing of Hindi speaking
However, according to the reports revealed by the several IIAs are concerned that after the apprehensions
of the unscrupulous elements among the several hundreds of illegal Bangladeshi Muslim families, who have
disclosed that earlier (and sometimes presently) the BDR was actively involved in trying to push the
underprivileged Muslim Bangladeshi families into the Indian soil due to very much poverty in their own country,
Bangladesh and this is why, the aforesaid families have always tried to infiltrate into India illegally, who have now
been created not only disturbances and undermine the communal harmony but also destabilize the socio-political
situation in India seriously.
Reacting on the reports of the said IIAs as well as the IASs, the former Indian Deputy Prime Minster as
well as the Home Minister (during the National Democratic Alliance (NDA)-led Indian Government), Lal Krishna
Advani justified, Whatever our IIAs are claimed are cent percent true.
In fact, in Bangladesh, day-to-day, population is growing at a high rate. The people of Bangladesh, even,
after their independence (in the year, 1971) arent aware of population explosion. They never put any importance
to the Birth Control Policy (BCP), which have made scope for population boom in Bangladesh and with this have
started migration to India. Reason : the Government of Bangladesh has no concrete effectual family planning
scheme and the iron-grip of the Mullah (that is, Muslim priest)s over the poor people, who have preached that
family planning is against the dictates of the Muslim religious scriptures. The countrys fanatic religious
fundamental activists too ignore the consequences of it. They have lodged protest after protest in this matter. But,
the Bangladesh Government doesnt pay any heed to it and to stop the population explosion, the Government of

Bangladesh takes some positive initiatives in this context by different public demonstrations (like Sabha and
Samiti), notices, posters, placards, advertises et cetera and even, sometimes, public gatherings or meetings are
being organized to enlist the support of the common people suffering from diseases of illiteracy. But, in vain. As a
result of this Firstly : Living space (that is, land)s are shrinking including agricultural lands due to increasing of
density of population, while the natural disasters (like flood, cyclone, earthquake, landslide, erosion, et cetera)
also added fuel to this. Secondly : Food crisis has also aroused due to same reasons, which create malnutrition
and starvation death (specially, for mother and child) and Thirdly : Poor incomes cause unable to buy clothes for
the families, so, most of the children are either ill-clothed or naked, even, including the old one and the deaths are
mostly seen during winter and rainy seasons due to cough and cold and diseases like bronchitis, asthma and
pneumonia. And this is why, the Bangladeshi nationals illegally entered into India and to settle here to fulfill their
burning hunger or demand or need.
But, most awful thing is that now-a-days, to make easy and quick money (especially, in India), major
portions of these illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators are choosing the path either anti-social works (like illegally
cutting and selling fuel-woods, killings, bomb-blasts) or religious fundamental activities. As a result, these entire
Muslim Bangladeshi illegal infiltrators community feel very insecure socially and politically (whore still living in
the aforesaid Indian States and districts) hand-to-mouth existence. Theyre even, faced the problems from the
administrations of the above Indian districts and states, time-to-time. Added to this, most of the Bangladeshi
illegal nationals, who dont possess any legal land papers, but have encroached and grabbed the Khas Zami (that
is, land)s unlawfully, which are belong to the property of Government of Indian States and this is why, these
Muslim illegal migrants are under constant fear and threat to existence into India.
But, In eastern Indian states, loss of lands to the hand of Muslim immigrants nationals has always been
a key issue with the ethnic tribes, adibashis and the plain (people)s and among their communities. It could spark
major bloodshed, which can worry the states chaotic/fragile law and order situations. Even, in this context, the
Assam States scholars and civil society groups fear that Assam State would again slide into disorder and conflict
zone - as it happened between the years 1979 to 1983, when more than hundreds of hundreds peoples were died
during an Anti-Foreigners Movement that lasted some 05 years, said one of the noted scholar of Indian state,
Right now, in Eastern Indian State, Assam, nearly, half of the 126-numbers of Indian Assam State
Assembly Constituency (IASAC)s had shown already the increase of electorates or voters between 1971 and 2009,
due to incessant illegal migration from Bangladesh. This unabated Illegal Bangladeshi influx has not only changed
the demography in the earlier mentioned districts of the said state areas but also already have obtained political
power, which has also a deciding factor.
While according to the Indian Home Ministry Statistics, in the year, 1950-1951, the Muslims made up a
quarter of the population of the State Assam, but, presently, this figure has already reached/touched the one-third
mark and as a result of this, out of 27-numbers of districts of the State, Assam, 09 numbers districts at present
have Muslim majorities and the largest part of these nine numbers of districts are hub of illegal migrants, who are
origin of former East Bengal, now, Bangladesh.
In this regard, the Indian nationalist party, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had claimed one step ahead. The
president of BJP, Assam State unit, Indramoni Bora on 20th October, 2005 (before the journalists) claimed, Out
of 27-numbers of districts of the eastern Indian State, Assam, more than numbers of districts have majority
Bangladeshi population and it is people of minority community (who are in majority in Dhubri, Goalpara,
Barpeta, Morigaon, Nagaon, Hailakandi, Karimganj, districts). But, next day, on 21st October, 2005, in this
context, the Chief Minister (CM) of the Eastern Indian State, Assam, Tarun Gogoi partially admitted, In our
State, Assam, Dhubri is the only district, where Muslims are in majority, who are Bengali speaking.
Most interesting fact is that in Eastern Indian State, Assam, there are 49-numbers of Tribal-Belts are
under the illegal occupation of Bangladeshi infiltrators and important fact is that there is not a single hamlet or
town in the above state, where there are no Bangladeshi nationals are living and earning. So, it will not be a matter
of surprise if a Bangladeshi citizen becomes Chief Minister of the above state in near future.
It has been proved at that time, when civil society groups and the socio-political observers astonished,
We are very much anguish/suffering with the withdrawal of the particularly 2001 Census Report of the
Northeastern State, Assam, which articulate/clears religion-specific population growth figures. But, why the
Government of India has been adopting the tactic of hide and seeks in this context, we dont know!
But, it is fact and in a word, we may say, a full-scale demographic invasion has taken place already in
Northeast India basically. We can also say clearly that due to unabated trend of illegal Bangladeshi infiltration into
the region, the Northeast Indian States will soon be a part of Greater Bangladesh, which is fact, if nothing is done
to stem the human traffic, asserted one of the noted scholar of Dhubri district, Prosecutor/Advocate Late Jamini
Kanta Sharma.
It is fact that the illegal Bangladeshi nationals have not only intruded into every nook and corner of the
entire Indian state but have also become a major threat for the security as well. Not only that North East Indian
States will be convert into Bangladeshi land, what with illegal influx from the Bangladesh going to on incessant

over the years. The Government of India by its reluctance to act against this dangerous phenomenon is giving
away the region into the hands of Bangladesh.
But, in this regard, the CM of the Eastern Indian State Assam, countered, It is his personal intervention
that International Border Security is given a boost by induction of several effective measures like floodlighting,
river patrolling, set up International Border River Police Force (IBRPF) Battalion to detect and deport the illegal
Bangladeshi foreign nationals, from the state, Assam and to set up more and more International Border Out Post
(IBOP)s within the 10-kilometres radius of the aforesaid international boundary, et cetera. Even, it has during the
one of the Indian nationalist party, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA)
Government, when BJP leader and former Prime Minister (PM), Atal Behari Vajpayee was keen on the issue of the
to grant work-permit to the illegal migrants (specially, Bangladeshis) but, he opposed it, as it would complicate
the detection and deportation process of the foreign nationals. It will be better that BJP should stop shedding
crocodiles tears, in this regard.
In this regard, on 23rd November, 2008, AASU president Sankar Prasad Ray, general secretary Tapan
Gogoi and adviser Samujjal Bhattacharya replied, Look, the problem of infiltration of the illegal migrants in the
state of Assam has taken alarming shape, which is threatening the identity of the indigenous people. And in this
matter, there has been enough talk on the proposed measures like floodlighting, floating outposts, second line of
defence, international border to be sealed on a war footing within a month and shoot-at-sight orders declared, et
cetera to arrest the go-wild situation, The unabated illegal influx of Bangladeshi nationals into India.
But, in vain; even, the CM of the state, Assam, himself declared to set up or creation of detention camp to
nab, detect and deport the illegal foreign nationals from the soil of the state, Assam. And the creation of detention
camp for the illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators should be used not just to keep the declared illegal foreigners but also
to detain the suspected foreigners. Even, opening such (two or more) camps would not serve any purpose. This is
the dilly-dallying tactics of the Indian Central and the State Government as well, and nothing else.
But, the interesting fact is that presently the CM of the state, Assam is denying the whole thing, which is in
dissimilarity to his earlier stand, when he has talked of setting up detention camps for the illegal infiltrators to
hold the detection in the state, Assam.
The most interesting fact is that when on 15th January, 2009, the CM admitted, The illegal Bangladeshi
migration is a matter of serious concern and in this context the Indian Assam State Government is taking all
possible measures to check the menace. Even, it is also fact that there are many Indian states, which have more
illegal Bangladeshi population than the state of Assam.
It is fact that CM revealed the true report about the mass illegal migration from Bangladesh into the
Indian state, Assam. The above information become true, when on 24th January, 2009, yet another official
agency, Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC) had ultimately raised alarm over the threat posed by illegal
influx. The released ARC report however mentioned and warned that the illegal immigration into the country is
posing a serious threat to national security and in this context to combat the situation; the latest said report
strongly recommended an Identity Card (IC) for citizens also, which we had demanded earlier.
But, the interesting fact is that former All Indian Congress Committee (AICC) secretary general in-charge
for the state, Assam, M. Veerappa Moily, who headed and made the above report of the 186-pages, where he had
even, claimed and confirmed that a large number of illegal Bangladeshi migrants continue to cross over to India.
On the other hand, the above ARC Report also referred to the pilot project for a Multi-purpose National
Identity Card (MNIC, which has a separate unique identity card system would only be useful if it was exhaustive,
accurate and tamper-proof. Like the permanent identifiers will be place of birth, date of birth and name of
parents, et cetera) in select areas of 13-numbers of District in 12-numbers of State and one Union Territory,
including highly sensitive Karimganj district of the state, Assam and West Tripura district of the state, Tripura are
among the areas, where the pilot project is under implementation.
Though, meanwhile, the Government of India has admitted ultimately that the therere a vast Bangladeshi
illegal infiltrators are existed or living in the country hand-to-mouth existence, at this context it is too important
to define the term illegal migrant for the lucidity of subsequent discussion and analysis. Here, the
abovementioned term primarily applies to the nationals of the Bangladesh, whore not only illegally entered or
crossed over into India but also illegally encroached or grabbed the Khas Zami, that is, fallow-lands (which are
belong to the States Governments of India) and living into India without valid documents like legal land papers or
official permissions of Government of India. It is fact that the cent percent of the Bangladeshi illegal nationals
dont possess the aforesaid documents. As a result of this, specially, the Muslim Bangladeshi illegal infiltrators feel
very insecure socially and face the problems from the above Indian districts administrations time-to-time.
The student body of the Assam State, AASU further alleged that BJP led NDA government was catalysts in
keeping the aliens issue alive instead of solve this burning problem amicably and permanently. But, the above
student organization warned others regional and nationalist parties of the nations that not to divide the Indian
Assamese society on communal and linguistic lines. While express grave concern over the BSFI pushing back
Indian Bengali Hindu inhabitants from Assam State into Bangladesh by dubbing them as illegal aliens. The Indian
Foreigner Tribunals had been intentionally not only targeting but also harassing the aforesaid Indian bona-fide
citizens by terming them as illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators.

For instance, one of the victims (named Dinesh Chandra Saha) were revealed that they were supposed to
position in a push-back by force through the IBOP at Mahisashan in Karimganj District of the Eastern Indian
State, Assam, while theyre the inhabitants of the India since long and possesses valid documents to prove their
nationality status.
The families also blamed and claimed that Indian National Congress led Indian Assam State Government
with the help of BSFI deported the Hindu Bengali speaking families from the state of Assam in the guise of
pushing back foreign migrants (which was a plan of the Assam State Government to dupe the true Indian
However, the local ethnic people were coming down heavily on the Assam State Government that for
failing to protect the interests of the indigenous citizens, the saffron bridge questioned the rationale behind
granting official papers to laymen if such documents didnt serve any purpose.
The detection and deportation of the illegal influx from Bangladesh is not an easy task. Weve said that
the above porous international border is the mostly responsible for entering Bangladeshi nationals into the
country. Because, it is a safe passage or safe corridor without hindrance and easy entrance of the illegal
Bangladeshi migrants. Apart from this, the vast labour market for construction works and the Indian Assam,
Tripura, Meghalaya and West Bengal states are fertile ground for agriculture, where bulk of agricultural and
poultry products are produced. These three major things are practically/directly and indirectly controlled by the
Bengali speaking Muslims, revealed the president of the Asom Jatiyatabadi Yaba Chhatra Parishad, an another
student organisation of the state, Assam.
It is true that Assams students movement is the eye opener against the silent invasion from across the
international boundary (that is, by the Bangladeshis). But, Assam Movement (1979 to 1985), IM(DT)Act (1983),
which was struck down by the Supreme Court of India (SCI) on 12th July, 2005, .et cetera, incited the
creation of the political platform (known as Assam United Democratic Front, shortly say, AUDF) for the interest
and the benefit of the Muslim community of the aforesaid state, who can fight for the communitys basic
fundamental rights, specially, citizenship or nationality issue that also provoke the once again fresh antiBangladeshi drive by the majority ethnic peoples into state as well as the others states also. But, weve also seen
that Bangladeshis have already grabbed over half of Assam, thanks to vote bank politics of the political parties
(national and the state levels of the country), emphasized the Northeast Indias well-known scholar-cumhistorian, Mrinal Kanti Chatterjee and public prosecutor, late Mr. Baruah.
It is fact that the after the creation of Bangladesh, the large numbers of the Bangladeshi nationals are
migrated and settled into the abovementioned districts of Assam, West Bengal and Tripura and the Indian
national political parties like Indian National Congress and Communist Party Of India (Marxist), known as :
CPI(M) and Communist Party Of India (CPI) including the others are supporting the illegal Bangladeshi influx,
only because for Vote Bank Politics (VBP). Interesting fact is that even, the regional parties like Asom Gana
Parishad (AGP) (earlier known as : Asom Gana Sangram Parishad, shortly say AGSP) of the State, Assam and
their leaders are also not behind the said national political parties.
The leaders of the Assam movement, who egged the 807 numbers of peoples on to face death to save the
motherland from the aggression of illegal Bangladeshi migration, presently bow ahead of the electoral strength of
the immigrants. The local political leaders are supported and encouraged the illegal (land) encroachments for the
sake of create vote-banks in favour of them.
It is same saga across the 05 numbers of districts (that have mentioned in earlier lines) of the state, Assam
along the open international boundary, where the lands have been illegally grabbed for years by illegal
Bangladeshis. In these areas, the politics are centred on the Khilonjia (means : sons of the soil)s frights and
insecurities of being outnumbered by the aliens.
Because, Firstly : A large of Benglai speaking Muslims (are of being illegal Bangladeshis), whore not only
illegally occupied their lands but also inviting their Indian relatives to resettle them properly with a view to make
their numbers more and more either with the help of a section of Indian opportunist social and religious leaders
or through the blackmailing of a section of political parties (like Congress-I, CPI, CPI-M, SP, LJP and others) in
the name of vote, and Secondly : though, the exact numbers of illegal Bangladeshi are not known or published by
the Indian State as well as Central Governments. But, it has been confirmed that the Indian National Census, 2001
showed the worst fears of the ethnic populaces of the Assam State are presently a minority in their own
motherland, which has alerted it to as silent demographic invasion across the international border (with
The Assamese (that is, ethnic peoples of the state Assam) has wanted that illegal Bangladeshi
infiltrators would be thrown out from their land since the year 1979 and in this context, it is the Assamese
populaces, who were being crowded out against (to expel) the illegal Bangladeshi nationals. But, unfortunately,
the Indian National Congress Party (INCP), who created division and made colour politics between the Assamese
Hindu and the Bengali Hindu by that very campaign in the name of VBPs, while now, the situation tells different
story in the Assam state. Both the community forgot the past clash and hatred and come together with
brotherhood relation and fight against the illegal aliens. In fact, both the communities want to extricate the illegal
foreign nationals from the state at any cost.

In fact, the political parties of India always lend their eyes upon a special section of people, which helps to
enrich their vote-banks. This special group of people all none but the Muslim, who have migrated from former
East Pakistan, that is, erstwhile East Bengal, after 1947 & 1971 respectively. Of these, political parties, the first and
foremost one are Indian nationalist party, Congress, but, later on, inclined toward CPI(M) as well as the CPI.
Though, these Bangladeshi migrated Bengali Muslim peoples have extended their hands towards the
newly formed Indian State Government of Assam, under the various Congress leaderships, but, they werent very
much confidant in this matter and as a result of this, aforementioned Religious Bengali Minority Muslim Voter
(RBMMV)s were newly formed their political own party in the abovementioned state, Assam, namely Assam
United Democratic Front (AUDF) led by Muhammad Badruddin Ajmal.
Presently, once again, this becomes bone of contention for all above noted Indian political parties, who
are totally depend upon on this particular community for votes during and even, after the election and as a result,
the (question of) kicking out of (these) Muslim voters from the country set about.
Astonishing fact is that after the scrap of the infamous IM (DT) Act, 1983 on 12th July, 2005, the Indian
Assam State Government (IASG) once again attempted to amend Foreigners (Tribunals for Indian State of
Assam) Order, 2006 instead of Indian Foreigners (Tribunals) Order, 1964 on 10th February, 2006 to save the
illegal Bangladeshi Voters of the aforesaid state. But in vain, the SCI was too thrown out the thing, again.
At last, without finding no other alternative and to bypass the above matter and to get support from the
aforementioned particular community, the CM of the Indian State, Assam Tarun Gogoi on 05th October, 2007,
had made a plan to issue Identity Card (IC)s to these illegal infiltrators, who are living as daily-wage-earners,
rickshaw-pullers, handbarrow-pullers, daily-labourers and belong to Muslim minority community and enter India
illegally and goes out of it at the dusk. But, the states one of the major and influential student groups AASU
lodges a vehement protest against this type of activity. According to them, It is nothing but an eye wash and
under the guise of this, the Indian Assam State Government is launching another scheme or way to protect the
illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators (even, in the name of VBPs).
It had found true, when the report of the IIA (Military Wing) under the Indian Home Ministry, in the
year, 2008, had claimed, .. It is very surprising and true fact that apart from the Indian old national political
party, Congress, and presently, the Communist Party of India (Marxist) have persuaded and provided various
citizenship documents (like RC, Voter Identity Card [VIC], National Register of Citizens [NRC] and Permanent
Register of Citizens [PRC], Passport et cetera) to the Bangladeshi immigrants (specially, Muslim Bangladeshi
migrants), who are usually traditional vote-banks ...
Further, expressed grave concern over the above issue of illegal aliens, the Indian Home Ministry, in the
year, 2000, also said, Still illegal Bangladeshis are the issue of VBPs and the most unfortunate think is that the
issue of national security is also today become an element of VBP.
Because, it had gone open on 31st August, 2008, when the former Union Minister for Chemicals &
Fertilisers and Steel, Government of India (Read Ram Vials Paswan, who represents the Hajipur Lok Sabha
constituency of the eastern Indian state, Bihar and the president of the Lok Janashakti Party [LJP], a political
party of India) advocated and to favour to grant citizenship to all Bangladeshis in India, whore illegally entered
into India through the porous international boundary (!) at Pushkar village under Ajmer District of Indian State,
Rajasthan in his party meeting.
After the Ram Vilas Paswans statement about Bangladeshi, the student organization, political
organizations and the experts attacked on the ruling United Party Alliance (UPA) led Indian Central Government,
The Northeast Indian States (Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Tripura, Nagaland and
West Bengal) have total 67 numbers of Loksabha Seat (that is, Indian Parliamentary Seat)s at the Indian
Parliament, where some ministers in this government are trying not only favour to grant citizenship to
Bangladeshi illegal infiltrators, but also define Student Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) as a cultural
organization, which is too unfortunate for us.
In this context, on the other hand, the elite class of the Northeast Indian States also demanded, If a
minister of this UPA)-led Indian Central Government tells in favour of granting citizenship to a illegal tress
passers or intruders, it should be considered a kind of treason and the minister should also dismissed from his
post as well as suspended from his parliamentarian membership immediately. Otherwise, it has proved or put
light on the case that how much this UPA-led Indian Central Government has been blinded by the VBPs to such
extent and surrendered before the communal forces.
It can be mentioned here that the Indian Intelligence Bureau (IIB) and the Indian Home Ministry Report
claimed, There are 04 million illegal Bangladeshi population in Northeast Indian State, Assam, while the former
Governor of Arunachal Pradesh and West Bengal estimated that around 05 million population of illegal migrants
from Bangladesh are illegally entered into Assam, which clearly establishes that the numbers of illegal
Bangladeshi migrants presence in each Sub-Division, District, City and the Capital of India for their food, cloth,
shelter and for job. These illegal populaces are the attractive voter for the political parties to make the political
party strong and come to power (in the states of India).
On the other hand, the political parties promises to the above illegal infiltration is to provide safeguard
their social, economical and political rights, status and interests, which make them bona-fide nationals of India,

because, 80% (percent) to 90% (percent) Bangladeshi nationals are illegally entered into Indian soil without the
necessary papers.
In this regard, the peoples of Northeast India very much conscious of the fact that they will be reduced
into a minority one day, if the incessant illegal Bangladeshi migration is continued into this particular region of
India in a big numbers, including the entire country with the help of a section of opportunist political parties, in
this way.
Not only that it is beyond understand of the populaces of Northeast India, who have even, become
astonished that the peoples of India very much aware about the abovementioned fact also. Therefore, knowing
everything, why the entire country people continue to support and elect to those Indian political parties (like
Congress [I], CPI, CPI[M], Samajbadi Party, Lok Janashakti Party, Muslim League, BSP), despite their constant
pretension against the detection and deportation of illegal infiltrators from Bangladesh.
In this connection, a group of ministers of Indian Northeast also asserted, It is a big and serious threat.
The Northeast Indian region is not the only region, whose demography is soon to be reinstated by an alien face.
The entire region has cried or popular catchphrase that the indigenous populaces of Northeast India will be not
only shrinks into a marginal number and communally divided but also one day, whole Northeast India will
become Bangladesh.
It had proved partially once again, when a piece of green cloth, with the word Pakistan emblazoned on
it, above a crescent, created a flutter in Laluk area of Lakhimpur district on 04th February, 2009. It was purported
to be a Pakistani flag.
At that time, Lakhimpur Superintendent of Police (SP) S. A. Karim also confirmed, Indian Assam State
Police Force (IASPF) has recovered such a flag from a paddy field after they have been informed about it by some
residents this morning. In this context, a case has been registered Under Sections 121 & 124 of Indian Penal Code
(IPC) at Laluk Police Station of the Lakhimpur district and the matter is under investigation.
Karim further said over phone, We become astonished because, we havent found any leads so far, which
suggest it to be the handiwork of a fundamentalist organisation. Moreover, the fact is that the area from where the
flag has recovered is mainly inhabited by the peoples belong to the Mising community. We think a section of
Mischief mongers to foment communal tension and nothing else. Apparently, the IASPF are taking the matter
seriously, because, as a similar incident during the ethnic-clashes in the said states Darrang and Udalguri districts
on 03rd October, 2008 to around 25th October, 2008, respectively.
However, a section of minority legislators, when maintained that it was an Id flag and not a Pakistani
one, the incident or matter shocked the all section of the populaces of the said state. The incident of hoisting of a
Pakistani flag at Laluk in Lakhimpur district once again brought to the fore the dangers emanating from the PanIslamic Religious Fundamentalists, who had been having a field day due to the lackadaisical attitude of the Assam
State Government. The above state government had been shockingly silent on growing of the said fundamentalist
activities also, emphasized the student body of the state, Assam, AASU.
This is why, Our cadres have taken to the roads because both the central and the state governments
neither care nor bother about the thing for the sake of the election. If we look our history, we will find easily that
like other Indian state, West Bengal, major demography variations have also been taken place in the socioeconomic, cultural and political spheres of the Eastern Indian state Assam between the years, 1980 to 2009.
We know that the illegal Bangladeshi influx (specially, Muslim) is a thorny issue of Northeast Indian
States (NIS), where it has always been a most important and sensitive matter. Because, it creates not only
challenges in the social, political and cultural spheres but also plays a key role in the context of economical and the
security of the NISs, stated the student organization of the state, Assam, AASU.
Above these reasons and one after another incidents of illegal land snatching, grabbing and occupying by
the illegal intruders, whore detected as a Bangladeshi nationals by the local populaces, administrations and the
courts (after the verdict of the Indian Assam States Gauhati High Court on 25th July, 2008 that the illegal
Bangladeshi infiltrators into the State, Assam, should deport immediately), once again the issue of Bangladeshi
has come to the forefront of the social, cultural, economical, geographical and political context of the Northeast
Indian Region.
Meanwhile, on 24th August, 2008, the All Assam Tribal Sangha (AATS) had declared their straight and
clear-cut its unequivocal stand on the above burning problem of incessant influx of foreigners in the above state as
well as the others eastern Indian states. The organisation further stated that the indigenous communities cant be
allowed to become a free ground for the illegal Bangladeshi nationals and promised to continue its activities for
protecting the interest and rights of the indigenous tribes and the plains from the aforesaid foreign illegal settlers.
And on 27th August, 2008, Stelin Ingti, president, Karbi Students Union (KSU) stated, In Karbi Anglong district,
about (01) one lakh illegal migrants are staying, which is a dangerous sign and it will create massive internal chaos
in the social, cultural, economical, political and religious spheres. In response to this remark, president of the
Dimasa Students Union (DSU), Prafulla Hadila and general secretary and the others leaders of the Karbi Students
Association (KSA) and the All Dimasa Students Union (ADSU) of said district feared, Incessant illegal migration
from Bangladesh would reduce indigenous communities of the state, Assam to a minority in their own land.

Again as a primary steps for anti-foreigner agitation, the all the students body of the entire Northeast
Indian States have jointly appeal to the people of the whole Northeast Indian States for an economic boycott of
illegal Bangladeshi migrants living in the above eastern Indian States. The students organisations further asked
all genuine citizens to refrain from employing suspected Bangladeshi migrants as domestic help or in business
due to failure of the all Northeast Indian Governments to stop illegal influx of Bangladeshis from across the
international boundary.
Though, in the meantime, All Arunachal Pradesh Students Union (AAPSU), an apex students body of the
Northeast Indian State, Arunachal Pradesh in June, 2007 had already launched an operation to flush out illegal
Bangladeshi migrants from the state Arunachal Pradesh. In this context, the unions also urged the Indian
Arunachal Pradesh State Government and the mass populaces of the aforesaid state to extend their help in their
effort to make the state free from illegal migrants. Seeing this, the All Nyishi Youth Association, another youth
association represented by the members of Nyishi tribe of the said state also started verification of the Iner Line
Permit (ILP) holders among the Muslim population living in the abovementioned state. The whole thing was
happened, because, the Arunachal Pradesh State Government Home Minister, Jarbom Gamlin disclosed, Our
state, Arunachal Pradesh has about 06,000 numbers to 07,000 numbers of illegal Bangladeshi migrants.
It got mileage once again, in the entire Northeast Indian States (Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Manipur,
Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh and Tripura) found its echo further. Because, Northeast Indian State, Arunachal
Pradeshs two students unions on 07th September, 2008, serving quit notice to the migrants living in the state,
Arunachal Pradesh illegally. The All Nyishi Students Union (ANSU) of the Arunachal Pradesh State, and the All
Papum Pare District Students Union (APPDSU) issued the notice to (suspected) Bangladeshi migrants to leave
the Arunachal Pradesh State within five days. Similarly, the student body also announced to launch Operation
Clean Drive from 15th September, 2008 to flush out illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators from the Arunachal Pradesh
State. The Nyishi student unions president N. Veo with its general secretary Nilly Likha Tabo and general
secretary of another student organization of the same state, APPDSU, Nabam Aku conducted the drive in the
month of September, 2008.
Even, on 02nd November, 2008, during the investigation, the Indian Meghalaya State Police
Department (IMSPD) found about 200-numbers of illegal Bangladeshi nationals, whore Bengali speaking Muslim
labourers and basically worked in the collieries as daily-labourers of the Meghalaya state and the aforesaid
Bangladeshi peoples were claimed to have hailed from Dhubri, Goalpara, Barpeta, Nagaon and Morigaon districts
of the Assam state. But, none had any valid-documents on them to prove their Indian citizenship and later
expelled from our state, claimed the Hamlet Dohling, general secretary of the Khashi Students Union (KSU) of
the Meghalaya State.
Seeing this at that moment, the sitting (Congress) a Muslim legislator from Rajabala Constituency of West
Garo Hills District of Eastern Indian State, Meghalaya, Sayeedullah Nongrum (on 10th November, 2008) and the
CM of the Congress-led Assam State Government, Tarun Gogoi sharply reacted and raised a hue and cry against
the drive out of Bangladeshi nationals from the state, not only from Meghalaya but also from Arunachal Pradesh
and others above eastern Indian states and surprisingly claimed that the above detected nationals are purely
In this context AAPSU leaders angrily said, .. Listen, this is not the first time that the Congress (Indira)led Indian Assam State Government as well as the member of any Congress Member of Legislative Assembly
(MLA) or Member of Parliament (MP) from any Indian state has protested against the eviction of illegal
Bangladeshi nationals whether from the eastern Indian States, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh and
Assam or from Delhi, West Bengal, Mumbai and other states and metropolitan cities as well.
But, the most astonishing and significant point is that when the Bangladeshi Muslims were evicted from
Arunachal Pradesh in 2007, the Assam State Government published the names of those illegal Bangladeshi
Muslim foreign nationals (whore evicted from the Arunachal Pradesh) in the Newspapers as bona-fide citizen of
Assam State as well as India, after the heavy pressure were given on the Assam State Government of the aforesaid
states leaders of the minority community. In fact, finding no other alternative, the above Assam State
Government did it only to save their vote banks. Because, the Bangladeshis are the traditional voters of the
aforesaid Indian nationalist party, Congress (I) ...
But, in vain, similar incident happened on 07th October, 2008, the Member of Legislative Assembly
(MLA) of the Indian Nagaland State Assembly (INSA) Dr. Ibohalbi went with the same tune, The population of
the illegal migrants was alarmingly increasing more than the indigenous population in the Eastern Indian state,
Nagaland. Therefore, the Indian Nagaland State Government should implement the Inner Line Permit System
(ILPS) with immediate effect with others Northeast Indian States.
Interestingly, even, INSA member or the MLA, Dr. Ng. Bijoy also supporting the facts and reminded,
The two uprisings against migrant influx by student organisations and various NGOs; the first in February, 1980
and the second in 1990. In spite of this, the agreement signed twice between AMSCO and All Manipur Students
Union (AMSU) on 05th August, 1980 and 09th November, 1994, the above State Government had failed to take
up any measures and due to the ill-defined and ill-protected Indo-Myanmar and Indo-Bangla international

borders. The number of external and internal influx reached to as many as 05,38,887 numbers between the years,
1961 to 2001.
The fact became true, when the Indian Manipur State Bench (IMSB) of the Indian Gauhati High Court on
22nd January, 2009, directed the Manipur State Government to file an in-depth affidavit giving tentative figures
of illegal migrants within four weeks. In this context, Justice B. D. Agarwal and Justice Mutum B. K. Singh also
asked the Manipur State Government to give the number of illegal migrants deported from the state since 1980
and steps taken by the concerned authorities of the above state as well as the Government of India to expel
foreigners from the state, Manipur. The direction followed after a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by social
activist S. Jadumani and others, where they had mentioned the statistics of growth of population in the state,
Manipur, which was higher than the national average contending that a good number of foreign nationals were
staying illegally in the state and the lackadaisical attitude of the Government of India to detention and banish of
foreign nationals from the said state.
Though, it is fact that the illegal infiltration is the chief factor for the external aggression and the internal
commotion in the entire Northeast Indian States and deprive indigenous people of their respective lands and
livelihoods, which lead to insurgency in the above region but, extensive illegal settlements of the Doubtful Muslim
Population in the regions pasture lands (whether it is for poverty or for natural calamity) are also added fuel to
this. However, illiteracy, religious bigotry, high fertility rates, failure of the family planning measures and
unconsciousness of the social and cultural relationships are another main reasons of the illegal Muslim migrants,
which also affect or still haunt the indigenous Indian Muslims of the region, who are majority in their own areas,
the Indian think tanks.
The most astonishing fact is that these illegal Bangladeshi Muslim populaces often blur the line of social,
political, economical and cultural demarcation between the ethnic Muslims, who speak Assamese language and
have been living in the region for generations as bona fide citizen and the migrated Muslims, who speak Bengali
and Assamese languages simultaneously and have come (still coming) from Bangladesh, when former East
Pakistan (known as Purba Bangla or Purba Banga, presently, Bangladesh) broke away from the then West
Pakistan of present Pakistan in the Liberation War in 1971.
In this matter, meanwhile, the Asom Gano Parishod (shortly say AGP, the regional political party of the
state, Assam) leader, Chandra Mohan Patowary pointed out, According to the news reports and weve specific
information about Bangladesh Government that the Bangladesh Government has been spending huge sums of
rupees to teach Assamese language in the schools for the students in a bid to encourage fresh infiltration to the
state, Assam.
But, the most awful think is also that due to slackness by the BSFI along the aforesaid international
boundary, illegal migrants manage to sneak into the country with impurity, for which in particular the entire
eastern Indian region in general suffering regularly.
So, we opposed any move to issue photo-identity cards to the citizens without completing the National
Register of Citizens (NRC) updating process, which is the contrary to a verdict of the SCI, said AGP leaders at
Guwahati, the capital of the Indian state, Assam on 21st January, 2009.
In fact, about 80% (per cent) to 90% (per cent) of the aforesaid India-Bangladesh International Border
population in the State, and in Bangladesh is not only of the same ethnic, cultural, and religious group but also the
people from the two sides of the abovementioned international boundary has much in common they speak the
same languages, look similar and share the same dreams, eat the equal foods and wear the same dress
Even, on the other hand, cultivation is traditional occupation on both sides. So, it is practically impossible
for a jawan to differentiate between an Indian and a Bangladeshi citizen without any proper identification by
shows a document like election card or NRC or PRC or Passport or whatever.
It is very important that the Government of India is more paying attention to keep strict vigil or guard
international border round-the-clock with Pakistan in the western part of the country, that is the states of Jammu
& Kashmir (J&K), Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat (specially, Kutch, known as Cutch or Kachchh district), while at the
same time, surprisingly, same kind of importance is never revealed to protect the international boundary with
Bangladesh in the eastern part of the country, that is the states of Assam, Tripura, Mizoram and West Bengal.
Though, the ethnic peoples (plains and tribes) of Assam have been anxious for long over the vexed issue of
illegal infiltration of foreigners from Bangladesh. But, in this context, the interesting fact is that the Assam State
unit of the CPI (M) member, A. Karim Bhuyan as well as the MLA of the Sorbhog Constituency of the of Barpeta
District Uddhav Barman asserted, Our partys stand is clear and transparent in this matter. We had demanded
since 1978, sealing of India-Bangladesh international boundary and stopping of illegal foreign infiltration across
the aforesaid international border and the updating of the NRC and PRC as well. Even, the party had urged the
Indian Congress (I) Government to deport illegal foreign nationals as per law of the country, who entered the
State of Assam after 25th March, 1971 and at the same time, the above Government should ensure protection of
right of the minority (specially, Muslim) Indian citizens.
Question is who came first in the eastern Indian State, Assam. Therefore, nobody cant define the word
indigenous. There is a tendency to brand Muslims, whore speaking Bengali dialect as Bangladeshi. The thing is

not end here, even, the ethnic Muslims (whore speaking Assamese dialect are called Asomiya Muslim) are also
being clubbed with the Bengali Muslims and branded as Bangladeshi, which is unfortunate, mourns one of the
minority leader of the Northeast Indian state, Assam, Hafiz Rashid Chaudhury.
But, in this context, Nekibur Zaman, the activist of Asomiya Muslim Forum (AMF) of the above state,
briefed, Therere acts, rules or statures and border personals to make certain Bangladeshis dont illegally enter
into the said state, while, on the other side, who have already illegally or legally entered and living since after 1947
and 1971 respectively, known as illegal infiltrators, are threat for the socio-economic-cultural spheres for the
peoples of Plains and Tribes. Though, today, the Asomiya Muslims look or think that their counterparts Bengali
Muslims are presently threat to their (ethnic) not only identity but also socially, culturally, economically,
politically and demographically. As an ethnic Muslims, were become nowhere, because, our everything are being
robbing by the outsiders day-to-day.
While on the other hand, the others political parties, whether national or regional, each and every political
parties for their studied silence on the issue, while AUDF supreme, Badruddin Ajmal is too on record to have
demanded detection and deportation of illegal foreign nationals!
But, On 14th September, 2008, Muslim citizens of the Nagaon District of Eastern Indian State, Assam,
met under the aegis of Jamiet Ulema, Nagaon District Unit and urged both the Indian State and the Central
Governments : a) To deport the illegal foreign nationals, who had sneaked into Indian land after 25th March,
1971, b) Update the NRC and PRC within the 06-months, c) Issue PIC to all genuine Indian citizens to end the
unnecessary harassment of the Muslim people in the name of illegal Bangladeshi nationals, d) to immediate seal
the India-Bangladesh international Border and e) To solve the issue like Doubtful Citizen (know as : D Voter)s,
said Nurul Islam, a leading national of the above district.
However, the activists of Indian Assam State Citizens Right Preservation Forum (IASCRPF), a newly
formed organization Abdul Kalam Calendar and Mainul Haque Choudhury, whore the president and secretary of
the ad-hoc committee of the new organization said exasperatedly, The rights of the minority communities has
been violating in the name of the illegal Bangladeshi migrant since 1979, while on the other side, the emissaries
of this particular section, of a few organizations are politicizing the issue for their own interest.
While on the other hand (on 07th November, 2008), according to the social observer and alert citizens of
the Muslim minority community like Prof Kayun Kabir, Head of the Dept of Chemistry, Professor Gafur Dewan,
Dr. M. S. Sheikh of the Naha Jyoti College of Barpeta district of Assam State observed, Bangladeshi Foreigners
issue is nothing but the outcome of political conspiracy; political leaders are more interested to keep this issue
alive for vote-bank politics than to solve it permanently.
Not only that the erosion-hit and flood-affected minority Muslim peoples, whore living in the riverine
areas of the river Brahmaputra and its tributaries (like, Beki, et cetera) usually go to eastern part of the state,
Assam (locally known as : Upper-Assam) in quest of livelihood and nothing else and they arent be illegal
Bangladeshi foreign nationals. They are wretched (ill-fated), poor and displaced (by river-erosions) Assamese
unfortunate citizens. And Government, political parties and others organization of our state should keep in mind.
Over and above, the national convener of Nagarik Adhikar Bachao Andola (NABA) of the Marigaon
district of the eastern Indian state, Assam, contended in a petition to the Chief justice of the SCI, where he argued,
Our minority Muslim community of the State, Assam, who are the genuine Indian citizens of the aforesaid state
are always faced harassment by the Indian District Administration, in the name of detection, deletion and
deportation of illegal Bangladeshi migrants from the above state.
Not only that our people are discriminately being branded as illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators, because,
our people are educationally and economically backwards, who arent able to beg justice from the court of law.
Reacting on the remarks of the members of the IASCRPF, NABA, the AASU advisor emphasized, See,
AASU is not politicizing the particular issue, which is sensitive and also not against the Muslim community but
against the illegal foreign nationals, whether Hindu or Muslim. But, he further, exhorted the Muslim community
of the state Assam as well as the entire Northeast Indian regions populaces in these burning problems.
AASU advisor assured the minority (specially, Muslim populaces) of the said state and the region, The
question is not of caste, creed, colour, community or religion but illegal intruders.
AASU advisor, Dr. Samujjal Kumar Bhattacharya blamed and cautioned, Few vested interest circles and
organizations not to give the process of identification and deportation of illegal Bangladeshis a political colour.
The influx has posed severe threat to the identity of the indigenous people including different tribes into the state,
Assam as well as the entire Northeast Indian region. So, our organisation has called for economic boycott of all
suspected foreign nationals and had stressed a massive awareness drive into the said region.
When the AASU persuaded organizations, representing various indigenous communities as well as the
students of the eight Northeast Indian States to strengthen its movement against illegal intruders from the state,
Bangladesh, at that time, the indigenous Muslim (like Goria, Moria, Deshi, Ujani)s and Purba Bangiya origin,
whore belonging to minority community have expressed their views and reactions, The organisations like AASU,
Asom Jatiyatabadi Yuba Chhatra Parishad (AJYCP), Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), Bharatiya Janata
Yuba Morcha (BJYM), et cetera are harassing genuine Indian citizens in the name of tracing illegal Bangladeshi
nationals, especially after the one-bench judge of Gauhati High Court of the State, Assam, passed a verdict in


regard to illegal migrants. But, it is true that we dont want to have a single illegal foreign national in to the state,
Assam, who came after March 25, 1971. However, we are blaming to our frontier security guard BSFI for
unabated illegal Bangladeshi infiltration.
But, interestingly after discussion in a meeting at Sivasagar Press Club on 21st November, 2008, Nekibur
Zaman, senior advocate, Gauhati High Court, Md Tabiul Hussain, retired DC, Morigaon, Imtiaz Hussain
Hazarika, president, Sodou Asom Khilonjia Muslim Suraksha Samity, Samsul Haque, Asomiya Muslim Unnayan
Samity (AMUS), Sivsagar unit, enjoying all the socio-economic and political privileges accorded to the minorities
stated, The unabated influx from neighbouring Bangladesh has significantly altered the demographic pattern of
the state, Assam and the indigenous Muslim population is fast outnumbered by their Bangladeshi counterparts
illegally settling mainly in the districts of Western part of the State, Assam has become a serious cause of concern
for the conscious indigenous Muslim community of the above state.
Though, nowadays the above ethnic Muslim organizations and the populaces admitted the vulnerability of
the illegal migration from Bangladesh is continued, but in this context, still the AAMSU shouted in a different
tone. The All Assam Minority Students Union (AAMSU) asked, The Congress-led government and the party
should fix deadlines to resolve our long-pending demands : a) Stop harassing the minority Muslim peoples in the
name of Bangladeshi, b) Reviving issuance of permanent residence certificates, c) Allotment of land pattas in char
areas to flood and erosion victims, d) Resolving the status of doubtful voters and e) Rehabilitate the relief camp
inmates (around 14,000) , whore victim of Bodo-Muslim violence in the year, 1994 during Bodoland Movement.
The AAMSU, the minority student body further added and warned, The Indian Central Government to
abstain from repeating the Indian Union Home Ministry quote that there are 50 lakhs to 55 lakhs Bangladeshis in
the State, Assam and before making any such comments in connection with the number of Bangladeshis in the
State, the Central Government should publish a White Paper mentioning on what strength it has provided the
number of the Bangladeshis. Therefore, if the Government of the Indian Assam State will not fulfill our above 05points chartered demand and will not stop unnecessary shouting about Bangladeshis, the Indian State as well as
the Central Governments will face the wrath of the community, soon.
But, in this sphere, in the State, Assam, the Chandra Mohan Patowary of AGP mounted fresh attacked on
the Congress-led Indian Assam State Government as well as the Central Government of India that the Indian
Congress Government should give equal importance to a) Sealing of the Indo-Bangladesh international boundary,
b) Update the National Register of Citizens (NRC) and Permanent Register of Citizens (PRC), c) Issue photo
identity cards and d) India should talk to Bangladesh to ensure that the Bangladesh should take back their own
country peoples, whore illegally entered into India since 1971. e) To detection, deletion and deportation of all
illegal Bangladeshi nationals from the state immediately. Even, to renegotiate the Indira-Mujib Pact of 1974,
where the original pact is silent on whether Bangladesh would take back Bangladeshi illegal migrants from India,
that is, Government of India should talk with Bangladesh to include a new clause providing for repatriation of
illegal Bangladeshi migrants from India in the Indira-Mujib Pact, 1974.
Meanwhile, on 25th May, 2009, the Indian Assam public Works (IAPW) filed a Civil Writ Petition in the
SCI pleading for removal of illegal voters from the Indian Assam State Electoral Roll (IASER), 2008 and holding
of next Indian Assam State Assembly Election (IASAE), 2011 on the basis of the correct electors roll.
For directions, the petition addressed to the SCI to Government of India and from Indian Assam State
Government to Election Commission of India (ECI) to identify and then delete the names of the illegal voters from
the IASER and to freeze the Voters List (including the IASER, 2006) and stop the election until and unless, it is
updated and implemented respectively.
Nevertheless, former CM of the Indian Nagaland State, S. C. Jamir (on 20th October, 2003) also urged,
The Indian Assam State Government (IASG) should take immediate strong step in order to control the incessant
illegal Bangladeshi nationals in the entire eastern Indian region in general, otherwise, it would continue and one
day, the majority will become the minority in this tiny part of India. It is fact that the lakhs of lakhs Bangladeshis
are living in india, while bulk of these are settled in this our particular region.
On the other hand, in another Indian State, Manipur in northeast region, the former Okram Ibobi Singh
led Congress (I) Government turned its focus on outsiders (particularly, illegal Bangladeshi migrants) staying in
Not only in the eastern Indian states (especially, Bihar, Assam, West Bengal, Tripura and Meghalaya),
even, the illegal Bangladeshis have illegally infiltrated into the coastal areas of Mahakalpada of Kendrapara
district of Indian State, Orissa and they should deport immediately as Foreigners Act, 1946, stated the Member
of Parliament (MP)s of the Indian State, Orissa, B. J. Panda and Pramila Bohidar, respectively.
According to the former Deputy Collector (DC) of Kendrapara district of the Orissa State, Hemanta
Sharma revealed, More than 400 numbers to 500 numbers of nationals belong to the Bangladesh origin are
settling in this eco-sensitive thick curtain of mangrove of Bhitarkanika (Sea Turtle) Sanctuary per year. These
foreign nationals are mostly come from Khulna district of Bangladesh and this is why, aforesaid area is known as
Mini Bangladesh by the locals of the abovementioned areas.
As per Indian Orissa State Government record is concerned, the Bangladeshi are entered into this state
illegally during the war of 1971, between India and former East Pakistan (that is, Pakistan).


While, in another eastern Indian state, West Bengal, the Left Front (that is, Communist Party of IndiaMarxist, shortly said CPI-M) chairman, Biman Basu admitted, A large-scale bogus voters are present in our
State, WB (especially, India-Bangladesh International Border areas). While on the other hand, Indian West
Bengal State Government Food Ministry confessed, There are 19-lakhs fake Ration Card (RC)s are seized in the
year, 2005. It is also true that the population of West Bengal, as per 2001 is 08.02 crores but, there are over 08.15
crores RC holders!
The most interesting fact is that now-a-days, the illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators bring money from
Bangladeshs district town, Chittagong and the capital, Dhaka through Hawala and established hundreds of
hundreds jewellery shops all over Bangladesh international bordering districts of Indian States Assam and West
Bengal (WB) respectively and basically in the Indian metropolitan cities like Kolkata (in West Bengal State),
Mumbai (in Maharashtra State) and New Delhi (in Delhi State), according to the Indian Intelligence Department
Research Analysis Wing (RAW).
Still, the citizens of the neighbouring country (Read : Bangladesh) enter India clandestinely through the
porous aforesaid international boundary, posing serious security threat. The State Government as well as the
Central Government of India is aware of the presence of illegal Bangladeshi migrants in various parts of the
country. Since, they enter clandestinely and also mingle with the local populace quite easily due to ethnic,
linguistic and cultural similarities.
Both the aforesaid governments are squarely responsible for the unabated influx from across the
international border with Bangladesh. Neither the Indian Centre nor the State Government had taken any legal
and administrative measures to curb the incessant illegal infiltration from Bangladesh into India. Referring to the
Supreme Court of India (SCI) as well as the Gauhati High Court (India)s observation equating the illegal influx
from Bangladesh to external aggression.
Today, apart from Northeast Indian States like Assam (Dhubri, Goalpara, Kokrajhar, Bongaigaon,
Barpeta, Kamrup, Nagaon, Morigaon, Darrang, Sonitpur, Hailakandi and Karimganj districts), Meghalaya (West
Garo Hills district), Bihar (Bhagalpur, Samastipur, Katihar, Sahebganj, Kishanganj, Araria, Pakur, Purnia and
Gaya districts) and West Bengal (Coochbehar, Jalpaiguri, Darjeeling, North-Dinajpur, South-Dinajpur,
Murshidabad, Maldaha, South-24-Pargans, North-24-Parganas, Howrah, Nadia districts and the capital of the
West Bengal Kolkata), all the Indian metropolitan cities (like Delhi, Gurgaon, Gaziabad and Noida, Mumbai,
Jaipur, Hyderabad, Chennei) are also under the threat of the illegal Bangladeshi migrants, who are playing the
most crucial role in the social, economical and electoral spheres of the country.
It is also fact that the votes of the Muslim community (Read : Bengali speaking Bangladeshi), which hold
the significant part in the Indian Assembly Seat and Parliamentary Constituency in India and for this reason,
Bangladeshi somehow stood (with the help of some Indian national political parties and their opportunist, corrupt
and selfish leaders) for each and every Indian Assembly and Parliamentary Elections. Specially, in an around of
the Indian States like Assam, West Bengal, Meghalaya, Tripura, Bihar, Delhi, Mumbai, Rajasthan, Haryanan and
Uttar Pradesh (UP).
In this context, the local indigenous peoples of the Indian States Assam, West Bengal, Tripura,
Meghalaya, Bihar blamed on the (present) Congress (I)-led Indian Central Government, CPI, CPIM, SP, LJP and
others that the excessive inflow of illegal Bangladeshi nationals without any hindrance over the years have
endangered the entire Northeast Indian region, while national security has threatened, sovereignty and
integration are too jeopardized.
(Author is former Contributor BBC, The Statesman, The Times of India, Hindustan Times, The Telegraph, Asia Times
& Photographer of AP, AFP & PTI of Northeast India /The writer specialises in
South Asia & Indian Northeastern States region Affairs)

References :


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Ashom Sharkar Bideshi Prashne Bishringkhala Bardasto Korbe Na : Saikia by Shib Shankar Chatterjee
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Northeast Indian Region Threatened By Illegal Influx by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, News Blaze, (Newswire
Organisation of United States of America [USA]), Dated 14th November, 2009.
Millions of Foreigners in India By Illegal Influx by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, News Blaze, (Newswire
Organisation of United States of America [USA]), Dated 24th November, 2009.
India Ignores Illegal Migration In Northeast India, People Continue to Suffer by Shib Shankar Chatterjee,
News Blaze, (Newswire Organisation of United States of America [USA]), Dated 13th October, 2009.
An Ugly Attack on Human Rights by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, News Blaze, (Newswire Organisation of
United States of America [USA]), Dated 29th October, 2009.
Saga of Devastation in Brahmaputra Valley River Islands : A Story of Vanishing Islands in North East India by
Shib Shankar Chatterjee, News Blaze, (Newswire Organisation of United States of America [USA]), Dated
30th November, 2009.
Adverse Possessions Cause India-Bangladesh Boundary Disputes by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, News Blaze,
(Newswire Organisation of United States of America [USA]), Dated 28th September, 2011.
India-Bangladesh International Border DisputesMuhuri River by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, News Blaze,
(Newswire Organisation of United States of America [USA]), Dated 18th April, 2012.
Bangladesh TV, Radio Programmes Famous in India by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, News Blaze, (Newswire
Organisation of United States of America [USA]), Dated 24th October, 2009.
Bangladeshi Phones for Indian Peoples by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, News Blaze, (Newswire Organisation of
United States of America [USA]), Dated 05th October, 2009.
Stolen Bike Engines Used In Bangladeshi Boats by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, News Blaze, (Newswire
Organisation of United States of America [USA]), Dated 16th July, 2011.
Illegal Influx Strains Indias Northeast by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Asia Times, (Newswire Organisation of
Asia Times Online (Holdings) Limited, Hong Kong, China, Dated 11th December, 2009.
This Crisis Seriously Threatens Indias Security And Unity Bangladeshi Deluge Imperils India by Shib
Shankar Chatterjee, Asia Times, (Newswire Organisation of Asia Times Online (Holdings) Limited, Hong
Kong, China, Dated 11th January, 2010.
Immigrants Jjeopardise Indias Security by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Asia Times, (Newswire Organisation of
Asia Times Online (Holdings) Limited, Hong Kong, China, Dated 17th February, 2010.
South Asias Trafficking Menace by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Asia Times, (Newswire Organisation of Asia
Times Online (Holdings) Limited, Hong Kong, China, Dated 17th March, 2010.
River People Struggle In India by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Asia Times, (Newswire Organisation of Asia
Times Online (Holdings) Limited, Hong Kong, China, Dated 18th March, 2010.
Free Riding India's Medical Tourism by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Asia Times, (Newswire Organisation of Asia
Times Online (Holdings) Limited, Hong Kong, China, Dated 25th March, 2010.
India, Bangladesh Kick Cross-border by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Asia Times, (Newswire Organisation of
Asia Times Online (Holdings) Limited, Hong Kong, China, Dated 03rd July, 2010.
Ghosts Haunt India-Bangladesh Border by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Asia Times, (Newswire Organisation of
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Indias Unheeded Enclaves Cry Out by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Asia Times, (Newswire Organisation of Asia
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Real-Life Turn To Veer Zara On The Border by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, The Statesman (North East
Page) Dated 08th January, 2007,
The possession Of Bhogdanga by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, The Statesman (North East Page) Dated 11th
December, 2004,
OPEN FORUM Tragedy Of The Chitmahals by Shib Shankar Chatterjee (The research for this article was
conducted under a fellowship of the National Media Exchange Programme of the National Foundation for India)
The Statesman (North East Page) Dated 20th September, 2003.
Worst Floods In 50 Years by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, The Statesman (North East Page) Dated 19th July,
Kalapani Mourns But Carries On by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, The Statesman (North East Page) Dated 03rd
May, 2003.
Aids Travels By Lorry by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, The Statesman (North Bengal Plus Page) Dated 18th
August, 2000.
A Mela That Binds by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, The Statesman (North Bengal Extra Page) Dated 06th March,
Pretext Most Foul by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, The Statesman (North Bengal Extra Page) Dated 12th March,



Stranger than fiction by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, The Statesman (North Bengal Extra Page) Dated 13th
August, 2010.
Still At Large by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, The Statesman (North Bengal Plus Page) Dated 12th August, 2011.
Front Page : Divided By Circumstance by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, The Statesman (North Bengal Plus
Page) Dated 21st October, 2011.
Unabated Illegal Bangladeshi Threat To the Ethnic Identity of Northeast India by Shib Shankar Chatterjee,
Government Online Learning Centre of Internet News Agency, (Newswire Organisation of United States of
America [USA]), Dated 29th August, 2011.
Indian Militant Group Criticized Indo-Bangla Pact by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Government Online
Learning Centre of Internet News Agency, (Newswire Organisation of United States of America [USA]), Dated
08th September, 2011.
Unchecked Infiltration by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Indian Defence Review (, New
Delhi, India, Dated 08th December, 2012.
Dead soldiers guard international border! by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Indian Defence Review
(, New Delhi, India, Dated 21st December, 2012.
Gazette Papers of Indian Assam State.
Government of India Gazette 1945 to 2010, (Documents).
Census of India (1945 to 2001).
Tin Bigha Facts by Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting,
Government of India.
Directorate of Land Records & Survey, Government of Assam State, India & Directorate of Land Records & Survey,
Government of West Bengal State, India.
Documents of Protocol to the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of India and the Government
of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh Concerning the Demarcation of the Land Boundary between India and
Bangladesh and Related Matters, 16th May, 1974.
Documents of Protocol to the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of India and the Government
of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh Concerning the Demarcation of the Land Boundary between India and
Bangladesh and Related Matters, 06th September, 2011.
Livelihoods On Line At Indian Border BBC News - Subir Bhaumik, Dated 28th June, 2005.
Human Cost Of Dhaka-Delhi Row BBC News - Subir Bhaumik, 05th February, 2003.
India Bangladesh Border Clash At Pyrdiwah Anirban Roy Hindustan Times, 17th April, 2001.
Newspaper Clips of India, Bangladesh & The Daily Star Newspaper, Bangladesh.
Various Seminar Papers of India & Bangladesh.
Inputs from the journalist Swapan Das & Writer Mans Paul of Tripura State of India.
Rule of Jungle by Amar Roy Pradhan.
Statistical Account of Bengal by W. W. Hunter.
Indian Enclave Refugee Association (IERA).
Diptiman Sengupta, Bharat Bangladesh Enclave Exchange Coordination Committee, District Headquarter,
Coochbehar, West Bengal State, India.
Arindam Kumar Sen & Biswanath Das, the members of Association for Protection of Citizens Rights for Indian
Chhitmahal Residents & Oustees (APCRICRO).


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