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3 Toxics use reduction

In 1989 Oregon created the Toxics Use Reduction and Hazardous Waste
Reduction Act, according to which

Toxics use reduction is

In plant production changes, or raw materials that reduce, avoid or

liminate the use or production of toxic substances without shifting risk,
including :

1. Input substitution

2. Product reformulation

3. Production proces redesign

4. Production modernization

5. improved operation and maintenance

6. Recycling or reuse within production processes

7. Proportionate changes in use of particular toxic substance.

In 1990, Massachusetts passed a related of legislation, the Toxics Use

Reduction Act. According to the Massachusetts Act :

Toxics use reduction is

1. Front-end substitution

2. Product reformulation

3. Proces modernization

4. improved operation and maintenance controls

5. Changes in production proceses or raw materials that avoid, reduce, or
eliminate the use of toxic or hazardous by products per unit product to reduce
risk without shifting it

Toxics use reduction is not

1. incineration

2. media shifting

3. off site or out of process recycling

4. End of pipe treatment

These definitions of toxics use reduction are in some ways reminiscent of

the definitions of waste reduction in that they include process changes and in-
process recycling as possible strategies.

The common definition of pollution prevention that appeara in the states

is therefore quite similar to the common definition of waste minimization or
waste reduction, except that the activities are not restricted to solid and liquid

1.4.Distinguishing Between elements of the waste management hierarchy

As discussed in the previous section, one source of confusion in the

language of pollution prevention is the use of term that are almost
synonymous, or that have competing definitions. A second source of confusion
is bthat the b oundaries between the elements of the waste management
hierarchy can be blurred.
1.4.1. Definition of a Process

The definition of a “process” can impact the classification of specific

process modifications. Potential sources of a ambiguity are examined in this
section using a hypothetical petrochemical complex.

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