HST210 Exam 2 Review

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HST 210: The US Experience

Exam #2 Review Sheet

Identification (30 points - 10 points each)

Six of these identification will appear on the exam. You will choose three. For each you must
provide 1) time period 2)description 3) significance

Democratic-Republican Societies
“reign of wtiches”
Gabriel’s Rebellion
War of 1812
Louisiana Purchase
Second National Bank
John Marshall
McCulloch v. Maryland
Monroe Doctrine
Jacksonian Democrats
Cherokee Nation v. Georgia
1828 Presidential Election
Eli Whitney
Presidential Reconstruction
15th Amendment

Short Answer (40 points - 20 points each)

I will choose two of these questions for the exam. You must answer both.

Compare and Contrast the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans

List and describe three of the five nationalistic policies the Monroe Administration adopted after
the War of 1812.

What was the Lowell Model? Who developed it? Why did it emerge? What did it entail?
Who worked in these mills? Why did it appeal to these workers? Why did the system start to

What were the Black Codes? Who did they effect? Who instituted them? What was the intent
behind them? How did they shape the African American experience in the South after the Civil

Essay (30 points)

Both of these essays will appear on the exam. You will choose one to answer.

Discuss Hamilton and Jefferson’s differing visions for America’s economic development. What
were Hamilton’s immediate aims and long term goals? What program did Hamilton devise
for American economic development? Why did Jefferson and Madison oppose the Hamilton
program? What alternatives did they offer? What was the compromise?

In what ways did the debates over the expansion of slavery, equal rights, and the role of the
national government lead to the Civil War. In your answer be sure to discuss the agreements,
acts, court decisions, and events that led to secession and war.

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