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listing. For the circuit of interest one of the resistors is 3.3 kil, a standard commercial value. Now it is possible to scroll down all the possible values of resistor elements, but this can be a long, tedious process. It is better by far to simply type in 3.3k (no need for the units) in the area just below the Component listing, and 3.3kOlun immediately appears at the top of the listing. After selecting this value choose OK and the resistor appears on the screen, which can be placed using the same procedure as applied to the source above. It has a 3.3 kD value and a label of Rl. Since this circuit has two resistors, the process has to be repeated for the 5.6 kD value, which is also placed in a region of the characteristics that supports the formation of the circuit. It has a value of 5.6 kH, but since it is the second resistor placed, it has the label R2.

Next, the diodes have to be placed in the correct general area. Returoing to the first vertical toolbar, select the diode symbol (third down) to again obtain a Select a Component dialog box. Under Family, DIODE is selected, and under Component, the 1N4009 diode is chosen. An OK, and it can also be placed using the same procedure as described above. Since two diodes appear in the configuration, the process has to be repeated until all the elements are in place.

Finally, the ground counection must be established. This is accomplished by returning to the Source option; when the Select a Component dialog appears, choose GROUND under the Component heading. An OK, and the ground symbol appears on the screen, which can be placed as discussed above.

As demonstrated in Fig. 2.146, a multimeter is used to measure the current through the resistor Rl. The multimeter option appears at the top of the toolbar to the far right of the screen. When selected it will appear with the heading XMMI. Double-clicking the meter will result in the Multimeter-XMMI dialog box, in which A can be selected to set it as an ammeter. Exit the dialog box and it performs as an ammeter. The current through the diode DI is measured with an ammeter obtained from the Indicator option appearing as the 10th keypad down in the first vertical toolbar, It looks like number 8 on an IC package. When selected, a Select a Component dialog box appears, in which AMMETER can be selected under the Family heading. Under Component there are four options provided to define the orientation of the meter. If AMMETER H is selected, the ammeter will appear horizontal with the plus sigu on the left. AMMETER HR will also result in a horizontal ammeter, but with the plus sigu on the right. If AMMETER V is selected, the ammeter will be vertical with the plus sigu at the top, and if AMMETER VR is selected, the ammeter

FIG. 1.146

Verifying the results of Example 2.13 using Multisim.

will continue to be vertical, but with the plus sign at the bottom. For our case AMMETER H is selected. You will notice a label and other data appearing with the meter when it is placed in the circuit. This can all be removed by double-clicking on the indicator to obtain the Ammeter dialog box. Choose Display and remove the checks from all the listed possibilities. An OK, and the ammeter appears as shown in Fig. 2.146. A voltmeterfor the voltage across the resistor R2 can be obtained from the same Indicator option.

Before all the elements are connected they should be moved to the final position. This is accomplished by simply clicking on the element or meter and holding the clicker down; move the element or meter to the desired position. The presence of four small, dark squares around the element and the associated labels will indicate that they are all ready to be operated on.

To move a label or value, simply click on it to create four small squares around the quantity and move it to the desired position, holding the clicker down through the entire operation.

Changing the label VI to E requires that the label VI be double-clicked to obtain the POWER_SOURCES dialog box. Select Label and type in the new Reference ID as E. An OK and the E will appear on the screen. This same procedure can be used to change any of the labels for any of the elements of the circuit.

To change the voltage from 12 V to 20 V requires that the value be double-clicked to obtain the POWER_SOURCES dialog box again. Under Value, the Voltage(V) is set at 20 V. An OK, and the 20 V will appear next to the voltage source on the screen.

Rotation of any of the elements in the clockwise direction is enacted by the sequence Ctrl-R, Each rotation will tum the element 90°.

Connecting the elements is accomplished by simply placing the cursor at the end of an element until a small circle and a set of crosshairs appear to designate the starting point. Once in place, click that location and an x will appear at that terminaL Then move to the end of the other element and left-click the mouse again-a red connecting wire will automatically appear with the most direct route between the two elements; the process is called Automatic Wiring.

Now that all the components are in place it is time to initiate the analysis of the circuit, an operation that can be performed in one of three ways. One option is to select Simulate at the head of the screen followed by Run. The next is to select the lightrting bolt keypad in the horizontal tool bar at the top of the screen having the label Run/stop simulation. The last is to simply toggle the switch at the bead of the screen to the I position. In each case a solution appears in the indicators after a few seconds that seems to flicker over time. This flickering simply indicates the software package is repeating the analysis over time. To accept the solution and stop the continuing simulation, either toggle the switch to the 0 position or select the lightning bolt keypad again.

The current through the diode is 3.365 rnA, which compares well with the 3.32 rnA in Example 2.13. The voltage across the resistor R, is 18.722 V, which is close to the 18.6 V of the same example. After the simulation, the multimeter can be displayed as shown in Fig. 2.146 by double-clicking on the meter symboL By clicking anywhere on the meter, the top portion is dark blue, and the meter can be moved to any location by simply clicking on the blue region and dragging it to the desired location. The current of 193.379 p,A is very close to the 212 p,A of Example 2.13. The differences are primarily due to the fact that each diode voltage is assumed to be 0.7 V, whereas in fact it is different for each diode of Fig. 2.146 since the current through each is different. In all, however, the Multisim solution is a very close match with the approximate solution of Example 2.13.


'Note: Asterisks indicate more difficult problems. 1.1 Load-Line Analysis

Using the characteristics of Fig. 2.147b, determine I D, V D, and VR for the circuit of Fig. 2. 147a. Repeat part (a) using the approximate model for the diode, and compare results.

Repeat pan (a) using the ideal model for the diode, and compare results.

Using the characteristics of Fig. 2.147b, determine In and Vo for the circuit of Fig. 2.148. Repeat part (a) with R ~ 0.47 kfl.

Repeat part (a) with R 0.18 kfl.

Is the level of V D relatively close to 0.7 V in each case?

How do the resulting levels of ID compare? Comment accordingly.

1. a.
2. a.
d. + Va -
-1 (a)
I ,
I I --h I
In(mA) I I
I ,
I --
, I , II
, I , ,
I 2.3 Series Diode Configurations

5. Determine the currentlforeach of the configurations of Fig. 2.150 using the approximate equivalent model for the diode.


R 0.33 k!1 VR




I , ,
II , I
, I I
I I 1'1
I I , I , ,
I Si



(b) FIG. 2.150 Problem-S,


6. Determine Vo andID for the networks of Fig. 2.151.






, ,5



FIG. 2.151 Problems 6 and 49.

*7. Determine the level of Vo for each network of Fig. 2.152.


FIG. 2.147 Problems 1 and 2.

+20 V Si Ge z en

O'_-JI~t--~III-'VVIv~l'--O V


+lO~V 1.2kO st V,



3. Determine the value of R for the circuit of Fig. 2.148 that will result in a diode current of 10 rnA

if E 7 V. Use the characteristics of Fig, 2.147h for the diode.

4. a. Using the approximate characteristics for the Si diode, determine V D, ID, and VR for the circuit of Fig. 2.149.

b. Perform the Same analysis as part (a) using the ideal model for the diode.

c. Do the results obtained in parts (a) and (b) suggest that the ideal model can provide a good approximation for the actual response under some conditions?



FIG. 2.152 Problem 7.

*8. Determine Vo and ID for the networks of Fig. 2.153.

+ R 2.2kH VR


+20 V Vo --ii-


6.8kO Si



FIG. 2.148 Problems 2 and 3.

FIG. 2.149 Problem 4,

FIG. 2.153 Problem 8.

*9. Determine Val and V02 for the networks of Fig. 2.154. Val

1 kO O.47kO

Si +12V~V02


_lOV'__Ge~ Si 1.2kOF V"






FIG. 2.154 Problem 9.

2.4 Parallel and Series-Parallel Configurations

10. Determine Vo and ID for the networks of Fig. 2.155.








2.2 kO



FIG. 2.155 Problems 10 and 50.

*11. Determine Vo and I for the networks of Fig. 2.156.



I kO





FIG. 2.156 Problem 11.

12. Determine VOt' V~, and I for the network of Fig. 2.157. *13. Determine Vo and ID for the network of Fig. 2.158.



FIG. 2.157 Problem 12.

FIG. 2.158 Problems 13 and 51.

1.5 AND/OR Gates

14. Determine Vo for the network of Fig. 2.39 with 0 V on both inputs.

15. Determine Vo for the network of Fig. 2.39 with 10 Von both inputs.

16. Determine Vo for the network of Fig. 2.42 with 0 V on both inputs.

17. Determine Vo for the network of Fig. 2.42 with lOY on both inputs.

18. Determine Vo for the negative logic OR gate of Fig. 2.159.

19. Determine Vo for the negative logic AND gate of Fig. 2.160.

··5 V -5V
Si Si
vo v,
Si Si
IkO 2.2 kO -5V

FIG. 1.159 Problem 18.

FiG. 2.160 Problem 19.

20. Determine the level of Vo for the gate of Fig. 2.161.

21. Determine Vo for the configuration of Fig. 2.162.

Si Si
v, Vo
Si Ge
IkQ 2.2kO
FIG. 1.161 FIG. 2.162
Problem 20. Problem 21. 1.6 Sinusoidallnpuls; Half-Wave Redification

22. Assuming an ideal diode, sketch Vi' Vd, and id for the half-wave rectifier of Fig. 2.163. The input is a sinusoidal waveform with a frequency of 60 Hz.

23. Repeat Problem 22 with a silicon diode (VK = 0.7 V).

24. Repeat Problem 22 with a 6.8-k!1 load applied as shown in Fig. 2.164. Sketch VL and iL•

FIC.2.163 Problems 22 through 24.

+ Vd Vdc=2V

vio---lI.M-er __""I-0-:=r iL

-"- ~m 'r'~ ~

":" "='

FIC.2.164 Problem 24.

25. For the network of Fig. 2.165, sketch Vo and determine Vdc- *26. For the network of Fig. 2.166, sketch Vo and iR-


FIC.2.166 Problem 26.

*27. a. Given P max ::;:: 14 m W for each diode at Fig. 2.167, determine the maximum current rating

of each diode (using the approximate equivalent model).

b. Determine fmax for Vi ;:: 160 V.

c. Determine the current through each diode at Vim>X using the results of part (b),

d. If only one diode were present, determine the diode current and compare it to the maximum rating.

2.7 Full-Wave Rectification


4.7kQ 56kO


FIC.2.167 Problem 27.

28. A full-wave bridge rectifier with a 120-V nns sinusoidal input has a load resistor of 1 kn.

a. If silicon diodes are employed, what is the de voltage available at the load?

b. Determine the required PlY rating of each diode.

c. Find the maximum current through each diode during conduction.

d. What is the required power rating of each diode?

29. Determine Va and the required PIV rating of each diode for the configuration of Fig. 2.168.



Ideal diodes


FIC.2.168 Problem 29.


*30. Sketch Vo for the network of Fig. 2.169 and determine the de voltage available.


Ideal diodes



FIC.2.169 Problem 30.


*31. Sketch Vo for the network of Fig. 2.170 and determine the de voltage available.


FIC.2.170 Problem 31.

2.8 Clippers

32. Determine Va for each network of Fig. 2.171 for the input shown.


~ ~

FIC.2.171 Problem 32.

33. Determine Vo for each network of Fig. 2.172 for the input shown.


11.2kll ...

(a) FIC.2.172 Problem 33.

5V Ideal

~'I'-o:~ ;


c o----jl--__,....-~__o +

*34. Determine v, for each network of Fig. 2.173 for the input shown.









+ +

: Jill:



FIG. 1.177 Pmblem38.



FIG. 1.173 Problem 34.

*39. For the network of Fig. 2.178:

a. Calculate 5'1'.

b. Compare 5'1' to half the period of the applied signal.

c. Sketch VO'

*35. Determine Vo for each network of Fig. 2.174 for the input shown.

+ +
Vi R 56kQ Vo Vi 4V
+ 2.2 k.Q + '-~IIF'
Si ' 2.2k.Q+ _ a
Vj Si
-I 0 ....
<a) (b) FIG. 2.178 Problem 39.

FIG. 2.174 Problem 35.

*40. Design a damper to perform the function indicated in Fig. 2.179,

36. Sketch iR and Vo for the network of Fig. 2.l75 for the input shown.




Si Si

Vi + _ Va

5.3V-= 7.3V=-

-1 +T

Ideal diodes

FIG. 2.175 Problem 36.

-20 V

2.9 . (Iampers

37. Sketch Vo for each network of Fig. 2.176 for the input shown.

FIG. 2.179 Problem 40.



. Ideal

- R



T ":"


r~t f';

*41. Design a damper to perform the function indicated in Fig. 2.180.

Silicon diodes


2.7 V



FIG. 2.176 Problem 37.

-17.3 V

FIG. 2.180 Problem 41.

38. Sketch Vo for each network of Fig. 2.177 for the input shown. Would it be a good approximation to consider the diode to be ideal for both configurations? Why?

ON 5 2.10 Zener Diodes

*42. a. Determine vr., h. fz, and lR for the network Fig. 2.181 if RL = 180 n.

b. Repeat part (a) if RL = 470 n.

c. Determine the value of R[. that will establish maximum power conditions for the Zener diode.

d. Determine the minimum value of RL to ensure that the Zener diode is in the "on" state.

+ ___.... 220Q tiZ n-.
20V Vz = IOV RL VL
PzmaY. =400mW FIG. 2.181 Problem 42.

*43. a. Design the network of Fig. 2.182 to maintain Vl. at 12 V for a load variation (IJ from 0 rnA to 200 rnA. That is, determine Rs and V z-

b. Determine PZmax for the Zener diode of part (a).

*44. For the network of Fig. 2.183, determine the range of Vi that will maintain VL at 8 V and not exceed the maximum power rating of the Zener diode.

16V~RS llh

Vz 1i:. R

1 L

"=" '="



0.22 ill


PZm~ =400 mW RL


FIG. 2.182 Problem 43.

FIG. 2.183 Problems 44 and 52.

45. Design a voltage regulator that will maintain an output voltage of 20 V across a f-kf] load with an input that will vary between 30 V and 50 V. That is, determine the proper value of Rs and the maximum current IZMo

46. Sketch the output of the network of Fig. 2.140 if the input is a 50- V square wave. Repeat for a 5- V square wave.

2.11 Voltage-Multiplier Circuits

47. Determine the voltage available from the voltage doubler of Fig. 2.118 if the secondary voltage of the transformer is 120 V (nus).

48. Determine the required PlV ratings of the diodes of Fig. 2.118 in terms of the peak secondary voltage Vm•

2.14 Computer Analysis

49. Perform an analysis of the network of Fig. 2.151 using PSpice Windows.

50. Perform an analysis of the network of Fig. 2.155 using PSpice Windows.

51. Perf orm an analysis of the network of Fig. 2.158 using PSpice Windows.

52. Perform a general analysis of the Zener network of Fig. 2.183 using PSpice Windows.

53. Repeat Problem 49 using Multisim.

54. Repeat Problem 50 using Mulrisim.

55. Repeat Problem 51 using Multisirn.

56. Repeat Problem 52 using Multisim.

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