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Letter of Transmittal

Date: December 2, 2010

Dr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad

Assistant Professor
Department of Marketing
University of Dhaka

Subject: Submission of Study Report.

Dear Sir,

It is a great pleasure and privilege to present the study report titled “A comparative evaluation
of employee job satisfaction of Mercantile Bank Ltd. and Sonali Bank ltd” which was
assigned as a partial requirement for the completion of BBA Program.

Throughout the study I have tried best of my capacity to accommodate as much information and
relevant issues as possible and tried to follow the instructions as you have suggested. I tried my
best to make this report as much informative as possible. This report is based mostly on
secondary information, e.g. annual reports, books on valuation etc.

I am grateful to you for your guidance and kind cooperation at every step of my endeavor on this
report. I shall remain deeply grateful if you kindly take some pan to go through the report and
evaluate my performance.

All of my effort will be rewarded only if it adds value to the research literature.

Md. Omar Farouk

Batch- 12
Department of Marketing
University of Dhaka

For the very first of all I would like to express my gratefulness and harmony to the Almighty
Allah the supreme authority of the Universe, without Whom we would be nothing. Next I would
like to express my kindness to my Beloved Parents whose continuous inspiration enrages me to
make a right move in my life.

First of all, I would like to thank my Faculty Adviser Dr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Assistant
Professor, Department of Marketing, University of Dhaka for his valuable guidance and support
while preparing this report.

In between my report preparation sometimes I got myself out of track & sometimes clock beats
me a lot for the completion of the report. Hence I am also thankful to all those who contribute in
any case in my force of doing work in time. In case of any unwilling & erroneous presentation I
confess & promise to work more sincerely in future.

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