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Analyzing an Academic Article

It is important at university to read material critically and analyze

what you are reading in an academic way. It is important to
constantly be aware of what the writer is saying and how he/she
is saying it. Ask yourself some of the following questions about
the text you have read:

1. What is the writer trying to say? Has s/he formulated a problem or

an issue?

2. What perspective or theoretical (argument) is the writer taking?

3. Has the writer placed any limitations on the article (e.g. the length
of time, the geographical location, the extent of the information that
is going to be used, the theories that are going to be applied)?

4. Is the writer saying similar things to others who are writing in the
field or are his/her thoughts substantially different?

5. What evidence does s/he present to support the argument?

6. Is the writer coming from a biased perspective or is s/he presenting

a balanced argument?

7. Do you agree with what the writer is suggesting? Why? Or is there

an alternative conclusion?

8. Could the issue/problem have been approached more effectively

from another perspective?

9. Is there an objective basis to the reasoning, or is the author merely

‘proving’ a personal bias or belief?

10. What types of language does the writer use to show his/her
support of an idea? What words does s/he use to show that a view
is limited?

11. Do you find the text/article challenging, not only in terms of

the language and structure, but also in the ideas it presents?

12. How does the writer use other experts’ ideas – by reference to
their work?

13. Does the writer simplify complex ideas or make simple

concepts difficult to grasp?

Yvonne Foley Analyzing an Article 2010 Page 1

14. How do I situate myself in relation to this text? What stance
do I adopt?

Yvonne Foley Analyzing an Article 2010 Page 2

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