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To Stop Illegal Migration In Northeast India

Necessity, Importance & Problems Of International Barbed Wire Border Fencing

Episode/Incident happens In Assam State :
“..... Our houses are situated within India, but right on the ‘Zero Line’ of the Indo-Bangla International
Border. We are feeling insecure because, our houses have gone beyond the International Barbed Wire Border
Fencing (IBWBF). As a result of this, the Bangladeshi miscreants always not only steal away our cows, food-grains
and others properties but also cut our crops as we can’t go and protect it. Even, sometimes they have wanted to
take shelter forcibly in our house on gunpoint after committed crimes in their respective lands. Most dangerous
thing is that few months ago (around early of the year 1998), our neighbour, Narayan Barman was kidnapped by
the Bangladeshi miscreants, when he was working his paddy fields, which is outside of the IBWBF and kept him
captive around 03 months.
To combat this illegal activities of the Bangladeshi criminals, the village people set up Village Defense
Party (VDP) with the strength of 50 numbers to 60 numbers of young and middle-aged man and the young chaps,
who exercise their patrolling duty by term round-the-clock .....”, revealed Prafulla Kumar Roy, the inhabitants of
Bhogdanga-kutti village and Narayan Barman, the denizen of Bishkhowa village. Both the hamlets are situated
under Dhubri district of Eastern Indian State, Assam.
Episode/Incident happens In Tripura State :
“..... ‘Partition’ has created peculiar demographic land problems. I am the inhabitant of the International
Border Village (IBV). The front part of my house (where I sleep) lies in Indian territory, while my adobe’s hind
part in Bangladesh.
The Government of India wants to build the IBWBF on the courtyard of my house that lies on the said
international boundary to tackle the problems like illegal infiltration, smuggling, pan-Islamic religious
fundamentalism, anti-Indian activities, insurgency and what not …..? But, this is not the way; you never do such
kind of things, which is not logical and precise. You have no right to divide our house, people, relatives, language,
food, culture and dress.
As a cultured person, I may say, this has happened due to not only the drawing of an ‘illogical’ and
‘unscientific’ arbitrary line by the so-called British Engineer, Sir Cyril Radcliff, who divided the two nations (India
and Pakistan) to create the two countries in the year – 1947, but also even, after the partition (that is, presently),
when a sections of so-called ‘engineer’ or ‘official’ of the Indian Central Public Works Department (ICPWD) have
made the IBWBF without our proper consent, interest, safety and security! As a result, today, my paternal house is
situated on the ‘zero-line’ area and my total house is outside of the IBWBF!
I think it expresses the idiocy of a section of policy makers of the Indian Home Ministry Department, who
have suggested and sanctioned the IBWBF as well. The contractors and the so-called officials want to build the
IBWBF only because for make easy and quick money, and nothing else. Its’ as simple as that without proper check
and verify how they can erect it? While it shows the lacks of the importance of the socio-economic-cultural system
of our society.
It’s really not only unfortunate for us but also painful. Myself and family members are required to cross
the international borderline many a times a day in order to enjoy my home life. Beside, me, there are many such
other peoples of our hamlet that lie on the aforesaid international border too, who are become to compel to use
this ‘movement’ (that is, cross and re-cross the above international border) or carry out their works properly in
several times a day. Because, half of our IBV houses or kitchens or bedrooms or toilets have on Bangladesh
territory and the rest of the Indian sides. Now, let me tell, what can I/we do? I/we can’t leave my native place or
motherland, whatever you called. So, in this context, if anybody call me/us Bangladeshi, yes; I/we r Bangladeshi
and I/we r proud of that. ….. Ok, if you think it is good for our society and the country as well, we will certainly
welcome. But, you have to first relocate us properly and then to provide us compensation against our lands …..”,
said angrily young boy Nayan Khan of Jaipur village under West Tripura district of Eastern Indian State, Tripura.
Episode/Incident happens In West Bengal State :
“..... It is our misfortune that we the people of Bijayapur have to be Bangladeshi though we are the bona-
fide citizens of India. Not only that one day, to resist the anti-Indian activities, ones my husband’s elder brother
gets bullet hit injury, when a certain vicious circle of Bangladesh is carrying on looting and plundering our
properties from their respective borderline villages. Moreover, sometimes, question on the chastity come upon our
village women and minor girls also. I can’t understand, what to be done. Government of India can assure our
security if it intends to do so. But, we don’t understand the policy of the Government of India (whether it is the
State and the Central) for not providing security to us, its own citizens ..…”, pointed out despondent Sushama
Biswas, wife of Bikash Biswas of Bijayapur denizen that lies on the Indo-Bangla international borderline beyond
IBWBF of Nadia district of the Northeastern Indian State, West Bengal.
Episode/Incident happens In Meghalaya State :

“….. On May, 2001, in the early morning, around 09:00 am, a group of 10 numbers Bangladeshi villagers
have been illegally intruded in our territory and have tried not only plough our agricultural land, but also have
snatched and steal away our produced hardship corps.
Seeing this, our tribal village people raise protest physically, but, the notorious Bangladeshi villagers don’t
pay any heed to it. Even, they threatened us that they will take away our village people as hostages if they have
resist their ‘work’. Within a few minutes, instantly, the number of the Bangladeshis start to bulge and it get close
to 50 numbers at one point.
But, finding no other alternative, our peoples have informed nearest International Border Out Post
(IBOP) belongs to Border Security Force of India (BSFI). It is then that the BSFI soldiers have fired one warning
round in the air and forcing the intruders to recoil and then the Bangladeshi villagers have fled away.
….. Look, IBWBF has created unnecessary difficulties in our life and nothing else. It is rather giving a
sleepless night. Because, our land and landed property have gone beyond the IBWBF. The members of my family
and our neighbourers are also cultivator, who are facing same problems and required to go their land beyond the
fencing for carrying out the works – cultivation, all day. Because, here the farming has been carrying out till last
inch of the zero-line. Even, though, in general, the boundary has no hindrances, but, densely populated also. The
key of the International Border Gate (IBG) through, which the IBV peoples are go to their respective lands, is kept
with the Indian frontier guard –BSFI on duty. The BSFI personnel open the IBG thrice a day.
So, every cultivators of this village, whose plots of land lie beyond the fencing wait for the time of opening
and closing the IBG. The BSFI soldiers can’t protect us and our food-grains and others (like : paddy, wheat,
mustard-seeds, vegetables and jute etcetera), bulls, cows, etcetera (which draws plough) properly, for the
Bangladeshis often come to our respective lands and steal away our produced hardship crops, which creates
become a day-to-day incident.....”, rued permanent settler of local Khashi hamlet, Patharghat near Shella under of
East Khashi Hills district of Northeastern Indian State, Meghalaya, near IBPN – 1239.
Episode/Incident happens In Mizoram State :
“….. The situation of our International Border Village People (IBVP)s of the India-Bangladesh
International Border in the Indian Mizoram State Sector is very wobbly. Our IBVPs of the IBVs, Bindiasora and
Tarabonye, who have fallen outside the IBWBF feared for their security threat by the Bangladeshi anti-social
elements, which are carried out their illegal activities with the help of BDR soldiers. It is true that our entire IBV
Tarabonye has fallen outside of the above IBWBF and the families are prevented by the personnel of the
Bangladesh frontier guard – Bangladesh Defence Rifles (BDR) from collecting river sand for sale, which was
earlier their major source of income. Even, we informed former Indian Mizoram State Chief Secretary, Haukhum
Hauzel that about 75 numbers to 80 numbers of IBV families of the IBV, Bindiasora have also fallen in the outside
of the IBWBF”, mentioned IBVPs of the Bindiasora IBV.
So, the Government of India (GOI) has wanted to end the chaotic law and order situation on the above
international border, which created by the Bangladeshis time-to-time and for this the GOI has started to erect
IBWBF between the IBPN-2301 to IBPN-2358 of the India-Bangladesh International Border in the Indian
Mizoram State Frontier Sector in the year, 2006.
But, due to erecting of the abovementioned IBWBF on the aforesaid international boundary, our IBVPs
have lost their everything. Apart from loss of their immovable assets like abodes, horticulture gardens, farming-
lands (vegetables and other cash crops), plantation-lands (tree plantations of high commercial values like teak and
others), the above IBVPs have also lose Indian Mizoram State Government and community properties like
schools, health sub-centres, water supply, council office buildings, market places, water ponds, play-grounds,
community-halls, places of worship, cemetery or grave yards, etcetera and other properties to make way for the
But, in this context, our these IBVPs neither get any compensation (except few inhabitants, who get very
minimum amounts) nor get any lands for rehabilitation, where they can further carry out their day-to-day farming
as well as to live peacefully.
While, most important thing is that due to the erection of said IBWBF, the day-to-day, the numbers of
unwanted untoward attacks are cropped up more than earlier in our IBV areas, with the help of BDR”, informed
an young Chakma boy, who lives on the IBV Tarabonye of Mamit district of the eastern Indian State, Mizoram.

‘Migration’ cannot stop by the ‘law’, ‘force’ and ‘protest’. It is a natural process. After the sunrise,
hundreds of hundreds Bangladeshi nationals, who have been crowded into the Bangladeshi infested or adjacent
Indo-Bangla international bordering towns and semi-towns of the Northeast Indian States (specially, Assam, West
Bengal, Tripura, Meghalaya) everyday from across the above international border.
To keep attention on this particular issue, the local Indian International Border Village (IBV) peoples
admitted, “Nowadays, some ‘new’ settlements of Bangladeshi Muslims are seen in the extreme points of the above
international border zones constantly, which have already created not only help to incite the illegal infiltration,
but also help to buck up the anti-social works like smuggling, fanatic religious fundamental activities, anti-Indian
activities etcetera. It has now become a regular process.

It is also fact that a huge quantity of illegal Bangladeshi floating population exists in the aforesaid Indian
States, who are mostly adopted the job of either Rickshaw-puller or labour and earns Rs. 50 to Rs. 75 a day to pass
their life. Interesting fact is that none of them possess the necessary required documents or licenses”.
The story of this Bangladeshi ‘labour class’ is very exciting. As daylight breaks, the Bangladeshi male-head
with his wife and children cross over the said international border from Akhaura place of Bangladesh and enter
into the Indian land, Agartala, the capital of Eastern Indian State, Tripura.
Having reached their destination Agartala (India) the male-head goes to hire either a rickshaw to ferry the
passengers or a handbarrow to carry goods, while the female one begins her day as a maidservant or work as
labour in the construction-site and for their children, it is the moment to locate his or her associates to rove on the
streets and lanes gathering ‘valuable’ rubbish articles from drains and debris, even garbage.
In the twilight, the whole family has gathered in a ‘particular point’ after finish their respective works and
the male-head buys rice, vegetables and others necessary materials of the family from the local bazaar and
proceed to their own native village, Bangladesh.
“It is true that during the dawn, the Bangladeshi nationals enter into the Indian soil with a view to
working as a ‘day-labourer’ and return to their country after the dusk. Even, there are more than 35% (per cent) to
40% (per cent) of the rickshaw-puller in our capital, which has not only shattered the Indian economy, but also hit
the demography as well as the socio-cultural condition”, emphasized the former Municipal Chairman of Agartala,
Amal Dasgupta.
While on the other hand, the local Doctor avered, “In my health-centre, 25% (per cent) to 30% (per cent)
of the patients are Bangladeshi and they hide their real identity and enlisted their name and addresses in the
registered book as an Indian to avail of better treatment. But, if you can see them, anyone may easily guess that
their colloquial language and dresses indicate their real identity, while as a doctor and as a people of India, we
take care of them on humanitarian ground, while International Border Security Force (IBSF) – BSFI and the
Indian Police Force (IPF), including the people also behave with them sympathetically”.
Similarly, in another Eastern Indian State, Assam’s Karimganj district – everyday, Bangladeshis are
regularly used the Kunshianra river by wooden Engine Fit Country Boat (EFCB) or without EFCB and have
reached the Fakirabazar, Tilabazar, Lakhibazar, areas either as a rickshaw-puller or daily-labour. However,
interesting fact is that the Bangladeshi rickshaw-pullers or hand-barrow-pullers have two licenses. One is Indian
and the other is Bangladeshi. When they enter into India for the aforesaid job or work, they have used the Indian
one as a document and have returned in the evening.
To prevent this illegal incessant flow of Bangladeshi infiltrators, rampant smuggling and nonstop noxious
anti-Indian activities (by the dreaded insurgents and religious fundamental groups and their leaders), India is
constructing International Barbed Wire Border Fence (IBWBF) across its border with Bangladesh.
As a result of this, more than lakhs of numbers of villagers in Eastern Indian States like, Assam, Tripura,
Meghalaya, West Bengal (WB) and Mizoram are not only worried, but also on the other side, similarly,
Bangladeshis are become unhappy. Because, the ‘relation’ (whether it is social or cultural) of both the countries
have been principally dependent on ‘informal relation’ or simply say, illegal international border relation, while
per year, the India’s formal (that is, social) relation with Bangladesh is negligible.
“If the IBWBF is erected completely on the said international border, social and cultural relation with
Bangladesh may fully stop and lakhs of people (that is, a tenth of Tripura State’s populace), who are directly or
indirectly involved with this ‘trade’ across the international border will be affected”, assumed the local residents of
the Indo-Bangla IBVs.
“It is an open secret and common matter to us. It is also true that it is impossible to detect a Bangladeshi
from an Indian unless and until either Photo Identity Card (PIC)s or Citizenship Identity Card (CIC)s are
introduced, as the physical appearance, behavior pattern, custom, religion, language, culture etcetera of the
Bangladeshis are almost cent percent similar to those of a portion of people residing in the Indo-Bangla
international border areas. Because, the Bangladeshi people has a common stock with that of Indian States like
Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya, West-Bengal (and except Mizoram sector),” disclosed the local inhabitants of the
aforesaid IBVs.
According to the chief of Indian Central Public Works Department (ICPWD), who constructing the
IBWBF, “The Northeast Indian States, Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya, Mizoram and WB have thousands of
thousands kilometres international borders with Bangladesh; although, major portions of the said boundary
already has been fenced off”.
“Although, in the rivers – it is too impossible and in land areas, where the international borderline either
passes through the houses or divides a weekly-hat (that is, ‘village-market’)s. And this is why, BSFI has also asked
the Indian State Governments, Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya and West Bengal to take steps to push back the
aforesaid markets to at least 08-kilometres inside the international border (to effectively check influx). This fence
and the road that are urgently needed to be constructed are not very easy to do.
After the thorough scrutinizing, it has been found that the families of the IBVs (comprising about
thousands of inhabitants) will misplace and their paternal and public (that is, Government) properties like - lands,
abodes, cowsheds, shops, playgrounds, bazaars, religious places, cultivable-lands, ponds (that is, ethnic-fishery),
fruit-gardens, schools, banks, government and private offices, etcetera will be lose, which are fallen outside of the
said international boundary (or lie in many of the said international borderlines) that has been done by the
ICPWD”, expressed Suresh Kumar Dutta, who has headed the federal border guards in Tripura.
“Already IBV people are believed that they have been thrown out from India and branded them as
Bangladeshi, if the IBWBF has been erected on the said international border. Even, the personnel of the BSFI vigil
generally up to the IBWBF and rarely the soldiers cross the IBWBF to cover our lands and landed properties. For
us, it means living at the mercy of Bangladesh”, bemoaned local political leader of Communist Party of India
(Marxist), shortly say – CPI (M), Shahid Choudhury of Boxonagar village (Constutuency) of Sonamura Sub-
division, under West Tripura District of the Eastern Indian State, Tripura.
In fact, throughout the above international boundary the IBVs specially, in Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya
and WB are perched crossing the borderline, while some of the Indian abodes are lying in the Bangladesh,
similarly houses of the Bangladesh have existed in the Indian territory. All along the international border,
particularly in parts of the said states, IBVs are perched right across the boundary-line. Some Indian houses have
there existed inside Bangladesh and numerous Bangladesh houses have extended into India.
“Actually, just at the Indo-Bangla international border, there are hundreds and hundreds of Indian IBVs
are situated in the said states those would remain outside the IBWBF, which would be a major difficult in the days
to come. Because, the previously mentioned IBVs (that located outside of the IBWBF) and their people remain cut
off from their motherland for 12-hours-a-day, from 06:00 pm to 06:00 am.
And it is fact, people living in the IBVs have relatives on either side and they would never disclose any
kind of information about an emigrant”, revealed Inspector General of BSFI, North Bengal Frontier (NBF) of
Indian Northeast Indian State, WB, K. C. Sharma, when he was posted in the said sector.
“Like me, hundreds of people of our village, who live behind the IBWBF have to cross the said IBWBF
daily through the IBGs manned by the BSFI personnel round-the-clock. All IBGs are opened by the jawan (that is,
soldiers) of the BSFI three times (during winter season from 07:00 am to 08:00 am, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm/12:00
am to 13:00 pm and 16:00 pm to 17:00 pm or during summer season from 06:00 am to 07:00 am, 11:00 am to
12:00 am and 17:00 pm to 18:00 pm) a day, each time for an hour, which makes various problems for us, who
stay out of the IBWBF. Once the IBGs are locked, we are cut off from our country (that is, India) and are
compelled at the forgiveness of Bangladesh. Very seldom does the BSFI soldiers perambulation our hamlets and
we feel totally estranged. We are like stateless people without any kind of identity.
Astonishing fact is that few months ago, I was restrained at the IBG for 02-hours to 03-hours by BSFI
jawans and was released only after our family members along with village-headman reached to the spot and
certified that I was the inhabitant of our village. It is an unnecessary harassment and nothing else. It is all very
affronting. Here, our life has become hellish”, said angrily octogenarian, Mehrul Islam, resident of the village
Sardarpara under Jalpaiguri district of the Eastern Indian State, WB that lies on no man’s land.
“The story is not end here, “Moreover, when our relatives visit to our houses have to give the clarifications
to the jawans of the BSFI. If our relatives are unable to show their national identity document (whether it is –
Voter Identity Card [VIC], Ration Card, National Residential Certificate or National Register of Citizen [NRC],
Permanent Residential Certificate or Permanent Register of Citizen [PRC]), they are averted immediately. In a
word, here (means : where IBVP (International Border Village People) living and firming within 150-yards of the
actual zero-line area), all kinds of ‘free movement and works are restricted’ and the BSFI jawans have treated us
‘outsider’, that is, foreigner.
Most unfortunate fact is that our relatives have to provide clarification to the BSFI personnel, when they
come to voyage our houses. Not only that the said jawans looks suspicious of our relatives and even, to check their
baggage. Sometimes, the soldiers of the said force come into our abodes to inspect our belongings. During their
examination, if anyone is seen to distantly challenge the BSFI soldiers, he or she is beaten up mercilessly. It is an
unfortunate that we are marked as ‘Bangladeshi’ by our own soldiers (!)”, astounded Shafiqul Haque, denizen of
Khirkidanga village under Darjeeling district of the eastern Indian State, WB.
“We live like foreigners on Indian soil and not just because of the daily wait for the IBG to open. Having
erected the IBWBF, the Government of India and its Assam State Government alike seem to have forgotten that
few of those across the IBWBF are their responsibility. In a ward, it is a ‘life of deprivation’. However, the Indian
Central Government grants compensation for our hamlet under special category, but the sanction has diverted to
the other heads a number of times by a section of opportunist and corrupt politicians and their political party
(Read : Congress-I). Except BSFI, no one understand our plight, It is also the BSFI soldiers and their officers, who
always stand by us in times of need”, lamented Muhammad Sahabuddin Sheikh of IBV, Faksharkuti, under
Dhubri district of Indian State, Assam, which is located outside of the IBWBF on Indo-Bangla international
The IBGs are made for going in and coming out of the mainland do not remain open all throughout the
day. This depends upon the ‘fixed timetable’ that has been issued by the Indian Government, while sometimes
depend upon the wishes of the BSFI personnel and as a result, nobody can carry out his or her daily business
properly. Even, either the farmers cannot reap their crops or to save their cattle and properties due to 144-cr PC
law also remain in force just near the international boundary from sunset to sunrise. As a result of this, the

Bangladeshis often stealthily come under the cover of darkness and steal their crops, cattle and properties and the
peasants of the IBVs can’t prevent it becomes impossible due to IBWBF.
“The Indian people living behind the IBWBF along the Indo-Bangla international boundary have to face
constant fear and danger from the Bangladeshi anti-social intruders and the public, who are unabated, committed
their said brutal crimes continuously with the help of Bangladesh Defence Rifles (BDR) personnel directly or
Even, the above up growing number of cross-border crimes exit by a vicious circle or anti-Indian rings
that help with each other by providing all necessary assists like sheltering, buying, selling, of goods and human
being. As a result, the Indian populaces living behind the IBWBF are in clutch of grinding panic and enduring
fear-psychosis. However, unfortunately, Bangladesh has never been to check their BDR soldiers to stop indulge to
the Bangladeshi criminals, who are attacking the Indian innocent IBV poor people, who are close to the said
international border. In this connection, so many times flag-meeting have been held between the two respective
countries to discuss the international boundary security issues are not shown any good results yet”, rued Samsul
Islam Mondal, a poor villager of Bhimpur, near 01 (one) kilometer from the IBOP of BSFI, Bhaigarh under South
Dinajpur District of the State, WB.
“Indeed, on the India-Bangladesh International Border (IBIB) areas, clashes between the IBV peoples and
the Bangladeshi anti-socials (with the help of BDR) are very much common – resulting in bloodshed, despite
IBWBF, night patrolling of the BSFI and even after issue an order of curfew with 144 CrPC, beside shoot at sight
order also.
It is also fact that always curfew (from dusk to dawn) appears on the IBIB to descend on most IBVs,
prohibition any sort of ‘movement’ and these areas seem to be like a ‘occupied territory’ every night. Because, the
restriction on night movement has been imposed to check cross-border illegal entrance, crime and others anti-
national activities. Nevertheless, only infiltrators, smugglers and security forces appear to move about with some
‘degree of liberty’! Because of this, frequently the innocent Indians of the Indian IBVs are also kidnapped and later
brutally killed by the Bangladeshi anti-socials with the help of BDR during their sudden nocturnal ‘silent attack’.
The said restrictions have made the lives of the peoples of the IBVs never-do-well situation. Even, unable to (fight)
retort. In a word, the lives of the peoples of the IBVs are in danger time. In this connection, always, tension is
palpable all along the IBIB areas and the IBVs, which are situated outside of the IBWBF.
Enmity arises from the fact that not just entering Bangladeshi nationals into India, but residents of
settlements from east to west and north to south of the Indians of IBVs along the IBIB have many a grievance
against ‘BDR tyranny’. The populaces of the Indian IBVs accuse that a large section of the said foreign
international border guard force of conniving with anti-socials, smugglers and criminals groups, who get their
share in trans-border illegal movement of the Bangladeshi nationals and illegal activities of the smugglers and the
pan-Islamic militias or Islamic religious fundamentalists.
For these previously mentioned particular reasons, the BSFI has gone into a safety overdrive in the face of
perceived intimidations by Bangladesh’s illegal activities and this why, the only dilemma is that the natural
rhythm of life has been sternly interrupted and the nighttimes have become mostly in jeopardy in all along the
IBIB areas”, claimed experts of the organization of the India Bangladesh relations.
On the other hand, “The children of the IBVs can’t go to schools or educational institutions smoothly,
which remain closed most of the time of the year and so the students have nothing to do but loiter aimlessly and
many of them have to give up their study. Apart from this, some schools that have been existed on the zero-line
are compelled to close down permanently.
Right now, it is very difficult to stay here. Because, our children have no future in this IBVs areas.
Sometimes, children have to come across for attending the schools, which is more than 08 kilometres to 10
kilometres away from their respective IBVs that have been situated outside of the IBWBF. They walk up and down
every day, 15 kilomertres to 20 kilometres to reach their school and house. But, if the school breaks suddenly (for
any reason), the students are required to wait anxiously outside the IBG for hours together under the scorching
sunshine, because their homesteads are across the IBWBF”, bewailed the elementary school teacher of 708
Number Bhogdanga-Kutti Lower Primary (LP) School at Vogdanga village of Dhubri district of Eastern Indian
State, Assam.
“To tell the truth, our village children are educated due to their hard and constant efforts, without getting
any proper facilities like electricity and others in this regard. And electricity! forget it ….. in our IBV not a single
house has been electrified. Even, including our IBV, electricity of the others IBVs is disconnected after the IBWBF
were erected about 04-years to 05-years ago and at that time, the district administration said that it was not
possible to permit further anymore, because, the hamlets have gone outside of the IBWBF, which is absolutely
Because of this, our village children have lost their eyes in early stage, while unfortunately, still I am
working in the Indian West Bengal State Electricity Board (IWBSEB), as an employee, but our village peoples
can’t avail of the facilities of electricity. Now, you tell me, how much torture, we are bearing. Can you imagine?”
asked Muftaza Hussain, who lived in Karala village of the Jalpiaguri district of the eastern Indian State, West

“Needless to say, by rural Indian standards, our village people to some extent literate, but, unfortunately, I
haven’t been able to find a bride for my son. Reason : not a single family in the ‘mainland’ desires to give their
daughter for tie the knot with my son, who stay behind the IBWBF. They thought that their girl will either face the
physical torture by the Bangladeshi anti-socials or become Bangladeshi national, if wed my son. Like my son,
there are many unmarried young boys and girls in our village face similar consequences.
Apart from that if by chance, anybody (that is, family) of our village do settle marriage with inside of the
IBWBF village people, the jawans of the BSFI create an unnecessary situation”, mourned Dharma Deb Roy,
dweller of Hindupara village, which lies on the India-Bangladesh international Border of Darjeeling district of the
Indian Northeastern State, WB.
“During the marriage day, when the bridegroom’s party has reached near the IBG to enter into the bride’s
house (which is lied on IBV) to weed, BSFI soldiers are asked to bridegroom’s party members to produce identity
cards. Tell me, who carries identity cards to a weeding?
For this reason, they said weeding has been compelled to postpone and has arranged again inside of the
IBWBF (that is, Indian side) for the next day (after the ‘settlement’ or to give ‘identity’ as Indian to the BSFI)”,
regretted village-headman of Kanthaligachh village that lies on the IBIB of former East-Dinajpur, presently
North-Dinajpur district of the Indian Northeastern State, WB. Similarly, same story briefs Dharma Deb Roy,
inhabitant of abovementioned Hindupara village.
“For the last 02 to 03 years, I have tried my level best to wed my daughter, Abiya Khatun but, without
success. Not once or twice, but, even, thrice, the parents of a groom, whom we have chosen from a hamlet other
side of the IBWBF, have come to see my daughter ; they aren’t allowed in. the groom’s family return profanities
never to come back”, said furiously, Mamoda Bibi, a denizen of IBV-Nirmalchar hamlet in Murshidabad district of
Northeast Indian State, WB.
“Leave aside war, life is misery here. Even, during peace times also. It is anything but normal. We can’t
circumnavigate openly. We’re so-called ‘house-arrest’ or confined in our hamlets. We’ve even, no privacy and
cannot anywhere without our soldiers prying on us. It is true and we know very much that our International
Frontier Guard (IFG)s are doing their duty sincerely to protect (country) us. They don’t even; tolerate a dog’s bark
near the IBWBF. Over and above, at night, we have to keep our doors shut and turn off the light, which is too
much and nothing else.
It is true that in our IBV out of 14,000-plus numbers of population, only around 04,000 numbers of
populace have ‘Indian Electronic Photo Identity Card’ (IEPIC)s, while the rest don’t have any kind of documents
to prove their nationality as Indian citizen. You may say the previously mentioned IEPICis one kind of ‘passport’
to the world outside of our hamlet, Nirmalchar, a river-island, which has surrounded by the river – ‘Padma’, on
the India-Bangladesh international border. Not only the abovementioned cardholders are permitted to allow our
IBV, but also the outbound deposit the said cards with BSFI officials before leaving and collect after back.
Even, our IBV villagers carry the IEPIC, when we go to till our agricultural soil”, chorused Atikul Islam
and his neighbour, Abdul Khaleque standing near BSFI’s extreme last IBOP at Nirmalchar village of Murshidabad
district of the Northeastern Indian State – WB, barely a kilometer from Bangladesh.
“I know very well that they said ‘rule’ is very necessary here, where illegal international cross border
movement from Bangladesh is unbridled and without an said IEPIC, you may not distinguish between Bnagldeshi
and the Indian civilians. But, why most of the peoples of our IBV village don’t have IEPIC or related documents –
I don’t know.
Over and above, the Bangladeshi farmers illegally takeover of our lands in connivance with their frontier
border guards-BDR beyond the said international border is frequent. Because, they are very much strategically
located and due to the said international boundary is not clearly demarcated. As a result, the conflict over
possession of land of our IBV hamlet (with our innocent and simple peasants) is common phenomenon here. In
this context, we always seek and keep our international frontier border guard – BSFI to solve the disputes
smoothly. But, the recovery process is tricky”, summed up Rafiqul Alam, sitting barely a kilometer from the hazy
zero-line, which divides the said two countries.
“And that’s not all, we have to ask for authorization from the BSFI, when we sell our produce in the
International Border Haat (IBH)s, locally known as, weekly-markets of the Indian mainland. On our way back
from the IBH, we have to account for each and everything we have purchased, be it medicines, rice, salt, cloth,
bicycle, poultry or cattle”, said angrily, Rahamat Ali, inhabitant of Antupara village under Jalpaiguri district of the
Indian State, WB.
“After independence, we still feel ‘living like caged animals’. We are not Indians and doesn’t our Indian
Constitution guarantee freedom of movement. Why we have to face unnecessary harassment and even physical
torture at the hands of our said force?
We know very much that IBIB and its problems are a geographical quirk and bureaucratic bungling. But,
we are ready to leave our respective village, if Government of India provides us ‘land’ beyond IBWBF. It is like
living in a container with no hope of a better future”, expressed disheartened Narayan Biswas, native of Char
Meghna village under Nadia district of the Indian State, WB, which is situated on the riverbank of the river
Mathavanga that divides India and Bangladesh respectively.

“I have own 20 Bigha (01,28,000 square-feet to 01,60,000 square-feet or 02,88,000 square-feet to
03,60,000 square-feet)s to 25 Bighas of land, which give us enough to lead a relaxed life. But, unfortunately,
today, the land prices also have crashed from Rs. 75,000 to Rs. 01,00,000 per acre to Rs. 02,000 to Rs. 05,000,
while sometimes, ‘priceless’; because, the land has fallen outside of the said IBWBF. Not only that we can’t sell our
forefathers land, which is become out of ethics, even, it is very difficult for most to sell their land and move away”,
said Abul Khayeri, wearing a white gruenzy, green lungi and ash coloured cap on his head.
Mamoda Bibi and Rashida Bibi, who live in a fenced-in aforesaid IBV-Nirmalchar along India’s boundary
with Bangladesh is manacled to a timetable fix by the Indian frontier international border guard – BSFI,
bemoaned, “If we’re not needy we would have moved away a long time ago ….. what we will do? It’s our fate and
we are compelled to stay here by hook or by crook.
Not only that the most painful thing, when our IBV people being harassed, mistreatment and tortured by
the BDR soldiers, who choose us at the least opportunity and blaming us of spying for India. In a nutshell, for our
IBV populace have confined in between the BSFI on our side and BDR on the opposite, here lives are burdened
with peril”.
“They have simply been thrown to the wolves. 10 numbers of IBVs (Pirnagar, Nayamura, Latukandi,
Deutali, Gobindopur, Kurikhal, Kachubari, Sandesh, Tesua, Uttar-Lafasail) of Suterkandi and Latu Blocks areas
under Karimganj district of the State, Assam has been knowingly kept behind the IBWBF, where about 01,500
numbers to 02,000 numbers of odd inhabitants always face the wrath of Bangladeshi anti-social circles and as a
result of this, it has built a sense of insecurity among the said Indian IBVs”, said former Deputy Commissioner
(DC) of Karimganj district of the State, Assam, Longki Pangcho.
“The district headquarter town, Karimganj is situated on the bank of the river Kushiyanra, which
separates India and Bangladesh. However, if the IBWBF is made 150-metres inside Indian side from the zero-
point as per United Nations (UN) protocol, a vast area of the town’s trade will fall on the Bangladesh territory. Not
only that more than 40 thousands to 50 thousands residents living in the 24 numbers of IBVs along the said river
will be not only trapped on the other side of the said IBWBF but also would be left homeless”, disclosed Hazi
Abdul Wahid, president of the All-Party Border Road Areas Citizen’s Rights Committee (APBRACRC) of
Karimganj district.
“See….., there’re our 12 numbers of Elementary Primary School, 05 numbers of Middle Schools and
several temples and mosques in these 24-numbers of IBVs, which will go under the capture of the Bangladeshis if
it goes ahead with the IBWBF in accordance with international norms. We can’t support it at any cost”, said
angrily, the member of the APBRACRC, Abdul Basit Chaudhary.
Similarly, to get rid of the unwanted situation that created by the Bangladeshis in time-to-time, the
Government of India has wanted to demarcate and to erected the entire said international border with IBWBF to
stop the all chaotic law and order situations, including the ‘torture’, which has created by the Bangladeshis anti-
social elements with help of BDR personnel.
“But, our everything has gone in the air. In the name of ‘protection’, our lands are been acquired by the
Indian Mizoram State Government’s Home Department under the Land Acquisition Act of 1894. Even, bamboo
made huts have been either broken or destroyed. However, most astonishing fact is that neither the Indian Central
Government nor the Mizoram State Government has any plan to rehabilitate or resettle us.
Around 35,438 numbers of IBVPs of 05,790 numbers of International Border Village Family (IVBF)s in
49 numbers of IBVs, who belong to the ethnic tribe – Chakma and has been living on the banks of 04-numbers of
rivers, such as : Harina, Karnaphuli, Sajek and Thega, which outline the natural international boundary between
India and Bangladesh, has directly either been displaced or facing displacement due to the acquisition of their
lands by the GOI. Even, another Indian tribal community-Mizo, has also faced the similar situation.
The most important thing is that our community, who are residing along the abovementioned Indo-
Bangladesh international border are enormously backward and most of the peoples are inaccessible due to the
absence of good communication (road)s. The abovementioned 04-numbers of rivers have been chiefly the
backbone or lifeline for survival of our society. Because, we are drawing water for drinking, washing, cooking and
other purposes, like to conduct business and commerce, as there are no other means of transportation. The most
sensible thing is that we also perform the last rites of the deceased on the said riverbanks. Not only that the above
riverbanks are fertile and used for several farming like vegetables, paddy, fruits and others cash crops, which have
gone behind the above international boundary for IBWBF.
In this connection, in the year, 2006, our organization, namely – India-Bangladesh Border Fencing
Affected Families Resettlement Demand Committee (IBBFAFRDC) of the Indian Mizoram State lodged an
complaint against the abovementioned IBWBF, which erects by the 04-numbers of private organizations, such as :
National Buildings Construction Company Limited [NBCCL], Engineering Projects India Limited [EPIL], National
Projects Construction Corporation Limited [NPCCL] and Border Roads Organisation [BRO], who’re began to
acquire the lands of our IBVs has broken all rules and regulations, which were issued by the Ministry of Home
Affairs, Government of India (MOHAGOI).
But, the above 04-numbers of private construction companies do not think to follow the guidelines of the
MOHAGOI, where it has clearly mentioned that the above four construction companies ‘shall be responsible for

liasoning with the Indian Mizoram State Government and the Indian Mizoram State’s local authorities for
acquisition of lands of IBVPs and getting forest and environment clearance for carrying out the IBWBF and its
related works. In a word, the above companies are doing their works without any consultation with our tribal
inhabitants or the local communities.
The above IBWBF has already created numerous problems especially relating to survival of the displaced
persons, who have been residing not only outside but also inside (last inch of the zero-line) of the said
international boundary. The above our organization wants the affected families are ‘completely and properly’
resettled. But in vain, the calls have fallen on deaf ears of the authorities of MOHAGOI.
In a word, earlier our thousands and thousands of indigenous tribal peoples, who’re living along the
India-Bangladesh international border in the Indian Mizoram State frontier sector had suffered by Bangladeshi
hooligans and now affected fully, even after erection of the above IBWBF”, stated a member of the IBBFAFRDC.

Apart from this, problems also lie with the others international border sectors of India, where patrolling is
a very much difficult task in the said hilly and deep forest international border. So, in this connection,
interestingly, the India (that is, Tripura State Government) is the only Government, who declared ‘cash reward’
for any one, who can bring information about infiltration, but in vain, very few has yet supplied any such
information regarding illegal entry of anybody. The fact is that, the aforesaid declaration has been offered by the
Northeast Indian State Government, Tripura.
“In point of fact, these problems occur due to the absence of clear-cut demarcated international
borderline in between India and Bangladesh around the hilly places and plain (including forest) areas of India,
like South Dinajpur District of the Northeast Indian State, WB and the East and Jaintia Hills Districts of Eastern
Indian State, Meghalaya, respectively.
Sometimes, the railway line that runs between India-Bangladesh is also treated as the border. But, the
same often fails to serve the purpose for preventing this infiltration. The Bangladeshi passengers often jump into
Indian border from the running train.
On the other hand, rivers or streams may serve as the natural boundary between the above noted two
nations. But, these rivers or streams are too small and ineffective to prevent the entrance of the Bangladeshis in to
the Indian lands, like Kushianra river at Karimganj district of Eastern Indian State, Assam.
Over and above, the ‘Indo-Bangla Accord’ also a factor, this makes scope for Bangladeshi fishers to enter
into easily. This happens, when they come for fishing into the Indian rivers or streams”, revealed the BSFI officials
posted on the said international border.
Another utmost problem is, hundreds and hundreds of Indian cultivators living near the said
international borderline area in the said states of India, use to cross the fencing everyday for cultivating their plots
of land lying beyond the IBWBF that use to produce basically jute, paddy and mustard. These plots of land go to
the other side of India, (that is, Bangladesh) and as such these cultivate have to go their plots of land for
cultivation crossing the fence.
The cultivators go there in the morning and come back in the evening through the IBGs by the permission
of BSFI jawans and so they cannot have their lunch in the afternoon. They have it only, when their female (that is,
wives) and children and the others members of the family supplying the foods stuff through the fencing at launch
hour. Some peasants even, can’t return to their houses and go to take rest under the shade of the trees after
finishing their works of the day till the IBGs open.
Sometimes, these farmers, who are required to register their names and all the necessary equipment
including cattle in the BSFI’s ‘Daily Registrar Book’ with the help of BSFI jawans every morning at 07:00 am to
08:00 am before they are allowed cross to the IBWBF and enter into their land for cultivation and back to the
pavilion at 04:00 pm to 05:00 pm. Although, BSFI soldiers open the IBGs thrice in a daily for the cultivators.
Even, every now and then they are allowed to enter and exit through the above IBGs only upon acceptance and
surrender of a small ‘token’ given by the BSFI soldiers.
But, if the farmers finish their works before the time, they are not allowed to enter into Indian territory
(that is, their houses) before open the gate in schedule time by the BSFI personnel. The peasants also remain
under small trees as they have ended their cultivations of the day, but are unable to return their houses as the
IBGs are opened again in the scheduled time. During rainy season, farmers are forced to suffer a lot under the
rain, storm and lightning because of these peculiar reasons.
Below 10 yards to 20 yards, it’s stone’s throw away that’s all it takes to walk up to the IBWBF along the
international boundary between the two nations – India and Bangladesh. But, Bhareshwar Sarkar, a poor peasant,
instinctively looks at (his) wrist-watch (who’s glass has broken) every-time he has to do that. His fields run along
the aforesaid IBWBF and the laws are as clearly etched out as the boundary : the day last for 11-hours to 12-hours.
For the rest of the time from 06 pm to 06 am – villagers of Dhubulia of Murshidabad district of Northeast Indian
State, WB, near the above international border are stuck into their huts (like confined into cages).
Bhareshwar Sarkar and Jatin Sardar, residents occupied of the Dhubulia hamlet (which is situated just
opposite of the Bangladeshi village Chaghria of Murshidabad District said agitatedly, “Even, if we wake up at too
early in the morning, say, 04:00 am to 04:30 am, we can’t step out of my hut to get to my fields. Because, regular

‘night-curfew’ is on and the soldiers of the BSFI shoo us away. Finding no other alternative way, I toss and turn in
bed till the clock whack at 06 am”.
It is fact that “The BSFI has imposed 09-hours intermittent ‘night curfew’ (which starts from 20:00 pm)
under Section 144, prohibits not only the movement of people within the 01-kilometre radius along the India
Bangladesh International Border areas but also restricted the plying of fishing boats on the Surma river. The said
every day, night-curfew has already yielded results, with the number of illegal migrants (an average of 50-
numbers to 60-numbers against nearly 100 such illegal nationals every month) have been caught along the Indo-
Bangladesh international boundary”, claimed Gautam Ganguli, the District Magistrate (DM) of Cachar District of
the Eastern Indian State, Assam on 20th September, 2008.
Not only that there is robbery, stealing, torture the farmers, raping the women farmers during the cutting
the food grains and other such incidents occur on the border region now and then by the Bangladeshi miscreants.
When these incidents occur, the helpless villagers go to complain to the BSFI personnel and they in turn report
the matter to the Bangladesh Defence Rifles (BDR), but in vain. No positive response or result comes out from
this, lamented the poor peasants of the Indian IBVs.
In fact, the Indian civilians living in the vicinity of the above international boundary suffer the most. The
entire IBV civilians, who have to cultivate their lands and catch fishes (in the rivulets and the rivers that flow both
the countries) along the international border to maintain their livelihood, live in the permanent fear of being
either have kidnapped and tortured or abused and later killed by the border guards and the hooligans of
Bangladesh, almost every day. As a result of this, a vast tract of cultivable lands (that fall within the 150-yards)
along the aforesaid international border remains uncultivated.
“The Indian IBV peoples are virtually living behind the IBWBF (that is, within the territory of 138-metres,
which known as No-Man’s’ Land) under the one kind of full control of ‘Bangladeshi hooligans or miscreants’ at
different levels. Our sorrows, woes and cries do not reach the (Indian) authorities concerned. Still, we have to face
the danger of being kidnapped or dragged, harassed or tortured, raped or abused, mugged or killed day-by-day by
the criminals and hooligans of Bangladesh”, IBV populaces said with disheartened.
“Look, our jawans do maintain a ‘record book’, which is called ‘Register Book’ of the villagers with their
photos and even, every new born is enlisted in the said register, who live outside of the IBWBF and cross the IBG
everyday and our command is to verify everyone (from child to old one) for reason of smuggling, anti-Indian
activities and obviously for illegal migration. If we do not continue strict vigil at the IBGs along the IBWBF, it
would be rendered meaningless. Even, in this particular international border, patrolling can’t continue an eye on
everybody yet however the IBGs are unlocked and locked at specific times by our soldiers.
It is very regular views that of Bangladeshi people or children either slipping across to gossip with Indian
villagers or having food just next to the IBPs.
It is true that in some sectors or areas we have Register Book of the villagers, but, without their photos. In
this context, except provide any kind of ‘Photo Identity Card’ to the farmers of the IBVs, it has been seen that the
BSFI soldiers only write down the name of the peasants and if a Bangladeshi public appears into India by using
the name of an Indian peasant, it would be impossible to identify the person as the BSFI jawan can’t be likely to
memorize the faces of all those farmers, who have crossed over the said international boundary.
It is also true that the IBV people are frisked and any kind of ‘article’ (whether it is small or big and alive
or dead) that they bring is investigated thoroughly. In fact, you know (?) most of the IBV people are engaged in
(small to big) crime like, ‘smuggling’. So, if any IBV person carries extra objects or items as ‘ration’, our soldiers
have reason to get doubtful and have right to check the same.
Even, we also admit that our soldiers, who have deployed near the IBGs in the IBWBF, allow the IBV
people to come across into India if anybody of the IBVs falls sick at night; but practically the ‘process’ is not as
easy as it sounded.
Apart from this, before the International Border Road (IBR) has made, we the people of BSFI have to walk
across the paddy fields or have to drive small vehicle on the narrow nonmetallic muddy roads also, which are
challenging during rainy season to catch either the Bangladeshis or anti-Indian activists or even, the smugglers
also. And for this reasons, our department has been vehemently requesting the Indian central as well as the state
governments to issue Identity Card (IC) to the dwellers of the IBVs, which will make things easier both for the IBV
people and the force and to protect the interest of the country”, pointed out S. B. Kakoti, Inspector General (IG) of
BSFI, NBF sector of the Indian state, WB, when he was posted in the said sector.
On the other hand, according to some observers, this is not a wise policy as adopted by the BSFI
personnel, because the BSFI do not have any clear identity of those, who go to till their lands beyond the fence.
They register only their names and nothing else. Therefore, if any of the Bangladeshi cultivators enters India in
disguise of the Indian cultivator, nobody will detect the same and as a result, infiltration will go one smoothly.
This is a great problem and to solve this, introduction of PIC or CIC is necessary for it will help to detect
the Bangladeshi infiltrators. The absence of this type identity card will help to eradicate various problems
including unnecessary harassments. But, the scheme is given remained ineffective and the villagers are
performing their works of cultivation crossing the fence in a usual way.

This is a regular feature and the cultivators of both the countries do their usual functions bearing all sorts
of responsibility and loss. Therefore, to put an end to this, India and Bangladesh Governments should mutually
discuss the matter and introduce PIC immediately not only to protect the interest of the poor farmers but also to
these IBV people to at least reduce their harassment from the international border security guard of India.
“Though, as of date, the relation between the Bangladeshi and a few Indian IBV peoples is so friendly so
far. But, it is not far long or very far, when the cordial relation is become an enmity. On the other hand,
astonishing fact is that if the Government of India has been failed in its basic duty of protecting the life and
property of these Indian IBV peoples, who have to live at the kindness of Bangladesh 24-hours-a-day and even,
remained cut off from their own country 12-hours-a-day then how you expect from abovementioned Indian IBV
peoples that they have any feeling and loyalty for their own motherland …..?”, questioned one of the social
reformer-cum-activist Aruna Mukherjee of Northeast India.
“But, so far no one seems bothered about the dilemma of these unfortunate Indian IBV peoples (who are
real Indian citizens) till they said Indian IBV populaces don’t yield any political clout and their number is not
adequate to alter the equilibrium of political power”, revealed one of the renowned social scientist.
“Apart from this, it is also fact that without any land requisition it cannot solve this burning problem.
Because, there are establishments on the said international border areas, where the kitchen is in Bangladesh
territory and bedroom falls (at South Tripura district of the State, Tripura and Nekipara village under Jalpaiguri
district of State West Bengal near IBP Number-760/06-S) in India. Even, in the heart of the town (which lies near
the said international border), International Border Pillar (IBP)s not only bifurcate a football-field (at Kailashahar
town of North Tripura district of the State, Tripura) and but also segregate a temple (at Hatkhola village under
Darjeeling district of the State, West Bengal). Yet many Samshan Mandir (that is, Cremation Place) and
Kabarsthan (that is, graveyard) also have gone to the Bangladesh land areas (at Islampur area under
Murshidabad district of the State, West Bengal), it’s not fare”, admitted the BSFI officials.
This has happened not only due to the ‘illogical’ making of the International Barbed Wire Border Fencing
(IBWBF) by the so-called ‘engineer’ or ‘official’ of the ICPWD but also ‘unscientific’ demarcation by the British
Government (that is, Sir Cyril Radcliff, the British Engineer, while dividing the then Undivided India through
drew an arbitrary line, during partition between India and Pakistan, [that is, former East-Pakistan, locally called
East-Bengal, popularly known as Purba Bangla or Purba Banga, presently – Bangladesh] in 1947), which have
been directly affected hundreds of hundreds IBVs and its’ lakhs of populace.
Therefore, all these lead to one of the largest problems. The problem is acquisition of land for building
the long IBWBF and IBR, which would help to prevent illegal infiltration. But, this is purely an act of the Indian
State Governments. So, the Indian Central Government has asked the said State Governments to immediate
complete the all the necessary functions related to the acquisition of land for building fence and road through a
presidential instruction to correct its Land Acquisition Act, 1964 and then this will be used together with the
Central Land Acquisition Act (Act I of 1884). Approximately, a sum of rupees 01.6 lakh per kilometre would be
required for building these things.
“We can’t simply throw out them to the mouth of wolves as a human being. So, in this regard, we have
taken bold steps. Without any kind of ‘order’ from the Government of India (whether it is State or Central) we
have already given them houses under the Indian (Central) Government sponsors scheme – Indira Awas Yojona
(IAY), before relocate them inside of the IBWBF”, disclosed Additional DC, Gautam Ghosh of former West-
Dinajpur, presently, South-Dinajpur district of the Northeast Indian State, WB on 15th December, 2002, who
reestablishes the 13 members of the two families of the village, Satimari under Kushmandi Block of South-
Dinajpur district of the State, WB.
“Actually, our simple and innocent village people along the said international border aren’t be against the
IBWBF, but oppose the ‘process’, which is building by the National Building Construction Corporation Limited of
India (NBCCLI), the agency constructing the IBWBF. We understand the importance to make the IBWBF along
this open international boundary.
However, during ‘partition’, no villagers were engaged, when our area had been surveyed and demarcated
by the Radcliff Commission, which had been done arbitrarily. The villagers practically were also ‘forced’ to abide
by that unscientific demarcation.
Again, in the year 1960, a new demarcation was made and fresh international borderline sketched at the
‘expense of the IBV people’s soil. For this reason, we’re now seeking a new demarcation so that we can easily
recover our land, which have gone to Bangladesh”, asserted the spokesperson of the Jaintia Hills Autonomous
District Council (JHADC) of Northeast Indian State, Meghalaya.
“It is fact that in March, 2006, the Indian Meghalaya State Government temporarily suspended the
IBWBF works, following protests by the indigenous tribal peoples in the Khasi Hills district and the Jaintia Hills
Districts of the Meghalaya State as their villages have fallen on the outside of the said international boundary”,
admitted the Indian Meghalaya State Government officials.
Presently, the sad plight of the inhabitants of the India-Bangladesh international borderline is nothing
new after erecting the IBWBF on the said international boundary. Yet, still, the miseries and misfortunes of the

thousands and thousands of people living of the IBVs of the said Indian states, which have been attached with
India-Bangladesh International Border directly or indirectly, do know no bounds.
In 1992, the Government of India pricks for erecting IBWBF of about 50-metres from the ‘zero-point’
from of IBIB. Thereafter, the work for erecting IBWBF set into motion. But, the most astonishing fact is that while
erecting the IBWBF, the official in charge do neither consider the sentiments of the people of those areas nor
abide the rules related to it. Thus, instead of 150-metres, 500-metres to 800-metres area of land have been
enerometed for doing the same. As a result, many have to loss mostly dwelling houses and the agricultural-lands
and so on.
The people of IBVs have to pass their life with great hardship and the people, who live in towns can’t
realise unless and until they have direct contact with them. This gives raise the necessity of mixing with them in
their day-to-day life and for this they need to go to the spot, where IBWBF is erected to prevent their free
After facing day-to-day lot of troubles and to mitigate the burning-problems of the populaces of the IBVs,
who have already many-a-time ventilated their grievances off and on before the honourable court as well as Indian
districts administrations of the above states that touch the said international boundary, but, failed”, angrily says
former Agriculture Minister of the Indian West Bengal State Government, Kamal Guha.
Even, the sad plight of the IBV inhabitants of the India-Bangladesh international borderline came to
public, when they go to the administration of the districts and the states of India and reveal the stories of their
miseries and misfortunes. These IBV people have tried to draw the attention of the either district or state
administrations many a time, but, in vain. This failure at the end has compelled them to go to New Delhi, the
capital of India for ventilating their voice of grievances to the Indian Central Government.
More than 04 crores to 05 crores of people living on the said India-Bangladesh international boundary
has been facing a lot of troubles and to mitigate they ventilated their grievances off and on but, at last, ultimately,
“In fact Government of India has no clear-cut policy in this regard. The ground reality and situation are
totally different in the western part of the India (that is, in the State, Punjab), where the international boundary
touches the Pakistan State and Eastern part of India (that is, in the States, Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya, Mizoram
and West Bengal) that shares the international border with Bangladesh. Because, in Punjab State, there are
existed only agricultural lands and IBV people easily go to the international fenced-in along the aforesaid
international border to farm, while in the states like, Assam, Tripura and West Bengal (basically) the picture is
totally opposite and different. Here, the international border that shares with Bangladesh is densely populated”,
says BSFI officials.
But, the Government of India has given order the go-ahead to the agencies like the BSFI to erect the
IBWBF within 150-yards of the zero-line at places, where human habitation doesn’t allow leaving the space.
Though, later, when the Indian Union Home Ministry has been the reason that if the IBWBF is erected
after leaving the 150-yardsfrom the zero point, then it has created not only chaos or problems to the Indian IBV
populace but also India will lose vast ‘land’ areas of the entire above Indo-Bangla international boundary.
So, in this context, Government of India has decided and issued a directive that the above IBWBF be
constructed from the zero-point. But, Bangladesh has said to be unwilling (attitude) to undertake any construction
within the 138-metres from the actual point – ‘zero’.
India has erected a sophisticated International Barbed Wire Border Fence (IBWBF), including
International Border Bridge (IBB) and International Border Road (IBR), which had been taken up in the year
1986-1987 along the aforesaid international boundary with Bangladesh after mounting threat of illegal
Bangladeshi infiltration as security concerns. The United States (US) is reported to be helping with technology for
the said plan.
On the other hand, the counterpart, Bangladesh ‘s objections are centered on its strife that construction
work within the 150-yard (that is, 138-metre)s of the no man’s land is a violation. Bangladesh Government urge
India must erect the IBWBF only at a distance of 150-yard (that is, 138-metre)s from the actual point of ‘Zero Line’
and his own territory as per Joint India Bangladesh Guidelines for International Border Authorities, 1975.
Though, in this context, it is also to be noted here that every-time, the Bangladesh border security guards,
Bangladesh Defence Rifles (BDR) have fired towards Indian side (specially, on labourers, who are engaged to
make the barbed wire fence) to stop international (barbed wire) boundary works somewhere else in the said
Indian states.
“Even, time-to-time, the Bangladesh Government has given blame to India and claims that the IBWBF,
which has been constructed by the India is a ‘defence potential’ in the name of Illegal smuggling and infiltration,
while as per bilateral pact or international border agreement between said two respective countries, signed in
1975, prohibits construction of any kind of structure, which has been defence potential within the 150-yards from
the Zero Line, that is the actual border or no permanent structure would be made up to a certain or below than
150 yards distance from the actual boundary.
But, Government of India has been clearly stated that IBWBF cannot be termed as structure, which has
been defence potential, while it has been made to prevent the illegal incessant infiltration and smuggling from

Bangladesh to India and nothing else”, emphasized former Director General (DG) of BSFI, Government of India,
R. S. Mushairy.
“…..We have also seen that our neighbour – Bangladesh is always shouting that India is not only violating
the human rights rampantly on the Indo-Bangla international boundary areas but also trying to build walls made
of barbed wire within the no-construction-zone or no-build-zone, which is nothing but a trick to create an
unhealthy relation between two neighbouring nations covering the real fact. While except it is a false acquisition
and nothing else. The aforementioned international boundary areas of both sides are thickly populated and as a
result of this, an outcry for the violation of the human-rights is often raised even at the slightest pretext of
negligible offence. But, this is not with the Indo-Pak international boundary. Because, in India-Pakistan
International Border, there’re ample lands for agricultural activities or farming and others as such this question of
violating human-rights does not take effect here. That’s all …..”, vexed BSFI Company Commandant during
conversations, who posted at Ramraikutti IBV, under Dhubri district of Indian State, Assam.
It is fact that erection of IBWBF on the Indo-Bangla international border is a crucial issue for the people
of both India and Bangladesh. The peoples of Bangladesh blamed, “The erection of IBWBF on the aforesaid
international boundary will increase the activities of the International Border Security Guard (IBSG)s on the
above international border. As a result, this increase of the movement and intervention of Indian para-military
force, the International Border Security Force (IBSF) and so the people of Bangladesh can’t carry out their day-to-
day duties easily. Further, it hits upon the ‘social life’ of Bangladesh. Such as : interaction of cross border
communities, cross border trade and cross border movement (especially, for marriage, education and medical
purposes, etcetera) can’t go smoothly”.
But, the people of India don’t agree to this idea. The Indian populaces think, “If it is not done, several
problems will crop up, like illegal movement and unwanted business – smuggling, stealing, robbery etcetera and
the International Border Security Guard (IBSG) posted to guard the aforesaid international boundary line will fish
up personal benefit from this. Taking bribe or drawing illegal gratification will set forth and as a result, this will
help to ignore the interest of the country.
Indeed to put a check upon the illegal cross border activities, IBSF has been posted in the borderline. But,
it turns fruitless to do away the problems. It is found that personnel of IBSGs of both the sides are often getting
involved in taking bribe or so when any kind of transition is made, whether it is goods or human beings or live-
stocks. The amount paid for each transaction is not alike. It varies from place to place or so”.
The most of the peoples of India and Bangladesh IBVs are agriculturists and so depend upon farming.
Beside this, they have no other ‘source of income’. There’re scopes for funding industries in this international
bordering villages and slums area but due to political rivalry and red-tapism of the administration this hope of
funding industries gets shattered.
Even, the small and big Indian industrialists are faltered to set up the industries (whether it is small or
big) near the aforementioned boundary due to either the lands are fallen in disputed zones or areas or
unnecessary ‘harassment’ by the administration (whether it Para-military or Military or Police)s.
Thus, the people of these IBVs always remain plunged into the sea of misery and to get escaped from this,
they get indulged in illegal activities, such as : smuggling, cross-border business etcetera.
In some places, the inhabitants residing in and around international border areas may not be belong to
same caste, creed, colour, community and religion. They have many differences in their way of life but still in one
point, they possess the same view. It is nothing but, their economic life. Therefore, to mitigate the woe of their
socio-economic life, they woo with people, whether he or she is a Hindu or a Muslim. To strengthen this bond of
relation, they attend all festivals and ceremonies, whether it of the Hindu or of the Muslim, whatsoever.
After finishing into their day-to-day works (that is, farming their agricultural lands, which have fallen in
the No-Man’s Land), the peoples belong to peasants community, who always grow under the pressure of economic
burden, finding no other alternative always meet together in an open field, which also lies on the No-Man’s Land
(forgetting the barriers of caste, creed, colour, community and religion and) to solve their own problems.
Apart from this, actually, the Government of Bangladesh never is taking any meaningful action to prevent
the illegal migration of Bangladeshis to India. Because, the population of Bangladesh is caused by community’s
(specially – Muslim) religious practices, including neglect of family planning and this is why, it has been cleared
that Bangladesh is one of the fastest population growing country in the world, where every-year population is
growing at around 02.80 million to 03.00 million and which has caused a demographic explosion. And in search
of ‘living space’, the Bangladeshi nationals always are trying to enter into the fertile river-islands of Brahmaputra
and Ganga valleys of Eastern Indian States – Assam and West Bengal respectively, which is their common and
natural behaviour.
“It is true that the India-Bangladesh international boundary is ‘peculiar’ as it dissects natural boundaries
like – inaccessible terrain high hills and long rivers and even, human habitation (like houses etcetera). It is an
impossible task to seal the said international boundary, because the terrain is such ….. such kind of porosity will
always be there. Not only that some parts of the IBWBF cannot be fenced as the terrain is either riverine or has
thick vegetation”, said DG, Ashim Kumar Mitra of BSFI at a press conference at New Delhi, the capital of India on
07th October, 2006.

The Government of India has been erecting IBWBF along its 04,096.70 kilometres long International
Border with Bangladesh that runs through 05-numbers of Indian States – Assam, Tripura, West Bengal (WB),
Meghalaya and Mizoram to protect the country from illegal migration, smuggling, religious fundamentalism,
insurgency and anti-Indian activities or crimes from across the above porous international boundary.
But, unless the Government of India tackles it immediately in a proper way, India will have to face dire
consequences in near future from this eastern front. Then what is the way out? The only solutions are at present –
Firstly : To look for ‘Constitutional Safeguards’ for ethnic populaces, Secondly : Issue immediate National
Identity Card (NIC)s with picture including Voter Identity Card (VIC)s, Thirdly : Sealed the International Border
with electrified 24X7 in line with the country’s western boundary with the nation – Pakistan, Fourthly : Handover
the International Border to the Indian Army, Fifthly : Strict vigil on the International Border round-the-clock,
Sixthly : Floodlights should be (immediately) set up near the all the International Border Out Post (IBOP)s,
manned by the BSFI jawans, which will be on after sunset and off after the sunrise and Seventhly : The distance
between two said IBOPs will also be diminished/reduced so that the IBOPs become visible to the next ones, while
presently the normal distance between two IBOPs is around 05/06 kilometres to 07/08 kilometres, which is high
by international standards. Eigthly : Both India and Bangladesh start joint patrolling to understand and solve
each other’s problems or difficulties.
(Author is former BBC, The Statesman, The Times of India & Hindustan Times & The Telegraph, AP, AFP &
PTI Contributor-cum-Photographer of Northeast India/The writer specialises in Northeast Affairs)

A. West-Bengal (India) & Bangladesh 0001 to 1001 02,217.70
B. Assam (India) & Bangladesh 1001 to 1067 262.00
C. Meghalaya (India) & Bangladesh 1067 to 1338 443.00
D. Tripura (India) & Bangladesh 1338 to 1397 (North) 856.00
1397 to 2250 (South)
E. Mizoram (India) & Bangladesh 2301 to 2358 318.00
TOTAL India-Bangladesh International Border 0001 to 2358 04,096.70
Source : Border Security Force of India.
INDIAN STATE (Total Length)
NUMBER (Completed) (Sanctioned) (Completed) I & II
01. West Bengal (WB) 02,216.700 507.000 01,021.000 670.000 01,177.000
02. Assam 263.000 149.294 071.500 40.680 189.970
03. Meghalaya 443.000 198.060 201.000 173.060 371.120
04. Tripura 856.000 ----- 736.000 654.490 654.490
05. Mizoram 318.000 ----- 400.000 85.010 85.010
Total INDIA 04,096.700 854.354 02,429.500 01,623.240 02,477.590
Source : Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.
NAME OF THE (Total Length) (Completed) (Sanctioned) (Completed) I & II
INDIAN STATE (In Kilometres) (In Kilometres) (In Kilometres) (In Kilometres) (In Kilometres)
01. West Bengal (WB) 01,616.570 ----- ----- 01,616.570
02. Assam 176.500 077.500 060.120 236.620
03. Meghalaya 211.290 204.000 192.750 404.040
04. Tripura 480.510 269.000 181.510 662.020
05. Mizoram 153.060 246.500 132.270 285.330

Total INDIA 02,637.930 797.000 566.650 03,204.580
Source : Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.

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Frontier Magazine, dated June, 1999, (Page Number 36 to 37).
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Page) dated 06th November, 1998.
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Page) dated 01st September, 2000,
35. Back On The Rails by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Northeast Sun, dated July 15-31, 2001, (Page
Number 18),
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India dated 01st September, 2001, (Page Number 15 to 17),
37. Paschimbanglar Tinbigha Aru Ashomar tinbigha Vogdanga-Kuti Gaon Bharatar Ne Bangladeshar?
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Number 12 to 13),
38. Markin Gabeshakar Drishtit Axomar Anuprabesh : Udong Simanta – Axom Chukti, Anuprabesh
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January, 2000, (Page Number 14 to 18),
39. Axom Bangladesh Simanta Anchalor Sampratik Abastha by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Prantik,
Guwahati, Assam, India dated 16th April, 1996, (Page Number 20 to 23),
40. Bharat Bangladesh Simantar Bitarkito Gaon Boraibari by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Prantik,
Guwahati, Assam, India dated 16th May, 2001, (Page Number 13 to 14),
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Printers & Publishers Private Limited, Guwahati, Assam State, India dated 18th November, 1995,
(Front Page of Saturday Fare),
42. Neighbour – Forsaken Citizens Of Border Village – Who Possesses Bhogdanga – India or
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43. Northeast – Dhubri Villagers Fenced Out by Shib Shankar Chatterjee – The Telegraph, dated 15th
July, 1997,
44. Reports – …Before Its Too Late : Ominous Clouds Of Insurgency Hover Over North Bengal by Shib
Shankar Chatterjee, The Statesman (North Bengal Plus Page) dated 23rd July, 1999.
45. Facing A Bleak Future by Shib Shankar Chatterjee – The Telegraph (Northeast Page), dated 24th
November, 1997.
46. Horizon – Axe-odus by Shib Shankar Chatterjee – The Assam Tribune (Saturday Page), dated
02nd October, 1999.
47. Missing The Trees by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, The Statesman (North Bengal Plus Page) dated
20th December, 2002.
48. Analysis – What Waterways Can Do by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, The Statesman (North East
Page) dated 30th November, 2002.
49. Bangladeshat Nam Kata Gol Bangladeshi Kuri Lakhar by Shib Shankar Chatterjee – Dainik
Asam, The Assam Tribune Group, dated 19th October, 1995,
50. Bangladeshar Voter Talikat Ghati : Dhubrir Simantayedi Anuprobesh Abyahata by Shib Shankar
Chatterjee – Dainik Asam, The Assam Tribune Group, dated 10th August, 2000,
51. Nimna Ashame Jal Passporter Ramrama Byabsha Jakiye Boshechhe by Shib Shankar Chatterjee
– Dainik Basumati, Basumati Corporation Limited, Calcutta, West Bengal State, India dated 01st
February, 1994,

52. Varat Bangladesh Simante – Bharatiyader Parichaypatra Vara Khatchhe Anuprobeshkarider
Kachhe by Shib Shankar Chatterjee – Dainik Basumati, Basumati Corporation Limited, Calcutta,
West Bengal State, India dated 23rd January, 1993,
53. Ashome Voter Talika Niye Avijog – Paisha Dilei Milchhe Pramanpatra by Shib Shankar
Chatterjee – Dainik Basumati, Basumati Corporation Limited, Calcutta, West Bengal State, India
dated 20th December, 1993,
54. Ashomer ‘Vote Banke’ Fatal Dharay Congress Shankito by Shib Shankar Chatterjee – Dainik
Basumati, Basumati Corporation Limited, Calcutta, West Bengal State, India dated 07th December,
55. Dhubrir Janashankhya Bridhhi : Sadharan Manush Chintito – Ashome Anuprabesh Niye Rajnitir
Khela Cholchhe by Shib Shankar Chatterjee – Dainik Basumati, Basumati Corporation Limited,
Calcutta, West Bengal State, India dated 10th March, 1993,
56. Sonkhalaghu Sampradayer Manush Shankito : Andolaner Humki – Voter Talika Songshadhaner
Proshne Ashom Fer Shargaram by Shib Shankar Chatterjee – Dainik Basumati, Basumati
Corporation Limited, Calcutta, West Bengal State, India dated 01st July, 1993,
57. Ashom Sharkar Bideshi Prashne Bishringkhala Bardasto Korbe Na : Saikia by Shib Shankar
Chatterjee – Dainik Basumati, Basumati Corporation Limited, Calcutta, West Bengal State, India
dated 16th November, 1993,
58. Bharat Bangladesh Simante Kantarer Bera Nirmane Artho Apachoyer Avijog by Shib Shankar
Chatterjee – Dainik Basumati, Basumati Corporation Limited, Calcutta, West Bengal State, India
dated 27th October, 1992,
59. Victims Of A Movement by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Northeast Sun, dated October 01-14, 2001,
(Page Number 17).
60. Focus – Illegal Border Trade by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Northeast Sun, dated April 01-14, 1998,
(Page Number 16).
61. Livelihoods On Line At Indian Border – BBC News - Subir Bhaumik, dated 28th June, 2005.
62. Human Cost Of Dhaka-Delhi Row – BBC News - Subir Bhaumik, 05th February, 2003.
63. India Bangladesh Border Clash At Pyrdiwah – Anirban Roy – Hindustan Times, 17th April, 2001.
64. All Disquiet in North-East India – by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, News Blaze, (Newswire
Organisation of United States of America [USA]), Dated 06th November, 2009.
65. Northeast Indian Region Threatened By Illegal Influx – by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, News Blaze,
(Newswire Organisation of United States of America [USA]), Dated 14th November, 2009.
66. Millions of Foreigners in India By Illegal Influx – by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, News Blaze,
(Newswire Organisation of United States of America [USA]), Dated 24th November, 2009.
67. India Ignores Illegal Migration In Northeast India, People Continue to Suffer – by Shib Shankar
Chatterjee, News Blaze, (Newswire Organisation of United States of America [USA]), Dated 13th
October, 2009.
68. An Ugly Attack on Human Rights – by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, News Blaze, (Newswire
Organisation of United States of America [USA]), Dated 29th October, 2009.
69. Saga of Devastation in Brahmaputra Valley River Islands : A Story of Vanishing Islands in North East
India – by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, News Blaze, (Newswire Organisation of United States of
America [USA]), Dated 30th November, 2009.
70. Bangladesh TV, Radio Programmes Famous in India – by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, News Blaze,
(Newswire Organisation of United States of America [USA]), Dated 24th October, 2009.
71. Bangladeshi Phones for Indian Peoples – by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, News Blaze, (Newswire
Organisation of United States of America [USA]), Dated 05th October, 2009.
72. Illegal Influx Strains India’s Northeast – by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Asia Times, (Newswire
Organisation of Asia Times Online (Holdings) Limited, Hong Kong, China, Dated 11th December,
73. This Crisis Seriously Threatens India’s Security And Unity – Bangladeshi Deluge Imperils India – by
Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Asia Times, (Newswire Organisation of Asia Times Online (Holdings)
Limited, Hong Kong, China, Dated 11th January, 2010.
74. Immigrants Jjeopardise India’s Security by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Asia Times, (Newswire
Organisation of Asia Times Online (Holdings) Limited, Hong Kong, China, Dated 17th February, 2010.
75. South Asia’s Trafficking Menace by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Asia Times, (Newswire Organisation
of Asia Times Online (Holdings) Limited, Hong Kong, China, Dated 17th March, 2010.
76. River People Struggle In India by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Asia Times, (Newswire Organisation of
Asia Times Online (Holdings) Limited, Hong Kong, China, Dated 18th March, 2010.
77. Free Riding India's Medical Tourism by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Asia Times, (Newswire
Organisation of Asia Times Online (Holdings) Limited, Hong Kong, China, Dated 25th March, 2010.

78. India, Bangladesh Kick Cross-border by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Asia Times, (Newswire
Organisation of Asia Times Online (Holdings) Limited, Hong Kong, China, Dated 03rd July, 2010.
79. Ghosts Haunt India-Bangladesh Border by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Asia Times, (Newswire
Organisation of Asia Times Online (Holdings) Limited, Hong Kong, China, Dated 01st August, 2010.
80. India’s Unheeded Enclaves Cry Out by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Asia Times, (Newswire
Organisation of Asia Times Online (Holdings) Limited, Hong Kong, China, Dated 01st September,
81. Real-Life Turn To Veer Zara On The Border by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, The Statesman (North
East Page) dated 08th January, 2007,
82. The possession Of Bhogdanga by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, The Statesman (North East Page) dated
11th December, 2004,
83. OPEN FORUM – Tragedy Of The Chitmahals by Shib Shankar Chatterjee (The research for this
article was conducted under a fellowship of the National Media Exchange Programme of the National
Foundation for India) – The Statesman (North East Page) dated 20th September, 2003.
84. Worst Floods In 50 Years by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, The Statesman (North East Page) dated
19th July, 2003.
85. Kalapani Mourns But Carries On by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, The Statesman (North East
Page) dated 03rd May, 2003.
86. Aids Travels By Lorry by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, The Statesman (North Bengal Plus Page) dated
18th August, 2000.
87. A Mela That Binds by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, The Statesman (North Bengal Extra Page) dated
06th March, 2010.
88. Pretext Most Foul by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, The Statesman (North Bengal Extra Page) dated
12th March, 2010.
89. Stranger than fiction by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, The Statesman (North Bengal Extra Page) dated
13th August, 2010.


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