Oraciones de Inglés

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Oraciones de Inglés.


1.-The Grand pirámide de Guiza is the oldest of the seven wonders of the old world.

2.-The Faro de Alejandría was one of the most interesting monuments in the old Egypt, with the
grand pirámide de Guiza.


3.-The Coloso de Rodas was not the youngest of the seven wonders of the old world.

4.-The Tumba del Rey Mausolo is not the most famous monument of the old Grecia.


¿Were the Jardines Colgantes de Babilonia the prettiest monument of the old Babilonia?

R= Yes it’s were.

¿Was the Estatua de Zeus one of the most important monuments of a Greek culture and of the
seven wonders?

R=Yes, it was.

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