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ACH Group Enterprise Bargaining Fact Sheet 2

Clause Comments
2.1 Incorporation of the provisions of the Modern Award where the
agreement is silent.
3.2 ACH will consult with staff and their representatives. In particular ACH
must take into account matters that are raised by employees before a
final decision is made with respect to proposed change.
3.6 Whilst it is a positive that a workload and staffing ratio review will be
undertaken for Coordinators, despite our best efforts at negotiations,
this review will not be extended to Team Managers and Assessors.
4.5 The agreement provides severance pay in accordance with the
National Employment Standards (NES). Employees with 10 or more
years receives only 12 weeks severance pay, but an employee with 9
years continuous service receives 16 weeks.
5.3 On Call - see Fact Sheet 3
5.4 Wages - see Fact Sheet 1
5.8.3 Where an underpayment to an employee occurs, this will be rectified
within 24 hours of being advised or the next available working day,
unless alternative arrangements are agreed between ACH Group and
the employee.
6.4.4 Introduction of a TOIL system which acknowledges that TOIL can be
used to respond to employee’s needs as well as the employer’s. The
system recognises that both parties must agree to TOIL. Where it is not
agreed, overtime rates will apply.
6.4.4 The negative of this provision is that ASU/employee reps were seeking
to have a Programmed Day Off system for all employees and this was
rejected. The TOIL system is more restrictive than a PDO system be-
cause it does require agreement on each occasion
7.1.9 After strong negotiation on the part of the reps, staff can have access
(by agreement) to double their leave at half pay if they wish.
7.2 Leave will be accrued progressively throughout the year rather than
being provided with the annual allocation on the anniversary date.
7.5 ACH Group has agreed to top up Government’s Paid Parental Leave
scheme to an employee’s ordinary rate of pay.

Authorised by Katrine Hildyard, Branch Secretary, and Ian Steel, Branch Assistant Secretary, Australian Services Union SA&NT Branch

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