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SYD: Ugh, I have a test today.

Rosa: are you having fun?


Rosa: Is that all you know how to say?

Brian : Uh

Esther: Attention! Rosa please do the introduction. What are you doing not standing up?

Everyone: Yes mam

Rosa: Attention, everyone bow.

Everyone: Hello teacher

Esther: Today we are going to do workbook. Please take out your workbook and do page 57

Everyone: Yes mam

While Rachel is writing: Soon Jee I love you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! Love,


Sydney: This test is gonna be soo hard! How do you do this problem?

Rosa: Honeeey
Rosa: Here you go

Rachel: Soon Jee meet me after school! I love you sooo much!

Rachel: Hey Soon Jee!

Sydney: Hey..

Rachel: Have you thought about my confession?

Sydney: Yeah

Rachel: So…

Sydney: Sorry, I don’t have any time to date anyone, last semester I could only get a 4.4 gpa and

my mom kicked me out of the house!

Sydney: Oh! It’s Arthur!

Arthur: Hey Soon Jee what are you doing come here!

Sydney: Oh, im waiting for the bus, to go home I have to take the bus.

What are you doing?

Arthur: I’m drawing- My dad came! You try its fun!

Sydney: I guess I’ll try too- the bus came!

Sydney: Is it working? Okay, Scene 1 Take 1! Are you ready Arthur?

Arthur: Yup!
Soon Jee, I like you very much!

Sydney: Really? I like you too!- Rosa?


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